• Information • The Rharnean Brawling Circuit

A bright and joyful land on the surface, Rharne is a place that is full of mirth and mystery. With its capitol seated on the edge of Lake Lovalus, it serves as a busy trade city and tourist destination. Beyond the city lies the Stormlands, a sprawling golden countryside that is bursting with towns, farms and local wildlife.

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Pig Boy
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The Rharnean Brawling Circuit

Brawling Circuit Titles and Rankings

Relevant Information/Links:

Tavern Guide
Potential Opponents

Brawling rankings and titles for each of the various taverns are over-seen and curated by the Thunder Priesthood, who on their honor are required to remain neutral and impartial in maintaining the lists. Even in the case of criminals who engage in brawls and the Brawling Circuit, or even enemies of the state, the only things they consider when it concerns the lists are their wins and their losses in sponsored brawling matches. This in turn is used, in tandem with certain other factors, to determine the token value of defeating an opponent. And at any time, a challenger can eschew the title of the brawler they've beaten, for an arranged sum of tavern tokens from the vanquished.

While Tavern Tokens are not recognized currency for exchange, often enough one can barter them for nels, or other goods and services. This is because what Tavern Tokens represent is a very particular view that Rharneans hold toward honor. The honor of fair competition, and of hard-won struggle, which is the most valid way to acquire Tavern Tokens, and how they enter circulation, typically.

Those who hold Tavern Tokens can often command great amount of favor and respect. Often enough the tokens are drilled with a socket, so that they can be run through a string or chain, in order for displaying the amount of tokens one has. At any time, however, a person who makes such displays of their tokens can be challenged by anyone in the street for the ownership of some or all of these tokens. Thus even if someone acquires a token by less than legitimate means, they have a tendency of flowing back toward the deserving.

When it comes to sponsored fighters, generally fighters are only sponsored by one Tavern at a time. This is to avoid any conflicts of interest, or shady deals. It also stirs the competitive spirit.

The following chart is a list of the active brawlers, who have engaged in fights most recently. Obviously this is a going forward thing (starting on September 16 2022) and will be tracked from here on.


Brawler Name Tavern Sponsor Wins Losses Token Value

Token Value Explained

Token Value score cannot fall below 0. The token value is not necessarily a specific and hard amount of tokens one can expect to win from a certain fighter. It's more meant as a way of tracking how coveted an opponent that person is. The adjustments for that are determined as follows:

1 win = 2 Token value units.
1 loss = 1 Token value unit.
1 draw = -1 Token value unit.
1 forfeit = -2 Token value units.
1 Dust Quarter token earned = 0 Token value unit.
1 Earth Quarter token earned = 1 Token value unit.
1 Glass Quarter token earned = 2 token value unit.
1 Sky Quarter token earned = 3 token value unit.
Dust Quarter venue = -3 token value
Earth Quarter venue = 0 token value
Glass Quarter venue = +1 token value
Sky Quarter venue = +2 token value
Fighting with a handicap: +1 token value for every handicap accepted
Refusing a handicap: -5 token value
Using magic/marks/special abilities/weapons during a fight: -10 token value.
The following code is for any brawlers to record their wins and losses. Bear in mind, the more wins you have, the bigger a target that paints on you for those wishing to challenge you. Thus, it's considered rare and almost suspicious if a brawler has fought without suffering a loss. Handicap matches are also a thing that are encouraged, whether two-against-one, one hand tied behind your back, blind-fighting, or other forms of handicaps that can be imposed on the challenged.

Those who refuse a handicap are considered dishonorable, and risk losing sponsorship of their Tavern.

Code: Select all

Any handicap for the Challenged?:
Tavern Tokens earned:
Tavern Tokens lost:
Type of Competition (Tournament/Exhibition/Title):
Venue of Fight:
word count: 670

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