• Information • Ivorian Fauna

A comprehensive list of all the fauna found across Ivorian.

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Ivorian Fauna

Fauna Index
Although there are a wide variety of normal fauna native to the city of Ivorian and its surrounding regions, these are a few unique and important mentions of specific fauna that one can find in the fishing city. Fauna are split across the eastern dry grassy coasts mostly home to reptiles and grazing herbivores, and the western wetter coasts that holds considerably more humidity.

Snake Hermits
Shield Python
Whip Monitor
Grey Velox
Bronze Boar
Ivorian Rhino
Ivorian Auroch
Quadriga Horse
Mist Serpent
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Ivorian Fauna

Height: 3 - 4'
Length: 8 - 12' (not including 6' tail)
Weight: 1500 - 4000 pounds.
Found: Across Ivorian.

Appearance: A squat but sturdy oversized lizard, the Kalikan are one of the most reliable mounts found across the Ivorian Empire, and the prime candidate of mount, especially for those of the larger Thiussum type. Their short but powerful legs and low center of gravity allow them to carry extremely heavy burdens without slowing to any significant degree. However, their massive size makes them difficult to navigate within cities. Short, sharp claws make them excellent climbers as well, and their ability to leech body heat from their rider makes them a viable candidate for all terrains and climates. A considerable amount of its size is down to a long whip-like tail able to be used as a weapon. Its pebbly skin ranges from shades of greens and blues to ruddy reds and browns, always with a bleached white underbelly. Many find the creature to be flat and brutish to look at, but it allows it to keep an extremely low profile when close to the ground, making it nigh-impossible to be flipped or knocked back.

Habitat: Found throughout Ivorian, especially around Talonir and Cathirus where there is a higher abundance of prey and meat. Most often skulk around the lower edges of forests, digging under trees and through rocks.

Lifespan and Development: These huge creatures develop rapidly to their full size within their first arc and live to about the age of twenty, suffering from poor eyesight and back troubles past the age of seventeen. Each breeding couple can produce up to eight offspring per arc, creating clutches of massive eggs in the first heats of Ashan that will take a full cycle to develop, most often hatching in the brightest heat of Saun. Since Kalikan are large and durable even from first hatching, they are often left to fend for themselves by their parents, and most develop alone, however those that bond with a Kalikan from its first hatching will find them very open to forming a close bond with their rider or handler.

Diet: Meat. Mostly carrion, since Kalikan are not at all suited for stealth-based ambush, nor pursuing prey at speed. Where possible, Kalikan crush their prey with their bulbous muzzle and front paws. Lacking any tearing or shearing power, they often swallow huge chunks of meat, including whole bones, and rely on their powerful stomach acid.

Temperament: Fairly easy to domesticate, though most Kalikan are normally solitary in the wild, they open up quickly to handlers and riders, and make steadfast companions for both short and long journeys. In the wild, they are fairly placid, if slightly clumsy with a tendency to push their way into houses if they can smell food, heedless of how much they might break in the process. When faced with combat, they are surprisingly obedient even in the heat of battle, though their lack of raw power makes them a poor substitute for more dangerous alternatives.

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Ivorian Fauna

Shield Python

Located inland from the eastern coast, this python sports what seems like a round abnormality on its tail. It is used firstly to trap the sun's heat to aid digestion and secondly as a defensive structure against opponents. This snake grows to more than twelve feet long and can bash an opponent to unconsciousness with the shield while it squeezes and suffocates its victim. If the snake is slain, its shield can be cut clear of the snake's body and adapted for use.
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Ivorian Fauna

Bronze Boar
These boars are formidable game for hunters. Residing in the mountains and western coast behind Ivorian, they are noted for their fur and tusks being of the color and consistency of bronze. Arrows and spears easily deflect off from its body. Only a few weak spots allow hunters to kill this game - the underside, the eyes and nose. The bronze boar develops a patina as it ages.
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Ivorian Fauna

