
Please stop in here and introduce yourself to the community! We'd love to get to know you!

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Lucia Jourdemayne
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Hello everyone!

Hello posts are far from my strong suit, so I am going to cover a few of the suggested bullet points and get to character generation.

As far as role play experience I have done it extensively, I started way back in the day with yahoo chatroom being the single most lame emo person known to man (and here I am dating myself already) Then I transitioned it into gm'ed games such as Neverwinter nights (not the MMO) and several other rpgs at the time. During this period I was in on and off again D&D games with friends. Then came a more formative time of roleplaying on several forms with different topics, scifi, fantasy, superhero. I have touched on most everything besides modern as I dont find its my cup of tea. Somewhere around 20 years of roleplay all said and done.

Nicknames can be whatever people want to call me, my general handle is Deathevn, a throw back to a very old roleplaying game that I really should get rid of as I am not THAT GUY in this case.

I am excited to see a new role play world, meet new players and characters. As a general rule of thumb I like to play antagonists, not often out right fingers arched evil cackling , but I like to play slick, vocal characters that plot behind the shadows while making friends in public. Politics and war are my preferred topics of choice and I like both slow burn sessions and things that are more directly to the point.

My hobbies these days are being a bit of a coffee snob, playing video games of most types, going for hikes , reading and being close to friends and family. Oh and heavy metal of almost every sort, thankful concerts are starting to get back into full swing!

I found you through RPGfix.com so.. as pain on the butt as it is, advertising works!

I will have to get used to no general chat in discord, and there is a good chance I am starting in Korlasir because the culture there seems to be good for what I want to produce.

Looking forward to meet everyone!

(this is unedited, I am not to be held responsible for rambling)
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Re: Hello

Welcome! It sounds like you have a lot of history in the world of roleplay! I like NWN (I even used to play the gold-box version on aol's live service, although I doubt that's the NWN you're talking about ;) )

Sneaky antagonists would be fun to deal with, so bring them on! I look forward to seeing your writing and roleplay.

Korlasir and the Eternal Empire is a great setting to put a character, and I look forward to seeing who you end up making.

If you need an invite to the Eternal Empire chat discord, feel free to pm and let Basilisk know :)
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Re: Hello

Hello, hello! Welcome to our little corner of things! Please let us know if you have any questions. :D
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Re: Hello


Welcome, welcome! It sounds like you have plenty of RPing experience, so I'm sure you'll find your rhythm here quickly. Look forward to seeing you on the boards! :)
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Pyrre Ej'qy
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Re: Hello


I have a feeling you will make a great addition here and starting in the Eternal Empire makes a lot of sense given your interests! I'm really looking forward to following your writing as I am a sucker for intrigue and slow builds.

If you have any questions, just ask! I'm sure you will be well looked after in your city's discord.
word count: 66


Pyrre's right lower leg is missing and has been replaced with a wooden peg after a run in with Chrien.
As a Biqaj, his ears are slightly pointed and his skin glows a silvery hue under the moonlight. His eyes change accordingly:
Standard Aquamarine, gold starburst Upset Indigo, silver starburst
Curious Pale blue, gold starburst Injured Jet, silver starburst
Angry Gray and gold, silver starburst Drunk Pale amber, gold starburst
Amorous Platinum, gold starburst Scared Emerald, silver starburst


Hated by Chrien
"The first level of Chrien's curse bestows terrible misfortune upon the Hated. A series of events will befall them daily that range from the minor and annoying to the severe and dangerous. Rarely are these forces of mishap deadly, but curiously those that are around the Hated seem to benefit from remarkably better luck than they might have otherwise had."
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Re: Hello

Welcome to the site! As Pigs said, lemme know if you want an invite to the EE discord.
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Lucia Jourdemayne
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Re: Hello

Good (likely) afternoon everyone!

Thanks for the welcome! I would like a invite to the E/E discord please. I am not sure how this is normally handled but it appears I dont yet have the posting power to ask you through PM, so here I am!

Perhaps @Basilisk works?
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