• Open • Chasing Tales

16th of Vhalar 721

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A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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Re: Chasing Tales

Arc 721, 16 Vhalar

Skilled storytellers had told the stories shared thus far, and Elisabeth was obviously not. The fact should have perhaps bothered her, but no. Whenever she told a story, regardless of how poorly she did, she shared a part of herself with others. Connecting to other people was something she strove to do every trial, and if a story helped that along, so much the better. How could that ever be a bad thing?

She had thought about what story to tell, and while her initial instincts were to go with a traditional Videnese tale, her mind shifted at the last minute. While most of her stories involved one or more of the current participants, one story included none of them but did involve someone they all knew – Darius.

Elisabeth's relationship with Darius was unique. He had known Balthazar and many others she now called friends long before their unlikely first meeting in Viden. It wasn't a stretch to say that their bond was sibling-like, but it wasn't a dynamic she was familiar with, so that was hard to say.

Regardless, the blond sailor was one of her favorite people in Idalos.

The others were waiting, and with that in mind, she explained the reason for her chosen story. "All of us have had amazing adventures. A great deal of the time, they are in concert with others or are stories so vast that they take on a life of their own."

Smiling, she looked at each present, trying to draw them into her tale. "Some stories help show the nature of people, and I have one such tale – a curious little adventure I shared with Darius."

Every story had a beginning, and Elisabeth didn't waste time explaining theirs. "Darius and I met in Viden. I had heard of Darius – Balthazar and Yeva had mentioned him from time to time – but I hadn't yet had the pleasure. I was in Viden, waiting for Balthazar to join me so we could continue to Scalvoris together when I took a moment to myself down by the frozen bay. A blond sailor, not Videnese, walked by, and we struck up an easy conversation. I showed him around Viden a bit, and we parted ways."

Obviously, things didn't end there. "It wasn't until a later encounter in Viden with Balthazar and Darius that I realized who my new friend was." She briefly considered telling of the origins of her nickname for Darius – "Ox" – but decided to leave that part of the tale for another time.

"Darius and I promised that once I made it to Scavloris, we would meet up again so he could return the favor and show me around. Little did I know then how good of friends we would become or how many adventures and experiences we would share."

With the lead-up done, Elisabeth proceeded to the story itself, letting a smile flit across her lips. "It was in the early days of Ashan – still a chill in the air. This was after Balthazar and he had founded their settlements on Faldrass. After the Forging as well. I arrived in Scalvoris Town and followed the directions to Darius' house. Darius suggested breakfast and recommended a market stall selling hot pastries. We began to journey there, and both lamented on late starts to the morning due to missing pieces of clothing – socks for Darius and a mitten for me. It was rather bizarre, but we didn't think anything of it other than entertaining conversation."

Of course, it had ended up being anything but. "On the way, I spied something colorful on a nearby rooftop. Darius helped boost me up a bit. In a matter of a few trills, I had secured what turned out to be a scarf, got spooked by a mischievous seagull, and tumbled down on top of Darius, who was then spouting off about seeing a sweater running down the street! Add to that my own observation, trills later, of four individual gloves racing off in the direction the sweater had gone! I was convinced that we had both bumped our heads in the fall or something."

Laughing softly, she continued. "Curiosity won out, and we tried to track the footprints, but they only led to a closed-off alley, and neither of us could figure out where the gloves and sweater had gone." Speaking that sentence alone was enough to make the young mage smile, purely for the insanity of it all.

"We finally gave up and proceeded to the pastry cart. We were just handed our hot pastries when Darius spies a pair of leggings skulking down the lane! This time, we didn't have to choose between breakfast and curiosity! We took off, keeping an eye on the leggings and our food. That was the first time I had attempting eating and running at the same time - it's surprisingly difficult!" The young woman adored everything about the story, including the ending. She remembered telling Balthazar, recalling his look of amusement and disbelief.

Aware of the natural pacing techniques the others used in their stories, Elisabeth tried to employ the same, using breaks to draw suspense."The leggings led us to the same alley, but this time we saw the leggings dart behind a propped-up board. The hole behind it was too small for either of us, so we decided to go up and over to see if we could find access from above, which we did."

