• Closed • A Brief Glimpse in the Mirror

123rd of Ashan 722

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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A Brief Glimpse in the Mirror

123rd of Ashan 722

Two Arcs Ago...

Woe rarely had occasion to ride Opal anymore. While she got regular exercise from the likes of Sage, and at the Ranger's Hall in Egilrun, he more preferred to ride on Soz, his dragonling. But the nature of his trip this night was such that he had need of Opal's talent. Namely, her ability to pierce the veil, and bring Woe temporarily across space under moonlight, to a person he longed to see. Opal shook her head as Woe climbed atop her. He looked up at the moons, and wondered if it'd be overcast where Natalia was. If that'd matter? If it'd matter that he more wanted to see the place where he had instructed her to arrive at, than to see her personally. It was almost callous of him to use her in such a way, which he was shamefully aware of. Yet, she could do him a favor. She could easily have refused, could she not have? And at any rate, if she wished to refuse his arrival, she could do that as well.

So Woe concentrated on Opal, opening the way with a pang of sorrow. He recalled the memory of that night two arcs ago, when Werthom had died. And with it, he willed Opal to carry him through to the other side of the world.

She gave some resistance at first. Perhaps tetchy because of his absence, or that she was unused to him riding her in recent seasons. Woe soothed her with a caress of her neck, and whispered some encouraging sounds. This didn't immediately calm her, but after a few bits of whispering nothings to his Destiar, the steed calmed down. Enough that he could try again.

So he spurred her lightly toward the road ahead, and with a flash of moonlight, disappeared, and arrived on the road south of Etzos.

He cantered along, wondering where Natalia was in all of this. His eyes searched the darkness, well capable of seeing in the dark now thanks to Kuvarakh's effigy having awoken. The shadows wouldn't hide any secrets from his eyes.

He kept riding until he arrived at the hill where the forget-me-nots grew. They were brilliant blue in the moonlight, growing beneath the concave growth of an oak tree. Woe slid down from the saddle of his Destiar, and walked up toward the gravesite, where Werthom was buried. He knelt in front of him, staying aware of his surroundings yet couldn't help being a little lost in thought. He looked at the tree, and took out his whisperwood recorder. Moseke had granted him the ability to shape the oak anyway he wanted, should he fill the song with the appropriate emotion. He wasn't great or even good with a recorder yet. But he knew some simple notes, that he could hold. He only hoped the emotion he played into the music, came across well enough to tame the wild oak tree.

So he began playing, a low and mournful note, notes that were memorized in sequence. He did so, and filled the tree with divine ether to begin to shape it.
Last edited by Woe on Sat Aug 20, 2022 2:35 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 537
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Re: A Brief Glimpse in the Mirror

123 Ashan, Arc 722

Suspicious? Dubious? Outright odd? All of the above, as far as Natalia was concerned. Woe was a wild card that she couldn’t adequately read, so the meet was something of a risk. Which Woe would she find? The one that believed what others said about her over her own words? The man who had been harsh with her at the Feast? Or the one that she had met in the beginning?

Beyond all that, she felt a sense of responsibility to answer his echo message, agreeing to the meet. He had asked her to come alone, and she would honor that, but that didn’t preclude her from leaving a note for Grayson outlining the meeting and location, so if she didn’t return, he would know where to start looking.

Also, ‘alone’ didn’t mean she couldn’t be prepared. Ares was nearby in the wooded area, and Apollo would accompany her in his bag, but more than any of the rest, Natalia was bringing her secret weapon to the meeting – Renaissance.

The trials of simple acquaintance with Woe were over. Begun were the ones where she would need to question the reason for his attention. She wasn’t the same girl he had met in Egilrun or even the one he had taken to Saoire’s Feast. The harshness of Almund and Etzos had slowly seeped into her being. Natalia had far to go still, but the subtle changes were noticeable.

