• Closed • [Winged Temple] Whispers of War on the Wind

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The massive walled city where the majority of the Yari live. Spread over a large area and containing a diverse people.

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[Winged Temple] Whispers of War on the Wind


Kalortah had been in Yaralon a good long while, before word caught up to him, that Delroth had a grand Temple on the cusp of the harbor and the burho adjascent to it. This lapse of intelligence and general awareness notwithstanding, Kalortah sought to correct his negligence as soon as he learned of the grand Temple.

Of course, he had a few treasures in tow, in the baggage of his dragonling, Chryseus. One of these treasures was the painted portrait that Eliza Soule had done, of his alter-ego Mister Starling, from Rharne. Kalortah thought to make a grand gift of the artwork, as he'd also heard that they appreciated such articles in their place, at Delroth's temple. He flew side by side with Chryseus, the gloriously brilliant plumage of the dragonling striking a fashionable compliment to his own bright red feathers, and streaming mane of white hair behind him. On his hip, he wore the Calamity's Point, the sword he'd won in a singing competition. Over his flight robes, he wore his bardic light plate, which was good protection of his torso and much of his hands, feet, and limbs, while not weighing him down unnecessarily for the flight.

Eventually he soared above the cloud cover of the temple, to the amazed looks of worshippers on the dais of the very top of the Temple. There were many sculptures there, many in service and tribute to the Winged Calamity himself. Kalortah appreciated their workmanship as he descended to their level, and then his feet touched the stone panels of the ground, followed by Chryseus' own graceful landing. Chryseus benevolently preened as it was approached by worshippers on the grounds of the Temple. Kalortah assured them, "Chryseus is a gentle soul, not to worry good folk." He felt in a good mood, being among fellow faithful of Delroth, and thus was suitably mollified by their worshipful approach to Chryseus.

Of course, Kalortah himself was no slouch, wearing the finest of silks and in masterwork-decoated armor, with a brilliant sword on his hip. His plumage fluttered several times after the landing, and then folded behind his back, their crimson feathers shining in the relentless sun above the clouds.

He was approached presently by one of the priests at the temple, who herself was armed. She smiled at Kalortah, and bowed lightly at the shoulders. "Welcome, are you here to pay tribute to the Winged Calamity?"

"Yes." Kalortah said, retrieving the portrait from the saddle of his dragonling. He handed it gingerly over to her. "A portrait, of a fellow tarouz. Mister Starling, founder of the Starling Opera House in Rharne, you may have heard of it?" He waited then shrugged, "No matter. This painting was fashioned by none other than Eliza Soule, quite the talent. As you'll surely see..."

He waited for her to give it an inspection, and seeing that she was pleased with the parcel, he nodded to the attendant who came to see it off, for further appraisal and sorting. "Now, I have come. I am the Voice of Calamity, and I wish to know Delroth's will in the midst of the rumors of war, rumbling in the lower city. Is there any way an Exalted of Delroth migth be of service?"

Last edited by Kalortah on Tue Sep 19, 2023 5:19 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 551
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Kalortah is always under the effect of the Tarouz ability,

Eldyn Morose
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Re: [Winged Temple] Whispers of War on the Wind


The priestess tapped her chin as she regarded Kalortah. Then she pointed toward the edge of the temple, where a man was busy at sketching what looked like a landscape drawing. “Elden can help you, I think he’d be very interested in adding the painting to Delroth’s collection.” This said, the armed priestess excused herself for the time being, and gave way for Kalortah to approach Elden.

The mortalborn felt slightly ill at ease being rebuffed from the one he thought would be most important, to another. The idea of being forwarded to another gave him a distinct impression that he was not wanted. However unwarranted that feeling might be, the priestess could certainly work on her etiquette. A little groveling wasn’t too much to ask for a high exalted follower of Delroth, was it?

Nevertheless, he obeyed and brought the painting to the artist on the edge of the Temple. He appeared to be drawing the landscape of Yaralon. As Kalortah looked on, he couldn’t help but notice that the view was fairly good from here. As it should be. Delroth should always be facing the most beauteous aspect of whatever he was looking at. Very fitting.

“Lord Delroth hasn’t graced our Temple in some time. Not since before Yaralon’s gates were closed.” Elden confessed, obviously having overheard Kalortah’s introduction. “But, I think I know how we can turn his gaze back upon our city, and the Temple.”

Kalortah quirked a brow, and set the painting onto an unoccupied easel. He then crossed his arms, and turned his head to Elden. “Pray tell, what is it then?”

“Doubtless, if you’ve been here for many trials, you’ve heard of the rumors of war brewing. Isandria Haze, the founder of Yaralon, is building an army. It’s all anyone will talk about.”

Kalortah shrugged, “Yaralon is a city of warriors, it is just so.”

