Samardyn "Sam" Rasvima

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Sam Rasvima
Approved Character
Posts: 68
Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2022 2:59 pm
Race: Aukari
Profession: Priest
Renown: 75
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5



Samardyn "Sam" Rasvima

Name: Samardyn "Sam" Rasvima

Race: Aukari

Date of Birth: 40th of Saun, 695

Languages Spoken:
Fluent = Vauni
Broken = Common


Disheveled hair and scruffy beard both kissed by flame, Sam always appears as if he was five bits late to wherever he was going. Standing at a modest 5'11" and weighing in at an equally average 170 lbs, amidst the fiery Aukari he always looks to be another face in the crowd. Angular features frame his face, with his too-large-for-his-head ears poking out distinctly. His skin is pale, though usually smudged with a light dusting of the ash that Sirothelle is known for. His eyes remain a steely blue, small twinkling gems on an otherwise unremarkable face.

Sam dresses humbly for his station. He is typically seen in a scaled-down version of traditional Sirothelle priest's vestments, trading the ornate golds and oranges for practical greys, blacks and reds. They are cut into a simple style of pants and tunic rather than robes, all of a light fabric to compensate for the heat. These too are typically stained with soot and ash from the streets of Sirothelle, where Sam plies his trade as a pastor for an increasingly wayward flock of congregants.
Last edited by Sam Rasvima on Wed Jul 27, 2022 12:34 am, edited 7 times in total. word count: 209
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Sam Rasvima
Approved Character
Posts: 68
Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2022 2:59 pm
Race: Aukari
Profession: Priest
Renown: 75
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5




Skills & Knowledge

Skill Name Level XP
Leadership Expert 50/100 (FT)
Socialization Competent 26/250
Meditation Competent 26/250 (RB)
Tactics Novice 15/250
Politics Novice 15/250
Discipline Novice 15/250


Total: 22
Starter Knowledge: 11
Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down: 2
Sinners Make a Saint: 4
Mediation or Immolation, Your Choice: 5

Total: 17
Starter Knowledge: 11
Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down: 3
Sinners Make a Saint: 2
A Flame Needs Tinder: 1

Total: 12
Starter Knowledge: 5
Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down: 1
A Flame Needs Tinder: 5
Words Like Wildfire (Part I): 1

Total: 6
Starter Knowledge: 4
Words Like Wildfire (Part I): 2

Total: 6
Starter Knowledge: 2
Mediation or Immolation, Your Choice: 1
Words Like Wildfire (Part I): 3

Starter Knowledge: 5
Last edited by Sam Rasvima on Sat Dec 03, 2022 11:55 pm, edited 15 times in total. word count: 139
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Sam Rasvima
Approved Character
Posts: 68
Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2022 2:59 pm
Race: Aukari
Profession: Priest
Renown: 75
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5




Skill Point Ledger

Here is where you record all the skill points you receive (Startup XP, CS Approval Rewards and, of course, Thread Reviews!) and all the points you spend on your skills. Again, below is an example which you can edit.

You don't need to fill this in before you start playing - but it must be maintained as you get reviews.

Thread or Skill Name Points Adjustment Running Total
Leadership (Startup) +26 0
Socialization (Startup) +26 0
Meditation (Racial Bonus) +25 0
Tactics (Startup) +10 0
Politics (Startup) +10 0
Discipline (Startup) +10 0
Discipline (Approval Bonus) +5 0
Tactics (Approval Bonus) +5 0
Politics (Approval Bonus) +5 0
Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down +10 10
Sinners Make a Saint +10 20
A Flame Needs Tinder +10 30
Meditation -1 29
Mediation or Immolation, Your Choice +10 39
Leadership -24 15
Words Like Wildfire (Part I) +10 25
Last edited by Sam Rasvima on Sat Dec 03, 2022 11:52 pm, edited 11 times in total. word count: 151
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Sam Rasvima
Approved Character
Posts: 68
Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2022 2:59 pm
Race: Aukari
Profession: Priest
Renown: 75
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5



Skills & Knowledges


Sam walks through the world with a casual compassion, bearing a kindness that comes as easy to him as breathing. Ever the optimist, he proceeds through the world with the firm belief that things will get better given time. He knows the world doesn't get better unless we all lift together, a position that has marked him as something as an iconoclast among the fellows in his faith. This division between himself and the institution of his religion can cause great conflict with the Aukari, but as his faith teaches, it is only through turmoil that he believes he can rise above his weaknesses.

Regarding his weaknesses of character, Sam has plenty to spare. The Aukari is a fixer at heart, and puts priority on managing people's crises rather than letting them go through necessary suffering. He also has a tendency to focus on the smaller steps rather than the bigger picture; ignoring the ramifications of his actions if it means him behaving morally. Sam is also of an inflexible moral compass. There are simply some lines he would never cross, even if it's to his great disadvantage not to do so. While he is willing to apply grace to others, he would not be able to apply that same forgiveness to himself should he ever stray from those moral lines.
word count: 225
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Sam Rasvima
Approved Character
Posts: 68
Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2022 2:59 pm
Race: Aukari
Profession: Priest
Renown: 75
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5



Re: Samardyn "Sam" Rasvima


Sam was born the only son of a mid-ranking priest and priestess within the Occult of Sirothelle. The first and last of their line, his parents raised him with the expectation of greatness placed on his shoulders. He was to be their golden ticket to status, wealth, and respect. He was to accomplish all that they could not; to be the golden child of their great faith. So, they lauded him with the finest tutors of sword and scroll, three square meals each trial when many suffered without, and ensured he had every opportunity afforded to him when he came of age. Despite their meager means, Sam lacked for nothing as a child.

Except ambition.

He did not burn brightly as his parents intended. He barely burned at all. Sam was not of the cruel, capricious, or cunning temperament required to rise through the ranks of the Sirothellen Education system. He did not have the maker's mark of an assassin within him, nor the strength of the soldier bolstering his arm. And while he did have silver tongue, the extent of his use of it was to get him of trouble of his own making. Trouble was really the only thing that Sam had a knack for, that and disappointing his parents. This disappointment spiked to new levels when his Occult educators deemed him unfit for their ranks, ending his formal training and releasing him into the Sirothellen workforce at 17 arcs old.

Sam wasn't trained in much, but he had a clever tongue and his parents ensured that he knew his verses well. He found a local parish with a priest that was willing to take him on as an apprentice. While he was unmarked by their Immortal, he was a helpful acolyte to the practitioners of the faith. His own beliefs in their Lord were unstable at the best of times, but he kept that opinion squared neatly away. For eleven years he served his community dutifully, if perhaps unorthodoxly. Sam focused more on the "strength from turmoil" and less on the "fear of our angry god" in spreading the faith, but his parish was small enough, and poor enough, to avoid scrutiny by the more radical elements of the occult. He kept the faith, kept his own opinion quiet, kept his community afloat, and that was all he really needed out of life.

Then their god died. His mentor followed soon after, charred to a crisp by self-immolation.

Now, Sam struggles to keep together a rapidly fracturing community with an irrevocably shattered faith. Unprepared, and at times unwilling, Sam is desperate to keep his little section of Sirothelle from tearing at the seams.
Last edited by Sam Rasvima on Fri Jul 29, 2022 4:15 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 451
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Sam Rasvima
Approved Character
Posts: 68
Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2022 2:59 pm
Race: Aukari
Profession: Priest
Renown: 75
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5



Re: Samardyn "Sam" Rasvima


This post will record any mark (Immortal Blessings / Curses) you might accrue as a PC.

A full list of Blessings & Curses can be found here
A Guide to Religion & Marks can be found here

When you are first awarded a mark, the awarding Prophet will give you the code to put in here.
word count: 54
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Sam Rasvima
Approved Character
Posts: 68
Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2022 2:59 pm
Race: Aukari
Profession: Priest
Renown: 75
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5



Re: Samardyn "Sam" Rasvima

Possessions & Housing

  • One set of religious vestments
    • Sublists like this!
  • One set of day clothes
  • One set of pajamas
  • Leather Boots
  • Staff
  • Heirloom Item - Obsidian Pendant
    Though a stone rarer in other parts of Idalos, this piece of cord wrapped volcanic glass is much more common in Sam's native home of Sirothelle. Sam wears it as one of the only pieces of jewelry to adorn his form, the shiny black crystal rarely slipping free of his neck. In times of stress, he will often rub the stone in thought or press it to his chest.

Sam lives in a modest three-room home near the Ashen Alley in Sirothelle. It bears the sturdy, stone architecture that the city is known for: only notable in that it has a larger than normal living room. His bed and kitchen are much smaller to compensate for this roomy lounge.
Last edited by Sam Rasvima on Tue Jul 19, 2022 2:21 am, edited 4 times in total. word count: 149
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Sam Rasvima
Approved Character
Posts: 68
Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2022 2:59 pm
Race: Aukari
Profession: Priest
Renown: 75
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5



Re: Samardyn "Sam" Rasvima

Wealth Ledger

Here, you keep a track of your Character's Wealth Tier and the spending of Wealth Points. Information here!
Current Wealth Tier:
Item Adjustment Total WP
Starting Package Tier 5 (66 WP) 66
Sinners Make a Saint +2 WP 68
Mediation or Immolation, Your Choice +3 WP 71
The Gathering -1 WP for 2 Masterwork outfits 70
When you need to put another row in there, just put this code in below the last /tr] and before the /table]

Code: Select all

[td] Link to thread / Item [/td]
     [td] Adjustment [/td]
          [td] Total  [/td]
Last edited by Sam Rasvima on Mon Mar 06, 2023 11:58 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 99
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Sam Rasvima
Approved Character
Posts: 68
Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2022 2:59 pm
Race: Aukari
Profession: Priest
Renown: 75
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5



Re: Samardyn "Sam" Rasvima

Renown Ledger

The person who approves your CS will award you "Starter Renown".

Useful Information : The Renown System Guide: here
Item/ Thread Renown Total
Starting Renown (determined by approving prophet) 15
Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down 15 30
Sinners Make a Saint 5 35
A Flame Needs Tinder 5 40
Mediation or Immolation, Your Choice 10 50
Words Like Wildfire (Part I) 5 55
Last edited by Sam Rasvima on Sat Dec 03, 2022 11:50 pm, edited 6 times in total. word count: 65
User avatar
Sam Rasvima
Approved Character
Posts: 68
Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2022 2:59 pm
Race: Aukari
Profession: Priest
Renown: 75
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5



Re: Samardyn "Sam" Rasvima

Thread List

Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down - 35th of Saun, 721
Sinners Make a Saint - 3rd of Ymiden, 722
A Flame Needs Tinder - 12th of Vhalar, 722
Mediation or Immolation, Your Choice - 17th of Vhalar, 722
Words Like Wildfire (Part I) - 25th of Vhalar, 722
word count: 46
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