The roof descent hadn't been the easiest. "The building was an abandoned warehouse of sorts. We both dropped down into the space and quickly found a group of young cadouri wearing various colorful clothing. As it turns out, they were responsible for the random thefts of clothing around the area. When we inquired why, they said it was for a tea party they were having to celebrate being in Scalvoris. They intended to return the clothes when they were done." Elisabeth remembered the two distinctly different reactions she and Darius had regarding the matter, but ultimately the pair decided on a course of action fueled by compassion.

"After hearing their story, we helped guide them to a resolution and the clothing return. That story reminds me that often, things are not as they appear, but sometimes with a little patience and understanding, clarity is gained. Those young cadouri will remember compassion and kindness in a moment that could have contained neither, and for that, I'm grateful it was Darius and I that found them."

And with that, the story ended. It wasn't a grand tale of adventure or tale of love, but it was one of her most cherished memories, full of fun and hope.

word count: 1133

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Re: Chasing Tales


Vega spoke her opinion, saying that of the people who hurt others, villains and the like, that they must have been hurt somewhere along the way. Kisaik got to thinking about his own Immortal father, Aelig, who'd recently died. He'd been a villain and a Cad, and done terrible things for no other reason than it amused or brought him some pleasure. Kisaik didn't know if Vega was right, that someone being hurt somewhere along the way corrupted them, but he asked, "How do you hurt an Immortal so much that they turn bad?" He'd wait for an answer, and then go on, "I wonder if some people are just like that, born to do evil. Then again, if people are born to do evil with no choice in the matter, could the same be said of those who do good? Am I at the mercy of my birth circumstance? Destined to do no other than what I do? I wonder which is more admirable, to show restraint and be evil, or to submit to your good nature and do nothing but good?"

This gave Kisaik an uncharacteristic spell of deep thought, as he wondered on that. Then Elisabeth started her own tale, one of whimsy and meetings. But also an interesting and important moral to it. This seemed to dovetail into Kisaik's musics rather nicely, and the tunawa gave it some thought. Cadouri were naturally good, most of them that the mortalborn tunawa knew of didn't do bad things. But these cadouri had stolen goods from people, although they didn't know this was a act of lawlessness. They thought they were borrowing the clothing and would return it in due time.

"If I were in charge of those cadouri, I'd give them a stern talking to at least, to make sure they know the error of their ways." Kisaik said, smiling as he shook his head, "But I'm glad it was you and the Baron that found the Cadouri, rather than an angry mob. It could have gone much worse if anyone else found them. And I'm glad the situation was resolved, and the cadouri learned that what they were doing was not alright. Hopefully they learn from that experience, anyway!"

Kisaik thought on it some more, pensive postured, as he thought more on the nature of good and evil. "That was a good story, Elisabeth."

He sighed, as he relaxed, nibbling on some of the foods on offer. It had been another good story night.

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Re: Chasing Tales

“I think so too“, Doran said in a thoughtful tone of voice when Vega suggested that Rhaum and the Warden and all the others had been hurt in some way. “I don’t know much about Rhaum, but the Warden loved deeply and was hurt deeply. Sometimes, the victim becomes an abuser themselves. I don’t think it’s a matter of them simply being weak or lazy though. I think that some of those people were hurt so much that something inside of them broke, and there was only darkness left - which is not an excuse of course, but only an explanation”, he continued in a calm tone of voice before he turned to face Kisaik who wondered if some people were born evil.

“Nobody is born evil in my opinion”, he told him. “And you can rise above the circumstances of your birth. Before the Forging, the Immortals were incapable of truly changing though. Maybe that played a part in Aelig’s actions – or Audrae’s, even though none of their domains were necessarily evil”, he said before he fell silent. He wished he had a more helpful answer, but there were some things that were a mystery, even to him. He had no idea why there was evil in the world, for example.

Before long, Elisabeth finally started to tell her story, and he leaned back and pushed the thoughts about evil people back into a corner of his mind in order to listen to her. He liked the fact that she had decided to talk about something that had actually happened to her. He had no idea where her story would be going – he half expected Elisabeth and Darius to encounter some sort of monster or fight bandits together. He didn’t pay a lot of attention to the missing clothes at first; he thought Elisabeth was just explaining why they had been late, nothing more.

