• Information • Ivorian Fauna

A comprehensive list of all the fauna found across Ivorian.

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Ivorian Fauna

The Mist Serpent

An ethereal snake that only comes out in misty conditions in the sea around the island. This snake kills by suffocation, using its ability to manipulate air pressure to create a 'squeeze'. They are incredibly slow and can be evaded. They can be killed only by heat.
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Ivorian Fauna

Rainbow Sea Snake

This snake is notable for its iridescent scales used to dazzle prey. Incredibly quick in water and armed with a venomous bite, one would need nets and skill to catch these live. The scales fetch a modest price at any market.
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Ivorian Fauna

Rock Turtle
Height: 15 - 35'
Length: 25 - 55'
Weight: 2 - 7 tonnes.

These titanic sea-turtles have incredibly thick shells of petrified bone and rock, giving them an appearance anywhere between large floating boulders and small moving islands, as their bodies become hosts for entire aquatic ecosystems, ranging from coral and moss growing on their surface to shoals of fish hiding underneath them. Despite their perceived appearance as a peaceful and beautiful bringer of life because of this, the animals are known to be incredibly deadly to boats at sea and their sailors.

It will sink into the water and uses its shell to ram into the side of boats, rocking them or sinking them to push sailors over the edge, before using its razor sharp beak to kill and devour its prey. Entire schools of these turtles, disguised as mundane sand-bars and static rocks, often intentionally slip under the radar of venturing ships to lure them nearby where they can launch attacks from all directions. For boats too large to be captured themselves, they are also known to use their combined size to push the boats against real rocks to wreck them, before feasting on the survivors.

Lifespan: Unknown. Elder Rock Turtles often become so overcome with other aquatic flora and fauna that it becomes impossible to tell whether the original turtle is still alive, or whether their remains still appear alive because of the activity of other wildlife around them. The oldest known Rock Turtle is estimated to be over 320 arcs old, and is still alive today.

Diet: Primarily vegetable matter, such as seaweed and coral. Though Rock Turtles are known to be entirely vegetarian and unable to digest meat, they seem to show an intense frenzy when sensing human flesh nearby, similar to a cat and catnip. Mer, Ithecal, Yludih, Tunawa and Avriel are exempt from this.

Temperament: Placid and calm, with a strong sense of family with those in their school, and showing very social behaviour, including grieving for lost loved ones in pairs, or children. When sensing humans they become frenzied and enraged, often risking their own lives in pursuit of human flesh, but still capable of coordinating in teams to catch a taste.
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Ivorian Fauna

Torpedo Fish
These foot long fish swim in schools and enjoy timber as part of their diet. Upon seeing a ship, they will torpedo toward the underside at high speed, teeth agape, creating dents and will eventually breach the hull after some time. They then proceed to feed on the ship itself.
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Ivorian Fauna

Storm Shrike
These enormous bright blue birds are masters of manipulating air currents to cause storms. They typically operate in the seas north of Ivorian. Their aim is to use the storms to round up schools of fish who are influenced by weather patterns and feed on them. This bird is a bane to those who travel by sea.
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Ivorian Fauna

Name: Artiovenian

Quick Facts:
Height: 15-20 feet
Width: 4-5 feet wide
Length: 25-30 feet long
Weight: 1000-1500 points
Native to: Mountains of the Ivorian Empire
Locations: Mountains of the Ivorian Empire

Appearance: Artiovenian's resemble a massive bipedal lizard in form, but only in silhoutte. The beasts made of living gemstones, a mess of crystals and gems that are fused together. They have a pair of short, stubby arms with sharp claws, with large, clawed feet. Their backs have a row of sharp spikes running from the top of its head to the tip of its long tail. The head itself is large and heavy, the mouth filled with razer sharp teeth. The eyes are a pair of glowing golden gems.

Habitat: The Artiovenian's can be found almost exclusively in the mountains of the Ivorian Empire, though on rare occasion, one of them has wandered down to the forests or plains, where the legions of the Ivorian Empire immediately set out to slay the beast, lest it become a massive danger to the civilian population.

Lifespan and Development: No one has yet uncovered how the beasts procreate, as no one as ever seen two of them together, or seen any "child" Artiovenian. They also don't seem to die of old age, as no one has ever seen the corpse of one that hasn't been slain in battle. Thus, the lifespan and reproduction of these beasts is a matter of much debate among scholars who seek to understand the beasts. That being said, the vast majority of the population only seems interested in how to kill the beasts.

Diet: Due to their status as living gemstones, the Artiovenian feed exclusively on a diet of stone. One can always tell when they have entered the territory of one of the beasts by the bite marks in the stone. However, despite their size, the Artiovenian only feed rarely and don't seem to require much sustenance to keep themselves going. Due to this, it's been theorized that the Artiovenian don't consume the stone for nourishment, but rather to repair damage they've sustained.

Temperament: The Artiovenian are incredibly violent and territorial. The beasts will not tolerate other creatures of any sort in their territory. As soon as they spot another living thing, even another Artiovenian, the beasts attack with savage ferocity, using claws, talongs, teeth, and tail to eliminate the trespasser. The territory of an Artiovenian is usually littered with corpses, and this aggressive territorialism is what makes them so dangerous on the rare occasion they come down out of the mountains.

Abilities: Due to their nature as living gemstones, the "flesh" of an Artiovenian is incredibly tough and durable. In addition, they are almost immune to slashing attacks and pretty resistant to piercing attacks. However, bludgeons, such as hammers, maces, and such, are fairly effective against the beasts. They are also highly resistent to heat and cold, so trying to burn or freeze one through alchemy or magic is largely ineffective.

