• Information • Iulure Religion

Who And How They Worship

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Iulure Religion

Home of the Hyludin
Sanctuary of the Dragons
Sovereign Nation of

Welcome to the Iulure Isles.

The Hyludin of Iulure have a multitude of entities that they worship and honor. The Dragons are the pinnacle of Iulure’s religion but spirits are a factor as are ancestors.

Spirits and Ancestor
The Hyludin believe that they are surrounded by spirits. They also believe the spirits are there and such beings do need to be considered when making decision that could affect there domains. It isn’t uncommon to find shrine to various spirit types around the islands, and even in peoples homes through usually those are associated with what ever trade the family is involved with. In addition ever home has a shrine to there ancestors. Every town and neighborhood also has a shrine to each the ancestors. On holidays such as Hatching Blessing and such these are sits were people will gather. As part of their ancestor worships a Hyludin will memories the names of either males of their paternal line or the females of their maternal line depending on their own gender.

Iulure also has its own Induks which are honored, but do to the presents of the dragons never really felt the need to intervene the way that other Induks have. A shrine to each of Iulure’s Induks is found on each island as none would wish to offend the Induks. Each Induk does have a small cult following it. Sometimes craftsmen will seek out and Induk for blessing there trade.

In traditional Hyludin ways, ones involvement with a dragon is left up to the individual. Very few Hyludin don’t pick a dragon patron. Most select one, but they may select another one at a later time. Someone who jumps from dragon patron to dragon patron tends to be frowned upon and that is a bit to chaotic even for the Hyludin and their love of freedom. The average person doesn’t usually advance father then selecting a patron dragon.

A select few though go beyond that and join the dragons cult. This is an actual organization dedicated to teaching and spreading that dragons doctrines. One must actually be accepted into the cult. A person can actually be a member of a few different cults. The cults are actually able to communicate with the dragon they worship. With the ones in the shield the cult is actually lead by the dragon themselves. For those outside of the cult it is believed that some aspect of the dragon can be communicated with through intense meditation. With the release of the dragons we will see how this changes.

If this was all you needed please enjoy your posting. If you need to know something else about Iulure Click Here to take you back to the Main List.
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