[Egilrun Confidential] May the Shield provide cover

11th of Vhalar 723

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The shallow bay Egilrun is situated upon is used, these trials, for crafts and crafting. From boatmakers to weaponsmiths, glassblowers to metalworkers, the sound of hammers and saws can be heard almost every break of the trial, with crews working in shifts to produce the beautiful craftsmanship which they might, one trial, become famous for.

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[Egilrun Confidential] May the Shield provide cover


Shields provide great cover

Winston approached Egilrun Confidential for their maiden meeting. Woe had been in touch since the meeting with Saiore and they had agreed to use the commission of a shield as a cover story for their, now perhaps regular, interactions.

The truth was, quite genuinely, Woe wanted the shield and furthermore that Winston really was quite a talented shield-smith. Nonetheless beneath this perfectly feasible veneer was a clandestine plot to build ships and run information-gathering Ghost networks. Winston had both of these things currently underway in one form or another and absolutely no idea whatsoever how to maintain either... Thus, before everything fell over and he found himself surrounded by chaos, he sought out advice from someone more experienced in the field. He hoped that person would be Woe, who certainly seemed to suggest, albeit in the most indirect way anyone had ever agreed to anything, that he could.

"'ay Gloom! 'ow yuh doin'? Baked anytin' intarestin' recently?" Outside of meer small-talk, the ferret was always genuinely interested in what other culinary types had been up to. He firmly believed that it didn't matter how good you thought to were at cooking. You've never tried it all.

"Es Mr Woe Sir available far our meetin'? Me tink me shud be an time and me gat a list af queschuns about de shield." His words were excitable, which was all again, genuine as the small about of information Woe had passed to him thus far had givemn him a wide range of fun ideas.

He moved aside as
plodded in behind him and found a plot in the corner to park themself. With a rickety-thump, they dropped onto the floor and ticked in their legs, ready for a bit of a wait.
was waiting inside Chest for the right moment to emerge and discuss their situation with (what they hoped would be) the espionage expert, but
had not yet returned from the beneath where she had been sent during the Fire that hit Rharne.

The smith was ready to follow directions or wait patiently, whichever Gloom suggested was necessary until Woe was ready for them.

All template credit, love and admiration goes to Kisaik
word count: 374


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Egilrun Confidential] May the Shield provide cover

looked up from his work, which he was currently engaged in. It was a small recipe for a special spice he was devising. However, when he saw Winston, he folded it carefully and pocketed it. Although some cooks liked to share and share alike their secrets and techniques, and while Gloom loves cooking as if nothing else made him happy (and nothing does, truly), he hated to share his recipes and secrets. He eyed Winston with some guardedness, but shook off that inhospitable attitude, if only for the sake of Woe. "Ahh, Mister Miller. Thank you, yes, very interesting things. Working on some new spice recipes, very top secret stuff you know."

Gloom let a smile crawl across his lips, slightly buoyed by the idea that he knew something about cooking, perhaps, that Winston did not. It was enough to cheer him momentarily enough to remember something. He hopped in place, and fetched a box from behind the counter. "That reminds me!"

He shuffled from behind the counter, doing a swift flip over it and then in front of Winston with acrobatic aplumb. He gave the package to Winston, on it read 'For Wren'. Winston would know that Wren thought very highly of 'Mister Gloom', and the same was true in reverse as well. Wren had been among the first to enjoy Gloom's cooking, afterall. "Would you make sure Wren gets these? They're his favorite. Lemon drops, with a bit of apple cider mixed into the confection...." He almost blursted the last part out excitedly, but then realized he'd almost given away his secret ingredients. "Yes... and a hint of cinnamon." That would throw him. He also used a bit of clove essence and ginseng as well for spicyness. He was sure Winston would never guess it!

But then, Winston was here on business, Gloom remembered. "I will inform Mister Woe that you are here. If you'll give me a moment?"

So saying, Gloom went through the backrooms, the ways that were somewhat obscured from the main 'confessional' in the center of the lobby. Gloom was gone for a while, and it might've seemed like he'd skipped out.

