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Approved Character
Posts: 656
Joined: Sun Jun 19, 2016 5:21 pm
Race: Yludih
Profession: Knight Captain of the Iron Hand
Renown: 341
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1






Name:Yanahalqah (Ya-nal-ka), Rayna Ramsey, Saeri LaChasse

Age: 27 Arcs

Race: Yludih

Status: Deceased

Date of Birth:25 Ymiden 693

Date of Death:38 Saun 720

Marks: None

Occupation: Knight Captain of the Iron Hand (Saeri), Merc (Rayna)

Factions Joined: The Iron Hand Knights (Saeri)

Languages Spoken: Common (Fluent), Ulehi (Fluent), Common Sign (Fluent), Rakahi (Conversational), Ith'ession (Broken)
► Show Spoiler
Partners: Sintih Rathaan

In her human form, Rayna, she stands at a rather ordinary height of 5'7”. Rayna looks like an average young woman would, with little extraordinary features. She is moderately curvy though most of her body exists out of wiry muscles acquired from her training in the Etzorian military. Her hands feel rough from the calluses developed through the handling of weaponry. Her hair is wavy and auburn in color, reaching just past her shoulders. Rayna's face consists of almond-shaped, sea green eyes, a button nose, and full cheeks.

Her form is blemished by a couple scars however, all of which she received during her time in the military. Most are on her arms and torso, but there's also one on her face, running over her right eye. As the eye was damaged, she wears an eyepatch to hide it along with the scar.

As Saeri, she takes the form of an Eídisi, and stands at a short height of 5'11” (short for an Eídisi anyway). Her skin is a Deep Periwinkle with jagged markings all over her body. She has long Han Blue hair that flows past her shoulderblades to the middle of her back. She is, like many Eídisi, slender and elegant, with high cheekbones and eyes devoid of iris or pupil. Oddly enough, where Rayna had a multitude of scars, Saeri has none, though her right eye remains unusable and blind. As this form is the one she was born with, Yana likes this form far more than her human one.

The markings take the shape of rudimentary lightning bolts and are symmetrically divided across her body. When fully clothed, only those running across her neck can be seen. They are two that curl around her neck, from where they then run down her back. Along the way they are joined by various other lines, which all start on the front of Yana's body, and end on the back. Her hands, feet and face are the only places devoid of markings.

At the core, Yana is a selfish person, focused on two things: staying alive, and her research. Perhaps the latter is a result of her upbringing as an Eídisi, but as far as she can remember she has always liked and enjoyed learning. It should come as no surprise that she values knowledge. Many a time she can be seen scribbling in a notebook, all notes relating to a subject of her research. One could call it a diary of sorts, where all sorts of observations and conclusions are written down, but only of things that picked her interest.

Yana is meticulous and organized, always making sure her stuff is organized so she doesn't have to search for anything. Everything has its place, and chaos or messiness she frowns upon. As a selfish person, she has little interest in others, though she is prone to write entries in her log about interesting people she encounters. Though she can and, from time to time, will (or at least tries to) act like it isn't the case, she has a strong dislike for idle chatter, and usually prefers to be blunt and get straight to the point.

For the sake of her research, Yana will go to certain lengths, varying from saying something insensitive to draw out a reaction to plain old espionage. Though all come attached with a certain risk factor, she usually does not deem it high enough to abandon her observations on the subject, be it an individual or an organization.

On a day to day basis, Yanahalqah is a rather cold person with no real morals or ethics whatsoever. She doesn't give a damn about people in general, not caring if she just knocked over a child while walking, or whether there's someone being stabbed right next to her (though she'd probably take notes). Most of her choices are based of logic and she does listen to reason. If it is in her best interest to go along with something, she will. This does not mean however that she doesn't feel anger or joy or the likes. Though logic and reasoning are the primary angles with which she solves problems, sometimes negative emotions (mostly anger, irritation and/or frustration) get in the way.

Both forms have their own voice, their own way of speaking. Saeri has a rather flat, almost monotone tone of voice, devoid of most emotion. She uses just enough infliction for people to know the difference between a question and a statement, but other than that there is very little variation in it. Most of what she says tends to sound rather matter-of-fact. Rayna, on the other hand, is far more human in the use of her voice. The default tone she uses is "irritated", "annoyed", "not interested", or "cranky", though from time to time she switches to other emotions, depending on the amount of effort she pours in her acting.

No matter which form she's in though, there always slips a slight Ith'ession accent into her Common, though it's more easily noticeable in her human guises.

Yana was born in Etzos to an Eídisi couple... Or so it seemed. Truth is, they were no Eídisi at all. Well, the man she called father was, but her mother wasn't, and neither was her biological father. Both were imposters, Yludih. That is not to say that they were mean-spirited, not at all. Yana's mother, Phaela (or so she called herself), was married to her husband, Yana's non-biological father, for no ulterior motives. She loved him, and he loved her. That is to say, he loved the Eídisi he believed she was. However, Phaela could not birth children with him, only with her own kind. Thus, one day she started to pretend she was pregnant, altering her illusion over the course of her supposed pregnancy to look the part as well as act the part. Clever as she was, she contacted available Yludih males and selected one to aid her in conceiving the child. She also located and got in touch with a Yludih physician to aid her in the birthing process.

After nine months, the plan came to fruition, and she birthed an Eídisi-looking child without her husband ever suspecting a thing. They named her Saeri, though her mother had given her a name already, one she kept to herself for over a decade; Yanahalqah.

Yana received the standard education all Eídisi should enjoy, her childhood filled with her learning and studying. She enjoyed it, her personality molded by those of her parents. In every aspect, she was Eídisi, except on a biological level. True, she looked and behaved the part, but she was Yludih, not the race she pretended to be. Her mother told her this and her real name when she turned fourteen, an age Phaela deemed perfect, as Yana should begin to become more mature from that point onwards.

While Yanahalqah did not freak out, and considered her true heritage in a rational way, she did start to question herself and who she was. Who she had believed she was. Was the personality she'd displayed her true personality, or was it merely an act? And if the latter was indeed the case, then who was she? Who was she really?

Wrestling with something of an identity crisis, Yana managed to struggle through puberty, often finding comfort in the Uleuda, where she learned the language of the Yludih, and eventually was taught how to take on the form of another race beside her Eídisi form. She took the likeness of Humans, as they were everywhere and would help her blend in almost everywhere, no matter where she found herself.

But that was just one half of her path to adulthood, the other being observations and research. To push her uncertainties about herself away, she dove headfirst into the things she loved; books. She started reading as much as she could about the fields and subjects that piqued her interest. Later on she began her own investigations, scribbling down observations and findings in a notebook she had with her more often than not. During this time, she found that, strangely enough, she wasn't interested at all in the pains and joys of others. Perhaps it were her insecurities at work, placing a barrier between herself and the world so she could sort them out, but she grew only more and more disinterested in others, becoming cold and distant, especially so in Eídisi form. As a human she did often make an effort to pretend to get along with people -albeit for her own objectives- though she never once cared for the person themselves. Sometimes she just wanted to know how they'd react if she did this or said that, only to walk away when she'd obtained her answers and her interest faded. Due to a lack of a bond with just about anyone, her research became the only thing she really cared about, it became her life, her primary thing to do.

When she reached the end of her teens, Yana decided to leave home, taking on human form for the majority of the time. She joined the Etzos military on something of a whim, driven by the desire to complete the research she'd done on them from an outsider's perspective by switching to an insider's. Though she wasn't all that into weaponry and physical training, she felt oddly content during her service. She did what was expected of her, training in both ranged an melee combat, as well as riding a horse. Her free time she devoted to her research, taking advantage of her good memory to write down any and all relevant observations she'd made.

However, during her service, some did witness her taking notes and the more time went by, the more some people grew convinced she was an enemy spy. Yana was not a fool though, and recognized the threat of being exposed. While she was not a spy, she knew well enough the military wouldn't be exactly pleased with a Yludih having infiltrated their midst. So while those out to unmask her collected evidence against her, Yana made plans to leave without permission.

She got the chance soon enough, when the block to which she was assigned was ambushed by outlaws during a patrol. In the skirmish that followed, Yana lost her right eye while just barely avoiding the more dire consequences of taking a blade to the face. Recognizing her chance, she played dead, quite sure that her foe wouldn't have the time to make sure of her passing in the heat of battle. Now no longer being paid any attention, she crawled steadily towards the edge of the battlefield, hiding among corpses and looting off them while she was at it. There were no protests when she was more than once stepped on or tripped over. At the edge of the battlefield she found a couple horses whose riders had fallen in battle already. She didn't need to think twice before she mounted one and rode off to the east.

On the way to Foster Bay she tried to sell the leather barding, though to no avail. Certain that having it would improve the chances of being recognized as either a horse thief or a deserter (note that she put her armor in her pack and was wearing ordinary clothes), she got rid of it before it was too late. At the Bay, she searched for and paid a sailor to take her to Rynmere, far away from the reach of Etzos. A place she wouldn't be a bounty hunter's prize. However, that reason was but secondary, for she had, trough rumors, heard of a certain military group vested in the city of Andaris. A group that did happen to pique her interest.