Whip Monitor
Located on the eastern coast, this long monitor, 7 feet long, has a sail-like fin running along its back. The spines are sharp and help it defend against predators. The lizards tail is long and thin with a flexible end. It is used as a whip, making loud cracking sounds to intimidate enemies and attract mates.
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Ivorian Fauna

Snake Hermits
Located also along the eastern coast, these snakes in their largest form occupy large syrinx shells, using it as a defense to protect their fragile lower bodies. They can give a nasty bite but are more likely to hide inside their shell to evade predators.
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Ivorian Fauna

The Ivorian Rhino
'Island dwarfism' is responsible for the tiny rhino that is only 4 feet long. Despite its size, it is solid and packs a punch if it decides to charge. It has thick skin that acts as an armor, protecting it from predators, though this has not prevented it from being killed often. As a result, it is quite rare and only found in the mountains and often ventures to the western coast.
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Ivorian Fauna

Grey Velox

Appearance: Grey Velox appear as large wolf-like animals, nearing six feet in length and over three feet high on average, with some older males topping even that. Females, while smaller, can still grow to the higher ends of five feet long from nose to tail. Their paws appear larger and more cushioned than a regular wolf's, and their tails are longer and heavier, yet at the same time more flexible, to act as a better counterweight during high speeds.

Their pelts are a mixture of grey with light blue undertones, peppered with black and sable patches all over. Around their necks hangs a bright white fluffy mane. Their colouration acts as camouflage in their natural habitat, allowing them to blend almost seamlessly into stone backdrops and under shadows. All Grey Velox have a naturally-occurring heteromchromia, meaning that in all animals, one eye will appear pale blue and the other appears dark brown.

Habitat: Grey Velox are spread out across the central regions of Ivorian, sticking to the mountain ranges and taking refuge in the network of natural caves that appear inside. It is here that they find it easiest to hunt and protect, as they manoeuvre around steep drops and narrow perches with ease, and use these environmental obstacles to gain a significant advantage over their prey. Often however, they are forced to delve into the deepest portions of forest that surround the range, where they will either lure or chase their prey into dead-ends and pockets of dense trees to trap them.

Once a Grey Velox has found a suitable spot to call their own, they mark it and all of its surrounding regions, including any landmarks of particular value, and protect these with extreme care. Any animal that invades on a Grey Velox's personal habitat is either its next prey or an unwanted intruder, with only truly fearsome animals like the Ivorian Rhino receiving a free pass through their grounds. Unknowing hunters and other explorers have fallen many times when they wander unknowingly into the territory of a Grey Velox, only to quickly be chased into a corner and mauled to death. Most often, Grey Velox scout out and mentally map all the subtle nuances of their environment, to be used exactly when they need it. The only way that anyone has survived an encounter with the Grey Velox is by backtracking out of their territory, into less well-known grounds.

Diet: TBA

Temperament: TBA

Lifespan and Development: TBA
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Ivorian Fauna

Domesticated Auroch occupy areas close to Ivorian. The differences with regular cattle is their milk is of distinct flavor thanks to their diet of thyme which cover grazing areas. The other difference is that bulls have two pairs of horns, a pair on either side of its cheek and a pair on its head. Finally they are quite large, some weighing 1500lbs or 700kg.
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Ivorian Fauna

Quadriga Horses

These horses are found all across Ivorian, gathering in herds of at least seven and as high as twenty. Little is known of these creatures, but they have been known to develop powerful mental bonds between themselves, allowing them to ride in perfect unison, making them ideal for chariots and formation riding. Some trusted riders have joined in these bonds as well, creating a perfect synergy between rider and horses. Once established, these bonds can alert the other of danger even at extreme distance, with horses riding days at a time to come to the aid of their rider.

Their size and strength make them an ideal fit for Wyvarnth and potentially suitable for smaller Paltharnum, but larger Paltharnum and Thiussum Ithecal cannot ride Quadriga Horses.
word count: 128
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