The Grand Fracture of Ati'el

The Labyrinth

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The Grand Fracture of Ati'el

The Grand Fracture of Ati'el
The Labyrinth
The world was never enough for Ati'el. She possesses a wealth of knowledge beyond anything Idalos has ever seen, even more than Yvitha and Treid, and a cruel cunning that allowed her to turn even the harshest loss to her own advantage. Yet with this vast intelligence came a sense of isolation. Even among the other Originals she never felt any sense of kinship, for in her eyes none were her intellectual equal, and no matter how much territory her stratagems stole from the spirits or how many secrets she solved she never felt like she had encountered a worthy challenge. The answer to every puzzle Idalos had to offer her seemed so frustratingly obvious. While her brethren squabbled over examining or conquering the world they'd stumbled across Ati'el isolated herself from them, claiming just enough territory to satisfy some vague necessity and leaving the Immortals she created to manage it alone. She sought instead to discover the secret of creation itself, to find out how the great spirit Idalos had forged Idalos out of the chaos of Emea, and use that knowledge to build a world worthy of her.

When the shattering came Ati'el was the most alone of all the Originals. Cooped up with her research within a tower northeast of Uthaldria, not even her Immortal children had seen her for days beforehand. Her fracture spread out across the land surrounding her tower, twisting it into a three-dimensional maze that mirrored the vast complexity of Ati'el's own mindscape. To this day it stands as a challenge to those who think themselves clever; taunting them to test their intellect against the impression Ati'el left behind.

Date Opened
The time of The Shattering: 600 arcs before the end of the War of The Immortals and The Oath.

There is only one entrance to Ati'el's fracture: an arch of wrought iron, upon which is written an inscription: "Herein lies the greatest battle of wits. Turn back all ye who would enter unarmed." The rest of the fracture's perimeter is surrounded by a great wall, and above and below it an invisible domed barrier that prevents flying and subterranean creatures from entering.

The foyer of Ati'el's fracture is the twisting tunnels and roads that make up her great labyrinth. The labyrinth is the size of a large city, and is filled with various staircases that force explorers to go up and down as well as is the cardinal directions in order to navigate their way through. One could spend an entire lifetime wandering this labyrinth and never find their way to the center, for the very layout of it is a psychological trap designed to obscure the true path to the tower that waits within from all who seek to reach it. The walls of this labyrinth a virtual invincible, preventing anyone who'd seek to force their way through from doing so.

Yet navigating the labyrinth is only the first of its challenges. Ati'el loved to play psychological games with her opponents; crushing them beneath the weight of their own doubts and fears, and this is reflected in her fracture. Those who enter are plagued with memories and hallucinations based upon their character flaws and failures, which try to break whatever hope they have and drive them into despair. As if that wasn't enough then animate metal soldiers, called automatons, regularly patrol the labyrinth and attack any intruders they come across. These automatons are not very strong individually but seem to be connected to some kind of hive-mind that possesses a great deal of tactical intelligence, and as such tend to attack in large groups at the moments when intruders are at their most vulnerable.

This fracture has no area that could be considered a vein.

The heart of the fracture lies at the centre of the labyrinth: at the top of the black tower Ati'el shattered in. This tower is filled with the grotesque remains of Ati'els experiments on captured spirits, some of whom survived Ati'el's shattering and have been driven insane by countless years of isolation.

Well Information
Any and all types of wells can be found here embedded within the walls of the labyrinth.

Characters can only access this area as part of a modded thread. Please ask at the PSF if you would like to explore.
Knowledge of this fracture's existence is incredibly rare. Your character must have earned a specific knowledge about its existence in a thread to know that it is real and that it is a grand fracture, however any character may have heard the legend of the labyrinth, so long as they do not know that it is actually real. This knowledge can be gained by talking to an Immortal, studying The Originals, or even just deciding to did deeper into the myths surrounding it and discovering some interesting facts.

  • All of the Immortals know where Ati'el's fracture is located, however so far Yvitha is the only one among them with the intelligence to navigate the labyrinth and the desire to do so. She alone has reached the black tower, and may deign to give advice on how to reach it to those she favours.
word count: 900
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Re: The Grand Fracture of Ati'el

The Iron Titan
Guardian of the Labyrinth
Name: The Iron Titan
Fauna Type: Emean Being
Mod Status: Mod Controlled Only.
Quick Facts:
Height: 180 feet.
Weight: 600 pounds.
Location Found: Within the vein of the Grand Fracture of Ati'el.
History: The iron titan is one of the seven titans of the grand fractures; the one that emerged from the fracture of Ati'el. When it emerged this titan was nothing more than a mindless beast, and soon had its psyche dominated by the unseen intelligence that rules Ati'el's labyrinth. Now it patrols the labyrinth alongside the automatons that reside there, serving as a secret weapon against those who would try to navigate it.
Habitat: The iron titan lives within the foyer of Ati'el's fracture.
Lifespan: Immortal.
Diet: Nothing.
Temperament: Extremely hostile. Will attack any and every other living thing on sight.
Abilities: In addition to its immense size and strength, the iron titan possesses a tricky ability that most do not realise until it is too late. With the exception of its head, every part of the iron titan's body that is severed can move and function completely independently, and can reach to the main body with ease. This has been the peril of many warriors who have turned their back on a severed arm, not noticing the danger creeping up behind them.
Additional: Unlike the other titans, the iron titan has been enslaved to the will of the fracture and is essential part of a hive mind. While not inherently smart itself, this titan serves an unseen power with a great deal of cunning, and thus fights with a great deal of trickery and tactical awareness.
word count: 283
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Re: The Grand Fracture of Ati'el

Ati'el's Helmet

Name: Ati'el's Helmet
History: As smart as she was Ati'el was not above forgetting things from time to time, and despised acknowledging that a mind as brilliant as hers was not without flaws. Rather than transcribe her knowledge onto something as destructible as a book, Ati'el copied every scrap of information she learnt into a helmet. This helmet now lies unclaimed within her black tower in the centre of her labyrinth, promising answers to any with the intelligence to claim it.
Physical Description: A helmet made of an unknown metal coated with the feathers of an unknown bird.
Abilities: Ati'el's helmet contains the culmination of all her ancient knowledge within it. When one wears the helmet they may speak aloud any question they wish, and the helmet will download the answer to it directly into their head. It will only ever answer one question for each person who wears it, so choose your question carefully.

The danger in using Ati'el's helmet lies in how the question asked of it is worder. A living creature's brain is only designed to hold so much information, and if a question that is too open-ended is asked the helmet will force more knowledge than the brain can hold into it all at once, either sending the wearer into a comatose state in mild cases or causing their head to literally explode. It can also only provide knowledge that Ati'el knew, and as such cannot answer questions about magic, humans or anything else that preceded her shattering.
word count: 267
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Re: The Grand Fracture of Ati'el

Love it.
word count: 3
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