“Yes, but I suspect Delroth doesn’t appreciate Isandria Haze compromising his vanity by taking so much attention.” Elden sighed, as he put the final touches on his sketch. “If we could organize a celebration of some sort, an extravaganza glorifying Delroth, we could perhaps turn his eyes back this way.”

Kalortah nodded, liking the sound of that idea. He had wealth to spare, and the aptitude for garnering attention of lesser beings. He was certain he could organize such a celebration of his favored Patron. “I am an avriel of great means and wealth, I’ll have you know.” Kalortah smiled brilliantly at Elden, as he revealed his beautiful, gold embroidered crimson suit, beneath the cloaked wing-valance. He used his Delroth granted abilities to make the clothing even more sublime, beyond masterwork, like it was stitched by the hands of the very Immortal of Needlework.

“I can afford enough food and drink to feed a sizeable population of the more notable citizens of Yaralon. I just need to know who to invite.”

“Well, you could invite the Merchant Emperors. They’re less likely to be kind toward the appearance of this Isandria Haze. That would be a good start.” Elden nodded, and put rose to place his sketch onto another easel that was nearby. “A good start would be the Crescent Empress. If you’re needing food and drink, she runs all the imports of fine luxury food and libations.”

Kalortah committed that name to memory. “Very well.” He quirked a brow, “Anyone else?”

“Hmm, I’m not entirely sure. The Burned Emperor perhaps, but then his loyalties are less certain to me, regarding the Haze situation. It might be that he’s sympathetic to her cause, and hoping to gain more resources out of Bastard’s Grove by attacking the goblins at their source…”

Kalortah sighed, and lifted a hand to his brow, trying to smooth out the frown lines forming. “I’m going to have to dig deep for this aren’t I?”

“Not necessarily.” Elden said, scratching his chin in a pensive posture. “You could use the Crimson Games that are going to be held soon, in order to spread excitement for a celebration to be held in Saun… That is when the War is to begin, I believe.

Kalortah shrugged. “Fine, I will arrange the necessary resources from this Crescent Empress’ people. I have an idea, and I’m sure Delroth will reward you for your part in informing me. Now, to get to work!”

Kalortah smiled at Elden one last time, as the man waved him off, and collected the painting that was a donation to the Temple.

Kalortah made his way to the Crescent Harbor. There, he would arrange for near enough drink to get half of the Crimson Arena’s audience drunk, and then food enough for those who would turn up to appreciate the generosity of Delroth’s servant.

Near enough alcohol to keep a family drunk for an arc, would suffice to get their attention and loosen their inhibitions. Then, he would make certain he had enough food to feed the dignitaries that got wrapped up in his glorious orbit. It would be an amazing opportunity not only to rub elbows with the movers and shakers of Yaralon, but also to show them how great Delroth, and by extension, Kalortah was.

He had to admit, as he arranged for the goods to be moved, from the Crescent Harbor, he was looking forward to the occasion.

word count: 908
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Kalortah is always under the effect of the Tarouz ability,

Eldyn Morose
Larza Impre
Flavius Erythrian
Milian Le Moigne
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Re: [Winged Temple] Whispers of War on the Wind

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Notes/Warnings: Nope

Thread: [Winged Temple] Whispers of War on the Wind
City/Area: Yaralon Proper

Renown: Yes, he donated a Masterwork artwork done up by Eliza Soule to the Temple of Delroth.
Wealth Points: He purchased a few things here. I'm not linking this thread to the purchase, check my UCP wealth points to make sure I spent them.
Collaboration: No
Local Language Thread? No
 ! Message from: Fate
word count: 173
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Kalortah is always under the effect of the Tarouz ability,

Eldyn Morose
Larza Impre
Flavius Erythrian
Milian Le Moigne
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Re: [Winged Temple] Whispers of War on the Wind

Your Review


Hello Kalortah. An interesting thread. I always enjoy reading a Kalortah thread. His view on the world is very unique and entertaining. His efforts to bring glory to his immortal are fun and I loved his comment as he realized how big the event would have to be. It will be good to see more of his plan. Thanks for the Read. Fate.
  • Renown: 5
  • XP: 10
  • Knowledges:
    • Intelligence: Failed intelligence can be chalked up to negligence or laziness.
    • Flying: When flying blind through clouds, it's a fair bet to aim your flight-pattern upward.
    • Intelligence: Knowing who to invite to a party, in order to garner influence.
    • Intelligence: Knowing one’s sympathies and how they align with their interests
    • Intelligence: Using a big event to get a word out.
    • Intelligence: Knowing the date of major events is key to disrupting them
  • Loot:
    • 30 wp worth of luxury alcohol/drugs
    • 10 wp worth of luxury+ food.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this review - drop me a PM.
word count: 175

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