How did you arrive? (if applicable) Eclipse Portal
What's new for your PC since last you were here (events, blessings, curses etc) She's building a hospital.
Open to random mod intervention in your threads? (Please note this is for "modbombs" ~ all prophets reserve the right to post an intervention in a thread if necessary). Yes, absolutely.
What would you like to achieve on Scalv this season? Teach in Saoire's School 100th - 110th Vhalar. Hang around Scalv making mischief 110th - 123rd. Write with people
What's new for your PC since last you were here (events, blessings, curses etc) She's building a hospital.
Open to random mod intervention in your threads? (Please note this is for "modbombs" ~ all prophets reserve the right to post an intervention in a thread if necessary). Yes, absolutely.
What would you like to achieve on Scalv this season? Teach in Saoire's School 100th - 110th Vhalar. Hang around Scalv making mischief 110th - 123rd. Write with people