The Pirate Finale!!!

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Pegasus Pug!!!
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The Pirate Finale!!!

The Pirates Finale ......

Welcome to the Scalvoris seasonal event for Rebirth 724!

It's going to be done in a way that's heavily influenced by Pigs' awesome Fire event in Rharne - first things first, massive thanks to him! Then, without further ado, lets get going!

The Starting Situation (The Big Picture) ......

Well, the big picture is that the pirates attacked - and they obviously were very well prepared, well-resourced and well informed. Over the cycles since the pirates attacked, PCs have been investigating and we are now at the point where it's what we call "do or die" time!

So, the big picture is:

There is SOMETHING due to happen - we're going to call it the endgame.

That will happen on a date this cycle. I know what that date is, but as of yet none of the PCs have found out that date.

Every post, I will populate this with "Big Picture" that is correct from your posts.

Big Picture:
Information Who Knows Note Below?
What's going to happen? ~~ ~~
When's it going to happen? ~~ ~~
Where is it happening? ~~ ~~
Anything else? ~~ ~~

The Specifics (The Smaller Pictures) ......

In the nine boxes above are areas / topics that I believe are important and that PCs have been dealing with. As you progress through this thread, I will update as we go (I won't update this post every time, I'll reply with a copy of this post).

These are not exhaustive - if someone decides to investigate / go somewhere else, I'll add them to the list:

Coasts (this includes the waters)
Spies (are you being spied on? Are you infiltrated?)
Ghosts (Can the dead speak more information?)
Factions (see the Lore thread, there's lots... and there's some unknown ones or ones not in Lore e.g. Centipede)
Traps (Are there any traps / places which have been sabotaged, etc?)
Islands (ishallr, Faldrass, etc)
Underground (Tunnels and caverns are rife throughout Scalv)

The Mechanics / Rules (The Picture Frame?) ......

I will post here once a week. That post will be every Thursday starting on Thursday 8th February 2024 (that will be post two. This is post one. See?)
Each week, I will post a copy of this post which is both a reply and an update.

Your post will cover a period of time which is TEN DAYS - I'll give you the IC dates etc. That means that you will have to be very clear about how you're using your time.
In your post, you should do the following
  • Give the narrative of what you are doing during that time. You don't have to use all 10 days, you can use as much or as little as you want.
  • Assume the outcome of "mundane" skill use. That means, if it's obvious that you will succeed, then assume you do. For example, if you're investigating something, and you have GM investigation - you can assume you find stuff out. You can then tell me who you'll tell what you've found out to, etc.
  • Link to any external posts which you do - or have done - which are directly relevant (not any memory lane stuff, but specific stuff, please). A note here: You are more than welcome to do "side threads" while this event is ongoing. If you do that, then the thread needs to be completed and ready for review when you do your post. So, if you can do a thread in a week and it's directly relevant, link it. No placeholders, semi-finished etc.
  • If you do a "side thread" that takes longer than 1 week, then you can and should submit it here ONCE IT IS FINISHED and ready for review. If it takes longer than a week, things might have moved on, but that's ok, you'll still get something out of it!
  • Put a summary at the end of what you've done and what you're seeking to do. So, in the example above - you would put "I've investigated X - I've assumed Y - please tell me any more stuff, please?" :D

Your Posts..... (I have totally lost this analogy now.....) .

Please post by Wednesday 7th February and I will post on Thursday 8th.

Sum up what you have already found out.
Tell me what questions you have and what investigation / discussion you have done before this event. Especially, let me know who you've informed. It's fine to say "I'm telling the Alberach" - but equally if you haven't told her (or whoever) IC before now, we'll assume that for SOME reason, the person you are telling won't find out till 1st Cylus.
What you're doing between 1st and 10th Cylus

Please let me know asap if there's stuff you've done / found out that people would know NOW - drop me a PM and I will update between now and then.

DO NOT POST HERE: I will post the ACTUAL first post (which will be a duplicate of this one) on 1st of New Cycle.
word count: 850
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!

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