• Solo • Making Something From Close to Nothing

Eliza continues to care for refugees from the snowstorm the best that she can.

5th of Cylus 723

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Beacon is a small village just outside Scalvoris Town which has grown from a few houses to a small hamlet in its own right. Made up of small houses, Beacon is the home for those who are working as "Trainees" in the Cally's group of businesses, be that Cally's Restaurant, Luna's Dream Orphanage of the Scalvoris Town Soup Kitchen. Those who live here do so for a period of time where they are provided with medical care, food and clothing while they are learning a trade. In turn, they are expected to work hard, study and to share their skills both in their job and in the Beacon community

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Eliza Soule
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Making Something From Close to Nothing

The 4th and 5th Trials of Cylus, Arc 723

The snowstorm that had begun to blow in just a few trials ago, on the fourth trial showed no real signs of letting up. Effectively snowed in as she was, news of what was happening elsewhere was precious little and exceedingly hard to come by. But simply by looking out her third story window at the world below, and beyond, her own little piece of Idalos, the daughter of Ymiden could only guess that the island of Scalvoris, and perhaps more than that, had been effectively cut off from the outside world; and from outside help as well.

Her home was large and secure. She had firewood to spare and then some, and plenty of food. She could easily have waited out the storm with relative ease surrounded in luxury, with just her dog Darwin, her cat Smudge and Eberhardt for company. She'd done well more than two hundred arcs of living by now, so had witnessed a great deal of sadness, tragedy and loss. Too many of those losses had been deeply personal ones; therefore she could all too easily have become numb to it all. Even detached by design, as a way of protecting herself. And yet she never had.

She couldn't have brought herself to ignore the probable suffering of the many others just a stone's throw from her upstairs window. It was an unchangeable part of her nature, to extend a helping hand. So she'd sent Eberthardt off with an invitation and a request for additional supplies, and opened her doors to those who might come her way. She shouldn't have doubted they'd come.

Eliza had plenty of room to accommodate the two dozen souls she'd asked for, and enough to take care of a handful more than that. But while the supplies, plentiful enough at first, had stopped coming, the suffering continued to trickle in, one by one or in pairs. It required more of her than she'd anticipated it would, receiving, organizing and caring for so many others at once.Logistics had never been her strong suit. But in this case, she learned quick because she had no other choice. Lives depended on it, so she learned under pressure. And one of the ways that she did it, was to identify others with the skills and willingness to lend a hand in the process, help where she could, but stay out of their way if her help became a hindrance.

She'd spoken with each new arrival, welcoming them in and making sure they were comfortable and had what they needed. Eliza's hope was to create a sense of community amongst them all, making it easier to secure volunteers to help get them all through it. In the end, some were given command of the kitchens, others tasked with clearing away the large drifts of snow outside the doors and windows and cutting a path from the front steps to the woodshed and back. And still more, made responsible for hauling in wood and keeping the fires going.

With no obvious signs that the storm would be letting up soon, as early as the fourth trial, Eliza realized that unless the supplies she'd been given continued to trickle in at the same rate as the refugees from the storm did, eventually they'd run short of food at the very least. She'd made the decision early on to conserve what they had, and do whatever they could to make it last. Which unfortunately meant rationing. Under ordinary circumstances, she knew, this would not be a popular decision. But from Eliza's perspective, rationing was the only way to increase their chances of coming through the storm without losses. Or at least, as few as possible.

She'd advised those manning the kitchens that they should conserve what was available as best they could. Stretch it out, and let nothing go to waste. Bones from whatever meat they had, even fish bones, could be combined with vegetable skins and cuttings to make a nutritious broth for instance, to which they could add beans or rice for a large pot of soup. And servings should be kept as small as was reasonable.

While rationing was bound to bring on more than a handful of complaints, Eliza was compelled to give thanks for the little whirligig planted deep in the ground outside in the garden. Even beneath heavy drifts of snow, the effects of the mysterious little device would ensure that all within Story Book Manor would continue to feel a sense of peace and well being so long as they remained there. And none would feel compelled towards acts of violence or any other malicious actions born of frustration or even desperation.
Last edited by Eliza Soule on Thu Feb 23, 2023 9:51 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 806
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Re: Making Something From Close to Nothing

A funny little whirligig in the garden might help keep the peace at Story Book Manor, but it would not prevent them going hungry once the food had run out. Eliza realized that even was the snowfall to stop right then and there and the weather to warm up, it could take trials more before the way was clear to receive more supplies. Or for those here to be able to return to their homes. And so by trial five, Ymiden's daughter began to consider a more creative, if unconventional approach to solving the problem. Even then, their options seemed limited in the extreme.

She could not simply set off on foot through the snow to Scalvoris Town, or even the center of Beacon in search of more food, assuming there was any more to be found. None of them could. The way of going would be exceedingly hard, and the conditions were deadly ones to say the least. Eberhardt had easily been able to deliver her earlier messages and requests, and returned to her just as easily while suffering no ill effects from the storm. But it was impossible for one tiny primate on her own, to carry back the supplies that were needed to feed more than two dozen souls.

