Craft of Dreams: Praetorum (1/3)

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Pig Boy
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Craft of Dreams: Praetorum (1/3)


Event: Craft of Dreams

When things were quiet, and not much else was going on, Praetorum would see the most peculiar sight in the skies above Idalos. A large ship, floating on the air as if it were an ocean, with mechanical doodads, pipes, and various other arcane devices seeming to power it, began approaching him.

The flying ship stopped some several fathoms over Praetorum’s head, before a rope ladder appeared out of a circular hatch in the side of the ship. Out of the hatch, came a man wearing a top-hat, and wearing the trappings of an gadgeteer and engineer. Tools were attached to every baldric and belt place, one for every task one could think of, and then some.

He half slid, half climbed down the ladder with great energy, and when he landed on the ground, he took one look around, and then nodded at Praetorum.

“Hello! I’m Teq Vy’Ihadi! Champion of Aeva. I’ve heard that you’re a budding ensorceller? Splendid, we can always use people willing to push the boundaries of what is possible. But you need help learning as the whole exploding nature of wells can pose a problem to a newcomer. I can arrange for something to help along with that… But first I have a problem you might be able to help me with.

“I have need of some cast molds, for replaceable parts aboard my ship. Small things mostly, but also some larger moving parts. Some can be fit with bronze, but others needs nothing less than steel to withstand high pressure.”

Teq handed over a set of schematics and patterns, that would detail the types of fixtures needed. They appeared mostly like hinges, or cannisters, or indeed screws and nails. It seemed like an easy enough job for an Expert smith.”

“They need to be very very strong, however, so I think you’d be my best shot to get what I need!”

“Once you’re done, here…” Teq handed them what appeared to be a whistle. “Just blow on that, and I’ll come back calling to check on your progress. Thanks!”

Whether she answered in the affirmative or not, he’d latch onto his rope ladder again, and get pulled up. Clambering into his ship after the ladder was pulled most of the way up. Then he was flying off to the next set of people to visit. Of course, he would probably come back to visit Praetorum, as the Lizard appeared to have a few problems in need of solving. Teq didn’t mind though, he enjoyed his work.
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Hello! Here is your Teq event posting. You’re free to pursue the event either in a separate thread as solo or a collab, whichever you’d prefer. Once you’ve completed the thread for dealing with the problem identified in your sign-up, please post again here with the solution to the problem Teq posed to you. Please include a date that is convenient to your pc.

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