So, when Elisabeth and Darius started chasing the clothes, he raised an eyebrow, and then he proceeded to grin. His grin widened when Elisabeth talked about the cadouri tea party and revealed why the clothes had gone missing. He made sure that she was indeed finished, before he applauded and told her in an honest tone of voice, “That was a wonderful story, Miss Angelus. It was amusing, it had a nice twist, and it had had a message. I do wonder what happened to those cadouri though”, he mused before he got some more to eat. It had been a good story night, and he hoped there would be another one sometime.
word count: 433





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Re: Chasing Tales

16th Vhalar, 721

What made an immortal bad? Vega considered it. "I don't think it applies to them," she said, finally. "I think they're jus' ... they are what they are an' that's that. It's like, I'm hopeful, it's true. But Xiur? Xiur is hope. Totally. You know?" She considered his words and replied most seriously. "I don't believe in any of that 'fated to be this way' stuff, myself," Vega of course, had opinions. "I mean, yeah, you've got tendencies. Maybe you was even born with them. But every action - an' by definition, every inaction - is a choice. You're good because you do good, Sir Chip. Because you choose to act, not pontificate or ponce about like a noncy hey-nonny-non dweeb. Choices. That's what I think, anyhows." She grinned at him, fondly. Doran then spoke up and considered the people involved in the Forging. Vega listened to him and nodded her head. "I agree, Doran," she said. "Pre-destiny means a total lack of hope, an' I'm not down with that, not at all." She smiled fondly at him and nodded her head.

Once they had - if not solved that particular existential mystery to their satisfaction, at least gone some way to giving it some clarity - Elisabeth began her story and Vega listened avidly. She smiled at parts of the story, listening intently and she clapped at the end. "That's a fun story," she said. Sir Chip had some thoughts on the behaviour of the cadouri and Vega nodded her agreement. "Yeah, they could have gotten themselves into some right sticky wickets there," she said. "It leads me to a question of jus' how important intent is, you know? The cadouri meant no harm, you could argue that their intentions were good, even, but they were still actin' selfishly an' I'm not completely sure that I believe that they had no idea of stealin'", she said. Opening her hands, she considered it. "I mean, Saoire is the Immortal of gifts, isn't she? So, if you have gifts as a concept, then you have givin' an' receivin' - an' if you have those, then you have ownership." Shaking her head slightly, she considered it. "I'm with Sir Chip, those fuzzy fellas need a stern talkin' to."

But then, she considered again. "But you know. Far be it from me to criticise someone for gettin' too excited an' doin' somethin' daft. I believe that their intentions would have been innocent, jus' not really thought through. That was a right interestin' story, Elisabeth, thanks for tellin' it. I love it when stories make me think." She most certainly did. Pressing her hand against her back, though, Vega looked at those gathered - people she considered friends, she realised. "This baby needs me to be movin' about a bit, I'm afraid. I'm goin' to have to call it a night. It's been a right pleasure to do this with you all an' I hope that we can meet up again to tell tales and spin yarns together." It was true, she did very much enjoy it and a lot of that was about the company.

However, for Vega - and she suspected for the others - it was time to leave and so she thanked them all again and made her way home, thinking about the stories told and the pleasant evening that she'd shared with those people.

word count: 581

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: Chasing Tales

Arc 721, 16 Vhalar

Elisabeth wasn't sure how her story would be received, so as the others complimented her, a broad smile crossed her lips. It had been not easy choosing a story but ultimately, that one had felt right for the moment.

Kisaik was the first to comment, his remarks causing a soft chuckle. "Oh, believe me, Darius gave them a firm talking. The situation did require such. They were young and, I think, had the best intentions. Their excitement got the better of them. I can relate to the feeling, and it felt appropriate to turn it into a teaching moment - something positive instead of negative."

When Doran expressed interest in knowing what happened to the cadouri, Elisabeth nodded her understanding. "We ensured they knew where they could find us should they need anything. I've not heard of any further clothing capers, so I'm relatively sure they learned what we wished to teach them. That is my hope, anyway."