Indeed, Winston had a lot of time to consider the make of the furniture, when a spiritual presence made itself known.
, a spirit of Wealth, appeared in the room with Winston. Her flowing golden and orange dress fluttered around the air as her golden-leaf wings kept her floating aloft. She stared down at the ferret, and furrowed her brow. She was tall, about six feet at this time, and with flowing golden hair. "I hope you don't intend harm to Woe's warchest. I've done my dardnest to keep him from his more extravagent habits..."

She landed beside Winston, and knelt there to bring herself closer to eye level with the cadouri. "I'm Calixia. Spirit of Wealth, and the keeper of the purse strings, so to speak. If you have any interest in making Woe spend his wealth, it's me you'll want to go through." She smiled obsequieously at him, as she waited for his response.

Where was Woe? Surely he was there, but Gloom seemed to be taking his time.

word count: 543
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Re: [Egilrun Confidential] May the Shield provide cover



Winston winked and tapped the side of his nose. "Ahhh, seh noh mar. Yuh secret is mar safe wid a billboard den wid meh." He replied with an chuckle, though in truth secrets made bits of the Cadouri itch with curiosity and a new spices sounded intriguing.

"OOOoooohhhhh! Yep, nooooo prablem!" He replied as he accepted his delivery quest. If there was any chance of him guessing the ingredients, he'd need to try one... which of course he'd not be doing as they were not his... Probably.

He nodded and made himself comfortable for a moment as he was asked to wait. He considered what the unknown ingredient might be in the mystery drops.

As the spirit appeared, Winston let out a curious little sound. "Ooooo, hello. Oh! Noh... Well... Maybe..." He considered for a moment how private Woe was and reconsidered his next few statements, even about the shield. "Ummm... Me es 'ere an business. Somethin' far Mr Woe Sir." And for now, he left the finer details of the shield, unsaid.

Winston was a trusting soul, but actually, the nature of spirits, particularly mischievous ones, was something he was all too familiar with, coming from Sweetwine where the fairies played tricks on a nightly basis. A distraction was always best for such situations.

"A wealth spirit? Wow! Et's very nice tuh see yuh. Wait a moment, me tink pe'aps me have someting yuh would appreciate..." He hopped down and opproched
, thinking of what he desired as he did.

With that, out came a small, immaculately made delicatessenal, cake,
infused with Ephemera
on a plate, followed by a little tub with a few pinches of something gold and shiney inside.

He took the plate and the pot, turned and placed them down on any nearby surface that he could reach. Smiling briefly at the spirit, he took a small pair of tweezers from his belt and plucked a
single leaf of gold
atop it, which quivered in whatever breeze there was in the room. "Yuh might like dis? Me have been infarmed by a few spirit fiends af mine dat et is quite nice." He was careful to place the pot of gold leaf back away, should this spirit of wealth also have a sub-concept in the thievery vein. He was quite aware that the spirit might not be able to eat the cake itself, but he always picked his ingredients with great care to ensure should they ever want to, his food was appealing to a spirit nonetheless.

All template credit, love and admiration goes to Kisaik
word count: 436


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Egilrun Confidential] May the Shield provide cover


Calixia watched the ferret carefully, knowing full well the reputation the creatures had for absconding with shiny objects. She didn't know if cadouri necessarily veered toward the general behaviors of their phenotype, but it was always best to be careful. And Calixia took inventory of every parcel in Woe's' office, a duty which she took with the utmost seriousness. Not like that careless, glorified rooster, Radburn Salvatore...

Then he began assembling the most splendid of cakes. Really, it looked delicious, and as a Wealth spirit she could've enjoyed it. But it simply wasn't proper to have one's cake and eat it too. Calixia much preferred to have things. So she took it graciously, placing it delicately on a small decorative plate that lie on a nearby knick knack shelf. Around Gloom's station. "Thank you, you are a very generous and courteous ferret. I applaud your good taste. Now, you wished to see Woe..."

She said, and then led him into the middle cubby, where the 'confessional' of sorts was. On the other side, could be seen the main office of the proprietor of Egilrun Confidential. It was mostly an impression of the sight of the office, where a thick wooden and glass screen separate the two spaces. It afforded anyone who came to Egilrun Confidential a sense of privacy and anonymity, even if it was only an illusion.

Even so, always was the client's discretion taken quite seriously.

