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The shallow bay Egilrun is situated upon is used, these trials, for crafts and crafting. From boatmakers to weaponsmiths, glassblowers to metalworkers, the sound of hammers and saws can be heard almost every break of the trial, with crews working in shifts to produce the beautiful craftsmanship which they might, one trial, become famous for.

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Charity for Thieves


Woe never imagined he'd be sacrifcing a nel of his hard-earned wealth to benefit a criminal, let alone a band of them. Not when he'd worked as a dungeon guard and torturer in Andaris, and certainly not from any point onward of that. Yet here, where it was the fair and just thing to amend damages rendered to the property of a thief, he felt compelled to do it. So that found him at the workshop of Whitbloom, Sea Spray Ships. He had an unusual and probably controversial request to make of the man, and he had no idea how he'd take it.

The first to greet him at the door was a woman, presumably the man's wife, Tarsh Whitbloom. Woe looked at her and held the gaze for a moment before she greeted him, and he stated his business. He tried to sense any trepidation around the reception to his words. He was all too aware that not all welcomed the Pirate Lords, particularly the controversial ones that had decided to make Berth in Egilrun. But then, they were by all appearances innocent of wrong-doing, and likely the charges in a few days levied against them would have to be dropped, their release was eminent.

That didn't mean that the piraets had to know that, and Woe had ensured that the guards holding them were tight-lipped about the presumed fate of the pirates, at least in terms of any favorable outcomes.

"I'd like to talk to your shipmaster, or perhaps you can assist me." Woe started, presenting himself as the Egg of Egilrun. Egil was perched on his shoulder, but uncharacteristically silent as he watched Tarsh. "I wanted to see to the repairs of the Wicked Reaver, and the Slit Throat, and if not, see what could be salvaged."

Tarsh tensed up, and Woe sensed that she was quite opposed to the idea. He didn't need to be as skilled at psychology to tell that much. But he was the Egg, and knew that at some level, she presumed a purpose other than charity for pirates was at play.

And indeed, it was. It would be more like a prolonged bout of community service, planned and charted out for the former scourge of the seas. That is, if Woe could get them to see things his way.

She stammered, "E..excuse me. I'll fetch my husband."

There was a shutting of the door. Woe didn't eavesdrop on them, although he easily could have. But he could hear a short bout of shouting and arguing from behind the door. Even with his inclination to ignore what was going on behind the door, he knew it was about money and the subject of Woe's purchase. Eventually Whitbloom himself appeared.

"Err.. Sir Egg sir. Begging your pardon, but what would you be wanting to do with those ships, supposing they could be repaired and salvaged?"

"I wanted to put them to use, for the good of Egilrun, if I could." Woe shrugged. "I thought this was the best shipwright on the eastern coast of Scalvoris, should I try elsewhere? Perhaps someone at Port Diabl..."

"No no, don't get me wrong, sir." Whitbloom interjected, "Just I'd like assurances."

"Of course." Woe said, with a small smile. "You'll be paid fair market price for the repairs, or replacements as need be. More than fair, actually."

word count: 577
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: Charity for Thieves

"Well," Whitbloom began, wringing his hands and looking out toward the ships that were still anchored far out to sea. "You see, it's not just the repairs and fittings and refurbishing that worries me. Let alone the fact that we're entertaining the idea of equipping some of the most dangerous and duplicitous pirates in our lifetimes."

Woe quirked a brow, had he misjudged the situation so severely? It was possible, that he being still very much an outsider to the Scalveen outlook, that who he'd seen as a potential ally and asset, might still be a serious danger to Egilrun. They were the Pirate lords afterall. "Go on." He said.

"There are likely to be traps, deadly traps, failsafes and dead-man's switches."

"A dead-man's switch?" Woe asked, pinching his nose.

"You know, a failsafe or watermark that requires you to forestall its activation. And if you don't...." Whitbloom spread his arms out, and made a noise to demonstrate an explosion, rather comically.

