• Mature • And When the Morning Comes

(Rei) Last night's events are over, but what remains to follow?

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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And When the Morning Comes

Seeing as how he wasn't going to get away with not drinking the bitter drink, he listened to her sound advice and with a sigh downed it as fast as he could. Its warm and bitter taste stung his tonsils worse than alcohol, and the worse part was that the aftertaste didn't numb that particular sense the way alcohol did it. He literally wanted to make silent gags because of how bitter the stuff was, Rei could actually drink that piss with a straight face? It was a wonder how but then again, the same probably went in her mind as well. Indeed alcohol was almost like any other drink to him, no matter how harsh the burn it always wound up feeling good afterwards. This tea substance though... Something had to be done to make it more bearable if he was ever bound to drink it again, a possibility he deemed less likely with each passing trill.

So with the cup now finally empty and his scowl sharpened with a shake of his head, he focused on Rei once more with a set grimace that probably made him look rather silly at the moment. Once it wore away though he'd appeared engaged as he were earlier with Rei's own advice, hopeful that he could indeed gain some proper insight on how to combat this... what was it? Addiction? Apparently that's what it came across as, since Rei deemed it to be his problem. The day of his funeral they did what they would do with any Rharnian, a proper send off onto the lake with a pyre and drinks to follow. If that didn't count as a celebration then he didn't know what did, of course he was just being literal with the advice rather than considerate towards her actual meaning.

He thought more and more about it as he listened to her, a profound meaning found within her advice the more he paid attention. Passion huh? What was he passionate about, aside from drinking and having fun? Well fun and then 'fun' but the two were generic in form, other than that though he really hadn't anything he were passionate for. He remembered a long time ago how he used to garden, help the neighbors with their flowers and such because it gave him something to do. It wasn't really a passion to say the least, but it did feel good to be encouraged when Dominek told him he would do good. Of course it was just a hobby, one he gave up even before Dominek's own death. He sighed as he thought about it some more, his eyes diverted to the empty cup before him. Rei was a healer. She wanted to help him, and that brought him comfort. It made him actually want to try, to get better with this addiction and... hold up! Since when did he care about what Rei thought?!

"I'll think 'bout it." He said as he rose out of his chair on impulse and turned for the door, he gave the nob a turn but waited before pulling it open. "Thanks... Rei. For what's its worth I really am sorry 'bout Wendell." He finished with one last glance over his shoulder to the woman, a soft but hopeful smile forced as he finally pulled the door open and slipped outside. He did have a lot to think about after today, a lot to consider in the following days to come too.
word count: 592
"Freedom is everything."

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And When the Morning Comes

Name: Patrick

Hangover Cure: Alcohol
Hangover Cure: Herbal Tea Remedy
Hangover Cure: Water
Location: Rei’s Home
Rei: Has a back tattoo
Rei: Grew up in Desnind
Rei: Her passion is helping others
Rei’s Father: Died in arc 708
Rei’s Father: The reason Rei began learning medicine
Persuasion: When in doubt, pay them a compliment
Persuasion: When compliments don’t work, apologize
Psychology: How to use alcohol to escape and deny your troubles
Psychology: Death connects people to one another
Psychology: Tactics for mourning a love one’s death
Seduction: How not to greet a lover the morning after
Ethics: Drinking does not liberate one of personal responsibility
Philosophy: The easiest path is not always the best path

Loot: N/A
Injuries: A light bump on your head as a result of falling off Rei’s bed. Should fade within several trials.
Fame: N/A

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5
- - -
Name: Rei

Hangover Cure: Herbal Tea Remedy
Hangover Cure: Water
Patrick: Uses alcohol to deal with his emotions
Patrick: Drinks to cope his brother’s death
Patrick: Alcoholic
Patrick: Emotionally weak
Patrick’s Brother: Murdered in arc 715
Persuasion: How to appeal to logic
Persuasion: The power of a simple command
Persuasion: Allow time for consideration after making a point
Persuasion: Silence can be a powerful tool
Persuasion: How to appeal to emotion
Psychology: People sometimes use alcohol to escape their troubles
Psychology: Sometimes being helpful just means listening
Psychology: Tactics for mourning a love one’s death
Philosophy: The easiest path is not always the best path
Philosophy: Following your passion makes life more bearable
Detection: How to detect anxiety in others
Medicine: Herbal pain powder mixed into tea can help cure hangovers
Cooking: How to cook hardboiled eggs
Ethics: The sober person is obliged to be more responsible than the drunk one

Loot: Please remember to deduct the cost of the eggs and the hangover cure from your ledger if you haven’t done so already.
Injuries: N/A
Fame: +1 good deed for being Patrick's unofficial therapist

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5
- - -
Comments: Oh, this was a heartbreaking thread. It's so sad to learn that Patrick is an alcoholic! That said, I was really impressed with the way you both approached the subject. It was not heavy-handed, and both characters brought their own perspective and philosophies to the table. I particularly appreciated Rei's honest recognition of the situation and Patrick's denial. Well done there!

Patrick, one quick note: Please be aware of run-on sentences. There were several places where I noticed that a comma was used in place of a period. A hard stop is useful to allow the reader to catch their breath when they're reading your posts. I didn't deduct any structure points, but please keep any eye out for this in future.

Overall, great thread! Rei and Patrick are certainly developing an interesting relationship. I'm not quite sure if they're friends or that awkward in-between - and I like that you're both keeping me on my toes. Keep up the good work!

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Thanks!
word count: 557

"There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about."
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