Viden Roster
Well, welcome to the Fortress! We are delighted that you've chosen to come here and look forward to making sure that your stay is very pleasant. We have all of the trials of Hot Cycle 723 and we're looking forward to each one of them!!
Please use the code below to sign up for Viden. There are a few questions on there. Please don't be shy! We love hearing about you and hope that the info will help make your Viden experience better! Thanks!!
- Viden Mod Team
New To Viden? Use this Code!
Code: Select all
[style=max-width: 550px; border: 1px solid #e9e9e9; margin: auto; padding: 40px; padding-top: 30px; padding-bottom: 30px; color=#e9e9e9][align=center][img]/gallery/image.php?album_id=299&image_id=8918[/img][/align]
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Any NPCs?[/b]
[b]Reason For Being In Viden:[/b]
[b]How did you arrive?[/b]
[b]Blessings and/or Curses:[/b]
[b]Character Likes & Dislikes:[/b]
[b]Character Goals:[/b]
[b]Open to random mod intervention in your threads?[/b] [size=50](Please note this is for "modbombs" ~ all prophets reserve the right to post an intervention in a thread if necessary)[/size].
[b] "Feel free to drop me a pm or contact me for a thread"[/b] or [b]"If I want to thread, I'll put it in the OOC"[/b] (delete one)
[b]What would you like to achieve on Viden this cycle?[/b]
Code: Select all
[style=max-width: 550px; border: 1px solid #e9e9e9; margin: auto; padding: 40px; padding-top: 30px; padding-bottom: 30px; color=#e9e9e9][align=center][img]/gallery/image.php?album_id=299&image_id=8918[/img][/align]
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]How did you arrive? (if applicable)[/b]
[b]What's new for your PC since last you were here (events, blessings, curses etc)[/b]
[b]Open to random mod intervention in your threads? [/b][size=50](Please note this is for "modbombs" ~ all prophets reserve the right to post an intervention in a thread if necessary)[/size].
[b]What would you like to achieve on Viden this season?[/b]
For meeting people OOC, plots starters, events, exchanges, have a look here.
And if in doubt? There's a Q & A thread there!! Or, just drop us a PM if you're unsure of anything.