Andaris; Barracks in lowtown

Marks Section






Last edited by Yanahalqah on Thu Nov 12, 2020 10:47 am, edited 43 times in total. word count: 2197
"Speaking" - Thinking - "Others speaking"
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Approved Character
Posts: 656
Joined: Sun Jun 19, 2016 5:21 pm
Race: Yludih
Profession: Knight Captain of the Iron Hand
Renown: 341
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1






Skills, Capstones, Fame & Devotion


Novice (1-25) 0k,Competent (26-50) 11k,Expert (51-75) 22k,Master (76-100) 33k,Grand master (100) 60k
SkillKnowledgePoints AcquiredTotal Points SpentProficiency
Acting1025/100 (25/250)Novice
Animal Husbandry11/100 (1/250)Novice
Blades (shortsword)2453/100 (85/250)Expert
Deception3375/100 (75/100)Expert
Detection4030/100 (35/250)Competent
Discipline 4140/100 (55/250)Competent
Disguise 210/100 (10/250)Novice
Endurance 2635/100 (45/250)Competent
Etiquette 290/100 (0/250)Novice
Field Craft 115/100 (5/250)Novice
Gambling 55/100 (5/250)Novice
Intelligence 5251/100 (80/250)Expert
Interrogation 155/100 (5/250)Novice
Intimidation 110/100 (0/250)Novice
Investigation6075/100 (150/250)Expert
Leadership 3130/100 (35/250)Competent
Linguistics 3551/100 (80/250)Expert
Logistics 2325/100 (25/250)Novice
Mathematics0/100 (0/250)Novice
Meditation160/100 (0/250)Novice
Mount(horse) 840/100 (55/250)Competent
Navigation 50/100 (0/250)Novice
Negotiation 12 5/100 (5/250)Novice
Physics 10/100 (0/250)Novice
Polearms 20/100 (0/250)Novice
Politics 170/100 (0/250)Novice
Psychology245/100 (5/250)Novice
Ranged Combat (shortbow)2275/100 (150/250)Expert
Research20/100 (20/250)Novice
Rhetoric 100/100 (0/250)Novice
Running1315/100 (15/250)Novice
Shielded Combat 2451/100 (80/250)Expert
Siege Weaponry 20/100 (0/250)Novice
Strength 1540/100 (55/250)Competent
Tactics 64100/100 (250/250)Grandmaster
Unarmed Combat (Ki'enaq - Military)2653/100 (85/250)Expert

-->grandfathered RB: +10 Disguise
--> RB: +25 Deception
-->FTS: Deception
-->[BK] +15 Research
-->SP: Ranged combat 25, Blades 15, Mount 10


Keen Insight


As a sharp-witted military tactician, Yana has become accustomed to analysing and plotting, fretting over details and possibilities, considering the possibilities and planning a course of action for each and every one of them.

In combat, this results in reading others like a book, employing her abilities to see through and predict their actions and reactions. Although this tends to work better on people she’s more familiar with, even people she hasn’t met before find themselves will have difficulty succeeding with feints, and will find that Yana has a solid grasp on their fighting style and tactics by simply analysing their build, body language, and equipment. When exposed to their fighting style, however, her predictions rise in accuracy. Moreover, they become more accurate the longer she is exposed to it. If the opponent changes up their tactics, however, Yana has to start back from square one, though she tends to pick up on this new style faster than before. Allies will find that Yana is able to fight alongside them as if she's done so for arcs, being perfectly in tune with them.

Outside of battle, however, elaborate planning and keen insight gives rise to improved execution of schemes and missions. By plotting out the details and considering the different possibilities and situations and consequences of those situations, Yana drastically improves the success rate of any given mission.

In meta terms, the capstone raises one skill at a time, relevant to the current mission/objective, to the next tier. A novice skill would be considered competent, a competent skill expert, etc. Master level skills, however, grant Yana a 'Flash of Insight' which is a capstone-like ability to perform feats otherwise thought impossible. This capstone affects only one skill and, once the situation is over Yana's skills revert to normal. In a new situation, a new skill might be affected.


Yanahalqah's (Uleuda) Fame
Points earnedReason (Thread)TotalRenown
+30Approved Character (SF)
-1general bad deed (Dawn of void creatures)
+2Leading outnumbered troops (Dawn of void creatures)
+1facing the consequences of your actions (Reconnection)
+4Fighting Nulliem (Back Again)


Rayna Ramsey's Fame
Points earnedReason (Thread)TotalRenown
-30Approved Character (SF)
+1general good deed (First lessons)
+1general good deed (innocent Stolen)
-1Intimidating a slave (the art of being a slave)
-1Not helping people in need (Bittersweet)
-4(Stealing a statue)
+12(on the road again)
+10Rayna's a hero? (Thumb, thumber, thumbest)
-3fighting in public (Miss me)
-5Being a cruel criminal (Ether ship down)
-5(and then there were none)


Saeri LaChasse's Fame
Points earnedReason (Thread)TotalRenown
+30Approved Character (SF)
-3opposing popular cause (sealed shut city)
-1bashing a civilian (sealed shut city)
+1Not letting Aeon kill himself (sealed shut city)
+1Protecting the citizens from themselves (sealed shut city)
+2Enforcing a city law (sealed shut city)
+11good deed (to tutor a tutor)
+7Global event participation (The Humble Son)
+124x catching a bandit; foiling an assassination attempt (Royal Assignment)
+2Supporting a popular cause (For Andaris!)
+1Good deed (Yvithia's fakes)
+3Uphold the law (In Ilaren's Name!)
-15Association with Doran lol (The end of hope)
+2Killing NPC,bad deeds, participating (Battle tomb of Treid)
+10Event participation (Midwinter MAsks)
+4Killing a monster + good deeds (Darkest before the dawn)
+5Promotion (New season, new uniform)
+4Victory in single combat (Not so smooth start)
+4Chewing out Hannes(Talking Works Too)
+2Solving a mystery (Elementary, my dear Saeri)
+3(To Waterstreet Market)
-20(In ufrek's name
+5(Strange color Blue)
+20(In ethelynda's name)
+8(Noble blood, noble heart
-10Plotting to kill (bad bird's dirty work)

Total renown

Renown total
Reason (Thread)EarnedTotal
Yludih fame pts 40
Eidisi fame pts180
Human fame pts71
Burned Boat+5
Burned Boat 2+5
Foreign affairs+15
Desperate times+15
Mi perp es su perp+5
A relaxing morning jog 6+5
Danger under the light of Yldria+5


Points earnedReason (Thread)Total
+2Global Event (The Humble son)
-1Questioning the Immortals (A Big Mistake)
Last edited by Yanahalqah on Sun Aug 09, 2020 10:09 am, edited 171 times in total. word count: 940
"Speaking" - Thinking - "Others speaking"
User avatar
Approved Character
Posts: 656
Joined: Sun Jun 19, 2016 5:21 pm
Race: Yludih
Profession: Knight Captain of the Iron Hand
Renown: 341
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1








Acrobatics (3)
Acrobatics: Moving Fast and Keeping Steady over Rubble
Acrobatics: keeping your balance on ice
Acrobatics: Roll to disperse impact from falling
Acting (10)
Acting: behave like you usually do when tricking people you know
Acting: Subtle body language to hint at emotions
Acting: Prepare for the role
Acting: the use of props
Acting: pretending something bad has happened
Acting: Remembering to Act Like an Eidisi by Breathing
Acting: Calm & happy
Acting: Pretending to be who you really are?
Acting: acting like your other persona
Acting: feigning confidence
Animal Husbandry (5)
Animal Training: Leading a horse
Animal Husbandry: Horse: Brushing your horse.
Animal Husbandry: Horse: Building up a relationship between you and your horse
Animal Husbandry: An Animal Can Sense Your Dislike
Animal Husbandry: "Horse" Loves Company
Appraisal (1)
Appraisal: Assessing Doran's Value if it Comes to it
Business Management (1)
Bus. Mgmt: Be Sure ALL Parts of a Deal are Honored
Caregiving (1)
Caregiving: Awkward consolation is still consoling
Climbing (1)
Climbing: Using clear Handholds in a Firm Grip
Disguise (3)
Disguise: Keeping your Yludih nature hidden[BK]