She made her way to the meeting spot, astride her trusted Renaissance. Natalia’s eyes were open, searching for any dangers. She didn’t like the location he had chosen for the meet, but it was too late to turn back. Had Grayson known, he wouldn’t have let her come, which was precisely why a note was left, and no one-on-one conversation occurred.

Finally, slowing to a walk, Natalia veered Renaissance off to the side of the road, having spotted Opal. Woe would be nearby, certainly. All she heard were the strains of music coming from close by, for the moment.

Following them, Natalia caught sight of Woe. She steered Renaissance in that direction but stayed on the creature as she greeted him with a neutral tone. “Hello, Woe.”

Natalia’s voice prompted movement from inside the riding bag, slung over the mortalborn’s shoulder. Apollo, all six heads of him, popped out, yawning and trilling, looking about to see what was going on. The nighttime ride had lulled him to sleep, but now it was time to see what all the fuss was about.

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Re: A Brief Glimpse in the Mirror

123rd of Ashan 722

Werthom's grave was much as he left it, albeit with the overgrowth and forget-me-nots which had already sprung into bloom in late Ashan. Woe played a practiced tune for the tree, and as he did so a shape began to take form on its face. First, as a oblong burl along its trunk, and then becoming more defined as Woe poured more emotion into the song, trying his hand at some more complex notes and combinations of notes. He was by no means even competent with a recorder, but it was an easy instrument to learn.

As the bits wore on, Woe began to wonder if he'd hear Natalia come upon him. Perhaps she'd already mastered the arts of stealth, or had been snatched up, recruited by one faction or another. He didn't know, and probably should've kept in touch with her. That was his fault. Then again, he wasn't exactly gentle or informative in his letter to her. He didn't like pouring his heart out on paper. It left a mess. Much better to spill one's marbles in full view of the person they intended to appoint their confessor.

So it was here.

By the time Natalia came up behind Woe, and announced herself, Woe had concluded his song. The rough shape of a small human child was now depicted upon the trunk of the tree. A combination of Sevrath's Will and Mother's Song had formed the burl and subsequently shaped it. Moseke's blessing was full of wonders that Woe had only just begun to discover. He tucked his small recorder under his cloak, and stood up, turning around to face Natalia.

Although she was good at concealing her emotions, Woe could sense her apprenhension on her facial features. Still, she was far less expressive than the girl he'd left in Almund. More world weary and perhaps experienced into the bargain. Not as much the sheltered socialite that she'd come from. Woe nodded in greeting to her.

"Hello Natalia. I'm glad you came." He said, without a hint of deception. He turned aside, thinking perhaps he noticed something, a creature or some such, but then shrugged and turned back toward her. "I'm in your debt, as I said in the note. I have a gift for you, but first, is there anything you'd ask of me? I promise to answer as honestly as I can."

word count: 418
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Re: A Brief Glimpse in the Mirror

123 Ashan, Arc 722

Natalia projected calm, but inside, the young woman was tense. She remained quiet as he spoke, noting the child's imprint on the tree and appraising Woe. If he wished her to know something, he would tell her - that was certain.

Sensing that things were serene for the moment, she dismounted gracefully from Renaissance, giving the horse a soft pat as she did. She was curious about many things, like the reason for his choice of location for their meeting and some apparent new abilities. But maybe they weren't new? It wasn't as if they had really had a chance to get that far in their earlier meetings, and Natalia conceded that there was likely much she didn't know about Woe.

Giving Renaissance another pat, she slipped him a few apple slices and then offered the same to Opal with an open hand, making sure to stand a respectful distance back. Opal was a curiosity to Natalia, although she couldn't quite put her fingers on how or why, but she admired the beautifully unique creature all the same. She knew of the mount's skittishness, and didn't wish to provoke it.

"It's good to see you too, Woe. I trust you and the children have been well?" It was hard to take the etiquette out of the girl, not when it had been so beaten into her growing up. Beyond that, Natalia honestly did want to make sure that he and the boys were okay.

