[Pirate Attacks 723] Results, Fall Out & Next Steps!

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[Pirate Attacks 723] Results, Fall Out & Next Steps!

Pirate Attack Tracker

This is a tracker for the FALLOUT FROM THE PIRATE ATTACKS in Scalvoris

The posts following this one list the consequences / outcomes of the Pirate Attacks, place by place. This is a player driven event and what happens in the aftermath is up to you.
So, this tracker will be for threads dated between 1st and 40th Ymiden, 723.
  • Every thread which reacts to / relates to the Pirate Attacks and it’s fallout should be posted here. I will modnote and / or review. Whether it’s a relief effort or an investigation into what the heck they were doing, that’s fine.
  • As you start – and complete – threads, please post here (see code). Post first when all involved PCs have posted for the first time – and again when you have submitted for review. If it’s a one-post solo, just post here once :D
  • On the 1st August 2023 I’ll lock this tracker and then write up a summary of what Saoire says in the Hunters Moon event.
  • The Hunters’ Moon Event will mark the end of the Relief / Investigation phase and the beginning of the Fire Forged Rose phase.
Please – for this event – no placeholders to be carried over, as it will have big impacts. Anyone who wants to follow this event after Ist August 2023 will be able to, but I will do an announcement around that time which gives the consequences of this event to the whole island – so what you can write about after that will be limited to stuff which falls within those confines.
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Re: [Pirate Attacks 723] Results, Fall Out & Next Steps!

Pirate Attacks

The Results:

The Place
Almund has been majorly damaged.
Easily half the buildings in Almund have been damaged.
Around 1/4 have been destroyed.
In the aftermath you will also find that many (most - nearly all) of your long range defenses have been sabotaged.
There are a lot of dead animals, too.

The People
People died in the attack.
There a lot of homeless / had their homes destroyed.
Many people have lost everything.
Millicent Thunderbussel is saved.
Dweezle is saved.

The Pirates
The Candlestick Maker is dead.
When the Candlestick Maker dies, the Chuckles-like fire entities all scream loudly and explode - big explosions. There is a lot of damage done to an already-beleaguered Almund.
The ships are destroyed. Another ship was sighted coming towards you, but by the time all of this kicks off, they've gone.

The Players
The PCs get the following rewards. Please post in the PSF to claim these, so that they can be tracked / awarded. They are not official until they're PSF'd. Thanks!
Both of you get:

20 XP
10 additional knowledge (must make sense, but can be from across the event).
+20 Forged Points.
+15 Renown

You used your gift from Daia and she held back the poison. Kura will find that she is perfectly healthy at the end of the attacks.
She also gets 10 Knowledge in Resistance.
You saved Millicent Thunderbussel: there will be a significant reward from Saoire in the review.
Saoire grants Kura the next 4 abilities of her Telka mark.
Karem grants Kura the next 2 abilities of her Velduris mark.
+1 item (to be revealed in PSF)

You used your little magic comet and saved Dweezle. There will be a significant reward from Saoire in the review.
Once you were off the ship, your magic worked. If you investigate, it seems to be something literally in the boat itself.
A tall woman with bright eyes approaches Balth and smiles at him. "Good work", she says and in that moment Balth knows her for who and what she is. It is Qylios and she offers him her Blessing. If he accepts it, he gets the first 4 abilities.
Saoire, in gratitude, sends Balthazar a gift. It is an item with one of the abilities from her mark. It is a single-use item and the ability may be favoured or adored.
+1 item (to be revealed in PSF)

Issues going forward:
What did they want with the Fire Forged Rose?
How did they control the Fire Entities? The Induks believe this might have been the same way the managed to trap the four of them.
There was a third person who had been kidnapped. This turns out to be Thaddeus Crow , whose body is discovered on the Candlemarker's Ship. It seems like he fought and was killed and was already dead by the time you guys got there.
The bodies of Markus Needwell, Lorstran Philt and Thost Fall are also discovered. Each one of them had been poisoned and then brutally murdered at the onset of the attacks. Rand (Militant) is found near to death but is saved - however, he's in a coma and doesn't awaken this cycle.
What was the yellow mist?

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Re: [Pirate Attacks 723] Results, Fall Out & Next Steps!

Pirate Attacks

The Results:

The Place
Harvardr has been more or less destroyed. Their long range defences were sabotaged and since it was made up mostly of yurts, a couple of ballista shots destroyed it

The People
Many people died in the attack.
Almost all are homeless / had their homes destroyed and have lost everything.

The Pirates
They came and went.

The Players
No players involved.

Issues going forward:
Can Harvardr recover? They're a major source of food for Scalv......

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Re: [Pirate Attacks 723] Results, Fall Out & Next Steps!

Pirate Attacks

Scaltoth Jungle
The Results:

The Place
Lots of smoke comes from there - but what happened? No one knows.

The People

The Pirates

The Players
No players involved.

Issues going forward:
What happened in Scaltoth?
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Re: [Pirate Attacks 723] Results, Fall Out & Next Steps!

Pirate Attacks

The Results:

The Place
The docks were very badly damaged, but the damage was localised.

The People
Some casualties.

The Pirates
Were beaten back, not defeated. They left.

The Players
No players involved.

Issues going forward:
The docks are a major part of Scalv's economy. If they don't get fixed quickly, things are going to be tricky.
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Re: [Pirate Attacks 723] Results, Fall Out & Next Steps!

Pirate Attacks

The Results:

The Place
Haven was left alone until towards the end of the attacks, when a storm hit the town. A strange ship appeared as if it came from the storm itself and attacked the town. It vanished once its crew returned to it, the storm vanishing with it.
The Gazebo where Elisabeth and Balthazar got married has been ransacked, as if it were searched. It was also heavily damaged by the storm.

The People
Surprisingly few causalities. Many fled to the largest building in the settlement, where they were protected by a strange woman that they could only describe as strikingly beautiful with a regal bearing, accompanied by a golden dragonling. While a good half of the population was safe, and only about a tenth were killed, the rest are missing. Some were seen fleeing the town entirely, while others were seen being dragged away by pirates.

The Pirates
No one was able to identify the ship. Not that they couldn't find any markings, but that the ship was completely unknown. They were, however, able to confirm that it was not one of the Pirate Lord ships. It was noted that there were few men among the crew. The leader was identified as a woman in a white hat.

The Players
None here.


Order: +1 for Nir'wei checking in, unfortunately -10 for getting heavily sacked during the attack.
Population: -5 to deaths, -22 to kidnappings. The ones that fled the town do return.
Special Effect: Edasha Worshippers - Thanks to Edasha being responsible for saving much of the settlement, her worship quickly becomes the dominant religion of the settlement.

Issues going forward:
Who was the mystery pirate? Where did she and her ship come from? Why did they attack Haven?
Elisabeth finds a note on her bedroom dresser when she gets home. The note says the following.
"While I had other business here on Faldrass, I did defend your people from attack. This was done despite the insult you have previously offered me. Do remember my generosity, darling, for I shall collect on the debt you owe me. - Edasha."
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Re: [Pirate Attacks 723] Results, Fall Out & Next Steps!

Pirate Attacks

The Results:

The Place
Egilrun sustained minor damage.
There was some sabotage to the Elements gear that seems to have mostly done to slow them down more than anything else.
Most, nearly all, of the towns long range defenses were disabled.
Most of the damage to the town appears to be accidental, caused by the pirates missing their attackers.

The People
Very few people were injured.
There appear to have been no hostages taken.
There are no major causalities, beyond one unknown person that appears to have been mostly eaten.

The Pirates
The pirates all surrendered.
The Slit Throat is destroyed.
An examination of the remaining two ships shows that neither had many artifacts or treasures with them, nor were they particularly heavily armed.
The other ship that arrived is The Unstoppable, which makes no aggressive moves when approached. Its captain, The Iron Maiden, claims to have come to defend Scalvoris.
Both The Knife and The Falcon are insistent they had no part in the other attacks and had no intention of harming anyone in Scalvoris.

The Players
The PCs get the following rewards. Please post in the PSF to claim these, so that they can be tracked / awarded. They are not official until they're PSF'd. Thanks!
Both of you get:

20 XP
10 additional knowledge (must make sense, but can be from across the event).
+20 Forged Points. (If you are part of the Forged.)
+15 Renown


You are dead, and thus do not acquire any additional rewards.


You have migraines that last through the first ten days of the new cycle.
Ziell gives you the next three abilities of his mark.
Moseke gives you the next two abilities of her mark.
+1 Item to be revealed in the PSF.

Issues going forward:
The question of who killed Faith is an immediate concern. No one knows the identity of the attacker, largely due to how much of him appears to have been bitten off by her Kaldvind.
The Iron Maiden remains in the area, and The Knife and The Swift are vociferous in their claims that they had no knowledge of the other attacks and that they had no intention of harming anyone in Scalvoris. All evidence, magical or otherwise, indicates the two are being honest. What's going on with the Pirate Lords and why does there seem to be a schism in their ranks?
Woe starts getting the feeling he's being watched. There's suddenly an awful lot of crows around Egilrun.
What were The Knife, The Swift, and the crew of the Wicked Reaver doing in Egilrun?
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Re: [Pirate Attacks 723] Results, Fall Out & Next Steps!

Pirate Attacks

The Results:

The Place
A lot of things got knocked over in Sweetsong when people were evacuating to Chest.
Speaking of Chest, Chest is dirty from being on the ground and having a lot of people inside.
There's a huge chunk ripped out of the ground where The Gutripper was slamming into the ground.
There's a lot of blood from where the ambush pirates died.
There's a smashed up ship in the harbor.

The People
The people are fine, but it takes a while for them to calm down. It especially takes those with small children a while to be convinced its safe to leave Chest.
There's some general complaints about the work it will take to clear away the wreckage of The Gutripper.

The Pirates
The Butcher is dead.
The Slaver is dead.
The Boar is dead.
The crew of the Hopeless Dirge surrendered.
The Gutripper and its crew are dead.
The crew of The Unforgiven is mostly dead, the survivors are either unconscious or surrendered.

The Players
The PCs get the following rewards. Please post in the PSF to claim these, so that they can be tracked / awarded. They are not official until they're PSF'd. Thanks!
Both of you get:

20 XP
10 additional knowledge (must make sense, but can be from across the event).
+20 Forged Points. (If you are part of said organization.)
+15 Renown

Qylios gives you the next four abilities of her Blessing.
You also get a custom Champion power for Xiur's Blessing.
Ilaren gives you the next four abilities of her Blessing.
Daia gives you the next two abilities of her Blessing.
+1 Item (to be revealed in the PSF)
+10 Forged Points

Ashan gives you the next four abilities of his Blessing.
A strange woman in gold armor with a serpentine tail in place of legs visits Jasper. Ethelynda offers the first four abilities of her Blessing.
A small song Diri approaches Jasper and asks if he would like to join the Songforged. (+10 Forged points if he is already forged.)
You are also offered a position in the Elements after the dust has settled.
+1 Item (to be revealed in the PSF)

Ashan gives you the next four abilities of his Blessing.
Ethelynda gives you the next four abilities of her Blessing.
Qylios gives you the next four abilities of her Blessing.
You are offered a position in the Elements after the dust has settled.
+1 Item (to be revealed in the PSF)
+10 Forged points

Saoire gives you the next four abilities of her Blessing.
+10 Forged Points
Ol' Tuck gives you a custom power.
A woman in gold armor with a serpentine tail in place of legs visits Winston after the battle. Ethelynda offers the four abilities of her Blessing.
+1 Item (to be revealed in the PSF)

Order: +5 Vega, +5 Jasper, +5 Winston, +5 Kisaik
Population: +15 people who are trying to retire from the pirate lifestyle.
Special Effect: Pirates Bane - Sweetsong becomes known as a place that just completely crushed three of the dreaded Pirate Lords with relative ease. Pirates especially are more likely to leave Sweetsong alone in the future, and bandits are also inclined to steer clear of the area, in spite of how comparatively defenseless it looks at first glance.

Issues going forward:
Why did pirates attack Sweetsong? Did they know it was there?
The Elements do pick up the captured Pirates, but a while later, Vega gets a letter stating that some of them are stating that they only recognize her authority, rather than that of the Scalvonite government.
The new ship is the Royal Reaver. The Pirate King states his intention was to stop the other three from attacking Scalvoris. He states afterwards that he is to old to be sailing around any more and announces his retirement. He asks the four defenders if they'll speak to the rest of the Scalvonite authorities about letting his crew retire peacefully in Scalvoris. He does not appear to know how Scalvoris governs itself.
A few days into the new season, Vega, Jasper, and Kisaik get visits from several Elements that want to learn from them. They offer to provide additional security for Sweetsong in return for the training.
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Re: [Pirate Attacks 723] Results, Fall Out & Next Steps!

Pirate Attacks

The Results:

The Place
A secret attack, not by ship, took place in Darbyton. The Rangers were targeted, their HQ badly damaged and a number of their people killed.

The People
Specific people were the targets. Rangers, mostly, However a few apparently random residents were murdered, some in their beds. Why isn't clear.

The Pirates
No one knows who did this - the attacks were stealthy, not by ship.
They had done a lot of recon and this had been (from what you can tell) planned for quite some time. Either that or they were the luckiest folks in the world.
Recon / questioning leads to discover that there had been lots of little examples of "Oh, yeah, there was that guy who asked about this" or "yes, a stranger came by a month or so ago / last season. They asked about X, but I didn't think anything of it, and never saw them again"
It seems like they were looking for something. Investigation leads to finding out that some (not all, but a good number) of the fires were set to hide the fact that the place had been ransacked.

The Players
No players involved.

Issues going forward:
Who was targeted and why? What's special about them.
Rebuilding the Rangers.
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Re: [Pirate Attacks 723] Results, Fall Out & Next Steps!

Pirate Attacks

The Results:

The Place
Unknown until investigated.

The People
Unknown until investigated.

The Pirates
Unknown, until investigated

The Players
No players involved.

Issues going forward:
Unknown, until investigated
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