Disguise: Changing Forms Hides the Damage, but Not the Pain
Disguise: More than just the face
Detection (40)
Detection: (A relaxing morning jog 3) x2
Detection: (A relaxing morning jog 4) x1
Detection: (A relaxing morning jog 6) x2
Detection: Studying a face
Detection: tunnel vision
Detection: searching for the fastest route through a market
Detection: Assessing your opponents skill
Detection: Locating a sound's source
Detection: spotting suspicious behavior
Detection: reading body language
Detection: Noticing signs of unhappiness when someone speaks
Detection: Minute changes can help spot deceit
Detection: Knowing the Familiar Markings of a Shadow Beast from a Distance.
Detection: Shadows can only see Moving Targets.
Detection: Reading facial expressions to infer facts.
Detection: Spotting a familiar figure in an unfamiliar place
Detection: Out-of-Place Sounds, Getting Closer, Implies Pursuit
Detection: Frequent Scans of Treeline
Detection: Lack of Wildlife Sounds is a Bad Sign
Detection: The "1000-Yard Stare" Across Fields
Detection: Attending to small details
Detection: Spotting through the window
Detection: The sound of snapping twigs can indicate danger
Detection: The smell of leather
Detection: The smell of feet
Detection: Knowing when something doesn't seem right
Detection: Minute details in non verbal communication can give key information
Detection: Spotting the signs of jealousy
Detection: The feeling you get when you're being watched
Detection: Watching someone in the reflection of an object
Detection: Spotting those who are watching you
Detection: Physical appearance can give clues to lifestyle
Detection: Clothing Makes the Man
Detection: Hart Has a Better Tan Than Tristan
Detection: Spotting a hidden weapon
Detection: Seeing through the scapegoat
Detection: Catching an obvious lie
Detection: Noting an Immortal mark on the face.
Detection: Entrances to secret tunnels, Viden.
Deception (33)
Deception: Evoking empathy
Deception: Poker Face
Deception: Pretending to support Gangui’s cause
Deception: Pretending to be bounty hunters
Deception: Answering questions with a question
Deception: taunting to draw opponents closer
Deception: making your name sound more mundane
Deception: changing the topic to distract
Deception: if you seem trustworthy, you get paid up front
Deception: changing your appearance a bit to avoid being recognized
Deception: keep talking, then suddenly strike
Deception: body language to imply sadness
Deception: Roll with the role you’ve been given
Deception: Appearing to be Immortal-marked
Deception: Pretending to be envious
Deception: Hide lies in the truth
Deception: Appearing to be shocked
Deception: stalling for time
Deception: inconspicuously reaching for a weapon
Deception: Spinning a false, though believable story
Deception: Good lies have some truth in them
Deception: Playing the part you’ve been mistaken for
Deception: pretending to do something else while tailing
Deception: Don't Leave the Battle Zone Too Quickly
Deception: Telling a lie to reveal a lie
Deception: False name Rayna Ramsey
Deception: A Deal That Can be Both Kept AND Broken
Deception: A little white lie can help someone else feel better
Deception: Calm but caring
Deception: Being what you need to be in the moment
Deception: Faking Body Language to Appear a Certain Way
Deception: Hiding Things Well When They Don't Need to be Known
Deception: Sometimes deception backfires
Dancing (1)
Dancing: How to dance the Galliard
Discipline (41)
Discipline: (Loss, under the light of Ydria) x2
Discipline: (Danger, under Yldria's light) x2
Discipline: Do your job despite emotional turmoil
Discipline: Working while sleep deprived
Discipline: steeling your nerves
Discipline: Ignoring the stares of the people around you
Discipline: fighting awkwardness
Discipline: being polite to nobles
Discipline: executing assignments you don’t want to
Discipline: giving dull assignments your all
Discipline: doing things that stress you out
Discipline: standing up for yourself
Discipline: not retaliating when struck
Discipline: suppressing habits is difficult
Discipline: Not smacking someone who tests your patience
Discipline: Not losing your temper when talking to an Immortal
Discipline: Not reacting in fury
Discipline: putting up with annoying questions
Discipline: Complementing a child on a bad drawing
Discipline: Allowing yourself to be painted
Discipline: putting up with unwanted company
Discipline: trying to keep sarcasm out of your voice
Discipline: Not responding to a sudden unexpected change of environment
Discipline: Not solving a puzzle when you want to.
Discipline: Keeping focus in the face of lethargy
Discipline: Waiting a long, long time
Discipline: Enforcing it with punishments
Discipline: Saving feelings for when you’re not on duty
Discipline: Standing Watch Patiently just to be Sure
Discipline: self control
Discipline: Knights expect it
Discipline: trying to keep calm while assaulted
Discipline: Listen, Then Act
Discipline: Focus on the Shot, Not the Danger
Discipline: Holding in laughter
Discipline: Silence Fearful Talk, For Morale's Sake
Discipline: War Training is No Match for War Experience
Endurance (26)
Endurance: (A relaxing morning jog 6) x1
Endurance: (Danger, under Yldria's light) x2
Endurance: lying on an uncomfortable surface
Endurance: the pain from an unexpected slap
Endurance: Keep on going while fatigued
Endurance: Keeping choking the opponent even when being bitten
Endurance: getting up after a hard fall
Endurance: Taking a beating
Endurance: Taking a hit to the face
Endurance: taking a kick to the shin
Endurance: The pain of running into a door
Endurance: Bracing yourself
Endurance: leaning on someone to walk
Endurance: Pushing through the cold of Cylus
Endurance: No man understands the pain of high heel shoes
Endurance: Important for Long Bouts
Endurance: trying to endure the silent judgement of others
Endurance: not chickening out
Endurance: Maintaining a fight can be exhausting
Endurance: Fighting stronger opponents
Endurance: Fixing a dislocated jaw
Endurance: Exercise to warm up
Endurance: Carrying a shield / lifting a shield
Endurance: The biting cold
Endurance: climbing with tired arms
Etiquette: (In Memoriam)x5
Etiquette: don’t speak out of turn
Etiquette: Meeting your partner’s parents
Etiquette: Name, rank and ... well, rank.
Etiquette: how to address a commander
Etiquette: Introducing yourself
Etiquette: how to address a Baroness
Etiquette: An appointment is an appointment
Etiquette: showing up when invited, even if you don't want to go
Etiquette: Politely refusing
Etiquette: Important when dealing with people you don't want to offend
Etiquette: the customer is always right
Etiquette: Offering to kill those who suffer
Etiquette: Putting the past aside to work together
Etiquette: Appearance and first meetings with senior officers
Etiquette: Answering questions posed by senior officers
Etiquette: Doing your Duty Well to Impress your Superiors
Etiquette: Knowing when to give in gracefully
Etiquette: The formality of a masked ball
Etiquette: Iron Hand Captains are called “Sir”
Etiquette: the curtsy
Etiquette: Fancy events tend to collect weapons from the attendees to avoid unnecessary violence
Etiquette: Taking orders from an insulting commander
Etiquette: Considering An Appropriate Greeting
Etiquette: Eye Contact and Smiles Go a Long Way
Fieldcraft (11)
Field craft: (A relaxing morning jog 3) x4
Field Craft: Realizing That Scent Defeats Visual Deception
Fieldcraft: Lighting a Fire
Fieldcraft: Binding a man with rope
Field Craft: Leaving Marks Behind
Fieldcraft: The basic tools of survival
Fieldcraft: Bury anything that might attract prey
Field Craft: Moss should be thickest on the north side of an object
Gambling: Watch and learn
Gambling: Learn the game, beat the odds
Gambling: Calling a bluff
Gambling: You win some, you lose some
Gambling: never drink and gamble
Gardening (1)
Gardening: Moss grows best in humid places away from the sun's rays
Hunting (3)
Hunting: The Art of Tracking
Hunting: Noticing the Small Details
Hunting: Animals are not Choosey about Berries
Intimidation (11)
Intimidation: the threat of torture
Intimidation: wearing your weapon openly
Intimidation: Pulling Rank
Intimidation: Intellect can be as intimidating as muscle
Intimidation: Knowledge is power
Intimidation: Keeping a straight face
Intimidation: Insults
Intimidation: Explaining the horrors that might unfold
Intimidation: A Dagger to the Throat
Intimidation: A Smiling, Unspoken Threat
Intimidation: Telling people you dislike them
Intelligence: Listening to what is really being said
Intelligence: Listen intently without interrupting
Intelligence: Lip reading
Intelligence: Relaying information
Intelligence: Sharing suspicions
Intelligence: Describing something in detail
Intelligence:Informing your superiors
Intelligence: being in the right place at the right time
Intelligence: the usefulness of people watchers
Intelligence: lying so your target does not catch wind of your activities
Intelligence: daily reports
Intelligence: the problems of not having/being a spymaster
Intelligence: an untrained child does not a decent spy make
Intelligence: place a spy in a location they fit into inconspicuously
Intelligence: unskilled spies are best used in busy places
Intelligence: copying information
Intelligence: hiding a tree in the forest
Intelligence: create more copies to prevent loss of information
Intelligence: More important than a quarrel
Intelligence: how to push Zipper’s buttons
Intelligence: comparing multiple sources to determine if information is accurate
Intelligence: Asking the locals
Intelligence: The rumor mill
Intelligence: discussing sensitive topics in private draws attention
Intelligence: asking around
Intelligence: know what the other wants to use as leverage
Intelligence: dead people don’t talk
Intelligence: recruiting the help of an old comrade
Intelligence: Considering the intelligence available from all angles
Intelligence: Immortals do not know all
Intelligence: Observing details to gather intelligence
Intelligence: What other people ask can be a clue to information.
Intelligence: How to sew seeds of doubt
Intelligence: Paying for information
Intelligence: Visiting an Information Broker
Intelligence: where to look for information
Intelligence: writing down what is said
Intelligence: Scouting a location for later reference
Intelligence: reading between the lines
Intelligence: Child Spies as informants
Intelligence: Recognizing the signs of a cult
Intelligence: Observation of the target
Intelligence: Ambushes Hit From Behind First
Intelligence: Sharing information
Intelligence: Behavioral Differences Between Ithecal and Raskithecal
Intelligence: Eavesdroppng on Guards Can Provide Information
Intelligence: More Guards Means More Valuable Cargo
Intelligence: Keeping a log
Intelligence: It’s important to have connections in high places
Intelligence: Eavesdropping
Intelligence: The Floor Plan of Tristan Venora's Home
Intelligence: Studying The Enemy Helps You Survive
Interrogation (15)
Interrogation: (Loss, under the light of Ydria) x2
Interrogation: Asking questions
Interrogation: driving the interrogatees into a corner
Interrogation: pointing out contradictions in fake testimonies
Interrogation: body language tells as much as words do (if not more)
Interrogation: Gleaning information through torture
Interrogation: Asking specific questions to elicit specific answers
Interrogation: Needn't be aggressive
Interrogation: Best done in a secluded area
Interrogation: Quick-fire questioning
Interrogation: Help them to relax first
Interrogation: Getting to the crux of the matter
Interrogation: Basic questioning sometimes gives the information needed
Interrogation: Small talk first to set them at ease
Investigation (60)
Investigation: Deduction
Investigation: Checking the contents of a bag
Investigation: using a composite sketch
Investigation: Look for witnesses
Investigation: Trace the suspect's steps
Investigation:Keep details hidden from the public if necessary
Investigation: employ someone adept at reading faces
Investigation: using reports from other investigations
Investigation: brief crime scene inspection
investigation: use the crime scene to get an idea of what happened
Investigation: consider a different angle when stuck
Investigation: follow all leads
Investigation: request cooperation from foreign authorities
Investigation: not everything makes sense at first
Investigation: who, where, how, why?
Investigation: Consider the suspect's MO
Investigation: Getting the name of the suspect
Investigation: Did the suspect and victim know each other?
Investigation: exchange information with different factions
Investigation: seeing the suspect in person
Investigation: presenting a case
Investigation: drawers with a false bottom are the first place to look
Investigation: uncover more clues by splitting up
Investigation: comparing notes
Investigation: ask about the appearance of a culprit
Investigation: recognizing an improvise bottle weapon when you see one
Investigation: two heads are better than one
Investigation: recreating the scenario of the crime
Investigation: the difference between a deliberately and accidentally broken lantern
Investigation: connecting the dots
Investigation: filling the blanks
Investigation: taking notice of agitation in people
Investigation: Consider all environmental clues
Investigation: Experiment with your situation
Investigation: Give enough information to get a lot more information back
Investigation: Gathering information is the first step
Investigation: following a hunch
Investigation: Getting other points of view
Investigation: Determining lies by visual cues
Investigation: Consider all the reasons for an unusual event.
Investigation: Reading facial expressions to infer facts
Investigation: Considering the reasoning behind "entertainment"
Investigation: Spotting when it seems too good to be true
Investigation: Location, time and place are vital.
Investigation: Clues in instructions
Investigation: Handwriting gives clues to education.
Investigation: Query everything you are told.
Investigation: Clear, precise questioning
Investigation: The importance of small details
Investigation: Weighing up the facts
Investigation: Building a case
Investigation: The importance of note taking
Investigation: Study the target 
Investigation: Corroborate your findings, especially when dealing with less than honest individuals
Investigation: Knowing when to lie and when not to
Investigation: Dust usually means abandoned
Investigation: Ask the witnesses
Investigation: Information gathering can be helped with a tip (or bribe)
Investigation: Finding out about a job includes finding out about colleagues
Investigation: Finding out what you can about your opponents
Leadership (31)
Leadership: say please
Leadership: keep potentially stubborn underlings happy
Leadership: Give clear, direct instructions
Leadership: Ensure people know their priority
Leadership: Confidence is a good thing.
Leadership: State your position
Leadership: Clarify your position
Leadership: Taking charge of a situation
Leadership: A humble leader
Leadership: Complementing your subordinates
Leadership: It's easier when people don't rebel against you
Leadership: Giving your teammates instructions
Leadership: Ruling with an Iron Fist
Leadership: Talking about a problem with your subordinates
Leadership: The honest approach
Leadership: Putting subordinates back in place
Leadership: Acting the part
Leadership: continued disobedience will undermine authority
Leadership: Consider different styles of leadership in different situations
Leadership: Stating your point and explaining others' flaws clearly.
Leadership: Appeal to their ego and their fear.
Leadership: taking control of a situation
Leadership: Keeping orders clear when trying to lead a group of drunks
Leadership: Making the tough decisions
Leadership: Addressing group concerns
Leadership: Keeping people informed, even when they don't like the information.
Leadership: Stepping in when the battle is done
Leadership: Tone of voice
Leadership: Keeping a cool head
Leadership: Using force of personality to order around other squires
Leadership: Giving orders
Linguistics: explaining one language by using another
Linguistics: Pronunciation is paramount to understanding each other
Linguistics: Putting the stress on the right syllable is important for a good pronunciation
Linguistics: cursing
Linguistics: recognizing accents
Linguistics: tone of voice
Linguistics: context clues
Linguistics: emphasis
Linguistics: Knowing how to make the sounds necessary for speaking a language can help for fluency
Linguistics: non-fluent speakers don’t always know they are making mistakes
Linguistics: Tenses
Linguistics: Building a vocabulary takes time
Linguistics: Practice makes perfect
Linguistics: working around a limited vocabulary
Linguistics: understanding less fluent speakers 
Linguistics: Common Sign language, Pace 
Linguistics: Common Sign language, Letters 
Linguistics: Common Sign language, Numbers 
Linguistics: Common, Syntax 
Linguistics: Common, Verbs 
Linguistics: Common, Conjunctions 
Linguistics: Common, Tone
Linguistics: Common, Grammar 
Linguistics: Reading body language
Linguistics - Ulehi: Deteriorates quickly without regular use
Linguistics - Ulehi: Difficult to learn
Linguistics - Ulehi: Speak by vibrating resonant crystals
Linguistics - Ulehi proverb: There’s more light in Uleuda than Yldria’s alone
Linguistics - Ulehi proverb: Killing a Nulliem when Ydria has already gone dark
Language: Rakahi
Language: Grevokian
Language: Euthic Sign
Linguistics: Draketh
Linguistics: Qa
Linguistics: Common Sign language
Logistics (23)
Logistics: (A relaxing morning Jog - Part 1) x5
Logistics: The use of mages
Logistics: Considering how much manpower you have
Logistics: Placing pyres close to places with high death counts
Logistics: Splitting up the work to be done
Logistics: Writing reports
Logistics: Managing your army
Logistics: considering which troops to deploy
Logistics: considering the make-up of your army
Logistics: considering the size of your army
Logistics: Planning ahead
Logistics: "Rayna" is The Better Adventuring Form
Logistics: Thinking through all possibilities in the time available
Logistics: Consequences and counter-consequences
Logistics: Don't break the line
Logistics: Organizing wardrobes is not as easy for shape shifters
Logistics: Bring a Cart to Move a Heavy Item
Logistics: Huge Monster? Huge Target!
Logistics: Prepare Fire-Arrow Materials in Advance
Medicine (9)
Medicine: cauterizing wounds to prevent bleeding
Medicine: Severing the Spinal Cord Kills Instantly
Medicine: Recognizing the signs of hypothermia
Medicine: Treating hypothermia
Medicine: Checking a persons pulse
Medicine: Administering antidotes
Medicine: Binding wounds
Medicine: Masks with herbs to filter out plague-filled air
Medicine: Avoiding skin contact with others to avoid infection
Meditation (16)
Meditation: (Therapy Time 1)x5
Meditation (Home, under the light of Yldria)x2
Meditation: some people like to hum while meditating
Meditation: Reflecting on the past
Meditation: Introspection
Meditation: Difficult when frustrated
Meditation: Mantra
Meditation: Mental image to focus on
Meditation: Calm the mind
Meditation: Force painful memories out
Meditation: Requires focus
Mount: Staying on the horse[BK]