He mentioned a gift. Woe liked to give gifts, but then again, he was marked by her father. Natalia hadn't put two and two together until the moment, but something about those two facts made sense to her. Perhaps she would have to ask Woe about it sometrial, but not that one.

Smiling a little, the dark-haired young woman pointed to the set of hairpin daggers woven into her long curls, masquerading as hair ornaments. "These have been very useful, so I feel the need to thank you again, and as well for the warning about Etzos. It's an interesting training ground, I must admit."

He wanted to know if there was anything she wished to ask of him – where to begin? Natalia knew it not to be an idle offer but understood the need to be careful not to ask too much. There was a delicate balance to be had, so what was it that she wanted to know the most about?

"When we met in Almund, you had a dragonling. I've heard rumors of others having them, but I don't know many people, so there was no one to ask. You said we could exchange stories sometime."

Briefly considering her words, she continued. You probably don't have long, but I'd like to know if you know the larger story of what happened? Ilaren told us that Faldrun, Kata, and Mastes were using artifacts to collect ambient energy, and we needed to find the one in the Ghost Burho, carried by aukari. She said that there were other groups, so I assume you were in one of those? And yes, to answer your question from our last meeting, I was in the Ghost Burho when it was destroyed. Or, actually, below it."

It was hard to convey what she was striving at, and she was verging on too many words. Yes, there was a lot Natalia wanted to know, but some things had to wait for another time.

Sighing softly, she summarized. "I just would like to know what it was all about and what happened at the end, if you know."

Of course, it was too much to ask that her curiosity stay silent, so another question slipped free. "What does this place mean to you, Woe?" It obviously did, but if he would tell her was another story.

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Last edited by Natalia Gregorios on Sat Aug 20, 2022 2:33 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 656
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Opal didn’t seem to mind so much as Natalia approached. She looked a little tired, and possibly starved for attention, and Natalia being naturally in tune with equine creatures would perhaps sense that. Opal nudged her snout right up against Natalia’s hand, but careful not to let her touch her veil.

She asked about him and the children. Woe nodded. “Nothing disastrous has befallen us yet.”

He was about ready to fetch her gift, when she mentioned the hairpins. At first he started smiling, but then she referred to Etzos as a training ground, it faded just a little. While he couldn’t hold it against her if she felt that way, he couldn’t help being unsettled by her characterization of the place.

He wanted to get to the bottom of that, now, and see her clearly, “A training ground. Etzos is a place that men and women have bled and died for, the site of many battles and a source of riches that have yet to be counted. Immortals whose names died centuries before we were born were slain here. It’s a little more than at raining ground.” But then Woe smiled, he wasn’t here to chide her too harshly.

It wasn’t long ago, afterall, that Woe felt very much the same about Etzos, as little more than a pitstop with a few extra amenities. Yet, spending time in a place, bleeding there and fighting for it, there was something to be said for the effect that investment could instill in an otherwise cold soul. It was a bit worrisome that Natalia perhaps had grown cynical and sardonic in her time here. He almost wanted to ask who she’d gotten herself mixed up in, but decided it was none of his business.

She went on to ask about dragonlings, and Woe nodded. “It was a Kutzeldaur. Of Kuvarakh. A terrible but well-meaning dragon. I was among those taken, as I suppose you must have been as well? Where did…”

But then she answered, telling him that she’d been in Yaralon of all places. And not just Yaralon, but the Ghost Burho. Woe suddenly felt gripped by a sense of anxiety, and almost let it show on his face a moment before the flash of emotion was gone. Natalia might’ve noticed it though, if she’d honed a perceptive eye.

“I heard about such artifacts, I was sent along by another Immortal, Ethelynda. That in itself would’ve seemed strange enough. I didn’t do well on my trials, but somehow made my way through it, to the source of power that was spoken of. Happened to be a dragon. It was in Augiery that I found him.”