However, one very odd thing about the Artiovenian is that they seem to be highly resistent to divine powers. The offensive abilities of the Immortals and their Blessed is something that has baffled the few scholars interested in studying the creatures, though research into the matter is frowned on by Ivorian elite, since the belief is that such research could only be carried out with the desire to harm an Immortal or Mortalborn, and this causes concern in regards to Ethelynda and her children.

Finally, the Artiovenian can, at small damage to themselves, chew off parts of their body and spit them at enemies to use as a ranged attack. The beasts are, as one might logically assume, not inclined to do this unless they feel threatened or pressured.

Credit: Basilisk
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There are secrets to learn about this monster.
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Ivorian Fauna

Name: Trostium
Quick Facts: Herbivorous, largely used as a siege mount, though they sometimes see use as pack animals
Height: 10-13 Feet
Width: 5-6 Feet
Length: 25-30 Feet
Weight: 11,000-15,000
Native to: Ivorian Empire
Locations: Ivorian Empire and can be found in areas allied with the Ivorian Empire

Appearance: The Trostium is a massive reptilian beast, usually brown in color. The head is the most prominant part of the animal, with two horns protuding from the top of it's skull and one coming from it's snout. The Trostium also posseses a hard frill at the top of it's skull that provides some additional defense.

Habitat: The Trostium is rare in the wild, due to their massive size. However, they thrive best in plains and forests due to their herbivorous nature. In more domestic settings, Trostium require some pasture to roam around in, but have no other special requirements.

Lifespan and Development: Trostium live up to twenty years and mature at age five. They lay eggs in clutches of up to seven at a time, though very young Trostium are known to injure themselves or each other with their horns before their hides start to thicken at about three years.

Diet: Trostium are herbivorous, and can sustain themselves entirely on a diet of grass. That being said, the big beasts are fond of fruits and vegetables especially ones that aren't quite ripe. Using such fruit as treats is hugely beneficial in training the animals.

Temperament: Despite their fearsome appearance, Trostium aren't particularly known for being aggressive. If left alone, they're largely docile. However, they are territorial and protective of people they consider part of their herd. Between this protectiveness, and the fact that they're fairly easy to train, they can be fearsome on the battlefield, as military trained Trostium tend to consider their entire unit part of their herd.

Abilities: The main ability of the Trostium is their ability to carry truly massive amounts of weight, up 1000 pounds on average. In early history of the island, this led to the beasts being used as pack animals by Ethelanum. However, in 529 the Mortalborn Rhonwen was studying them and concocted what would become of the most fearsome weapons in the legions.

Fitted with special armor designed protect almost the entire Trostium, and mounted with a platform that holds three ballista, the Trostium can carry a compliment of five soldiers. One to steer the Trostium, one on each ballista, and one to provide back-up and support as needed. This turned the Trostium in a fearsome and durable titan of the battlefield.

Futher research led to other additions. The horns and frill of the Trostium are incredibly durable, reaching nearly the level of chain mail. Reinforced with yet more armor, and with a blade attached to the front horn, a trained Trostium could now act as a living, mobile battering ram. A second blade was added to the underside of the beast to make it harder for people to attack the few unarmored parts of the beast.

The Trostium quickly proved its worth on the battlefield when a single Trostium crew with a small cadre of foot soldiers under the command of Rhonwen herself was able to break open the gates of a bandit fortress, saving the Yithiral military from a costly siege. It's largely believed this incident directly led to her promotion to Aethestium.

Credit: Basilisk
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Ivorian Fauna

Name: Kheledzan
Quick Facts: Incredibly maneuverable in the air, will autonomously attack enemies with beak and claws, incredibly strong sense of smell.
Height: 6 – 8 feet
Width: 2 – 3 feet
Length: 6 – 7 feet
Weight: 1000 - 1100 pounds
Native to: Ivorian Empire
Locations: Ivorian Empire

Appearance: The Kheledzan is a large, reptilian creature with four wings, one attached to each leg. The creature is a carnivore, and as such it's beak is lined with teeth, though it lacks the ability to chew. It possess a plate on the top of it's head that provides some natural protection from blows to the head. They come in a variety of colors, though the most basic color is a pale green color.

Habitat: Kheledzan, like most mounts used by the Ivorian Empire, is largely domesticated at this point, though they can still be found in the mounts of the island. They like to roost on ledges, and so their stables are usually tall buildings, to allow them freedom of movement, as well as provide adequate ledges for roosting.

Lifespan and Development: Kheledzan can live up be up to twenty years old, and tend to lay eggs in clutches of twenty. They reach maturity by the time they reach their third year, and they start training during their second year. Mating season is done during the colder seasons.

Diet: Kheledzan are obligate carnivors and require up to 20 pounds of meet a day to stay healthy. In battle, this is supplemented by their tendency to eat fallen foes, a habit that tends to unnerve their riders and foes both.

Temperament: Kheledzan are flock creatures, and will get aggressive towards any scent they don't recognize. New workers in a Kheledzan stable are inducted very carefully, and are required to provide something with their scent on it beforehand. Riders have the same requirements, and the first few meetings between a rider and their Kheledzan are done very carefully. That being said, they can grow very attached to scents they are familiar with, and it's not uncommon for Kheledzan whose riders have died to sink into depression if not carefully watched.

Abilities: Owing to the Kheledzan having four wings instead of two, they are extremely mobile in the air, allowing for a degree of airborn acrobatics that simply isn't possibly on most two-winged mounts. They also possess sharp claws on their feet, and will use them in a fight, along with their beaks. They also possess an incredibly strong sense of smell, and a blinded Kheledzan is still usually able to find it's way around with remarkable ease, though they'll be more prone to panicking.

Credit: Basilisk
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Re: Ivorian Fauna

Height: 5 - 6'
Length: 9 - 12' (not including 4' tail)
Weight: 3000 - 5000 pounds



Lifespan and Development:


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