Mount: Riding a hot and tired horse requires patience
Mount: A kick to move forwards
Mount (Horse): Horse Will Rebel if Saddle is on Wrong
Mount (Horse): Reattaching Saddle is Good Practice
Mount: Horse: Long journeys
Mount: Horse: Keeping your mount calm.
Mount: Horse: Riding a stubborn mount.
Negotiation (12)
Negotiation: try to reason with uncooperative factions
Negotiation: try to convince a superior to arrest a recruit
Negotiation: Doran's Treachery Doesn't Have to Include You
Negotiation: brokering a deal
Negotiation: "Handshake Deal" to Escape to Augiery
Negotiation: Hired as Caravan Guard
Negotiation: suggesting a compromise
Negotiation: The importance of understanding the other party’s needs
Negotiation: Gold for information or favour
Negotiation: Flip of a Coin
Negotiation: Let One Client Lead to Another
Negotiation: Proof of Identity to Stop Assault
Navigation (5)
Navigation (Land): Leave clear markings to find your way back through unfamiliar territory
Navigation (Land): How to use moss to navigate through a forest
Navigation (Land): Do not rush through unfamiliar territory
Navigation: Finding a house from the address
Navigation: Layout and Features of Oscillus
Persuasion (8)
Persuasion: Reminding People of what they might lose can Motivate Them.
Persuasion: Sometimes Speaking Strongly shows them you Care.
Persuasion: Use examples from past experiences to make a point
Persuasion: State the facts
Persuasion: Emotive language can be very effective.
Persuasion: Sarcasm often isn't persuasive.
Persuasion: Use real examples to give credence
Persuasion: Your opponents weakness is a point in your favour.
Poison (3)
Poisons: Kidnapper Spiders have a temporary paralytic venom in their stingers
Poisons: Pig Squeal
Poisons: poisoning the ale
Philosophy (7)
Philosophy: Life is a game and only the winners survive
Philosophy: Accepting consequences
Philosophy: the shortcomings of violence
Philosophy: Can there be too much reflection?
Philosophy: Taking help when you need it
Philosophy: Is hope a treacherous emotion?
Philosophy: Honor and Justice
Physics (1)
Physics: Rolling objects on curves surfaces
Politics (17)
Politics: Sucking up to nobles isn’t a good idea?
Politics: greasing the wheels by using the correct title
Politics: discussing important matters over ale
Politics: The clash between Noth and the Turkeys
Politics: the influence of crime on Etzos
Politics: agreeing with someone doesn’t always make them like you
Politics: removing an opposing party from the playing field
Politics: Making a good impression on political figures to further your career
Politics: studying superior politicians in order to grow
Politics: Influence a group of people by getting their leader on your side
Politics: Removing a problem does not equal eliminating it completely
Politics: When to show ambition, when not
Politics: The repercussions of overstepping authority
Politics: Consider your leadership style
Politics: Caravan to Krome: Unlikely Political Target
Politics: It is wise not to show disdain of public figures.
Politics: The (un)importance of playing dress up
Psychology (24)
Psychology: (Therapy Time 1)x1
Psychology: (Therapy Time 2)x1
Psychology (Home, under the light of Yldria)x2
Psychology: Reactions of guilt are varied but obvious
Psychology: Mob mentality in a crisis
Psychology: Knowing which actions will turn a crowd ugly.
Psychology: Comfort often allows for deeper honesty
Psychology: Being reminded of being hated is painful
Psychology: Intimacy is vulnerability
Psychology: Recognising peer pressure
Psychology: Second guessing yourself regarding someone you are fond of.
Psychology: The irritation of assumptions about you
Psychology: Battle Pep-Talks Wane While Waiting
Psychology: Taking the Ground Troops for Granted as a Buffer
Psychology: When strangers know your name, it’s usually not a good sign
Psychology: Old habits die hard
Psychology: Piece together behaviours to identify patterns 
Psychology: Establish empathy to build trust
Psychology: Trauma can lead to repressed personality
Psychology: Sometimes you need a good cry
Psychology: Coping with being in a dark place
Psychology: What we are, and what we appear to be.
Psychology: Is it possible to have unconditional positive regard for all?
Rhetoric (10)
Rhetoric: (In Memoriam)x1
Rhetoric: dramatic voice
Rhetoric: butchering names as an insult
Rhetoric: countering arguments
Rhetoric: leading a conversation
Rhetoric: Attempting to comfort others
Rhetoric: How to proclaim your words with confidence
Rhetoric: Flowery insults
Rhetoric: Sometimes you just need to be direct
Rhetoric: Using arguments to support your opinion
Running (13)
Running: To Avoid Overtime, and a Good Meal is a Good Motivator!
Running: (A relaxing morning jog 2) x5
Running (a relaxing morning jog 5) x3
Running (Home, under the light of Yldria)x2
Running: (Danger, under Yldria's light) x2
Socialization (1)
Socialization: The likely behaviour in a grouping of nobles
Strength: (Danger, under Yldria's light) x2
Strength: (Loss, under the light of Ydria) x2
Strength: grappling with an opponent
Strength: Rowing a sloop
Strength: Using enough force to crush the windpipe
Strength: Putting your strength into a blow
Strength: keeping someone pinned to the ground
Strength: struggling to break free from grasp
Strength: Carrying a Yludih
Strength: Try to distribute weight
Strength: How to balance another man’s weight while walking
Strength: How to control a drunkard’s limbs when helping them walk
Strength: Dragging a full grown man
Stealth (12)
Stealth: Tailing a mark
Stealth: Unsteady Ground can Draw Attention.
Stealth: Remaining unnoticed
Stealth: Away from the maddening crowds
Stealth: Hiding behind a newspaper 
Camouflage: Fool Nulliem
Sneaking: Crouching on Balls of Feet
Stealth: Stowaway
Stealth: Disappearing in a crowd
Stealth: Break the Back Window When They're at the Front Door
Stealth: Loud Distraction to Cover Soft Footsteps
Stealth: Move Low and Slow
Swimming (2)
Swimming: Cold and dark
Swimming: Easier without clothes
Teaching (8)
Teaching: different ideologies
Teaching: The Importance of Patience
Teaching: The importance of repetition 
Teaching: Start with the basics
Teaching: Stick with the basics if you have limited time
Teaching: Explain the why as well as the how
Teaching: Challenge assumptions
Teaching: Repetition is a key teaching technique in physical skills
Torture (8)
Torture: The basics
Torture: practice on a spare target first to get the hang of it
Torture: Inflicting pain to force compliance
Torture: Can take a while
Torture: More than inflicting physical pain
Torture: sensory deprivation
Torture: mental assault
Torture: keeping the victim alive
Funereal Care: Prayers must be made to Famula
Death: Lavender and Eucalyptus to combat the smell
Undertakers: Use make-up to hide decay
Writing (4)
Writing: Medium, charcoal
Writing: copying text
Writing: Keynotes
Writing: Record of events