“As for what happened, apparently several Immortals died. I haven’t had the chance to investigate the people who may have been involved, though. It’s been a busy few cycles.”

Woe turned to look at the oak, which had taken on the rough likeness of Werthom in life. He turned to stare at the burl he’d urged to grow from the trunk of the tree, back to Natalia.

“It’s hard to explain.” He said. “This place was the catalyst of great change for me. Where I learned my actions have weight in this world. In short, this is where I learned what it means not to be a slave anymore.”
word count: 571
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Re: A Brief Glimpse in the Mirror

123 Ashan, Arc 722

Natalia smiled softly as Opal nuzzled her hand, prompting the young Mortalborn to stay there a moment longer and tend to the horse's needs. There was something about Woe's horse that called to her, but if pressed, she wouldn't be able to pinpoint what. Perhaps a little attention was what she needed, and the young woman was happy to provide.

Before stepping away to attend to Woe, she gently leaned over and kissed Opal on the nose. "Good girl."

Woe's answer to her question regarding him and the boys was met with an odd response, prompting a wry grin. "Well, you have teenagers now, so I'd expect disaster is just a little late to the party."

It was evident that her comment about Etzos has prompted a somewhat strong response. Natalia didn't know the particulars of the city's history, but she was on the path to discovery. The learning curve was steep, but she was confident she'd get there.

Regardless, the Mortalborn swiftly sought to clarify her comment. There was a story behind Woe's reaction but it wasn't her business to pry, only make sure he understood what she meant. "I meant no disrespect to the city by saying that, Woe. I like Etzos. It's…different. I feel freer here than I did in Scalvoris. It's tough to explain. Here, no one knows me. No one is angry at me for what I say, what I do, or even who I am. Well, at least for who they think I am." Etzos, as she knew Woe understood, had a particular view of Mortalborns that was't pleasent.

"I just….I wanted to breathe. Here, I can do that. No other place has offered me that luxury. Here....I maybe have time to prepare for what's coming."

They began discussing dragons, and Woe told her of Kuvarakh. She, in turn, filled him in on Yaralon. When she mentioned the Ghost Burho, something flashed through her companion's expression. He had told her of Yaralon, but it wasn't the mention of the city that had caused the reaction. No, explicitly the Ghost Burho.

Briefly, she considered letting it go. Had it been anyone else beyond the man in front of her, Natalia probably would have, but not Woe. Anything that caused him to break the facade he enjoyed employing was worth asking about.

"I saw that..." she said quietly. "Something about the Ghost Burho." The young woman may have appeared to be the same on the outside, but growth was evident in several ways, including observation.

Woe answered her question, telling her of Augiery and his adventure, which apparently happened at the exact same time she had been in Yaralon. When he quipped that he hadn't fared well during his, the smallest of smiles broke free before her voice replied. "If you stayed out of the sewer, you fared better than I."

Moving a bit closer, she continued. "I met a dragon named Vielkrontier. Seven heads and massive. My impression is that he values strength above all else. Five in our group - only the Ithecal and I made it to the end. The rest either vanished or ran off; I'm unsure which. Vielkrontier threatened to kill us unless we gave him a reason to spare our lives. I simply pointed out that where once there were five, only two remained. It was a good enough argument. I wouldn't consider him benevolent. I get the impression Yaralon had issues even before the dragon, but I can't imagine he's made things better."

As for the bigger picture, Immortals had died. Huh. Natalia had heard whispers of such but hadn't put two and two together. It did prompt a thought, though, one she wasn't sure she knew the answer to, so the young Mortalborn decided to ask while she had the chance.

"But not Chamadarst? He didn't die, right? Would we know if he did?" Woe was marked by him and her, the daughter of the Coinking. Would either of them know if he died? Did she care?

That was an interesting question.