Calixia pat Winston on the head, scratching behind his ear before prancing off, floating back into the foyer. Meanwhile, the cadouri was left to sit in front of the screen, and wait presumably.

"You seem to have made a good impression, Winston. You may not be the most discrete of agents I've had to deal with, but you certainly know how to win people over."

The mortalborn looked through the screen with a sense of nonchalance. He waited for Winston to respond a moment, before going on,
"So, you have a shield design to discuss?"

I was hoping we could discuss those details, and take this opportunity to go over the costs of making such a item.

"Unless, there's something else you wanted to talk about in addition."
Woe sat by the screen, and waited.

Last edited by Woe on Mon Dec 25, 2023 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 382
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Re: [Egilrun Confidential] May the Shield provide cover



"Yuh are most welcam. Yes, please." He replied as his spirit host lead the way.

Spirits were funny things, but ever since he'd made his connection with Sweetwine, it had become a lot simpler to deal with them. Once you knew what they were about, you just had to accept them for their fetish, or you'd only ever run into trouble.

He looked around the place with idle curiosity as they moved through to where he would find Woe. Chest had remained where he had settled for the time being, but the pack on Winston's back would enable him to present anything he needed if the demand arrose.

A scratch behind the ear was always welcome and he pressed into it ever so slightly as the spirit left. He sat, made himself comfortable and despite not taking long at all, he could feel tension rising in his chest as the anticipation lead to excitement. It all felt so clandestine and the more he thought about it, the more it made him want to giggle. He did his best to keep his demeanor in check, but almost certainly failed to hide his nerves.

Winston jumped, just ever so slightly as Woe began to speak through the screen. He waved and smiled, then suddenly recoiled his hand and placed it by his side as he realised he was not being terribly discrete. He let out a little giggle. "Noh, me nat really da best at dis kinda stoff. Me 'ad planned tuh be all like 'a trial in de life af a smith', bot yuh know. This place 'as a certain ara." His words were kind and apologetic before realising he was saying stuff he should not and inwardly cursed himself.

Somehow, Woe managed to say things between things. It was a thing of some very genuine marvel that he seemed so easily to get across his meaning without giving anything away... at all. He was certain that Woe was using the word 'shield' to refer to the Ghosts... He could probably manage to try and reply with that in mind. "Uhhh, Yuh... Me gat some ideas far dat. Me have a 'shield' wid me reet now ef yuh wanted tuh mee... See et?"

The Devil on My Shoulder
Common Sense: Wow! You suck at this!
Winston: Me know, right?
Curiosity: Does he want to meet Shin now?
Winston: Me don't know.
Curiosity: Ask him.
Winston: How?
Curiosity: Just do what he did.
Winston: How?!
Curiosity: I dunno. Just say one thing, but obviously MEAN something else. Duuuuh.
Winston: Me need a pen an' paper...

"What size duh yuh want de shield?.." ... Winston was failing to hide any extra context in his words whatsoever and Woe's so very enormously talented execution of doing just that just lead to the poor ferret feeling like a total failure. Then suddenly something clicked. "OH! Yes! Plans! One moment Mr Woe Sir."

With that, he turned, summoned a few things from
his pack
, including a bit of paper, a pencil and two of his
. Discreetly taking out the removable Chi-stones from both devices,
which were two halves of the same hole
, he tucked one half into the paper, writing upon it the words 'hold this and think at me'. Followed by a smiley face and a kiss.

He then passed the paper to Woe, if there was a means by which to do so and said. "Here es some impartant infarmashun yuh shud cansida." It would not take too much skill to see through Winston's ruse, but as deceptions went, it was a truth hiding a secret.

If Woe took the paper and touched the stone, he would hear Winston's little voice in his head telepathically. "Sarry Mr Woe sir, bot me jost nat as gud at de double-meanings as yuh are an' dis es de only way me cud tink tuh actually say de ting dat me mean without... yuh know, sayin' da tings dat me mean." It turned out that the ferret was a little better at thinking of one thing while doing another then he was at lying. So he continued to rummage around in his pack as if there was more to be retrieved as the Master spy considered his response.

"Me 'ave cantact with a dozen Wisps, all trained in espionage dat me a've no idea 'ow to manage to good efect an' me 'ave two... mabey four sheps tuh build for the pirate ting with powas me want to keep secret and no idea 'ow tuh do dis eder... Me mean, me cun build de sheps, bot nat in secret... Help me, please?"

He pulled out some genuine plans for shield designs, that detailed light, floatiness, shape and size... "Noh-noh-noh. Dat's nat all af ef, me es share." He said aloud as they conversed.

All template credit, love and admiration goes to Kisaik
word count: 833


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Egilrun Confidential] May the Shield provide cover


"Yes, whatever details you have to share on the item, I'd like to hear of them." When asked what size he'd like the shield, Woe answered simply, "Something small enough to carry around on my belt, just good enough to deflect close combat blows. I don't think something so small would be effective at blocking projectiles, so there's probably not much you can do to shore up it's defense from a range." He pondered for a moment, and then wondered about letting the Ferret into the office proper. But then, this was a business visit, ostensibly, and it would arouse suspicions if someone knew he'd been let into the inner workings.

Winston shortly slid a paper and a small white and black stone to him, which he handled with curiosity, but almost immediately realized what it was, when he heard Winston's voice in his head. It was a well. No surprise or upset revealed on his face, although he was quite conflicted on the useage of wells as a intelligence device. Such things were untested in that regard, and if one could convey a message over a distance through wells, one could very well intercept them with the same technology.

Woe was no luddite, when it came to ensorcelling, however...
"These look promising"

"I like the idea of including different medals and glass alloys in particular intrigue me. Particularly those incorporating the more rare black sand and yellow, for light."
Woe shook his head.
"I believe black sand absorbs light, while yellow produces a glow?"

"But you didn't come here to hear me opine on such matters. What do you think?" Woe mulled over the revelation that he oversaw Faith's agency of wisps and ghosts. Of course, Woe had no intention of joining Isonomia himself. His self-interest and agendas weren't in line with an active organization whose agenda shifted with the times. He may be on their side right now, but who was to say that would always be the case, and they might not turn their aim toward something that ran against his interests? The Order of Adunih was an easy match for Woe, on the other hand, because its mission was simpy to spread healing and the knowledge of healing. It was as open-ended as a benevolent organization could be.

"I'II do trust your craftsman's eye for these matters. But perhaps a ghostly or darkened theme for the shield''s decorations itself?"

"See, if we could fashion it in the shape or likeness of my Dragon associate, Kuvarakh? I think that might be pleasing. I can describe them for you, or introduce you to my dragonling, Soz, who has a resemblance to her forebear."
Woe waited for him to react to his stealth message through telepathy, and then the overt one through voice. Then he continued,
"She's out in the large stables, in my cabin. We can walk there if you like?"
Last edited by Woe on Mon Dec 25, 2023 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 499
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Re: [Egilrun Confidential] May the Shield provide cover



Woe was outspokenly reticent to use the Well... All be it, outspoken in an almost inhumanly discreet way. Fact was though, this meeting was going to be pointless if Woe was the only one able to talk.

In his mind, Winston said. "Yes. Dem es a barely stable crystallizashun af a power so dangerouse it can rend the rules af our very reality assunda. Bot wid all due respect, Mr Woe Sir, me need some way tuh reply tuh yuh, ar dis convasashun es nat gonna go very far. 'ow would yuh prefer me reply?" His question could have easily been provocative, but it wasn't. Instead, it was genuine and told simply of a person with a problem, looking for a solution. "Me only lookin' tuh use dis while we are 'ere, totrial. Bot ef yuh 'ave a betta way, den me would be glad to use et."

What he said out loud, was thus. "Hmmmm... Yuh. Me cun get some black sand. An' me will cansidda de projectile issue, bot focus an' de close quatas and light utility far yuh." His words were slow as he tried to split his focus. He was just about managing to hold the two opposing conversations, but to anyone with the skills to do so, it would almost certainly be clear something was going on.

The news that Woe had once had magic was a point of some interest, but right now was not the time nor the place for probing about such things.

When Woe outlined that he was not joining Isonomia, Winston replied plainly, inside the man's head, assuming he still held the Well. "Oh af cars. While yuh wud be mar den welcam tuh join Isonomia. Dat es nat de reasan far me visit tuhtrial. Me jost need 'elp with dees specific tings reet naw and me es mare den 'appy to exchange wealth, infarmation are guds far dat."