Combat Skills

Blades (24)
(shortsword: 15)
Melee Combat Techniques: Basic Shortsword[BK]
Blades(shortsword): 'Shield drills' x1
Blades (shortsword): Three Forms of Strike
Blades: Shortsword: Footsies
Blades: Shortsword: Severing an arm
Blades: Shortsword: A solid defensive stance
Blades: shortsword:Noticing the flaws in your technique
Blades: shortsword: Blocking and parrying
Blades: shortsword: Riposte
Blades: shortsword: throwing your weapon to create a distraction
Bladed Combat: shortword: Aiming for vital locations in monsters
Bladed Combat: shortsword: Surprise attacks
Combat: Blades (shortsword): Practising the basics improves technique
Combat: Blades (shortsword): Teaching improves technique
Blades (shortsword): Holding a blade protectively in front of you
(longsword: 2)
Blades: Longsword: Different Patterns of Combat
Blades: Longsword: Stabbing
(dagger: 7)
Blade (Dagger): Slitting a throat
Blade (Dagger): How to stab someone in the back
Blade (Dagger): Stab someone multiple times to ensure they are good and dead
Blades: Dagger: How to move during dagger combat
Blades: Dagger: where to stab to (permanently) incapacitate opponents
Blades: Dagger: Downward stab
Blades: Dagger: Targeting the back of the neck
Ranged combat (22)
Ranged Combat Techniques: Basic Shortbow[BK]
Ranged Combat: Arrow at the Ready
Ranged: Shortbow: Muting a target with an arrow through the voicebox
Ranged: shortbow: Taking the wind into consideration
Ranged: Shortbow: Arrows don't fly indefinitely
Ranged: Shortbow: Rapid fire
Ranged: Shortbow: Hitting a zig-zagging target
Ranged combat: Aiming
Ranged combat: Shooting from point blank
Ranged Combat: Calming yourself before Shooting Increases your Accuracy.
Ranged Combat: Shooting at the Largest Area is the Easiest to Hit.
Ranged Combat: For Snap Shots on the run, the leg is a clever target
Ranged: Hold Your Breath When You Aim and Fire
Ranged: Target Center Mass to Ensure a Hit
Ranged: A Crowd of Enemies is a Poor Archer's Friend
Ranged: Get Behind Cover So You Can Take Time to Aim
Ranged: A Horse is an Easier Target
Ranged Combat (Shortbow): How to nock an arrow
Ranged Combat (Shortbow): How to hold multiple arrows at once
Ranged Combat (Shortbow): How to shoot an arrow
Ranged: A Crippling Shot is Deadly Enough in Battle
Ranged: Following a Spotter's Aim Adjustments
Polearms (2)
Yludih Spear: Radiates with Light
Yludih Spear: Hope and Happiness
Seduction (3)
Seduction: Lustful Whisper
Seduction: Suggestive Sauntering
Seduction: taking the lead
Shield (24)
Shield Combat: How to Bash
Shield combat: 'shield drills' x5
Shield (a relaxing morning jog 5) x3
Shield: (A relaxing morning jog 6) x3
Shield: (A relaxing morning jog 7) x3
Shield Combat: Protect the Chest
Shield: Holding a Heater Properly
Shield: Using shields to push opponents
Shield: Using shields to bash opponents
Combat: Shield: Defending key areas
Shield Combat: Counter-attacks
Shield: Alder Wood shields can't be broken or split
Shield: The impact of a blow still affects the arm holding the shield
Shield: Using the edge of a shield to break an arm
Siege Weaponry (2)
Siege Weaponry: The Battered Gate Itself Becomes a Weapon
Siege Weaponry: The Timing of a Battering Ram
Tactics (64)
Tactics: Beware of ambushes(SP)
Tactics: The usefulness of song to improve morale
Tactics: The importance of morale
Tactics: Picking your fights
Tactics: The strengths - and weaknesses - of mercenary groups.
Tactics: Opportunities for an assassination attempt
Tactics: Pincer attack
Tactics: Deploying a scout to find the enemy
Tactics: Divide and Conquer
Tactics: Using the terrain to your advantage
Tactics: predicting the route of the opponent
Tactics: the subtle approach
Tactics: preparing an escape route
Tactics: sometimes retreat is the best option
Tactics: Always be wary of threatening presences
Tactics: monitoring the distance between yourself and someone else
Tactics: Risk vs Reward
Tactics: know the enemy numbers
Tactics: assess whether the enemy is armed or not
Tactics: Considering who is really in control
Tactics: Know the weaknesses of those who appear invulnerable
Tactics: just telling people enough to satisfy their questions, without revealing too much
Tactics: Recognising your own mistake
Tactics: Prolonging the battle to exhaust your opponent
Tactics: Planning an ambush
Tactics: getting the first strike
Tactics: using your opponent’s mistakes in your favor
Tactics: always have a plan B
Tactics: don’t underestimate your opponent
Tactics: forcing an opponent into a melee fight
Tactics: Turning injury into opportunity
Tactics: Waiting for the right moment
Tactics: Using the element of surprise
Tactics: When the situation is dire, run
Tactics: Picking your Preferred Distance over your Opponent.
Tactics: Shadow Beasts don’t Fall Easily if at all
Tactics: Hiding in plain sight
Tactics: Backtracking and Sidestepping to Confuse a Trail
Tactics: Impulsive Actions Don't Allow for Complications
Tactics: Keeping Alternative Identities Ready
Tactics: Taking Down the Lead Horse in a Column
Tactics: A table in between you and an enemy should be a good thing
Tactics: To avoid being tracked, don’t stay in one place for too long
Tactics: The importance of the element of surprise
Tactics: Distract-and-Steal Teamwork
Tactics: The Innocent Eyes to Get Target Off Guard
Tactics: Never Show Your Back
Tactics: Sustained Attack as a form of Defense
Tactics: Analyzing Patterns for Exploitation
Tactics: A plan of escape 
Tactics: Defensive Spear Formation
Tactics: Dispair leads to a broken Formation
Tactics: Reading the crowd allows you to plan and implement
Tactics: Reach vs speed in bladed combat
Tactics: Dodging vs deflecting in bladed combat
Tactics: Thrust vs slash with longer blades
Tactics: Don’t go anywhere without being prepared
Tactics: The Uses of a Bowman
Tactics: Archers Alone are Not Enough
Tactics: Sending Archers to do Infantry Work is Inefficient
Tactics: Shield/Archer Pairs
Tactics: Logical choices require weighing up risks
Tactics: You're on your own
Tactics: Catch the opponent off guard
Unarmed (26)
Unarmed: basic choke hold
Unarmed combat: redirecting a stabbing attack
Unarmed: Yludih ARE the weapon
Unarmed: Transforming your fingertips into stakes
Unarmed combat: Vice Grip
Unarmed Combat: restraining a struggling individual
Unarmed Combat: Pinning someone against the wall
Unarmed combat: Kicking the shin to impair movement
Unarmed combat: Throws
Unarmed Combat: Sucker Punch
Unarmed Combat: Trip
Unarmed Combat: Breaking the neck
Unarmed Combat: Shoulder Charge Can Surprise
Unarmed Combat: Back of the Knee is a weak spot
Unarmed Combat: Skirts are a Hindrance
Unarmed Combat: The Gut Shot/Knee-to-the-Face Combo
Combat: Balanced Feet Stance
Unarmed Combat: The dodge manoeuvre
Unarmed Combat: Clothing restrictions
Unarmed Combat: Elbow to the ribs
Unarmed: How to defend against daggers
Unarmed combat: Hook to the face
Unarmed combat: headbutt
Unarmed: tackle
Unarmed: crushing the windpipe
Unarmed: hitting the same spot over and over


Location: Andaris City
Andaris: University
Location: Andaris Western Gate
Andaris: Midtown
Location: Andaris Stables
Location: Ye Olde Inn
Location: Undertakers
Location: The Blacksmith Arms
Location: Burhan Estate
Andarian Farms: Ymiden Heat
Location: Midtown Marketplace
Ports: Not as impacted by the war as you might think?
Location: Rynmere Docks
Rynmere Docks: A long ride from the city
Location: Grimvale
Ye Olde Inn: Serves Good Pie
Grimvale: Spiders
Location: Dora Duim's house
Andaris: Waterstreet
Waterstreet: Grannie Anne's bookshop
Andaris: Secret tunnel between Waterstreet and the Blacksmith's arms
Andaris: Waterstreet - the WIA
WIA: Information brokers
Andaris: The Barracks
Location: Yrmellyn Cole's appartment
Joker's Den: protected by corrupt officials
Location: the Joker's Den
General Layout: Uleuda 
Uleuda: Not entirely safe 
Location: Uleuda
Location: The Black Sea
Location: Uleuda: The Forest
Uleuda: The ultimate goal
Location; U’frek’s ship
Location: Ne’haer
Ne'haer: City of Religious Tolerance
Ne'haer: In Ruins Due To Mist Men Attack
Ne'haer: Council of Minäih Judgement Hall
Ne'haer: Destruction of The Judgement Hall
Viden: Culture [BK]

Viden: Geography[BK]