Their conversation turned to her question of him. Natalia wasn't a fool - he had picked the spot for a reason, and it was becoming evident it was emotional. She gave him patience, waiting until he was ready to answer, casting her eyes over the oak and what he had transformed it into.

When the answer came, it wasn't entirely what she had expected. Natalia herself was still relatively wrapped in safety with regards to the world. Yes, there had been an adventure on a grand scale, but she had survived. Perhaps the Mortalborn even thrived a bit in that environment. The world hadn't thrown its weight on her yet, and for that, she was grateful.

But Woe was different. He had seen so much, and Natalia knew so little about his life and what challenges he had faced. She needed to say something in response but waited a moment to let the right words come to her.

"It seems that there are those who that does seem true for. In social circles, people like that are called 'prime movers.' At least that's what people always told me. Those who always seem to be in the middle of everything, or who the universe seems to move around. People that put things into motion even. Whose very steps are magnified."

Natalia lowered gracefully to a nearby fallen log, sitting as they spoke, nodding her head towards the tree. "May I ask who she is?"

It seemed they were stumbling upon a sensitive subject, so Natalia trod lightly. "I won't be offended if you decline to answer."

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Re: A Brief Glimpse in the Mirror


"Well, you have teenagers now, so I'd expect disaster is just a little late to the party."

Woe almost scoffed at that, but stifled the laugh. Then he listened to what Etzos meant to Natalia, contrary to the cynicism she’d expressed only moments before, it seemed she had deeper thoughts about the city than at first he thought. Still, it was strange that she thought that way, that people elsewhere were often angry with her, or having strange designs. “That’s an odd thing to say,” Woe said, “Because, and don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m still not sure who I think you are.”

Woe went on, “So who are you really? Who do you think you are?”

She seemed to be under the impression that changes were afoot in the world, and perhaps she was right. Doubtless the murder of several Immortals was a portend for things to come, if the emergence of Dragons wasn’t. It was a fair assumption that great things were working in the world. It would be interesting to see where the dominos fell.

She caught on his expression as he heard her mention the Ghost Burho, “I have family there.” He said, simply. “It was concern you saw.”

Of course, Woe’s connection to the Webspinners was a complex and increasingly acrimonious one. He was all too aware that he had unfinished business with them, and that his time for a reckoning would emerge sooner or later.

“Sewers are places I prefer to stay out of, if I can.” Woe admitted when she referred to his luck for having avoided the sanitation facilities of Yaralon.

When she described Vielkrontier, and his personality, his ethos more or less, Woe nodded. “Seems like he’ll be right at home in Yaralon, actually. The people may even admire the dragon, for the challenge he poses. I actually couldn’t think of a more appropriate dragon to emerge from Yaralon… It seems each of the dragons that I know of emerged from places where you’d very much expect them to, given their disposition…”

Woe shook his head when Natalia showed what seemed like concern, or curiosity at Chamadarst’s well-being. “No, I felt his presence just a few tentrials ago, at a wedding in Faldrass, oddly enough. He isn’t dead.”

Woe wasn’t sure what to make of her comparison to the people who were present at the death of the Immortals to ‘prime movers’. Woe had a different view, generally. “I think perhaps they were merely in the right place at the right time. But I can’t say more without having investigated the matter more closely.”

“Her name was Werthom. I adopted her off the streets of Etzos.” Woe shrugged, as he regarded the burl, “She died of an allergic reaction, and this is her burial spot. Perhaps it was merciful for her to be claimed in such a way. The plagues that wracked Etzos during that time were horrible to behold.”

“But I’m forgetting something.” WOe went over toward Opal, and withdrew a long, narrow parcel from her saddlebags. It was wrapped in a sheet of wool. He unrolled the sheet in front of Natalia. “This is one of the swords I had commissioned for the royal court of Arkenstone in Quacia. Somehow it found its way into the back of a smuggler’s boat off the coast of Egilrun, who then hawked it off on me.”