When Woe mentioned about meeting the dragonling Winston's ears pricked up and any effort he was making to marshal his thoughts on telepathy failed as he thought... "YES! OH YES-YES-PLEASE!" and he said... "Oh! Ummm... yes, it would be very gud to meet dem. Me love tuh meet new peepal and dat wud make shar me get de best likeness."

As he re-collected his thoughts and processed the master spie's thoughts on the ship-workers, he proposed a new plan telepathically. "OK, soh keepin' et secret will nat work well... So we keep dem in de open, yuh say? 'ow about dis? Faith gave me dis
, an' wen me blow et, me cun make big projects, like buildin' sheps, happen fasta. We cud build two sheps in de time et narmally take tuh build one..."
He considered Woe's actual warning... The workers would still know about the ships, so it would still be highly likely to get out that they exist... "...Actually... OH! Wat about ef we did dat, bot den staged a fire? Bot gat de ships out! Den even de worka's wud tink dat the secret ships were dust? Soh hidin' the ships behind two level af decepshun?"

He tried even harder to focus now, with the prospect of a dragon meeting on the horizon, it wasn't easy. "Yuh, Mr Woe Sir. A walk to see dem wud be reet grand." He replied, stealing a term from Vega's lexicon.

While Woe began to make whatever arrangements he needed for them to go, Winston sent him an additional request. "Me will also need crews far dees ships. De secret two. Wud yuh be able to source reliable peepal far dis?"

All template credit, love and admiration goes to Kisaik
word count: 624


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Egilrun Confidential] May the Shield provide cover

Woe shrugged at the idea of using wells as a regular course. He’d given Winston a warning against dabbling in Fractive influences. That was enough for Woe, to have warned him. Of course, he wasn’t doubtful of the Ferret’s ability to navigate that mine field, but wished to make him more aware, even if subliminally when it mattered. And it never hurt to give a little advice, since that was what he was here for, ostensibly.

The details of the shield seemed to be taking shape well, and Woe was convinced that the Ferret cadouri had everything in hand. He only needed a few extra details from Woe, which amounted to a first-hand witness to the type of form he wished the shield to take.

As they departed the place, Woe asked Winston to clamber onto his shoulder. Supposing the ferret acquiesced, Woe would be able to communicate without mincing and splitting his meanings. He could even do so silently.

Woe’s expression itself, as Winston sat on his shoulder, seemed to speak to him directly. The problem with my non-membership of Isonomia, is my next suggestion. That you sell these ships directly to me, so that I might put them to work.

I understand you may not be willing to spend so much effort and resources into the ships only to let them fall into my hands. However, there are several advantages to this. Woe’s mouth twisted a little in concentration. If I own these ships, as my property, I can ensure so long as neutrality is adhered to, and they are not used as warships, that they can go wherever I please (so long as I’m on board) and go unnoticed. Also I can ensure that none will stage an attack upon them.

He shrugged, and the meaning of it came clear to Winston as they went along, So tell me of these ships, what are their specifications, and what can I expect them to be capable of?

As he listened, or rather heard Winston’s thoughts in his head, Woe went along, and eventually made his way to the residential area where his large cabin was situated. He opened the door, and it was mostly empty inside. No pitter patter of Woe’s children or other visitors were evident. A big empty house.

They are all engaged in their education, and past the age of independence. Woe explained, in case it needed to be pointed out where Woe’s children had gotten to.

As for the fire on the docks. Too risky, too flashy, too much attention drawn to the event. I would advise against it, especially if it resulted in injury, even unintended. Even an illusionary fire could prompt a worker to take a mistep and knock his head on the pier. You wouldn’t want that on your conscience, I presume. Woe sent through his expression as Winston still remained on his shoulder.

Woe made his way toward the back of the cabin, where he kept some of his animals. Just Botany and Soz and the little one for now. As they entered the large barn-like structure, a huge ebony head poked out of the darkness, fearful green eyes peared out at Winston, as its every muscle seemed to snarl at him.

“Hello Soz.” Woe said, out loud. “This is Winston Miller, he’s a good cadouri.”

