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Hi there. I am a long time lurker. I wanted to make a character, finally, after recently leaving a roleplaying site I've been on for years that's shut down.

I would like to play a combat focused character. I like doing assassin work but if that's not practical I would be fine joining a military or mercenary faction. As for weaponry, I was thinking maybe a gun, a scythe, or maybe a katana. Those aren't deal breakers especially since I'm not entirely sure if those are available as combat weapons in this world. As for magic, I am not sure what would be useful for a fighting character. Hone seems like a given but perhaps there's something better.

Sorry if I'm rambling a bit. I guess the point of this post is to say hi and get some suggestions. Such as where to go, what faction to join, what magic to take, etc.

I also happened to notice that the game has a grading system. How long does it usually take to get a grade and is there self grading? I worry because this seems similar to mizahar and over there I don't think stuff gets graded for months but they do have self grading after some time.
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Re: Hello

Hello, welcome!

With the exception of guns (which haven't been invented), I've seen those weapons used by some characters (katanas and scythes) so they're available. A combat focused character is fun, any idea where you'd bring them to start? If I was to plug a place, it'd be Yaralon, as it's a city of mercenaries with lots of opportunity for violence. Rharne (my city) has unarmed brawling focus, and or Scalvoris (the city recommended for new players) is also a good second choice, as a place with lots of pcs running around. Melrath has plenty of opportunities for adventure too, as does the Eternal Empire (although it's more military minded action). However you can start wherever you like.

As for magic, I'd recommend just playing a bit and seeing where your character's story takes you. Magic in this world is a big commitment in terms of the changes it brings to a pc, and often calls for some advanced knowledge of how the lore behind it works.

As for review speed, it really depends on the peer reviewer team. We're all volunteers, so the times between submitting a review and getting reviewed can take awhile.

There's no self-grading, I'm afraid, as this is a progression based site and not really free-form. Self-grading would defeat the purpose and imo take the sense of achievement out of progression.

Anyway, hope to see you writing around here soon! Looking forward to reading about your character.
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Re: Hello

Hello and welcome to Standing Trials!

Sounds like Pigs has given you really good advice re: starting. Have a good look around, pick a city and go for it would be my advice.

Re: Reviews. No, no self-grading here, we don't do that. However, to give you an idea, the longest review waiting in the review queue has currently been waiting for 11 days. At different times, that has gone up to as long as 28 days. We're very lucky to have a very active team of reviewers. Once you've been here a while, you could apply to join them, if you wanted!

Hope that deals with any concerns. Hopefully, also, the character creation process has been easy for you - I notice that you haven't yet followed the link to your UCP and added your skills. Do let us know if we can help there. If you're not sure what I'm talking about, it's all in your Welcome PM.

Welcome again!

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Re: Hello


Hello! I don't have any words of wisdom to answer your questions, but I did just want to welcome you to ST! I'm sorry to hear that your other home has shut down, but I hope you find a comfortable place here!
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Re: Hello

Just popping in to say hi and welcome!

If you're looking for a city to play in, Melrath has an assassin branch within its military! :D

Here's a link to the wiki page if you want to read up on it! wiki/index.php?title=The_Ragnari
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Re: Hello

thank you for the warm welcome. I will do my best to complete things today and maybe even post a thread that I've been working on. That Ragnari stuff looks interesting. The hardest part is going to be picking magic haha
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