Vega's comments went a bit deeper, which she appreciated. Elisabeth had never made much of the encounter, simply being happy that she and Darius could help somehow. However, her redheaded friend always made her look at things from a different perspective. "I've often wondered about impulses regarding the young cadouri," she remarked in response, striking a speculative tone.

"They were being selfish, yes, but perhaps impulsive is a good word too. I know that sometimes when one is young, they often lack impulse control and haven't the command of the ability to consider others."
Well, that wasn't something exclusive to the young, really. Some adults she knew had issues in those areas. "Perhaps Saoire guided us to them because she knew we could gently teach and redirect their thinking. Regardless, it's a good memory."

Vega signaled her departure, prompting Elisabeth to rise and begin to do the same. "It's a bit of a journey back to the settlement, so I should go too. I thank each of you for your stories and company. It was a lovely way to pass the evening - with friends, new and old."

It was an unusual group, those with her, but the stories had all been reflective of the people telling them, making the evening rather extraordinary. She hoped, somewhere, Cassion was beaming with pride.

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Re: Chasing Tales

Your Review

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  • Language: Scalveen


Hello Kisaik. This sounds like a fun tradition. Bringing everyone together to share stories is an excellent idea as it bonds people together. Sir Chip is always fun to read, and his story was very much in keeping with his personality. He likes to share and the best thing he can share is who he is. His friendship with everyone even new friends is clear in his appreciation of there stories. Thank you for the Read. Fate.
  • Points Bank: +15 - Finish Collaborative Thread with 4 other PCs (not including your PC)
  • Renown: 5
  • XP: 15
  • Knowledges:
    • Storytelling: Immersion in the story's themes and feeling can help with delivery.
    • Storytelling: Improving the immersion and impact of a story by allowing oneself to be transported by their own story


Hello Doran. As always Doran brings a grounding element to his thread. As he is very aware of everyone including the companions that have joined the group. I loved his story, it is a beautiful legend that you both hope is and isn’t true for different reasons. Again the scholarly approach brings good insights to the stories and conversations about them. Thank you for the Read. Fate.
  • Points Bank: +15 - Finish Collaborative Thread with 4 other PCs (not including your PC)
  • Renown: 5
  • XP: 15
  • Knowledges:
    • Storytelling: How Kisaik earned the title Akoko Nọọsi
    • Storytelling: The Blue Beachcomber, The Blue Maiden, and the Blue Sands
    • Storytelling: The Story of the Lady Luck
    • Psychology: Some victims become abusers
    • Storytelling: The Cadouri Tea Party


Hello Vega. Oh I wish I had ready more Pregnant Vega threads. Vega very much brings a storyteller drive to this thread, and in the best way. She encourages everyone while showing them at the same time entertaining them. The story was spine tingly as it wove and left you guessing instead of telling you. I most certainly will be avoid any ships named lady luck. Her oberservations about the other stories were excellent and amusing at the same time. Thank you for the Read. Fate.
  • Points Bank: +15 - Finish Collaborative Thread with 4 other PCs (not including your PC)
  • Renown: 5
  • XP: 15
  • Knowledges:
    • Endurance: Enduring long walks during pregnancy
    • Storytelling: Shrugging slightly, she shook her head.
    • Psychology: Doran had questions, and Vega considered them.
    • Detection: Listening attentively to a story

Elisabeth Black

Hello Elisabeth. Elisabeth once again shows her self master as she joined a group of people, not all of whom she knew. Elisa has a elegance about her as she approaches situations, and brings her observations to the other stories told. She did have my sympathies as her turn loomed and she kept wondering what story to tell. The story was very good, and a excellent choice as it rounded out the types of stories being told. Thank you for the Read. Fate.
  • Points Bank: +15 - Finish Collaborative Thread with 4 other PCs (not including your PC)
  • Renown: 5
  • XP: 15
  • Knowledges:
    • Storytelling: Telling a story has the power to connect people
    • Storytelling: Using breaks to draw suspense
    • Teaching: x2
    • Storytelling: x2
    • Psychology: x2


Hello Praetorum. I am sorry that you had to drop out. I always enjoy Prae’s view point. Hopefully next time. Thank you for the Read. Fate.
  • XP: 15
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word count: 563

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