A Ghost Story: Faldrass Edition

35th of Vhalar 721

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A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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Re: A Ghost Story: Faldrass Edition

Your Review

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  • Language: Scalveen

Elisabeth Black

Hello Elisabeth. It has bee a while since I have read Elisabeth in a old fashion adventure. This one was very fun, and a nice read. Elisabeth really doesn’t strike one as an adventurer, but she is very good at it and it may be her air of calmness that allows her to suddenly find herself with additional help and do it so smoothly. The combat and use of abilities was excellently done and made the second half very exciting. Thank you for the Read. Fate.
  • Renown: 10
  • XP: 15
  • Knowledges:
    • Leadership: It's poor leadership to make someone go someplace you wouldn't go yourself
    • Navigation: Adjusting the route to account for environment and natural features
    • Tactics: Seeing the situation from above can offer a different perspective
    • Tactics: Keeping an eye on the terrain around you for signs of danger
    • Psychology: How the psychology of a ghost differs from the living
    • Tactics: Sharing information is wise during the planning stages
    • Investigation: Theorizing based on observation
    • Singing: Projecting your voice while singing is similar to speaking
    • Acting: Sometimes one's voice conflicts with their facial expressions while acting
    • Intimidation: Just a little subtle dab of unease is all one needs
    • Intimidation: Planting a seed of intimidation and letting one's mind do the rest
    • Tactics: Ranged weapons are more effective from the perimeter, so keep them there
    • Tactics: Clearly stating objectives lessens confusion later on
    • Intimidation: Intimidation through manipulation
    • Tactics: Keeping prisoners contained to control the situation


Hello Kisaik. Kisaik is a excitable, loving and friendly fellow, who has so much fun. He has no problem just meeting people and making friends. His excitement made this thread enjoyable, and also kept me wondering what next. His efforts to turn the ghost stories back on the criminals was excellent, amusing and creative. Another success adventure for our knight. Thank you for the Read. Fate
  • Renown: 10
  • XP: 15
  • Knowledges:
    • Leadership: Putting your foot down with a follower when you need them to trust you.
    • Mount: Flying over a tower while spotting people on the ground.
    • Tactics: Assessing and agreeing to the plan of another, when it will suffice
    • Musical Instrument: Wind (Reed): Wind: Playing an instrument on the air, without the benefit of a physical instrument.
    • Stealth: Using an invisibility cloak to hide from sight, and staying very quiet.
    • Rupturing: Cutting open a large portal.
    • Rupturing: Roaring with rupturing
    • Tactics: Making a plan while a tense situation is underway
    • Stealth: Sneaking while invisible is remarkably easy.
    • Intimidation: Singing a threat with song-forged and magical abilities can enhance one's fearsome aspect.
    • Intimidation: Many voices speak with more fearsome effect than one.
    • Rupturing: Using a phase portal to look through a wall
    • Leadership: Leading some prisoners out of captivity
    • Gardening: Touching grass (to make vines grow so they can wrap around the limbs of prisoners)

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this review - drop me a PM.
word count: 498


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