Woe rolled his eyes. Of course there'd be something else to this. He wouldn't be taken for a fool, but neither would he lose his temper with Whitbloom. "Listen, trying to squeeze me for hazard pay for your workers isn't going to work. There are no traps on those ships, I was on the Wicked Reaver myself, and saw no such thing. If pirates were expected to work aboard those ships every day, you'd think a sensitive system like deadly traps would fire in spite of whatever 'cares' they take to avoid them. And trust me, Pirates aren't known for giving a care whether they put a foot wrong."

Whitbloom blanched momentarily, and then nodded his head emphatically. "Aye, aye of course you're right. Daft of me to expect them to be trapped." Whitbloom smiled small, hiding his duplicity behind a congenial nature. Woe wasn't sure if he was genuinely scared of the Pirate Lords, or if he was up to something else. Perhaps even in league with them, although that must've been Woe's paranoia talking.

"Aye sir, Egg. That I can do, assumin' you mean bringin' the ships in to dock where they can be throroughly inspected, which is to put them at the bottom of the bay." Whitbloom seemed greatly relieved that Woe hadn't lost his temper, "In the meantime, have ye heard news of the Iron Maiden? She's still out to sea..."

"I'm hoping to work with her." Woe said, simply, leaving out the details. "That's all I have for you right now."

"Of course, it'll cost to put the ships aright."

"I'm sure the Scalvoris government and the Elements will reimburse you for whatever methods you use, whether explosives or otherwise."

"Oh aye, we'll likely load a small fireboat with charges and set it off toward those boats."

"Fine." Woe pinched his nose. "Just do it then. Egilrun will repay you for your losses."

Then, before he excused himself from Whitbloom's office, he turned back on his heel, "Whitbloom."

"Yes sir?"

"I need someone to examine the damage done to Egilrun's anti-naval defenses. We need to know how the damage was done, to what extent the sabotage was made manifest, and also..."

Woe thought to himself for a moment, and then shrugged. "We'll need them repaired. I can provide an expert shipwright and siege engineer from my employees. He can assist in any repairs. His name is Crawford Shipley."

"Oh aye, I've seen him about, looking at my stock."

"Yes, I sent him ahead of myself to ensure that you were the best Egilrun had to offer." Woe nodded, "He'll help make sure that the siege engines and other defenses are repaired."

This said, Woe waited to see if there were any other concerns, before he'd excuse himself from Whitbloom's company.

As Woe stood on the shallow docks of Egilrun, Crawford soon joined him, and inspected the damage done there. They walked the pier, and looked out at the ships, so ominous and unmanned, at anchor off the shore of Scalvoris. The two ships that had given them such trouble were too still, and Woe almost wondered if there might be something to Whitbloom's paranoia about the traps. Or if that was really a ploy to squeeze more money out of Scalvoris.

"What do you think, Woe?"

"I think we're in for a surprise, whatever we find in those ships." Woe said, with a shrug. "But I wonder... I almost..." Woe paused himself in midsentence, and then stopped himself.


"Nevermind, I've enlisted you to help supervise the repair to the defenses of Egilrun. I trust you're up to the task?" Woe turned to face him, and gauged his reaction.

"Yes, Sir." Crawford agreed. Then he went off, to help the workers with their meddling into the longboats, and further toward the anchored ships at the bay. Crawford would soon see to the naval defenses of Egilrun. Woe had to think about the Elements, and the shoring up of the Water branch. Something to bring up with the Albarech he supposed.
word count: 873
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: Charity for Thieves

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Notes/Warnings: The final consequence and results of this whole affair are up to Pegasus, as the ships might be trapped or something. IDK. Nothing otherwise. Woe just throwing his weight around.

Thread: Charity for Thieves
City/Area: Egilrun

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 ! Message from: Jackalope
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Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: Charity for Thieves


Oh, those crafty vendors, always angling for hazard pay. It's the unions, I tell you!

The negotiations with Whitbloom were entertaining, and Woe is right; the ships are not that likely to be more hazardous than any other salvage job. It will be interesting to see what secrets those hulks harbor. See, that's funny, because they're ships and I said "harbor" and...

*ahem* Enjoy your rewards!
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