Pirate Social Media and Group Chat.

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Pirate Social Media and Group Chat.

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You don't need to tell me who sent it - just post in that account. Please all subscribe and note. Thanks! 

word count: 84
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Re: Pirate Social Media and Group Chat.

Vega Letter 1


There are three big black ships what are travellin in the cover of darkness towards us. They are large, they look wrong. I don't know wat they are, I don't know if it's bad but it looks bad. Check the shore lines, make sure that yore people are safe. Contact me if you need help.

Kura, get the water elements out. I've got a bad feelin they're looking nasty.

Vega Letter 2

Nir'wei and Darius have reported in.

Nir'wei says
- six ships off the coast of Faldrass.
- they are setting fires too.
- Faldrass is cold.

Darius says
- Pirates sighted off the coast of Hopetoun
- Suggestion that they are in other places too.

No one else has checked in yet. We need confirmation that the Elements have been informed and to know what is happenin' there. More details from Faldrass would be good too. Are the six ships part of the HOpetoun sightin' or are there more? What's on fire? Keep information comin', where you can.

The ships attackin' us belong to Pirate Lords, apparently. They are:

The Unforgiven, captained by The Butcher.

The Gutripper, captained by The Boar

The Hopeless Dirge, captained by The Slaver.

We've damaged them, but they've got ranged canons and stuff and I'm going to kill them all. No, you don't need to write that you plonker. Oh, jus' send it!

Signed on behalf of Vega by her friend.

Diri of Usefulness and Good Hats.
Vega Letter 3

Reports from Nir'wei Faith Kura.

Nir'wei says
Held off the ships for now. But Everything on Faldrass going to get hungry, will spread to all Scalvoris. You'll hear them. They'll attack anything. Make sure to put the pirates in front of them.

Get everyone indoors quick. Do not send Air Elements. Don't get in water.

We've got like 2 breaks. Tell everyone.

Faith says
- Eg'run: Faith and Woe.
3 ships
Th Falcon: Cap' Th Swift.
Th Slit Thr't: Cap' Th.Knife.
HEAD SHIP: Th Wckd Reaver: Cap' - Ageless. But THAT WAS WARDEN.

NME lookouts b'ween Egilrun and Slag's D --> watch'g Elem't / Ranger HQ / move'nt
Adunih o'post here is protected. No violence. Fall back position for us.

This likely diversion. Stay alive first. Write later.

Kura Says
There's attacks all over the island, but that I've ordered the Elements and the Rangers to move out to defend the island

No one else has checked in yet. Signed on behalf of Vega by her friend.

Diri of Usefulness and Jaunty Angles.
Faith Letter 1

Eg'run: Faith and Woe.

3 ships (NME)- cover o' darkness - Pirate Lord Flags:
Th Falcon: Cap' Th Swift.
Th Slit Thr't: Cap' Th.Knife.
HEAD SHIP: Th Wckd Reaver: Cap' - Ageless. But THAT WAS WARDEN.

NME lookouts b'ween Egilrun and Slag's D --> watch'g Elem't / Ranger HQ / move'nt
Adunih o'post here is protected. No violence. Fall back position for us.

This likely diversion.

Stay alive first. Write later.
Nir'wei Letter 1

Six ships on Faldrass. They must like me more than you.

Setting fires too. Faldrass is cold. Watch out.

Please tell me if Faith is safe and Beacon is okay.

Nir'wei Letter 2
I've held off the ships for now. But problem.

Everything on Faldrass is going to get hungry. It's going to spread to all Scalvoris. You'll hear them. They'll attack anything. Make sure to put the pirates in front of them.

Get everyone indoors quick. Do not send Air Elements. Don't get in water.

We've got like 2 breaks. Tell everyone.

Darius Letter 01

Pirates sighted off the coast of Hopetoun. Suggest they may be in other places also. Spread the word. Hopefully Kura can rally the troops. Keep us updated. Will endeavour to do likewise.

Elisabeth letter 1 to Nia in Haven
“Check the shoreline. Word from Sweetwine has large ships approaching the settlement there. Watching snow globe now. Report back with any information you have ASAP.”
Elisabeth Letter 2 to Balder in Haven
“Check the shoreline. Word from Sweetwine has large ships approaching the settlement there. Watching snow globe now. Report back with any information you have ASAP.”
Elisabeth Letter 3 to Balthazar
“Heard from Vega. Big ships are approaching her settlement in Sweetwine. She’s concerned. Almund ok? Checking in with Haven now. Will keep you updated. Stay safe – E”
Elisabeth Letter 4 to Faith
“Heard from the settlement in Sweetwine. Big unknown ships are approaching their location. Vega is not one to panic and is concerned. Am in Hopetoun – ascertaining the situation here and in Haven now. Not sure where you are but wanted to pass along the information – Elisabeth.”
Kura Letter 01
Her notary cleared his throat and asked if she wanted to send a response to Sweetsong. Kura huffed at herself for having forgotten, then nodded. "Yeah, tell them there's attacks all over the island, but that I've ordered the Elements and the Rangers to move out to defend the island."
word count: 875
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Re: Pirate Social Media and Group Chat.

Sent by: Joy Scroll
Goes to: All Joy Scroll Recipients.
Date and Time Sent: Round 5
Date and Time Arrived: Round 5

Content of Message:

Noodle Reporting In!

Vega has killed one of the Pirate Lords (The Slaver)
The Butcher is down, not dead.
A new ship has appeared. Flag is a gold crown on a white field.

Diri of Usefulness and Floppy Brims.
word count: 65

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: Pirate Social Media and Group Chat.

Sent by: FireForged Diri
Goes to: Darius Baer
Date and Time Sent: Round 2
Date and Time Arrived: Round 2

Content of Message:
Darius? That you?

This doesn't make sense. There's a black fog around the entrance to the Faldrass Volcano, I thought Faldrass was in danger.

The fog around the volcano must be a distraction too, trying to force us to split attention.

I've got wolves at both Saoire's Dream and the volcano, so don't worry about them.

Hold fast. Get to safety.

You don't need to tell me who sent it - just post in that account. Please all subscribe and note. Thanks!

word count: 115
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Re: Pirate Social Media and Group Chat.

Closing up - thanks everyone, it was a blast!
word count: 8
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