The blade was a masterwork piece, its sheath fire-warded with golden salamander leather, and the hilt similarly fire-warded to protect the user’s hand from the burning brand of its faldrunium blade. It was perhaps, not quite Natalia’s style of weapon. Too ostentatious, he thought. But then, she’d done him a service by allowing him to arrive here again, for even such a short time. He thought that service deserved reciprocal reward.

Besides, she might have need of a decent side-arm.

He handed her the sheathed blade, and said, “Careful with it. The blade is white hot faldrunium.”
word count: 686
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Re: A Brief Glimpse in the Mirror

123 Ashan, Arc 722

Natalia quietly watched Woe as he responded to her more complex thoughts about the city and her specifically. The question was intriguing, and regardless of her lack of an immediate, coherent answer, the young Mortalborn did what she could to answer it.

"I'm not sure, Woe. I wish I had a better answer. My life, to the point where I left my family, was about people telling me who they thought I was. I refuse to allow that, but it means I have to figure out who the 'me' I'm meant to be is, unbecoming everything that doesn't make sense anymore." It was the best she could do, uncertain as she was. Had she made progress? Sure, but there was still a wealth of work to be done.

"Still, it doesn't stop others from making their assumptions, but I suppose that happens with everyone." Natalia wasn't beyond admitting that whatever journey she was on was unique to her; it was fairly universal as far as she could tell.

He graced her with an answer when she asked about the odd expression, and while part of her wished to push further, Natalia momentarily reined in her curiosity. The boys were often spoken of, but the idea of family beyond that was not something Woe had previously broached with her. She didn't want to seem too eager to pounce on the opportunity.

"Have you spoken to them since? I can't say I saw anything that might confirm or deny damage in that area from the dragon." Not asking about the family's identity didn't mean she wasn't concerned.

"There was a woman we spoke to. She didn't seem too distressed from what I could gather," she continued, trying to give him any piece of information that might be useful. "Then again, I can't attest to anything that might have happened since that trial."

The comment about sewers elicited a rare laugh from her. "I would have preferred that too, but it was our entry point, and the approach wasn't large enough for me and the dragonling doing ariel combat while fighting the aukari."

Woe had been the first one to tell her of Yaralon, and his further thoughts regarding it were interesting. Natalia was unsure if she would ever return there, but just in case, she filed away the remarks. One never knew what might be helpful or not.

An odd sensation of relief accompanied his assurance that Chamadarst was well. The young mortalborn wasn't quite sure what to make of the feeling, pushing it to the side for further contemplation at a later point and thanking her companion for the information with a gentle nod.

So, there had been a daughter too. Werthom. Glancing at the tree burl and then back at Woe, Natalia processed the information swiftly. There were questions - so many questions - but what was eventually spoken wasn't an inquiry. "I'm sorry, Woe."

Was there more to say? Always, but sometimes it was best to keep things simple. There was an emotional connection to the site that Natalia wanted to respect, which gave her an idea but before she could say anything, he was rifling through his saddlebags.

When he turned and presented her gift, the young woman rose, walking towards him, listening to the story. It was too much, but as sure as she knew her name, Natalia knew refusing the gift wasn't an option - Woe wanted her to have the sword.

"It's beautiful. Do you know what became of the other swords?" He had indicated commissioning 'swords,' so there was an innate curiosity about where the others had gone.

Reaching out, she accepted the sword from him. "I'm honored by this gift, Woe." Suddenly remembering her earlier thought, Natalia decided that perhaps it was the right time to bring up her offer. She hoped it would show her gratitude for the gift and trust he had placed in her, telling her about something deeply personal.

"I will come to this spot and care for it, watching over your memorial to her. Maybe plant some flowers for her."

As always, Natalia remained guarded with her words and intentions, but she considered the man her friend - nothing about that had changed. The only thing she could offer was a vow that she would be a faithful guardian to a spot that meant something to him.

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"A girl should be two things: who and what she wants."

