Link to thread: Stone and Blood
PCs involved: Balthazar Black
NPCs involved? Fuego and Crow, but this time also Robin
Location / Location Relevant To: Scalvoris Mountains
Relief / Investigation / Other: Investigation
Brief summary of what you plan to do in this thread: Balthazar and Robin are taking a trip to the mountains to try and locate the spot where the heart symbol was on the map as well as to try and find any evidence of the pirate movement through the Scalvoris mountain. As usual, they are trying to see what they can find. This like the last entry, is just the set up post since I'm not sure what might be findable there.
[Pirate Attacks 723] Results, Fall Out & Next Steps!
Moderators: Pegasus Pug!!!, Avalon
- Balthazar Black
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- Darius Baer Bottom
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Re: [Pirate Attacks 723] Results, Fall Out & Next Steps!
Link to thread: The Regifting
PCs involved: Darius Baer.
NPCs involved? Saoire.
Location / Location Relevant To: Hopetoun.
Relief / Investigation / Other: Other...?
Brief summary of what you plan to do in this thread: Darius requests Saoire for permission to step away from the barony. Who knows what twist(s) Pegasus has in store for this one!
PCs involved: Darius Baer.
NPCs involved? Saoire.
Location / Location Relevant To: Hopetoun.
Relief / Investigation / Other: Other...?
Brief summary of what you plan to do in this thread: Darius requests Saoire for permission to step away from the barony. Who knows what twist(s) Pegasus has in store for this one!
word count: 66
- Darius Baer Bottom
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Re: [Pirate Attacks 723] Results, Fall Out & Next Steps!
Link to thread: Good Pirate, Bad Pirate
PCs involved: Darius Baer.
NPCs involved? Liathen the Guardian.
Location / Location Relevant To: Hopetoun.
Relief / Investigation / Other: Fallout.
Brief summary of what you plan to do in this thread: Darius and Liathen interrogate four pirates who the latter had captured from the Haunted's ship. Questions will revolve around the nature of the attack, who was involved, what they wrtr trying to achieve, etc. What information would they discover from four non-officer pirates? Hopefully a byproduct of this will be Liathen earning more trust with the settlers.
PCs involved: Darius Baer.
NPCs involved? Liathen the Guardian.
Location / Location Relevant To: Hopetoun.
Relief / Investigation / Other: Fallout.
Brief summary of what you plan to do in this thread: Darius and Liathen interrogate four pirates who the latter had captured from the Haunted's ship. Questions will revolve around the nature of the attack, who was involved, what they wrtr trying to achieve, etc. What information would they discover from four non-officer pirates? Hopefully a byproduct of this will be Liathen earning more trust with the settlers.
word count: 208
- Oram Mednix
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Re: [Pirate Attacks 723] Results, Fall Out & Next Steps!
Link to thread: Yurt too close
PCs involved: Oram Mednix
Location: Havardr
Brief summary of what you did. Oram and a Ranger NPC (Elise Shmickel) found a group of refugees that survived the pirate attack on Havardr. There were about 25. This seems to be the bulk of Havardeens who survived.
These are in need mainly of tools, materials for rebuilding shelters, and skills, since the decimation has destroyed a significant cross section of necessary skills.
Oram is helping them hunt and forage. He is personally staying from the 20th to the 24th of Ymiden, as is Elise to help them rebuild a viable base camp. Oram is going to request NPCs to come to the camp to supply and re-teach skills the Havardeens lost as a result of the carnage, with a view to making them more self-sustaining.
He has also ordered tools, canvas, and linen for the survivors (mainly for tentage, clothes, and miscellaneous linen stuff) from Scalvtown, costing around 20 WP. He has given them an old flatbow he owns as well as the crystal turtles Saoire gifted him during the Forged Heroes feast, since these act as shelters.
PCs involved: Oram Mednix
Location: Havardr
Brief summary of what you did. Oram and a Ranger NPC (Elise Shmickel) found a group of refugees that survived the pirate attack on Havardr. There were about 25. This seems to be the bulk of Havardeens who survived.
These are in need mainly of tools, materials for rebuilding shelters, and skills, since the decimation has destroyed a significant cross section of necessary skills.
Oram is helping them hunt and forage. He is personally staying from the 20th to the 24th of Ymiden, as is Elise to help them rebuild a viable base camp. Oram is going to request NPCs to come to the camp to supply and re-teach skills the Havardeens lost as a result of the carnage, with a view to making them more self-sustaining.
He has also ordered tools, canvas, and linen for the survivors (mainly for tentage, clothes, and miscellaneous linen stuff) from Scalvtown, costing around 20 WP. He has given them an old flatbow he owns as well as the crystal turtles Saoire gifted him during the Forged Heroes feast, since these act as shelters.
word count: 306
Villains are powerless against story beats.
- Woe
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Re: [Pirate Attacks 723] Results, Fall Out & Next Steps!
Link to thread: Broken Crystal
PCs involved: Woe
Location: Egilrun
Brief summary of what you did: Woe questioned the Guild Master of the Glassblower's Union about her mark being present on a threatening letter addressed to Giedre Crystale. He learns about the people who hired her to commission the making of the signets that left the wax seal. Also the glass daggers that were left at Woe's office. He leaves the Guild Hall to find Egil has sought him out. He informs Woe that Giedre left of her own power, and with one of the 'evil daggers'.