Knowledge of the city: Etzos (SP)
Nashaki: Exotic desert city 

PC People

Scalvorian Maniac: her name is Maxine?
Scalvorian Maniac: probably knows Higglebottom personally
Scalvorian Maniac: list of crimes committed in Andaris
Scalvorian Maniac: succeeded in her pursuit of Higglebottom
Scalvorian Maniac: now part of the Mantis
Scalvorian Maniac: Defected from the Mantis
Scalvorian Maniac: Broke a mage out of jail
Scalvorian Maniac: Killed a lot of Mantis members
Yrmellyn Cole
Yrmellyn Cole: Painter fallen on hard times
Yrmellyn Cole: Does not shut up
Yrmellyn Cole: Childhood
Yrmellyn Cole: Wants to make alchemical paint
Yrmellyn Cole: Has now a new apprentice
Yrmellyn Cole: Owes Saeri a painting
Yrmellyn Cole: Likes to use seduction during negotiations
Yrmellyn Cole: A good painter after all
Yrmellyn Cole: Provides for Rudi also
Linika: Naerikk in exile
Linika: Devious
Linika: Marked by Yvithia
Linika: Stole the scope
Linika: Knows my secret?
PC: Rita: Ithecal Healer
Aelius: Probably a Mage
Aelius: Too Free With His Secrets
PC: Aelius: Half-Eidisi Caravan Guard Member
Fridgar: A Lothar
Fridgar: Large and very volatile
Zipper: Can identify the properties and abilities of magical items
Zipper: Sometimes convenient to have around, usually not
Zipper: Easily annoyed by butchering her name
Rey'na: Startling eyes
Doran: Suggests one of you stand guard the traitor at all times
Doran: Believes the crew is incompetent
Doran: Agrees the Immortals are doing this for entertainment
Doran: Familiar with Ne’haer
Doran: Thought about abandoning the mission
Doran: Questions the mission
Doran: Lived in Ne’haer for a decade
Doran: Has contacts in Ne’haer
Doran: Thinks Aeon will heed his words
Doran: Doesn’t intend on becoming a scapegoat
Doran: Overly suspicious of Immortals
Doran: Recklessly Impulsive
Symbri: Devoted to Xiur
Symbri: May Have Been Xiur's "Bruxen Avenger"
Aeon: Stubborn and foolish
Aeon: Prior combat experience
"Bearded Statue": Lord Peake Andaris
Peake: Leads the Beast Away
Celeste Andaris
Celeste Andaris: Baroness of Astedia
Celeste Andaris: does charities
Celeste Andaris: Political Predator
Celeste Andaris: Has an adopted daughter
Faith: Twice branded slave
Faith: Owned by Jamal
Faith: Competent undertakers assistant
Faith: Literate slave
Faith: Born and trained in Athart
Faith: Owned by House Venora as of Saun 716
Faith: Obedient
Faith: A question to be answered
Faith: Expensive slave
Faith: Has met a Captain of the Iron Hand
Faith: Believes in the Immortals
Faith: Unaffected by finger snapping
Faith: Uncomfortable baring skin
Position One: Kneeling upright
Position Two: Prone bow, arms locked
Faith: Belongs to a Venoran Lord
Faith: A lot more confident than she once was
Faith: Not willing to negotiate
Faith: Isn’t naive
Faith: Owned by Tristan Venora
Faith: Won’t let you intimidate her
Tristan Venora
Tristan Venora: Has Enemies That Will Pay
Tristan Venora: Noble-Born Sculptor
Tristan: Intrigued by Dora Duim's fetish
Tristan: Would like to learn how to tail someone
Paladin: Claims to love everyone like family.
Paladin: Doesn't like being hugged
Paladin: There is something wrong between you
Paladin: Thinks your logic is flawed.
Paladin: Experienced, Scar-Ridden Mercenary
Paladin: Similar to her
Paladin: Shy from Showing Skin
Paladin: Takes a Military Stance
Paladin: Impartial to Fighting Dirty
Paladin: Cautious and Prideful
Paladin: Comfortable with a Shield
Paladin: Wants you to work with him.
Paladin: A knight in shining armour
Padraig: No skill with a sword
Padraig: Would rather not be a punching bag
Elyna Burhan: A noble
Elyna Burhan: Pregnant
Elyna Burhan: Recently promoted
Elyna Burhan: More comfortable with a bow than a billiard ball
Elyna Burhan: Has always wanted to travel
Elyna Burhan: Would rather bed a gorilla than Tristan Venora. Thinks the feeling is probably mutual.
Quiome: The Wanderer
Quiome: Doesn’t want to face consquences
Quiome: Has avoided punishment
Quiome: Can’t speak
Quiome: Miserable and ashamed
Quiome: Sad
Quiome: Guilty
Quiome: Needed to heal
Quiome: Doesn’t know common sign
Quiome: Broken
Quiome: Was on the Humble Son?
Quiome: Renewed resolve
Quiome: Probably dead
Quiome: Last known location: At sea
Quiome: Captured in Ne'haer
Quiome's captors: Live in Ne'haer?
Quiome's captors: Have a ship at their disposal
Quiome’s captors: had their ship and prisoners taken by pirates
Quiome: Alive
Quiome: Biqaj and human forms
Quiome: Has an Immortal mark
Quiome: Paranoid
Quio: Trustworthy?
Quio: Shows Signs of Being in Fights
Rathaan: A Likeminded Individual
Rathaan: Deep Down, Perhaps You Like Him As More Than A Friend?
Rathaan: Has Many Interests and Areas of Study
Rathaan: His Mind is Made for War, His Body Isn't
Rathaan: Holds Anger Over His Physique
Rathaan: Learning Common Sign and Rakahi, Like You
Rathaan: You Believe He's Not to be Underestimated
Sintih: At the bar where the fight was
Sinith: A bit sludgy in the weather
Sinith: Has a pet owl named Genush
Sinith: Answered your question but didn’t assauge your feelings
Rathaan: Wields sword with reverse grip
Rathaan: Kissed you
Rathaan: You want him
Rathaan: Wants you too
Rathaan: Captivated your heart
Rathaan: Yludih
Rathaan: Human Form
Rathaan: Wants to try a relationship with you
Rathaan: Knows you are Yludih
Rathaan: Knows your human form
Rathaan: Doesn't deal with Yludih revelation as easily as you
Sintih: Able commander
Sintih: broken Ulehi
Sintih: Cold and distant
Sintih: Yludih form
Sintih: the name and occupation of his parents

Gangui: Turkey Commander
Gangui: Thorn in Noth's side
Gangui: Spouts non-stop nonsense

Noble houses

The Venora's
House Venora: Symbolized by the rose
The Krome's
Krome: Famous for knights 
The Burhan's
Burhan: Famous for sailors
The Warrick's
Warrick: Famous for skyriders 

NPC people

Risalqah: Yellow
Risalqah: tried to help in the worst possible way
The Iron Hand
NPC: Captain Jacobs
NPC: The Lord Commander
Dora Duim
NPC: Dora Duim
NPC: Dora Duim: Tristan wants to meet her
NPC: Dora Duim: Quite overwhelmed by Tristan
NPC: Dora Duim: Claims thumbs are needed to shapeshift magically
NPC: Dora Duim: Really likes Tristan's thumbs
Emmerson Sands
Emerson Sands: Asked for donations
Emerson Sands: Empress of Rynmere
Emerson Sands: Wore a simple gown to the ball
NPC: Naerikk Swordmistress Gremielle
Gremielle: Killed by Xiur's -Bruxen Avenger
Hart: Tristan Venora Look-Alike
Gojira: Merchant Woman With Odd Jobs
Gojira: Has The Clout to Have Charges Dismissed
Mistral: One Bad-Ass Black Tomcat
Bernard: Captain in the Iron Hand
Bernard: Hannes’ Uncle
Bernard: 30 arcs old
Bernard: Loves Hannes
Bertrand: Knows how to get a rise out of you
Bertrand: Looking for a leathersmith
Mr. Denvor
Hired by Denvor family
Arthur Denvor: Killed for coin
Arthur Denvor: Stabbed in the gut
Arthur Denvor: Heavy corpse
Denvor Family: Wealthy
Hannes: Squire
Hannes: Nobleman
Hannes: Masochist
Hannes: Brother’s name is Frederick
Hannes: Lightweight
Hannes: Would like to sleep with you
Hannes: Not the most patient patient.
Hannes: Wants to be a hero
Hannes: Damn, the man never gives up
Hannes: Promoted before you
Hannes: Recognises your jealousy
Hannes: Didn't realise you wanted the free lessons
Hannes: Wonders why you care enough to visit him
Hannes: A secret letter
Hannes Gudhelth: Iron Hand Knight
Hannes Gudhelth: Temporarily reassigned as an assistant combat instructor and drillmaster during Vhalar 716
Hannes: Did Not Flee
Hannes: Shield-Bearer
Jamal: Demands obedience from his slaves
Jamal: Business-like
Jamal: Generous with his property
Jamal: Undertaker
Porter Family
Pyrim: Farm Boy with Little Future
Pyrim: Talks too Much
Pyrim: Natural Talent with a Sword
Toby Porter: Honest Farmer
Veljorn Burhan
Veljorn Burhan: Rebel leader of Qe'Dreki
Burhan: Attacking from the West
Cassander Reynaud
Cassander: The Boy King
King Cassander: The boy king
King Cassander: Listens to his advisors
King Cassander: a tactical mind?
Cassander: King of Rynmere
Cassander: Attended the masked ball
Cassander: Was the host to your game
Brice Jervois
Brice Jervois: a merchant
Brice Jervois: a dignified man
Brice Jervois: confident
Yanaqi: Quiome’s protector
Yanaqi: Ashamed
Yanaqi: Guilty
Pink Yludih Girl
Pink Girl: Wouldn’t be alive without you
Pink Girl’s Family: Very grateful to you

NPC: Schubert
NPC: Emmaline


Knowledge of the Knights of Andaris (SP)
The Iron Hand
NPC: Captain Jacobs
NPC: The Lord Commander
Captain: Commands 10 men
Knowledge of Etzos' military protocol (SP)
Military: preemptive desertion to avoid consequenses (SP)
Sons of Justice
Sons of Justice: Feel superior to bounty hunters
Sons of Justice: Don't like Immortals
Sons of Justice: Proxy guard of Fosters
Sons of Justice: Hate 'Cuckoo'


Saun 716 Fashion Trends: Yellow
Networking: The importance of being social in social situations
Socializing: The many uses of idle conversation
Parties: Where one is meant to have fun
Game: Skittles
Yana's body and mind
Scars: A part of you
Self: Goal: Vengeance for Quio
Burglar's bracelets: Usage
Moonstone Medallion: Usage
Hotlands Glass scope: Reveals Yludih?
Gem of memory: Can store memories
The WIA might be keeping tabs on you
Event: The Etzorian Military has a bounty on your head
Mistaken Identity: Hart for Tristan
Fact: It is possible for a very big, very strong Lotharro to throw a door
Global event Vhalar 716
Task: The immortals need your help
Task: Head to the Council of Minäih
Moseke: Revitalised and healed all present
Portal: To Oscillus
Portal: Lights above it like stars
The sight of two Immortals locked in battle is one not many mortals see
Tall Ship
Tall Ship: Enchanted to keep everyone aboard
Tall Ship: Incompetent Crew
Tall Ship: Crew incapacitated after first attack
Tall Ship: Possible traitor among you
Event: Midwinter masked ball (Cylus 716)
The hosts: were the ducal council and the king
Cassander & Emerson Sands: To be married
Global event 717
Immortals Quest: Find the gem
Immortals Quest: Arlo won


Ithecals: Like to undress?
Aukari: travelling with cargo
Aukari: did the King call them?
Yludih: Two appearances means double the cautiousness
Yludih in Uleuda: Yana's People
Cannot let another Yludih die
Yludih: Cares for their safety
Yludih: Turn into crystals at death
Yludih: Can have a dozen different forms?
Yludih Melding: Fusion of bodies
Yludih melding: Intense pleasure
Nullium: Bodies used as Shields
Nulliem: Tree Killers
Nullium: Destroyers of Light
Nulliem: Vanish from a Piercing Spear
Nulliem: Ploughing through Crystals Slows them Down
Nulliem: Attacked the forests
Nulliem: Swift and agile
Nulliem: Usually come in groups
Shadow beasts
Shadow Creatures: Do not rely on smell
Shadow Creatures: Weak but deadly in numbers
Shadow Creatures: Easy to move among
Shadow beasts: Those transformed are stronger
Shadow beasts: Using fire against them is smart


Rakahi: Hearing Phrases When You Know What is Being Discussed
Common Sign: Warning of Approaching Danger!
Ulehi: Chimes to communicate
Ulehi: Best not to speak it in Idalos, lest someone overhear
Ulehi: Written form
Ulehi: Lunole; my children
Ulehi: How to express emotion without facial features
Ulehi: Harsh sounds for negative connotations
Ulehi: Some words have multiple meanings
Ulehi: Adjectives can be positive or negative depending on pronunciation
Ulehi: Never mispronounce a name
Ulehi: Vibrating different crystals to speak
Ulehi: Excessively harsh sounds are difficult to understand
Ulehi: the meaning of a word changes with its pronunciation
Ulehi: Beqluh: Literally means rock
Ulehi: Beqluh: Also means idiot, a stupid person, lit. someone who is 'as dense as a rock'
Euthic Sign: Used by Naerikk
Grevokian: Spoken by Naerikk
Grevokian: taunts
Qa: sounds like nonsense
Qa: coded language
Draketh: Present tense
Draketh: past tense
Draketh: written form
Draketh: the past tense suffix
Draketh: Basic vocabulary
Draketh: Pronunciations


Magic: Not a precise art?


Immortals: Witness To Their Existence
Immortal: U'frek
Immortal: Xiur
Immortal: Moseke
Immortal: Yvithia
Immortal: Qylios
Immortal: Ilaren
Immortal: Ymiden
Immortal: Ethelynda
Immortal: Jesine
Immortal: Faldrun
Immortal: Cassion

Audrae Boon: Shades of Iron
Qylios: Her Golden Spheres Explode
Xiur: His Boons Always Stand in Opposition to Audrae's
Xiur: May Consider You an Enemy Now
Xiur Boon: Starlight Key
Cassion: Your boat ride


Kidnapper Spider: Has a paralytic venom
Kidnapper Spider: Appearance
Kidnapper Spider: Can be found in forests
Demon Beast: Heals Impossibly Fast
Demon Beast: Qe'Dreki Ally?
Demon Beast: Two-Headed Monster
Bruxen Avenger: Proof that Xiur Did Not Die
Last edited by Yanahalqah on Sun Aug 09, 2020 10:07 am, edited 99 times in total. word count: 7290
"Speaking" - Thinking - "Others speaking"
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Approved Character
Posts: 656
Joined: Sun Jun 19, 2016 5:21 pm
Race: Yludih
Profession: Knight Captain of the Iron Hand
Renown: 341
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1






  • Starting Package (infantry deserter)
    • 1 "good" quality shortsword
    • 1 "good" quality dagger
    • Tinderbox
    • Whetstone
    • Soap
    • Razor
    • Tin plate, spoon and fork
    • 2 water skins
    • Standard shirt (dull red), pants (brown), stockings, underwear
    • Small backpack
  • Medical kit A
    • Bundle of 15 cloth bandage strips w/holding clips
    • Needle and thread
    • 3-use vial of antiseptic alcohol
    • Single-use vial of strong local anesthetic
    • 1 tourniquet kit
  • Extra
    • 1 good shortbow
    • Highgrade set of leather armor (torso, boots, leggings, boots, gloves, helmet -Rayna's size)
    • Someones horse (with saddle, tack) (Appearance: Brown white-spotted mare. Named Horse or Hoarse by Yana)
    • 60gn/ the same in items
      • 40 arrows (1gn)
      • quiver (1gn? not on price list)
      • eyepatch (used price for mask, 12sn)
      • cloak (wool, brown, 8.8gn))
      • Belt (leather, 5gn)
      • 43gn
  • Prized possession
    • Blank Journal "My Diary"
    • A blank journal with the title "My diary" on the cover. It's bound in leather, with relatively good quality paper. As her last notebook was lost, Yana purchased this one while on the run. She plans to use it to note down her observations and findings, though as of yet it is still unblemished by both charcoal or ink.
  • Bought
    • charcoal pencil
    • Yellow Taffeta dress (S)
    • Shoes - heels (yellow)(S)
    • White and purple silk floor length full dress (has red wine stains on one sleeve --damn you Fridgar!) (S)
    • Shoes - heels (purple) (S)
    • Silver necklace
    • Silver earrings
    • Boots -thigh, fur-lined leather (R)
    • Brown woolen shirt (R)
    • Muted orange Woolen shirt (R)
    • Beige woolen trousers (R)
    • Brown woolen trousers (R)
    • 2 pair woolen socks (R)
    • Brown woolen fur-lined cloak
    • black Woolen overcoat (S)
    • Black woolen gloves
    • 2 pair woolen socks (S)
    • Purple woolen pants (S)
    • Lavender woolen shirt (S)
    • Black woolen pants (S)
    • Brown woolen shirt (S)
  • Received due to job
    • Andaris Steward Uniform (Leather armor without helmet, but + black cloak -Saeri's size)
  • Global event Vhalar 716
    • 1 full set of master-craft leather armour
    • 1 alder wood shield (won't split or break)
    • 1 Mastercraft Shortbow ( worth 80gn)
    • Seashell Necklace (gift from U'frek: Makes you invisible to Dangerous Spirits, Wisps, Shadow Creatures, and Familiars when worn)
  • Loot from "The Hunter, Hunted"
    • Tent (one person)
    • survival knife
    • jute backpack filled with a first aid kit, flint and steel, 50ft of hemp rope, one waterskin, and three trials’ worth of rations
  • Loot from "On The Road Again"
    • 20 arrows
    • 2 full medical kits
    • Quiver
  • Loot from "The end of hope"
    • Gremlin Sword
      • Longsword-length blade can extend from either end of the hilt at will, regardless of the proximity of a body. You can opt for shortsword-length blades to extend from both ends of the hilt. It has no supernatural penetration property, armor will resist the tip normally. The hilt looks like a simple decorative rod when no blade is showing.
    • 6 Burglar's Bracelets
      • Acid to melt glass (2uses)
      • 2 Cuffs
      • Line to descend buildings (3 bracelets form one whole)
    • Hotlands Glass Scope
      • TReveals Yludih
    • Moonstone Medallion
      • Casts impenetrable darkness
  • Loot from Midwinter Masks
    • decorated fan
  • Loot from Global 717 (In Ufrek's Name):
    • Poison arrow x2
      • Yana has 2 arrows. They appear to be perfectly normal but will deliver an incredibly deadly poison upon piercing skin. This poison works rather like strychnine, but acts very quickly (as per this thread). The poison can not be harvested from the arrows.
  • Loot from Global 717 (In Ethelynda's name):
    • 1 favour from Faldrun
    • 1 Pin of Ethelynda
    • Rupert's Statue: A statue of Yana in her Saeri form.
  • Loot from Global 717 (walkers in dreams)
    • Moobert's gem
      • The Gem of Memories. This gem holds a memory. Only one, at any one time, but with concentration Yana can place a memory she chooses in there. That memory then does not exist in her mind. If she loses the gem or it gets destroyed whilst there is a memory in there, it will be lost forever, but she can take it out of the gem at any time she desires. No one else can access it, once it stores a memory, that memory will only be released to its owner. It can be "programmed" to return the memory in a certain amount of time, or it might hold it until Yana decides to get it back.
Last edited by Yanahalqah on Mon May 28, 2018 5:56 pm, edited 24 times in total. word count: 705
"Speaking" - Thinking - "Others speaking"
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Approved Character
Posts: 656
Joined: Sun Jun 19, 2016 5:21 pm
Race: Yludih
Profession: Knight Captain of the Iron Hand
Renown: 341
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1






Thread List

► Show Spoiler


DateTitleLinkPoints earnedSkills improved (x/251)
The 2ndReflection 1@10
The 2ndReflection 2@10
The 23rdReconnecting, Under the light of Yldria@15linguistics +15
The 38thDarkness, under the light of Yldria@15


DateTitleLinkPoints earnedSkills improved (x/251)
The 3rdIn memoriam@10Linguistics +10
The 81stTherapy Time - 1@10intelligence +10
The 81stTherapy Time - 2@10Intelligence +10
The 81stHome, under the light of Yldria@15Intelligence +15
The 81stDanger, under the light of Yldria@15endurance+10, shield+5
The 81stLoss, under the light of Yldria@15Intelligence +15


DateTitleLinkPoints earnedSkills improved (x/251)
The 42ndDesperate times@10investigation +10


DateTitleLinkPoints earnedSkills improved (x/251)
The 40thBurned Boat@10+10 unarmed
The 40thBurned Boat Part2@10+10 investigation
The 46thLooking for the Lawbreaker@10+10 investigation
The 46thMi perp es su perp@10+10 investigation
The 51stA different angle@10+10 investigation
The 65thAssumptions and leads@10+10 investigation
The 68thMantis and Maniac@10+10 investigation
The 70thVillainous and Venerable@10+5investig, +5endur


DateTitleLinkPoints earnedSkills improved (x/251)
The 85thAnd then there were none@15+15 tactics


DateTitleLinkPoints earnedSkills improved (x/251)
the 5thMate and checkmate@15+15 ranged
the 19thOppa Gangui Style@15+15 ranged
the 20thPost Ganguitic Jail Disorder@15+15 tactics
the 21stTarget Acquired@10endurance +10
the 26thComeuppance@10+10 unarmed
the 29thComeuppance part Deux@10+10 unarmed