In order to focus on the problem free from distractions, Eliza had retreated to her chambers upstairs, then again up to the turret where she could study the landscape from a perspective as close to a bird's eye view as was possible for her at the moment. In particular, she gazed off towards the gates of Scalvoris Town, the place most likely to have what they needed, if anyone had it at all. The problem was how to get there and back, and survive it?

She knew that she couldn't. But then again, perhaps it was possible for a creation of her very own to do on her behalf, what she could not. She had her Immortal Father to thank for the gift that would at least allow her to try. And right now, try was all the apparent hope they had. So Eliza returned her chambers and sitting in an overstuffed chair by the fire, she armed herself with a wooden box full of pastels, and a sketchbook laid open in her lap. And then she drew.

The figure that took shape on the page was a very large and muscled cadouri. An enormous bear like fellow with a thick coat of white hair, and a thicker undercoat meant to allow such a creature to live in the most inhospitably frigid of environments under uncommonly harsh conditions. And yet, because it was Eliza's nature, this bearlike cadouri that she'd already named Bertram, was possessed of an affable expression and an even more agreeable disposition. But still an imposing figure all around, and one with the gift of speech, a survivalist in the extreme, and a good sense of direction. One that dressed warmly in bright colors as well. This was the mortalborn gift of Heartwork, called upon in her father's name in hopes of saving lives that might otherwise be lost before all was said and done.

The finishing touches to this work of art, was the addition of two domain bags, intended to carry back whatever Bertram was able to secure on her behalf. And so Eliza bundled herself up against the cold and with her sketchbook in hand, headed outdoors. Just off the porch was where she stopped and held the sketchbook open in her gloved hands. There she offered a brief prayer to her father. "I understand that it might be a little much to ask, to give us here on the island a little dose of summer warm enough to end the storm and melt all this snow away. But Father, we need your help. Please help guide Bertram along the way, help him find what we need and bring it back safely to us."

And with that, Eliza blew a soft puff of air across the page and Bertram the White Cadouri Bear came to life. Eliza couldn't help but smile. "Hello Bertram. I'm Eliza, and this is Story Book Manor. I'm responsible for taking care of a lot of people right now, and we're running out of food. I need you to travel to Scalvoris Town, locate the authorities and tell them about us. Ask them for as many supplies as they can send. Rice, beans, bread, cheese, milk for the children, whatever they can spare. Bring it back to us as quickly as you can, and Bertram? Stay safe." As Eliza was a Grand Master in her art, Bertram's ability to not just survive, but thrive in these conditions, and his suitability to his given task task, would match the same level of skill as that of the one who'd made him.

Once Bertram was gone, Eliza believed there was one more measure she might take. Though she wasn't sure how much good it would do. She had to try, nonetheless. The fires were keeping them all relatively warm indoors, the walls protecting them all from the temperatures outdoors. But the men and women attempting to keep the drifts cleared away from the house and the path to the outside world would be struggling by now to keep up.

Just how far below freezing was it, really? Eliza couldn't begin to know for sure. But she wondered if the ground and the air around it was just ten degrees warmer than it currently was, would it be enough to begin melting what was already there? Would it make any difference at all? She had to try. Even if the snows were to stop now, there was no telling how long they'd all remain stranded. And so, as one of her father's blessed and favored, she closed her eyes, focused, and called upon Warming/Cooling Trend in hopes of warming up an area around the house, it's size roughly equal to that of a city block, by ten degrees. She'd like to have done more, but ten degrees was all she could get. At least until her father chose to Adore her.

And now, at least for the moment, Eliza thought, there was very little else she could do except hope for Bertram's success and speedy return, and pray for an end to to the storm before any in her own home were lost. And so once Bertram was out of sight, she returned indoors and went off to the kitchens to help prepare whatever meager meal they'd have next.
word count: 1119
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Re: Making Something From Close to Nothing

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Thread: Making Something From Close to Nothing
City/Area: Beacon

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Re: Making Something From Close to Nothing


Eliza Soule


I'm reviewing all snow-storm and pirate threads as I need to do so in order to keep the tracker up to date.

I like the personal and individual way that Eliza is looking after people. She seemed here to be very much the centre of calm and just making sure that everyone was sorted. It made sense that she turned to the people present and made full use of their skills - that was nicely done.

I have to say that the creation of Bertrum was just wonderful - that is so very clever and the way that Eliza thought of it and then dealt with it was beautifully written. She's very clever and her logic and thought processes are very clear. It was very well written and I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when Bertrum turned up! However, it was a very efficient thing to do!

Awesome writing - enjoy your rewards.


  • Renown: 15
  • XP: 10


  • Logistics: identify others with the skills and willingness to lend a hand in the process
  • Cooking: Bones from whatever meat they had, even fish bones, could be combined with vegetable skins and cuttings to make a nutritious broth for instance, to which they could add beans or rice for a large pot of soup.
  • Art: Bertram


  • Sufficient food and supplies for another ten days, brought from Scalvoris Town.


  • The people there are well looked after and Eliza gains a reputation as a very useful person to know. This will also significantly impact the recovery of Beacon.
word count: 267
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