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There was little to say of it, and Woe didn’t expect an apology, “Thanks. It feels good to share that finally. I don’t believe I’ve told anyone about Werthom before, beyond perhaps Vega, and she was only part of the way lucid at that time.”

Of the other swords, there was little to say, but Woe would trust her at least with the events that prompted their forging. He told her about the Quacian conflict with the Creep, and how it’d nearly encroached on the heart of that city in prior years. Woe had tried to unite the various political interests or at the very least rally the Royal Court with a grand gesture of the gift of the swords. The Faldrunium he’d acquired from an old associate, “He was like us, Mortalborn, and he helped me to acquire the Faldrunium for the swords. His business is based in Etzos, as a matter of fact…”

“Of course, the gift to the court wasn’t entirely out of a sense of altruism.” Woe said, “I had hoped to get closer to the court of the Arkenstones, perhaps aspiring to something greater then. But now I’m content to be a simple public servant in Scalvoris. Go figure.”

Woe didn’t regret his position now, it was far more amenable to him and less full of intrigue than his ambitions would’ve led him had he stayed the course in Quacia.

“It was rather strange that the sword came to be in Scalvoris, all the way across the world. I almost suspect some treachery in its arriving there, and for me to find it. The other swords? Possibly in the possession of Arkenstone Family, or their retainers. There were around ten crafted by the Guild of Warfare, if memory serves.”

But then, their time was growing shorter. When Natalia promised to watch over the memorial and care for it, Woe nodded, “Thank you. I…” Woe almost thought to ask if she’d keep it just between them, but then thought better of it. Should she get caught sneaking into the Memorial’s midst, he didn’t want her to think that she would have to guard the secret of its origin with her life or some such. So he left well enough alone.

“Thank you.” He sighed, “Well it’s time I’m off. Opal will be wanting to return soon. Don’t be a stranger, and perhaps write me sometime with news.” Woe gave her a brief salute, and then held the veil of Opal in his hand, as the horse tilted its head downward, hoofing the ground.

“We’ll meet again I’m sure.”

Then, Opal bore him away on a wisp of moonlight that crested through the branches of the memorial. He was gone.

word count: 470
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


Merged Shadow
Poison Blood
Strong Shadow
Horned Shadow
Winged Shadow
Ignorance Domain
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Re: A Brief Glimpse in the Mirror

Your Review


Hello Natalia. I haven't had the chance to really read a Natalia thread. She seems like a very interesting character who is looking for herself. It would be interesting to read how she was before. This thread was an excellent reunion thread that carried me along well not having known all of the past interaction. It will be interesting to read more and see how Natalia contiunes to change and grow. I like her focus on being herself and not what others want. Thank you for the Read. Fate.


XP: 15
Renown: 0


Faldrunium sword


Played to Level

Animal Husbandry: Offer food with open hand, reducing chance of fingers being bitten
Deception: If someone would stop you from going somewhere, don't tell them until it's too late.
Detection: Recognizing a flash of emotion before it vanishes
Intelligence: Comparing stories often yields interesting information
Intelligence: Giving an analysis
Intelligence: Clarifying rumors while you have a knowledgeable source available
Investigation: Using observations to make educated guesses
Psychology: Strong responses mean there's a story
Tactics: Having your dragonling nearby in case of trouble



Hello Woe. A very interesting read, as you do well to help the reader understand the backstory with out haveing to go read it, but at the same time keeping the thread moving at a good pace. It will be interesting to watch and see how his and Natalia's relationship progresses. Thank you for the Read. Fate.


XP: 15
Renown: 0




Played to Level

Detection: Effigy comes with some sensory perks.
Discipline: Resisting the draw of regret and 'what might have been' by recognizing you're in a better place now.
Mount: Riding on a beam of moonlight is quite a different experience than just riding a road.
Psychology: Sensing apprehension in a person's facial expressions.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this review - drop me a PM.
word count: 329
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