Woe encounters a crowd of people gathered around, and finds that Giedre has been murdered, pinned with the dagger to the Speaker's Podium in the market square. Saw Dustin points a fat finger at Woe, and accuses him of murdering Giedre, and claims to have it on authority from one of Woe's Prior asosciates (probably Fleaface) that Woe is a former and current assassin, and probably also guilty of Faith's Murder.
How many believe him about either of those facts, up to you, but enough Watchers Union thugs believed or were bought over by him to try and apprehend Woe. Some Elements tried to assist them, but Woe fended them off with his whip and flew away, not before getting some shards of glassy metal in his heel/ankle from Saw Dustin's mancatcher polearm.
He's flying off to the West probably seeking shelter in the Scaltoth, and going to lick his wounds there, while laying low.
PCs involved: Woe
Location: Egilrun
Brief summary of what you did: Woe questioned the Guild Master of the Glassblower's Union about her mark being present on a threatening letter addressed to Giedre Crystale. He learns about the people who hired her to commission the making of the signets that left the wax seal. Also the glass daggers that were left at Woe's office. He leaves the Guild Hall to find Egil has sought him out. He informs Woe that Giedre left of her own power, and with one of the 'evil daggers'.
Woe encounters a crowd of people gathered around, and finds that Giedre has been murdered, pinned with the dagger to the Speaker's Podium in the market square. Saw Dustin points a fat finger at Woe, and accuses him of murdering Giedre, and claims to have it on authority from one of Woe's Prior asosciates (probably Fleaface) that Woe is a former and current assassin, and probably also guilty of Faith's Murder.
How many believe him about either of those facts, up to you, but enough Watchers Union thugs believed or were bought over by him to try and apprehend Woe. Some Elements tried to assist them, but Woe fended them off with his whip and flew away, not before getting some shards of glassy metal in his heel/ankle from Saw Dustin's mancatcher polearm.
He's flying off to the West probably seeking shelter in the Scaltoth, and going to lick his wounds there, while laying low.
word count: 292
- Darius Baer Bottom
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Re: [Pirate Attacks 723] Results, Fall Out & Next Steps!
Link to thread: Boom Or Bust
PCs involved: Darius Baer.
NPCs involved? Hopetoun's emergency council, and Crispin the watchman. (These are just flavour NPCs at this point.)
Location / Location Relevant To: Hopetoun.
Relief / Investigation / Other: Relief...?
Brief summary of what you plan to do in this thread: Darius convinces the councillors that Hopetoun requires a means to defend themselves from another seaborne attack. This takes the form of building a ballista on top of the Beacon, plus two other ballistae on other (smaller) watchtowers that will line either side of the harbour. Between the two towers, there will also be a boom to slow or stop unwanted ships that are trying to pass through.
PCs involved: Darius Baer.
NPCs involved? Hopetoun's emergency council, and Crispin the watchman. (These are just flavour NPCs at this point.)
Location / Location Relevant To: Hopetoun.
Relief / Investigation / Other: Relief...?
Brief summary of what you plan to do in this thread: Darius convinces the councillors that Hopetoun requires a means to defend themselves from another seaborne attack. This takes the form of building a ballista on top of the Beacon, plus two other ballistae on other (smaller) watchtowers that will line either side of the harbour. Between the two towers, there will also be a boom to slow or stop unwanted ships that are trying to pass through.
word count: 137
- Vega Dweeb
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Re: [Pirate Attacks 723] Results, Fall Out & Next Steps!
Link to thread: Puttin' Down Roots.
PCs involved:Vega
Location: Sweetsong
Brief summary of what you did: The Pirate King is settling in Sweetsong. It's just started.
PCs involved:Vega
Location: Sweetsong
Brief summary of what you did: The Pirate King is settling in Sweetsong. It's just started.
word count: 108
Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
- Vega Dweeb
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Re: [Pirate Attacks 723] Results, Fall Out & Next Steps!
Link to thread: Post Pirate Pickle
PCs involved:Vega and Kura
Location: Almund
Brief summary of what you did: Vega tells Kura what she's found out about the pirates.
PCs involved:Vega and Kura
Location: Almund
Brief summary of what you did: Vega tells Kura what she's found out about the pirates.
word count: 119
Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
- Vega Dweeb
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Re: [Pirate Attacks 723] Results, Fall Out & Next Steps!
Link to thread: Ferret Hunting Season
PCs involved: Vega
Location: Sweetsong
Brief summary of what you did: Vega is getting stuff prepared for helping out - and making metal!
PCs involved: Vega
Location: Sweetsong
Brief summary of what you did: Vega is getting stuff prepared for helping out - and making metal!
word count: 202
Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
- Vega Dweeb
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Re: [Pirate Attacks 723] Results, Fall Out & Next Steps!
Link to thread: Post Pirate Party
PCs involved: Vega, Jasper, Kisaik, Winston
Location: Sweetsong
Brief summary of what you did: Questioning the Pirate King etc.
PCs involved: Vega, Jasper, Kisaik, Winston
Location: Sweetsong
Brief summary of what you did: Questioning the Pirate King etc.
word count: 28
Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch