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The home to the Induk Sweetwine and populated by fairies, this enchanted forest has many secrets

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Re: [Sweetsong] The Sweet Song of Pirate Doom

Jaspers Stats
6 Feet 3 Inches
205 pounds
Brown Hair
Brown Eyes
Scares on Right Arm
Tattoo on Left Arm - Matches scares
Moon Tattoo on Left palm
Sun Tattoo Right palm
No One Think About The Anoks

Jasper always enjoyed being in the air with Lanquin. He had actually been a better flying rider before a walking rider. He felt all of the fires begin to go out. The young man was a bit annoyed that they hadn’t been able to set anything on fire, but he was pleased with the secondary benefit that now anyone on the inside of the ship was functioning in almost complete darkness, especially the deep into the hold they went. Lanquin pulled on his own instincts as a breed designed for battle as he dodge his way around the ships.

The young man joined Vega as issued her challenge. He honestly would have been surprised if they had given up, it would have been nice, but Lothar who raided his village never surrendered and he would have expected the same from this enemy. Japer dodged as he felt the heat from the lightning bold miss come after him. Jasper and Lanquin dodged out of the way. Jasper said a few choice swearing as they dived out of reach. Jasper could feel the fear at enemies with such weapons. He took a deep breath and remembered who he was protecting on the land.

The lightning whip was a new element to the game, but it wasn’t a complete game changer. Jasper gritted his teeth and whispered into his sleipnir’s ear. “Well let see how much he wasn’t to play with that thing. The two began a game of agitate the pirate. Jasper needed to know how quickly he could use that item again also how willing he was to use it. Jasper began to circle the ships making probing tactics. He would move in an out of the range. Encircling the ship. He moved so that he would be between the ships. If he was going to use that whip then let those bolts damage the other ship. At this point he wasn’t ready to play with that captain but he was willing to frustrate him.

He would dive between the ships and loop back around. Some time he would have Lanquin suddenly pull up other times drop down. When he saw the opportunity he would fly past the crows nest (assuming there was anyone there) and let the Sleipnir bit the person there and then dodge out of the way again. Jasper would keep that up until Vega made her next move with the pillars of water and the ships they were harassing on them. He would react accordingly. As Jasper worked he would also keep his sense out for any fires that might be lit. He was still up for playing with fire.

Spirit Meld-When near a spirit, can mental sense its emotions.
Spirit Sight-Perceive all spiritual forms within a ten foot proximity.
Rupturing-Detect all motions within 10ft.

Post Specific Effects
+2 Bonus to mount (master)
+1 bonus to unarmed (Expert)
Elemental Manipulation -Fire- Moderate: Jasper is now able to control a larger amount of fire, and at greater distances. They are now capable of controlling flames roughly the size of a large house fire, and at distances up to 100 feet out. At this level, Jasper is also able to change the heat of the fire, increasing it's temperature to those often found in forges, and it's color to a bright yellow. Metals subjected to this fire for enough time will begin to heat and eventually melt, unless protected in some way. The effective range of these hotter flames is equivalent to those of Minor Manipulations. Can wrest away the control of fire from expert Defier or below.
Dodge the lightning bolt
Move in an out the range (flying tauntingly)
Move between the ships.
If see opening take out crows nest
Respond to Vega’s action with the ship.
Play with fires if they relight any.
Last edited by Jasper on Fri Mar 03, 2023 10:15 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 695

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Re: [Sweetsong] The Sweet Song of Pirate Doom

Pirate Attack: Sweetsong: Cylus 723
As the Joy-scroll pinged and pinged, Vega was very glad that she had immediately decided not to be responsible. It was a time-sink, she knew - and it was in fact a distraction from what was in front of them

Thankfully, Noodle was great and read out the messages coming in. "I want you to send everyone the notes you get back. Put it in one letter," Vega said and then she paused for a mere second in her speech and added, "If you've got time to, take out any faff. "

"I will do. Faith has used shorthand. I'll do the same!" Noodle exclaimed and Vega grinned. "Excellent. Gimme the shorthand, too," she was frowning in concentration as she held the water and waited to hear their response to her demand that they surrender. Noodle continued to write.

Reports from Nir'wei Faith Kura.

Nir'wei says
Held off the ships for now. But Everything on Faldrass going to get hungry, will spread to all Scalvoris. You'll hear them. They'll attack anything. Make sure to put the pirates in front of them.

Get everyone indoors quick. Do not send Air Elements. Don't get in water.

We've got like 2 breaks. Tell everyone.

Faith says
- Eg'run: Faith and Woe.
3 ships
Th Falcon: Cap' Th Swift.
Th Slit Thr't: Cap' Th.Knife.
HEAD SHIP: Th Wckd Reaver: Cap' - Ageless. But THAT WAS WARDEN.

NME lookouts b'ween Egilrun and Slag's D --> watch'g Elem't / Ranger HQ / move'nt
Adunih o'post here is protected. No violence. Fall back position for us.

This likely diversion. Stay alive first. Write later.

Kura Says
There's attacks all over the island, but that I've ordered the Elements and the Rangers to move out to defend the island

No one else has checked in yet. Signed on behalf of Vega by her friend.

Diri of Usefulness and Jaunty Angles.
As much as Vega wanted to know exactly what was happening everywhere, she knew that this wasn't the time or place for micro managing. She was, however, bondeddue to the buffs, we are all aware of each other's actions cos we've all got the equivalent of a Qylios bond to the people here and, as such she knew that Sir Chip was dealing with defence towards the clearing where Chest was. From what she could tell with the limited information she had, he was holding his own, but since Jeff was back from his trip to speak to Sweetwine, she sent him over to go help and observe and feed back to her.

The response that she got to her call was speedy. She used her even better than usual ability to control her dragonling and she aimed to simply lift above the ice, manoeuvring around it. And, as she did so, she did what she had told them she would. She continued to control the water so she moved first one, then the second pillar over the one remaining ship - so that the three of them were together.

Vega noticedas per discussion with Basilisk that the ship she had not lifted up had not - as she had expected, fallen and toppled over, so that meant that her original plan wouldn't work. Rather than drop one on the other, Vega recognised that she had to consider that these were not just Pirate Lords, but they were magic'd up Pirate Lords. So, she did what worked. Putting them on towers of water had worked and so Vega f literally - with as much force as a mile's worth of water could produce - smashed the ships together.

As hard as she could and as often as she could to ensure that they were splinters of wood. She had given them a chance to surrender, and they did not. So, she met violence with violence. If it worked better smashing two together first, she'd do that, but ideally, she'd grab all three and turn them into so much driftwood.

1. Utility Diri reads out received messages to everyone

2. She attempts to dodge the ice. (Mount is at Master, due to boost)

3. She starts smashing ships together with as much force as she can muster. She is aiming to utterly destroy them.
Gets the armour from her dancing and hears quiet music.

Everyone - bond together as per the Qylios mark
Following on from her capstone, this ability allows Vega to effective 'buff' a group who hear her play. So inspiring is her music that, when she is attempting to instill any emotion linked with the Domains of Xiur or Qylios, she gives them the ability to fight together, as though they are bonded as per the Qylios mark. Whole groups can function together, fighting as one with each individual having full knowledge of what is going on in the battle. All of the people who are bonded in this way must have heard Vega play at the same time, and within the last trial. This applies to herself, as well.

Everyone + 1 level on a skill appropriate to what they're doing.
She can play and, when she plays, it gives a boost to the skills of those who hear it. When Vega focuses on a group and actively uses this ability - she is able to inspire them to be the very best version of themselves. Any and all who are in the room / area where she plays (so not someone that hears it in passing, they have to be listening) have a +1 level bonus on a non-magic skill for the next trial (so, novice becomes competent, competent becomes expert etc). This skill will be directly linked to the focus Vega has so - if it is in a camp preparing for battle, for the soldiers it will be a combat skill - but the cook for that camp would gain a bonus to cooking for the troops. No more than one bonus per day can be given.

Everyone + 2 levels in a skill of their choice - OR - 50% more efficient.
The impact on those in the area is that they have a shared sense of identity, of community, and they work together better. There is less conflict, more co-operation and people are, basically, happier, more hopeful and getting on better. This translates to a drive to get on and work and impacts PCs and NPCs thus:

NPCs: Learn and develop skills more quickly. In the case of personal NPCs, once they have met the criteria for skill improvement, rather than 10 points per season, they gain 15. City NPCs who are used in the same way (2 x threads per season) may also be improved in this way, with moderator approval.

PCs: PCs who are working towards the goal of the clan are given more support, more help. Things happen quicker and more efficiently for that reason. PCs who are actively using skills which benefit the "clan" and are doing so with NPCs / PCs of the "clan" - may assume that the task is less difficult and by everything going smoothly and people helping, everything falls together more easily. This allows the task to be easier / a stroke of luck /teamwork to mean that the task is completed in 50% of the time OR to 2 levels higher a standard than they could otherwise achieve.
Personal Buffs

Armour up!
+ 1 on mount to make her Master (usual level Expert)
+2 on Singing (from Lion's locket) - makes this GM (usual level Expert)
+50% on her efficiency as a leader in this situation, rather than a +2 on skills for Vega.
word count: 1291

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Sweetsong] The Sweet Song of Pirate Doom

Hear Me Ol'Tuck
theme song for battle

How dare they not halt, but proceed forth to attack him! In his own home! What manners! Thankfully, Kisaik was around to give the evil-doers a good spanking for their rude behavior.

And well prepared he was, bolstered in his tactical thinking by the many blessings of Lady Vega and her settlement's general effect upon its inhabitants. Kisaik had plans, and though he knew Aquarius was ready for battle, having survived Yaralon, he didn't intend to use him as much more than a large moving distraction and scare tactic to drive the villains into Kisaik's willing blade.

Meanwhile, the archers that lived around Sweetwine took up positions, and began pelting the pirates from the sides, aiming at their flanks and rear, while Kisaik drew their attention toward himself. Kisaik fingered the
turtle whistle
that hung from his neck. He pondered only a moment, and with but a reverent thought, he called to Ol'Tuck himself, to rise up and defend his territory. "Arise Ol'Tuck!" With that, he tuned the whistle to call upon the mighty Induk, and blew with all his might, amplifying the sound with a small rupturing portal to roar its sound across the Sweetwine forest.

With that rattling blast of sound ringing on the air, Kisaik put the whistle away, and began driving forth, astride his dragonling. It huffed and sneezed gouts of flame, not enough to engulf anything, but aiming to dazzle the villains in front of them so that their sight would fail them momentarily in the gloom. Then at the last moment, Aquarius took high to the sky, while Kisaik paradropped from the saddle, leaping from it, and gliding to the ground with his green, ephemeral blade humming with malice for these enemies of spirit.

With one single slash, he came down unexpectedly upon one of the temporarily dazzled pirates, dragging the ephemeral blade across his throat. Landing on the ground with his
prancer spurs
, he felt barely phased by the drop, but immediately set about hopping to and fro, dodging attacks and landing deft blows where he could upon the enemies of Sweetsong.

The archers used the pirate's attention being focused on Kisaik to continue to pelt their flanks, while Kisaik carved them up from the insides, blinking around the battlefield as necessary, and attacking when an opening presented itself.

With another blast and gesture of his free hand, he blew a horncall for the animals of the forest to join, as well as the forest itself, as branches began hanging down and swinging at the Pirate's faces, while vines tripped them up on the ground.

"The Battle is Joined! For Ol'Tuck and Sweetsong! Abominable outlaws, I'll kill you all!" So Kisaik screamed as one slaash led into a blink portal, which led into a snapshot portal, launching himself at another pirate, using the momentum to take his arm clean off from the shoulder.
Actions taken
Other than lots of blinking around, snapshotting a launching attacks against the pirates on the ground, here's what Kisaik does in sequence.

1. He blows on the turtle whistle, summoning or hoping to summon Ol'Tuck, the Induk Sweetwine.
2. He charges after the pirates, and has Aquarius spout a small puff of flame to blind them.
3. He paradrops from Aquarius as the dragonling takes to the skies, and uses the momentum of his fall to lash against the first pirate to reach him.
4. He uses the prancers spurs to land with little damage on the ground.
5. The archers at all times are attacking the flanks of the pirates while Kisaik cuts them up from their surrounding maneuvers.
word count: 621
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Re: [Sweetsong] The Sweet Song of Pirate Doom

A fairy story

Winston suddenly became aware that not only he could sense the battle unfolding through Vega's Bond, but that almost everyone man, woman and child in Chest could also. He needed to do all he could to keep the minds of the people inside Chest distracted from what was going on outside and he decided that this must start with the Children. The Adults would have to just compartmentalise it...

He bowled into the room, which was busy with people doing 'things' and yelled. "Come one, come all! Come listen tuh de Stary af de Blackberry Picking!" He was addressing the children, encouraging them with his arms to join in and listen. If the adults did to, then great, but they would get the gist soon enough. He gave Sian and Lily a wink and they began to set about encouraging any reluctant participants along.

"Dere was magic! An fud! An' FAIRIES!" He proclaimed as he rang his fairy bell and turned into a Fairy-ferret before his audience. He would get Lilly involved and
eating some fairy food
, turning her blue and would lead the Children through the story, while the battle outside raged. The people inside had to believe in them. HE had to believe in them...

"What happened next?!" Exclaimed Joy as the children were held in momentary rapture.

Winston stood, puffed out his chest and did his best Kisaik impression, which it had to be said, was not terribly good, but inspired some giggles from those around him. "He raised 'is arms with mighty intent and said 'Let us CLIMB these vines of plenty my fellow Berry-pickers!' an' vines grew out af de ground fram all around 'im den de mighty Blackberry pickas left de portal, wid de Blackbeery safely in dems arms."

Actions Taken
Decides to focus on what's INSIDE Chest for now.

Realises that the Bond shared means that everyone is living whats going on out there, IN here and so tries to raise moral to avoid loosing the people to panic or despair. His Acting (Competent) and Storytelling (Novice) are pretty low, but I'm hoping with the help of the other adult NPCs, he can do it well enough to engage the kids.
Winston's Buffs

Boosted Discipline to Expert with Vega's Flag to keep his head and be able to make good choices.

Boosted Leadership to Competent with Vega's performance to allow him to steer some basic order inside chest.
Chest's Defensive Advantages
  • Chest is resistant to damage and magic generally (not immune of course), but is considered during write up to be almost indestructible (able to regenerate from near complete destruction).
  • Chest heals damage fast.
  • The inerio of Chest is largely speaking not affected by the outside.
  • Chest is being ignored by the Pirates: The locket he has attached to chest has this permanent charm on it:

    Pass Unnoticed - Level: Favoured
    Based uppong "Pass Unnoticed - Level: Favored" from here.
    Activation: This is a passive ability that is simple active while wearing the locket.
    Power Description: Neutrality is a wonderful thing. It allows merchants to trade in war zones, generally to both sides. It lets the banker enforce peace and calm in his bank. It allows the glass maker to create beautiful works of art while the world rages around them. This ability takes that to an extreme, however, as it allows the wearer to pass through any conflict without either side noticing them. However, this ability only works so long as the wearer remains absolutely neutral. Favoring a side of a conflict will render this ability null. It also doesn't prevent the wearer from any of the side effects of a conflict, such as thrown pots, boiling oil, or stray arrows.

    So Winston intends to offer GENUINE sanctuary to ANYONE, pirate or otherwise, that wishes to take and honour it inside chest. As such, the pirates should ignore it completely, unless of course, they choose to seek shelter in peace.
word count: 668


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Sweetsong] The Sweet Song of Pirate Doom

Jaspers Stats
6 Feet 3 Inches
205 pounds
Brown Hair
Brown Eyes
Scares on Right Arm
Tattoo on Left Arm - Matches scares
Moon Tattoo on Left palm
Sun Tattoo Right palm
Sometimes you just go for the crash

Jasper was cussing under his breath at these blasted pirates as he made a loop again. He had determined that the whip had no recharge time, but it was slow especially at the farthest range as it time to recover that much length. Basically any where on the ship was dangerous from that whip but he might be able to do some thing. He thought it really odd that the crows nest were empty right now seemed a critical time to have a look out in place, but the lack of one could help them. He did notice the catapults being loaded. He found that interesting choice. Dangerous weapon, but slow weapons. He altered his elevation as he rode by. Jasper felt Vega’s intention through the bond at that moment and realized that his spot between the two ships wasn’t the safest and so directed Lanquin away out from in between the ships.

Jasper realized that the guy with the stupid ice weapon had just jumped off of the side of the ship with a rope. The young man took that chance as the man attempted his acrobatics. Weaving the two raced towards the rope connecting the pirate to the ship. Jasper pulled out his sword. The ships above would have a hard time going for him as they could just as likely hit their captain, not to mention the angels. Lanquin dodged to avoid any incoming missiles. Jasper’s intention looked to slice the rope. As they came upon the acrobatic rope Jasper adjusted course so that Lanquin would make contact with the rope across the broad front part of the horse. Jasper was prepared for the sudden impact, but the superior weight of the Sleipnir would interrupt the captain’s rope swing. Jasper was ready with his blade it the chance to cut the rope if the opportunity presented itself.

Jasper would then dash out of the way with Lanquin to fly out of the way any more missile of any sort. He could sense that there was a fight in the camp. He felt a smile on his face sensing that Kisaik and the archers taking on the settlers. These missiles were getting annoying. Jasper had an idea and motioned for shore where the melee fighters were supposed to act as decoys using the ring Vega had loaned to them. As he came to the shore he shouted to his brother. “Do you want to do something stupid.”

His brother through the bond had moved to meet Jasper before hand, not sure what he wanted but sure his brother wouldn’t be coming back for no reason. Jasper slowed Lanquin down. “I always am.” He said as he pulled up and sat behind Jasper.

“Okay the rules on that ring state it needs to hold still.” Jasper said as they took off again. His brothers arms wrapped tightly around him. “But as long as your holding the ring still I am hoping the barrier will ignore the moving sleipnir. We need to distract those projectiles. So they began to head back

Spirit Meld-When near a spirit, can mental sense its emotions.
Spirit Sight-Perceive all spiritual forms within a ten foot proximity.
Rupturing-Detect all motions within 10ft.

Post Specific Effects
+2 Bonus to mount (master)
+1 bonus to unarmed (Expert)
Elemental Manipulation -Fire- Moderate: Jasper is now able to control a larger amount of fire, and at greater distances. They are now capable of controlling flames roughly the size of a large house fire, and at distances up to 100 feet out. At this level, Jasper is also able to change the heat of the fire, increasing it's temperature to those often found in forges, and it's color to a bright yellow. Metals subjected to this fire for enough time will begin to heat and eventually melt, unless protected in some way. The effective range of these hotter flames is equivalent to those of Minor Manipulations. Can wrest away the control of fire from expert Defier or below.
Dodge a lot of dodging
Crash into the rope to stop the swing
If the opportunity presents itself cut the rope.
Get out of the mess with the rope
Retrieve Rewan and the Ring
(Ring of Protection.
A malorite ring which, twice a season (four times a cycle) Vega can activate and it will create a circular barrier - at Vega's chest height - of what seems to be malorite, but is in fact some kind of energy. This shield is impenetrable to all but the most powerful attacks and is the equivalent of being a two-foot thick wall of metal in terms of physical defence. Magic and marks below Champion or Revealed do not work against it. and will last as long as Vega stands. No magic or attacks can be cast out of it and Vega (or whoever is wearing / activating the ring) has to keep the ring perfectly still or cracks in the defence will appear. It can be as close as 2 ft away from her, or as far as 150 foot away.)
word count: 903
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Re: [Sweetsong] The Sweet Song of Pirate Doom

Pirate Attack: Sweetsong: Cylus 723
Noodle told her the contents of Darius letter as he wrote it on the scroll. As the events happened, he just calmly wrote and wrote. As he did, Vega realised that she was making a tactical mistake. She needed to get back to basics, to do what she did best.

No matter how big they were, they were just like any big creature. She needed to take off the head.

Report from Darius.

There are three ships anchored off Hopetoun. I would wager they could have up to a hundred sailors on each - maybe more. As such, we are heavily outnumbered.

The sails on the ships do not bear any images belonging to the Pirate Lords. We believe this group are being led by Chrien.

Fire has been sighted at Saoire's School.

We're making plans to defend Hopetoun as best we can and we hope the beacon will help to keep us safe.

Your brother Varlum is here. I'm sure he came to be with you, but know that you will both be together in a way, taking up arms against those who would do our settlements harm. I will send him your regards.

Whereabouts on Faldrass is Nir'wei located?

Please keep us updated. The sooner the Elements get involved, the better.

Will keep you in the loop as best I can.

No one else has checked in yet.

Vega thinks the following things, rather loudly.
Where the holy snarkle is Nir'wei?
Ask Kura - what time are the bloody Elements arrivin? We're on a bit of a schedule.
Tell Darius to take care of himself, an remember its a holy land to Xiur. Pray.
Tell Varlum somethin' smooshy.

She shouted in my head, really rather loudly.
Tell everyone that this bunch of dweebs are really well prepared for water based abilities. We've got ships of doom an' some kind of super-human athelete bouncin about and shooting lightnin and freezin things. D

Signed on behalf of Vega by her friend.

Diri of Usefulness and Floppy Brims.
Thanks to the bonds they shared, Vega knew what was happening and she knew that not only was Sir Chip doing something awesome, so too was Winston and Jasper. Winston was protecting her children and Vega was acutely aware that, because of the nature of this, her children were seeing flashes and images at the moment.

"Keep them safe, Xiur," she whispered and then she timed her movement with Jasper's. Dancing while sitting on her dragonling, Vega timed it so that, as Jasper (hopefully) cut the rope on the stupendously athletic swinging guy, she flew closer to the other one - not too close, but a little closer and as she did, Vega did what she hoped would be useful things.

First, she jumped, using her own excellent level of athletic ability to make what seemed like an
impossible jump
. She could jump twice as long as she would normally be able to, but this jump was just beyond her ability. However, it meant that she was acrobatically moving through the air, twisting and rolling mid-air, making sure that she was a fast moving target. Then, just as she seemed to be about to fail her jump, just about to miss and not land where she seemed to be aiming, Vega used the ring gifted to her by Ilaren during the siege at Storm's Edge. It allowed her to teleport.

Her plan?

Teleport behind the idiot with the lightning-flinging thing and, with a single sweep of of her two swords, the sword of light and Melody which would still have the momentum of her movement, slice with both of them with the aim to separate his irritating head from his equally irritating body

1. Utility Diri reads out received messages to everyone - wrote down Darius' message and sent it to everyone - and wrote down Vega's stream of consciousness.

2. Vega flies - times her attack with Jasper. Appears to jump, but in fact teleports to behind the lightning-flinging dweeb and decapitates him. (tries)
Gets the armour from her dancing and hears quiet music.

Everyone - bond together as per the Qylios mark
Following on from her capstone, this ability allows Vega to effective 'buff' a group who hear her play. So inspiring is her music that, when she is attempting to instill any emotion linked with the Domains of Xiur or Qylios, she gives them the ability to fight together, as though they are bonded as per the Qylios mark. Whole groups can function together, fighting as one with each individual having full knowledge of what is going on in the battle. All of the people who are bonded in this way must have heard Vega play at the same time, and within the last trial. This applies to herself, as well.

Everyone + 1 level on a skill appropriate to what they're doing.
She can play and, when she plays, it gives a boost to the skills of those who hear it. When Vega focuses on a group and actively uses this ability - she is able to inspire them to be the very best version of themselves. Any and all who are in the room / area where she plays (so not someone that hears it in passing, they have to be listening) have a +1 level bonus on a non-magic skill for the next trial (so, novice becomes competent, competent becomes expert etc). This skill will be directly linked to the focus Vega has so - if it is in a camp preparing for battle, for the soldiers it will be a combat skill - but the cook for that camp would gain a bonus to cooking for the troops. No more than one bonus per day can be given.

Everyone + 2 levels in a skill of their choice - OR - 50% more efficient.
The impact on those in the area is that they have a shared sense of identity, of community, and they work together better. There is less conflict, more co-operation and people are, basically, happier, more hopeful and getting on better. This translates to a drive to get on and work and impacts PCs and NPCs thus:

NPCs: Learn and develop skills more quickly. In the case of personal NPCs, once they have met the criteria for skill improvement, rather than 10 points per season, they gain 15. City NPCs who are used in the same way (2 x threads per season) may also be improved in this way, with moderator approval.

PCs: PCs who are working towards the goal of the clan are given more support, more help. Things happen quicker and more efficiently for that reason. PCs who are actively using skills which benefit the "clan" and are doing so with NPCs / PCs of the "clan" - may assume that the task is less difficult and by everything going smoothly and people helping, everything falls together more easily. This allows the task to be easier / a stroke of luck /teamwork to mean that the task is completed in 50% of the time OR to 2 levels higher a standard than they could otherwise achieve.
Personal Buffs

Armour up!
+ 1 on mount to make her Master (usual level Expert)
+2 on Singing (from Lion's locket) - makes this GM (usual level Expert)
+50% on her efficiency as a leader in this situation, rather than a +2 on skills for Vega.
word count: 1248

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Sweetsong] The Sweet Song of Pirate Doom

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Notes/Warnings: Lots of fighting. Loss of limbs reference, decapitations.

Thread: [Sweetsong] The Sweet Song of Pirate Doom
City/Area: Sweetwine Woods

Renown: Most likely
Collaboration: Yes
Local Language Thread? No
 ! Message from: Basilisk
word count: 413
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Basilisk Snek
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Re: [Sweetsong] The Sweet Song of Pirate Doom



Good on Kisaik for holding the rear line and doing some scouting. Looking forward to what he does in the second half of the event.
  • Points Bank: +10 - Participate in, and Complete, a City Event (Seasonal Events run by mods)
  • Renown: 10
  • XP: 15
  • Knowledges:
    • Mount: Flying just over the treeline
    • Stealth: Avoiding the sight of an enemy.
    • Tactics: commanding woodland creatures to set up a perimter around hostiles
    • Combat: Blades: readying oneself for battle before it begins.
    • Musical Instrument: Wind (General): Blasting a magical whistle through a rupture portal for extra volume
    • Combat: Blades: Tearing a slash as you come down from a leaping attack.
    • Athletics: Leaping from one end of the field to the other while fighting


Good job on Winston for setting up a safe place for everyone and keeping folks calm. A panic could be just as dangerous as the pirates. Looking forward to seeing what he does next.
  • Points Bank: +10 - Participate in, and Complete, a City Event (Seasonal Events run by mods)
  • Renown: 10
  • XP: 15
  • Knowledges:
    • Mount: Hugging the tree line
    • Stealth: Flying low for cover
    • Caregiving: Knowing when to let out the emotion
    • Tactics: Knowing what's important
    • Linguistics: Language: Common Sign
    • Leadership: Delegation
    • Acting: Holding people's attention
    • Storytelling: Dramatic affect
    • Acting: Impressions: Kisaik
    • Storytelling: Using impression for comedy


Nice job shutting down their fire and cutting The Butcher's rope. He ain't dead yet, but you've definitely got him on the back foot. Or, no foot at the moment.
  • Points Bank: +10 - Participate in, and Complete, a City Event (Seasonal Events run by mods)
  • Renown: 10
  • XP: 10
  • Knowledges:
    • Meditation: Sensing when a lot of similar Anoks are approaching
    • Leadership: showing urgency as you instruct others
    • Leadership: Having a system set up before the crises comes.
    • Animal Training: Understanding the herd nature of the sleipnir.
    • Tactics: Distributing forces based on skills.
    • Detection: Using Fire Manipulation to monitor fires on a ship
    • Mount: Dodging elemental attacks while in the air.
    • Tactics: Paying attention to allies movements while in battle and reacting.
    • Mount: Using your mounts bulk in battle.


And Vega gets the first Pirate Lord kill! Good hustle, looking forward to seeing how you deal with the rest.
  • Points Bank: +10 - Participate in, and Complete, a City Event (Seasonal Events run by mods)
  • Renown: 20
  • XP: 15
  • Knowledges:
    • Discipline: Ignoring fear in the face of an attack on your home
    • Tactics: In battle, communication is both important and a distraction
    • Discipline: Not allowing yourself to be tricked by fear
    • Tactics: Talking about doing is not doing, and can be a distraction
    • Mount: Flying in an evasive manner to avoid ranged attacks
    • Tactics: You have to take magic stuff into account. Sneaky!
    • Combat: Blades T2: Using the momentum of a teleport mid-jump to add to your attack
word count: 473

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