Soz came close, and sniffed him, with her beak. Then she huffed some shadowy emmissions, and retreated back into the darkness. “While you’re here, Winston, I wondered if you’d enjoy a new recipe I’ve been working on, for a tea.”
Last edited by Woe on Mon Dec 25, 2023 10:37 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 613
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Re: [Egilrun Confidential] May the Shield provide cover



When invited to clamber up onto Woe's shoulder, he smiled and gave a chirpy reply in thanks. "Oh, tanks! Ef yuh don't mind, me cun get some measurments while me es 'ere?"

Assuming Woe had no objection, the ferret produce a short length of string and wrapper it around Woe's hand in a few different ways as he measured up the mage for his new shield.

The ferret was second to very few at chatting casually, however he was considerably less adept at hiding his surprise as the Master in espionage suggested he would buy the ships... Winston's muscles tensed slightly as the idea caused him to pause.

The Devil on My Shoulder
Paranoia: He wants the ships for HIMSELF?!
Winston: Me... Uhhh...
Paranoia: We are building hope for Scalvaris with the gifts of Immortals, Induks and the recently deceased and he wants to build a fleet of super-ships for himself out of them?!!
Winston: Mr Woe Sir would nat...
Paranoia: Really? Reeeeeaaaally? Do you reeeaally know that? Or HIM?! His mastery of lies and wordcraft is so unparalleled it's practically telepathic!
Panic: Oh my Immortals! If he wants Isonomia's ships... Is there ANYTHING I can do to avoid him getting them?!
Curiosity: But imagine it! He could sail the ships anywhere. If he would do runs for Isonomia, they might be unstoppable!
Paranoia: And be totally beholden to someone you could not even hope to even begin to compete with?
Curiosity: Think of the money! What Isonomia could DO with that? What's the worst that...
Winston: STAP!!! Jost stap... Let me tink. Saiore vouched for 'im an' 'e worked wid Faith... Ef dis means anyting, me choose tuh believe dat 'im 'as gud intenshuns at 'eart.
Curiosity: So we are going to sell the ships to him? WOOHOO! SHOOOOW MEEEE THE MOOOONEEEEEEY!!!
Winston: Noh, ef 'e want's tuh steal dem, 'e will. Bot we will nat treat 'im like a trata eva!

Winston stoped trying to hide that fact that he was considering his words carefully. It felt like a futile effort given the man beside him could probably read every expression from the ferret like it was posted upon a billboard. Instead, Woe would either be OK with him taking the time he needed to consider the request or he would not.

He started by smiling in a disarming manor to help avoid any insult, before replying as quietly as he could. "De effart would be gladly spent ef ships were a commishun yuh wanted Mr Woe Sir, bot dees ships are built af a great
many tings dat are nat rightly mine
Winston was still very uncomfortable saying anything more out loud, even in a whisper and his glances around them would make it clear to Woe that it was about being overheard by others that worried him, not that secrets were being kept from the master of spies. "Me cud nat sell deese ship tuh anyone, nat genuinely. Sarry... Wa me really need, are reliable crews an as moch 'cova' far de construction af de sheps as passible, even ef dem cannat simply be secret, so dat dem are as unda-estimated by de pirates as passible. Me owe a lat tuh Faith, Mr Woe Sir, an me want tuh make someting fram dis mess 'right'..." His final statement was heavily laced with sorrow.

The Devil on My Shoulder
Winston: Yuh tink me cud keep et secret anyway? Ha!

Resorting to the use of the Chi Well once again, which made him noticeably relax a little, he replied with the details of the ships he had planned. "Dem will be propelled by Domain Magic an' Wells to allow dem tuh sail against de wind. Dem will be fire resistant an' 'ard as metal. Able tuh blend intuh dare surroundin's far stealth an'... mabey... Dem might telepart... Bot me nat share about dat one yet as dat will require de blessin' af Saiore. Finally, dem will 'ave cannons... Because as moch as me 'ate de fightin' an' build dees ships tuh avoid et... De crew will need de ability tuh defend demselves an' tuh tink oddawise wud be foolish."

He paused for a moment before remembering one final detail... "OH! An dem will 'ave halagrams af demselves as decoys. Soh incomin' cannon fire don't know which one es real."

If he left anything out, it would not intentional sa he let all of that sink in as they wandered to wherever he was being taken. A grin spread across his face as he himself considered the masterpiece these things would be.