DateTitleLinkPoints earnedSkills improved (x/251)
the 1stWalkers in dreams@15discipline +15
the 7thFamily reunion@10shield+10
the 7thMother daughter talk@10shield+10
the 54thBad Bird's Dirty Work@15Intelligence +3, deception +12
the 60thFingles Gravy: Pirate Enthusiast@15blades +10, deception+5
the 60thEther Ship Down@15blades +10, discipline +5
the 60thKeeping Abreast a Handful of Pirates@15+15 ranged


DateTitleLinkPoints earnedSkills improved (x/251)
the 4thAlice in Waterstreet@10+10 Blades
the 20thLanguage Learning: Draketh@10blades+10
the 25thNoble Blood, Noble Heart?@15Blades+10, deception+1, shield+4
the 62ndLicence to Leave@10+2 tactics, +1 intelligence, +4 leadership, +3 draketh
the 117thDid you miss me?@15deception+2, shield +10, ranged +3
the 121stIn Ufrek's name@15discipline +15
the 121stIn Ethelynda's name@20tactics+20


DateTitleLinkPoints earnedSkills improved (x/251)
the 1stTalking Works Too@10RAnged +10
the 1stAlone@15Tactics+15
the 4thFashionaaabluh@10Tactics+5, draketh+5
the 5thFires of Hate@20tactics+20
the 6thOne Way@15tactics +15
The 19thThe first step@10Unarmed +10


DateTitleLinkPoints earnedSkills improved (x/251)
the 39thMaintaining our livelihood@15Invest +10, tactics +3, decept +2
the 39thCrystal Clear@15Logistics +15
the 39thIn the Flesh@15shield +10, discipline +5
the 66thForeign Affairs@20linguistics +20
the 71stNot so smooth start@10Ranged +9, deception+1


DateTitleLinkPoints earnedSkills improved (x/251)
the 4thNew Season, New Uniform@15tactics +15
the 13thFor Science!@
the 20thWhat Does This Button Do?@15Blades+6, Shield+6, tactics+3


DateTitleLinkPoints earnedSkills improved (x/251)
the 4thElementary, My dear Saeri@15decept +1, leadership +6, ranged +8
the 5thTo Waterstreet Market@15 +5 detect, +10 strength
the 7thLearning by Crystal Light@15+15 Common Sign (comp linguist)
the 13thMidwinter Masks@20+3 common sign, +15 Rakahi, +2 draketh (comp linguist)
the 13thDisbanding the Royal Guard@+20Invest +20
the 25thStrange Color Blue@15discipline +15


DateTitleLinkPoints earnedSkills improved (x/251)
the 10thYvithia's fakes@15Unarmed +5, Ranged+10
the 16thBack Again@15 Strength +5, Investigation +10
the 80thThumb, Thumber, Thumbest@15 Tactics +15
the 87thIn Ilaren's name!@15Unarmed +10, deception +5


DateTitleLinkPoints earnedSkills improved (x/251)
The 3rdLanguage Learning: Common Sign@9Linguistics +8, tactics +1
The 3rdReconnection@15acting +10, invest +5
The 13thDarkest before the dawn@15tactics +15
The 14thThe Humble Son@18detect +14, negotiation +4
The 14thTo Tutor A Tutor@15blades+5, shield+10
The 15thA big Mistake@15Invest+15
The 19thThe Great Meeting@20tactics +20
The 20thThe Battle for the Tomb of Treid@11 Tactics +9, deception +2
The 20thThe End Of Hope@20ranged +20
The 32ndStealing a Statue@15Invest+5, Unarmed +5, Mount+5
The 60thA Light in the Darkness@13tactics +10, linguist +2, intelligence +1
The 60thTurning The Tables@15tactics +10, detection +5
The 71stEntering the Lion's Den@10acting+10
The 71stFlies in the Web@10mount+5, endurance+5
The 72ndThe Hunter, Hunted@10Ranged combat +10
The 89thBittersweet@15tactics +10, leadership +5
The 96thBy Royal Assignment@15Leadership +15


DateTitleLinkPoints earnedSkills inproved (x/251)
The 3rdParty Tea Time@15Intelligence +5,Research +5,unarmed combat+5
The 5thInnocent Stolen@15Invest +5, Leadership +5, Tactics +5
The 5thStolen Innocent@15Deception +15
The 15thKernel Of Truth@10Acting +5; Linguistics +5
The 17thDawn of the Void-creatures@14linguistics +10, tactics +4
The 20thPrying Eyes@10Invest+5, mount+5
The 27thFor Andaris!@20Mount +10, Unarmed +10
The 34thSealed Shut City@15Tactics +5 shield +10
The 37thJust Dropping By@10linguistics+10
The 40thThe art of being a slave@15strength +10, tactics +5


DateTitleLinkPoints earnedSkills improved(x/251)
the 45thArrival At Andaris@N/AN/A
the 48thDon't Mind The Smell@15strength+5,psychology+5,interrogation+5
the 52ndFirst Lessons@15endurance+5,field craft+5,running+5
the 55thOn The Road Again@15ranged +10, strength +5
the 69thThe Die Is Cast@10Gambling+5,tactics+5
the 80thMake A Knight Out Of You@10Blades+5,shield+5

Sweet Memories

DateTitleLinkPoints earnedSkills inproved (x/251)
the 35th of ashan 711Shield drills@10endurance +10
the 69th of ashan 711A relaxing morning jog 1@10detection +10
the 69th of ashan 711A relaxing morning jog 2@10strength +10
the 69th of ashan 711A relaxing morning jog 3@10strength +10
the 69th of ashan 711A relaxing morning jog 4@10logistics +10
the 69th of ashan 711A relaxing morning jog 5@10running +10
the 69th of ashan 711A relaxing morning jog 6@10intelligence +10
the 69th of ashan 711A relaxing morning jog 7@10intelligence+10
the 69th of ashan 711A relaxing morning jog 8@0
the 69th of ashan 711A relaxing morning jog 9@0
the 3rd of Ymiden 716Pupils of the Trade@15+10unarmed, +4blades, +1deception
Last edited by Yanahalqah on Thu Nov 12, 2020 10:42 am, edited 153 times in total. word count: 975
"Speaking" - Thinking - "Others speaking"
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Approved Character
Posts: 656
Joined: Sun Jun 19, 2016 5:21 pm
Race: Yludih
Profession: Knight Captain of the Iron Hand
Renown: 341
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1






arrow x40loot0
Cloakloot 0
leather beltloot0
32days travel by boat-16gn27gn
Rent for stable(38days,5cn/day)-1.9gn25.1gn
Rent for room(38days,1sn/day)-3.8gn21.3gn
Charcoal pencil-0.5gn20.8gn
Wages for Ymiden716(expenses subtracted)+455gn475.8gn
Yellow taffeta dress-35gn440.8gn
Shoes (heels)-12sn439.6gn
Bribe (Saun)-5gn434.6gn
Wages Saun(expenses subtracted)+291,2gn725.8gn
Bribe Maddy (Bittersweet)-1gn724.8gn
Loot (The humble Son)+50gn774.8gn
Loot (stealing a statue)+150gn924.8gn
Winter clothes for Saeri (Yvithia's fakes)-56.28gn878.52gn
Wages Saeri (Vhalar 716)+934.64gn1813.16gn
Wages Rayna (Vhalar 716)+944.64gn2757.80gn
Completion of bounty "Kurt White"+50gn2807.80gn
Warm clothes for Rayna(Thumb Thumber Thumbest)-45.12gn2762.68gn
Fancy clothes Saeri (Midwinter Masks)-210.2gn2552.48gn
Drinks + pie (yvithia's fakes)-0.63gn2551.85gn
Wages Zi'da 716 (squire)+258gn2809.85gn
Pay +loot (On the road again)+65gn2874.85gn
Loot Darkest before the dawn+20gn2894.85gn
Loot Thumb, Thumber, Thumbest +77gn2971.85gn
Wages Saun - expenses+412.8gn3384.65gn
Intelligence (The first step)-503334.65gn
Saiore event gifts-90gn3244.65gn
Money from Noth (Bad bird)+300GN3534.65GN
Loot from And Then There Were None+23gn3557.65gn
Last edited by Yanahalqah on Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:18 pm, edited 24 times in total. word count: 201
"Speaking" - Thinking - "Others speaking"
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Joined: Sun Jun 19, 2016 5:21 pm
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Profession: Knight Captain of the Iron Hand
Renown: 341
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Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1







Personal NPC

Name: Hannes Gudhelth
Race: Human
Date of Birth: Zi''Da 56 Arc 695
Skills: Blades(longsword) 30, Shielded combat 25, Endurance 25, Strength 25, Mount(horse) 5

Appearance: Hannes stands at a height of 6 feet 1 inch, not exactly towering over people, but not being exactly short either. His weight of 178 pounds is mostly made up of muscles, as Hannes has very little body fat due to his training both in the Iron Hand and at home before he joined the knights.

Hannes is a fairly handsome young man, possessing a slightly boyish face with vivid blue eyes, a charming smile, and a nose that has been broken once before and hasn't returned to its former straight position entirely. On his scalp grows medium length brown hair which he usually wears in a chaotic spiky fashion, believing it adds some 'wildness' to his features. On more formal occasions, he chooses to smooth it back with pomade. He never forgets to shave, preferring smooth skin over a prickly beard or mustache.

Personality: Hannes is a cheerful man, seemingly always smiling and laughing. He appears to be an optimist at heart, always seeing the best (or hoping for the best) in just about any situation. Behind his smile there is a rather sensitive man though, who is easily distressed by someone else's words or actions. He usually tries not to show it, believing he should be a stable bedrock for others to lean on, not the other way around. Yet, when hurt he often chooses to seclude himself in order to let his emotions out so he can vent and revert to his previous, happier state. Apart from that, Hannes is energetic and impatient, never able to sit still and do nothing (waste time) for very long.

Having been fascinated by the Moseke knights from a young age, he has always put the order on a pedestal, hoping to become one of them when he grew up. Because of this, he holds pride, honor, valor, and good deeds in high regard. He is happy to sacrifice himself for a cause he believes in, or for people he holds dear, dismissing all feelings of self-preservation. He loves tales of brave heroes, and though he claims those stories to be for little children, they have remained a secret indulgence of his throughout the years.

Relationship to PC: “friend”, “right hand man”, Knight under Yana's command
Anything: He is a knight in the Iron Hand
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SeasonPoints receivedSkills improved
Vhalar 716+10Endurance +5, strength +5
word count: 429
"Speaking" - Thinking - "Others speaking"
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