Wanted Ad: The Hollow Queen

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Wanted Ad: The Hollow Queen

The Hollow Queen

PC Name(s): Rorom, Vega, Pyrre Ej'qy, Darius Baer, Winston, Balthazar Black, and Jasper.
CS and Character Wiki are linked in profile: Y
Summary of what you are requesting: We're going after a sea monster that is fracture corrupted. I have the information on the beast here, and would ask any other participants to not look as it's weaknesses/strengths/vulnerabilities are to be a secret. As for how this unfolds, I leave it to your direction.
The Hollow Queen (sea wolf)

As an Emeyan Being, magic use/ether only makes it hungrier/feistier.

The special properties I'd request are the following, taken from the catalogue of Emeyan Beings 6 minor, 4 major as per a major emeyan:

Minor Traits: 6 of them

The Emeyan has many of the characteristics and the appearance of a specific kind of beast. While it doesn’t have to be exactly like the beast it’s based upon, it takes many of the defining traits of said beast. An Emeyan based on a wolf may have the snout and fur, or be entirely wolf-like. Taking Bestial means that the beast has enough defining characteristics based on the animal that they are easily identified by it.

The Emeyan is able to move at superhuman speeds and has an impressive reaction speed, moving quick and lithe within the water and through the air (when it breaches), requiring a keen and attentive defense from their victims.

Natural Weapons
The Emeyan possesses Teeth that can penetrate maille armor.

An Emeyan that is Painless suffers no pain and is therefore not deterred by taking damage or by effects that specifically aim to cause pain. It continues to take damage as normal, but will not be distracted by the pain of their injuries.

The Emeyan is able to change the colouring and texture of their flesh subtly in order to blend into their surroundings, effectively camouflaging themselves into the background. It’s not flawless, but nevertheless effective for stealth.

Emotional Aura
The Greater Breachfang projects a strong emotion of anger.

Major Traits: 4 of them

The Greater Breachfang can conjure a pack of Sea Dogs, that are utterly loyal to the Greater Breachfang

Setting themselves truly apart from their lesser brethren, the Commander is a Emeyan with the ability to command and dominate other creatures and Emeyans of lesser rank than itself. It is able to impose its authority on creatures around it, commanding them according to its own will. This authority is executed in the form of direct verbal or telepathic commands (based on the Commander's communicative abilities), independent of if the creature in question possesses the ability to understand their language. The commanded creature will be compelled to execute the command, as long as it does not go against their Purpose, and unless they possess natural resistances to mental magics and control or high Meditation or Discipline, they must obey.

Supernatural Sense
Note: Does not possess “Keen Sense”.
This Emeyan possesses a sense of a supernatural kind, the likes of which is difficult to otherwise replicate. Whether it’s the ability to see the movements of Ether, see through invisibility, see through solid walls or objects temporarily or feel the subtlest of movements and tremors in the ground or air around them… The sense manifests in a dramatic and powerful way. The Greater Breachfang can track the holder of Breachfang's totem (Rorom has it) wherever he may roam in the world. However far he goes, the Greater Breachfang is able to track him.

Appetite for Souls ~~ This one may need special looking at, to ensure it works for a Emeyan Corrupted beast. Otherwise I would feel free to bring this beast as it is into the world.

The Greater Breachfang is capable of flaying a mortal soul with just one bite. It consumes souls, and as it does so, the wild fracture that it contains expands, lengthening its stay in Idalos.

Loot to be gained: Other than renown obviously, I'd like to have this creature (if it's slain and defeated) yielding a number of wells, one ruby of revenge for each member of the party, one beast stone per party member, five saltenrocks per party member, and five froststones per player. They will find the beast's bones and hide and teeth riddled with the wells, and thus rendering the hide/bones/teeth useless once the wells are removed (probably by a ensorceller npc they hire for such a purpose).

Location: Scalvoris: Faldrass The link to the story is there.
Any additional note: Let me know if you have questions!
Are you happy to have plots from your Storybook potentially included, if it's appropriate? Yes!

word count: 796

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