It seemed sad for his home to be so big yet so empty, but he did nothing to share that mordlin musing with the man as they entered the building. The news of the children all being busy sated his curiosity. Something his inner ferret appreciated greatly and also assumed was some kind of multifaceted cover story for world domination.

The ferret nodded as Woe advised against the fire. He had very good points and Winston had no intention to ignore the mans advice.

As the terrifying head glared at him, he shifted just a little closer to Woe's ear, hoping the proximity to the man would offer him any protection he might need from becoming the thing's lunch. He chuckled a little nervously. "Hehe. Hi. Yuh big ain't yuh?"

"Yup! Gud. Dat's meh. Gud tuh talk tuh and depend upon... Nat gud tuh eat... Jost encase yuh was like wonderin' ar anyting, likie, me wud be all stringy an' jost get stuck en yuh massive teeth. Nat even an appitisa."

Winston waved his hand around curiously in the shadowy stuff that came out of Soz, enjoying the not being lunch-ness of the situation.

Then Woe offered him a new recipe. Honestly, that could form the basis for payment for his shield if he push the point given how the ferret reacted. "REALLY?! Oh WOW! Dat wud be amazin'! De last recipe yuh shared wid me wus soh gud. Me use at ALL de time! Wat yuh gat naw?..." His eyes were gleaming with palpable anticipation, the mission for which was his reason for coming totrial momentarily forgotten completely.

All template credit, love and admiration goes to Kisaik
word count: 1069


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Egilrun Confidential] May the Shield provide cover

Woe didn't pay much mind to the Ferret's obvious misgivings about his half-serious parlay to gain some of these special ships for himself. He might commission some for his self, in time, but for now he was content to let the matter lie. He was as much testing the Ferret's flexibility as seeing how much he could squeeze out of him.

Not to worry then, I won't try to negotiate for the ships. But you know, it's borderline sacrilegious not to set some price for the ships, even if it lies outside a person's reasonable range. Woe shrugged lightly, as he didn't want to dislodge his acquaintance from his shoulder, I may want a ship that needs only a singular crew man then. Since if these ships are larger... there won't be much my being on them would add to the equation. Neutrality is all well and good if you're the sole driver of the ship. Other people complicate matters.

This having been sent to the Ferret's understanding, Woe brought him before Soz. Not to worry, she's very gentle. Hasn't killed had a chance to kill a soul and I don't know that I would have her do so. She's a very reliable and fast ride, though. I daresay she's faster than any dragonling you've ever seen.

After the Ferret satisfied his curiosity with Soz, and she ducked her head in respect toward the ferret, closing her glowing green eyes, she curled up and went back to sleep. Then Woe brought Winston to his brewery, just outside the orchard he'd set inside the fence that Winston himself had constructed. It was holding up well, a few minor dings and bends notwithstanding.

The brewery was a room adjoining the cabin, on the side of the orchard. There, Woe showed him a bottle of the stuff he'd concocted. It was a lemon based liquor, with hints of mint and cloves. A little strong in taste, but with a hint of effie, or euphoria, a common drug around Idalos. Apart from granting one a general feel-good sensation, the substance was not addictive.

He poured a couple of glasses, and let Winston slide down his arm to the table. Woe took one of the glasses. "So, I will arrange as well as I can that the details of the ships being constructed are obfuscated. I will pull all the strings available to me to do so, but I warn you, I may not be in a position to affect matters in Egilrun to the extent that I have. I plan to resign the council in a few tentrials. Please don't tell anyone else."

Why Woe chose to say this part aloud was anyone's guess, but he did. And he seemed to have confidence that their exchange wasn't overheard. Even if it was overheard, one might find it incredulous enough to dismiss entirely. But then, if the Webspinners had spies around, surely their mistress would be able to unravel Woe's deception.

"Let's drink to it then, our agreement." Woe said, and took a sip of the lemon liquor. "I haven't named the brew, just yet. But lemon is a very famous and popular flavor around Egilrun. So I was thinking, Egil's special reserve? Or something. What do you think? It doesn't sound very creative or interesting to my ears."

Last edited by Woe on Mon Dec 25, 2023 10:38 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 582
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