42nd of Ymiden, 722
The air was electric. The city itself was charged with an infectious, excited energy that chained across every person in the town like lightning. Citizens surged with a relentless joy and unity that could only be found in the Empire.
And why shouldn't they be happy? This trial was the Founding after all.
Russel whooped with uncharastic excitement as his unit entered the the city square, his voice joining the endless din of chatter that filled the heart of Cahryst. Glorious sights, smells, and sounds delighted every sense as the small squad of Imperial Mages started their celebratory patrol through the residential jubilation.
Though, in all honesty, they were patrolling in name only. While they were dressed in their Imperial Dress Uniform, all sharp angles and pressed longcoats, there was little seperating a member of Her Empress' Army and a casual festival attendee. True, Russel and his compatriots would intervene should any tempers flare, but they were as eager and as willing to participate in the games, dances, and drinks of the day as any true-blooded Imperial.
"Alright, since this everyone else's first time celebrating the Founding in Cahryst, I'm declaring Captain of the Fun Patrol!" Fennel declared as she marched to the front of their group, her voice honey-sweet and edged with excitement. She pushed past Ava, their unit's default field leader, and turned to face the group.
"We've got your usual faire here, and booze a plenty. But! What seperates Cahryst from every other city in the Empire is the Symphony of Steel! It's a huge fighting pit built in the middle of the city for one trial only, and we. Are. Going. To. Win!"
Fennel, eternal spitfire that she was, punched the air on every punctuation. She nearly clocked a passerby across the jaw, but through the civilian's sheer luck he managed to swerve out of the 5'3" woman's range. Ava, however, looked thoroughly unimpressed. "We're on patrol today Fennel. We can't just split from our duties because we feel like it."
"This is why you're not Captain of the Fun Patrol, Avaline," Fennel shot back, sticking an indignant tongue out at her.
Ava's eyes narrowed, and she opened her mouth to snipe back at her compatriot, but Russel stepped up to interrupt her before the pair devolved into bickering. "How's 'bout we go on a rotatin' schedule?" He offered, Imperial accent creeping in to fill the space his stutter had left when it vanished this cycle. "Half of us could start th' day at th' Symphony or th' festival, and th' other half could finish it there?"
A tense glare was exchanged between the pair, but both relented to Russel's suggestion. Ava grabbed Rala, a calculated move judging by Fennel's pout, which left Fennel, Bàs, and Russel to explore the Symphony on their own and free of duty.
The trio duced through the menagerie of stalls that set up across the square, with all manner of vendors hawking all manner of wares. Were they the shopping sort, Russel was sure their eyes would have been pulled by the colored glass and jewels on bright display under the Ymiden sun, but their group were searching for a gleam of a different kind.
True to its namesake, all three of young soldiers heard the Symphony before they saw the Steel. Metallic ringing of metal skating across metal sang through the air, and to the people of the Empire, there was no greater music. Blade against blade was an instrument unlike any other, and as soon as Russel caught sight of the shining steel which caused it, he knew there was no sight like a master at work either. As they pressed closer the arena came into full view. Quickly constructed benches surrounding a sunken sage of scattered sand, it was sturdy and serviceable. But what belied imagination was not the fighting pit, but those that battled within.
They arrived in the middle of duel. One man of average build stood against the whirlwind assaults of a brawny woman. She was like a wave, crashing against the seawall but unable to make it crumble. Again and again she beat her blade down on her opponent, training longsword blaring bright in the midtrial sun's rays, yet her opponent stood stalwart in the face of the unrelenting aggression. It seemed a stalemate, until the brawy woman used the tip of her blade to slide underneath the shield, catching the edge of the barrier and lifting upward to unbalance her enemy. He fell flat on the floor of the constructed pit, the woman's blade tipped under his chin.
The crowd erupted, and Russel could not contain his excitement either. The master of ceremonies for the Symphony quickly stepped forward, raising the hand of the victorious woman high. Cheers again soared high into the Ymiden sky, and she was handed a small purse of winnings before being walked off stage with her dueling partner.
"What an opening folks! But we here at the Symphony hate an empty stage almost as much as we hate a quiet crowd. So what do you say folks? Do we have any new challengers approaching the Pit?!"
Adrenaline pumping louder than any opposing voice in his head, Russel rushed forward to seize the opportunity. He leapt down from the stands, pumping his fists into the air to draw a cheer from the crowd. He was not usually a gloryhound, but Russel had caught the charge of the city. The electric air surged through lungs, and his eyes sang with excitement as he searched the crowd for signs of his would be opponent. He grabbed a training blade from a rack of dulled weapons, eager to display what he had learned these last cycles. He wanted this trial to be filled with laughter and bruises and memories.
And why shouldn't he? It was the Founding after all.