• Lore • [Information] Viden Lore Thread 📙

The Lore of Viden including history, factions, etc. A one-stop thread for Viden Info! Currently a WIP please refer to the Lore thread in this forum.

All your Viden information in one handy subforum!

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[Information] Viden Lore Thread 📙

Viden Lore Thread

This thread contains all the Lore pertaining to Viden. It is updated to reflect RP changes in Yvithia's fortress city; the previous Lore thread can be found here. This thread represents the current situation in Viden and should be taken as canon. It is important to note that this Lore Thread leans heavily on the information contained in the original thread and that all kudos and massive thanks must go to Whisper for the concept of Viden. All that we have done here is to note the changes to Viden following player action.
Table of Contents

For the ease of our players - anything which is especially relevant to new players is listed in bold.
Section Icon Topics
  • Concept and Introduction
  • Information for New Players
  • History
  • Timeline
  • Immortals
  • The FRA and the TRA
Geography 🗺
  • Approaching Viden
  • Arriving in Viden
  • Inside the Fortress
  • Outside the Fortress
  • Climate
  • Surroundings
The Fortress 🏛
  • Demographics
  • Areas / Sections
  • Rules, Laws, Expectations
  • Living in the Fortress
  • Visiting the Fortress
Outside The Fortress 🏔
  • White Pine Forest
  • The Rangers Lodge
  • Hok
  • Devanti Mountains
  • The Cold Mountains
  • Black Peak
  • Anther's Ettyne
  • Murk Pass
  • Tangar
  • Ehryth
  • The Dead Hills
  • Synnerfa Bay
  • Lake Verity
Society 🏰
  • Permanent Population
  • Caste System
  • Languages
Politics 👑
  • Government
  • Military
  • Laws of the Land
  • Crime and Punishment
  • Holidays & Feasts
  • Religion
  • Marriage & Divorce
  • Cultural Quirks
  • Food
  • Attire
  • Music
  • Etiquette
  • Rituals
Education & Employment
  • Education of Children
  • Education of Slaves
  • Viden Academy
  • Employment
  • Economy
  • Trade
  • Housing
  • Taxation
  • Businesses
  • The Directorate
  • The Naval Force
  • The Academy
  • The Mariners
  • The Rangers
  • The Intelligence Authority
  • The Merchants
  • Faction
  • Faction
  • Faction
  • Domain Magic
  • Domain Practices
  • Experimentation
  • Slavery
  • Racial Opinions
  • Immortals
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            Viden Lore Thread: Overview Section ❄

            Concept & Introduction

            Viden is an ice-fortress sort of city, nestled into the icy tundra. It is renowned for being the home of the Immortal Yvithia, and for the Viden Academy - the most prestigious Higher Education in Idalos.
            After the resurrection of Treid on 31st Ymiden, 721, Viden also became home to that Immortal and he and Yvithia once again began to work together.

            Now, Viden is a place of higher learning with some remaining dark undertones. The FRA was an organisation which carried out experiments many would consider unethical in an attempt to find a way to resurrect Treid but now, research in Viden is more of a pursuit of knowledge.

            That isn't to say that it's all roses, however. There are still those who would wish to experiment in more extreme ways and there are whispers of groups who carry out research which is no longer acceptable.

            On Ymiden 1st, 722, Viden revealed the expansion which had been ongoing since Treid's return. To celebrate this, the Viden Academy has been given an injection of cash and has taken over more of the rooms and areas previously used. The Fortress City has expanded further into the mountains and once again welcomes visitors. Viden Fortress is a place with a high military presence and where people are, generally, happy. They are well-fed, well-educated and well looked after by the state. The state controls many aspects of Videnese life and is an ever-present aspects of daily living. Thankfully, it is generally beneficent although there are harsh penalties for those who would break the law.

            Information for New Players

            We're really pleased to welcome you to Viden. New players should be aware of the following links / information.
            • Moderators Viden is a moderated city. Current mods are
              • Avalon: PM link
              • Pegasus: PM link
            • Communication: You can PM a Viden mod, we have a City Discord (PM for invite) and there's also the OOC Thread in Viden. <LINKS TO GO IN>
            • Useful Links / Overview:
              • Viden is split into the Fortress City, the Academy and Outside Viden.
              • There is an overview Location & Link map here
              • The Lore Thread contains all the city history and lore. It's here.
              • In this forum there are the repositories of flora, fauna, etc.
              • There's a calendar every cycle. That's a sticky in this forum.
              • And the Roster, which you must sign up to each season, is kept here.

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                      Re: Viden Lore Thread: Overview Section ❄


                      Original write up by Whisper. Minor edits by Peg.
                      Though the eídisi are thought to be the endemic race to Viden, it was the humans who first built it, with the assistance and guidance of Yvithia. She is the Immortal of Intelligence, Language and Communication, whose obsessional need to discover the answers to her questions was almost overwhelming. Previously, humans had struggled to survive on the harsh arctic lands. Yvithia’s supposed willingness to help them to build a strong shelter against the climate was welcomed by the indigenous peoples, who quickly developed loyalty for the determined Immortal. It would be many decades before her sanctuary became what it is today, but more and more nomadic groups of humans heard of it, and they sought it out, adding to the work force that was slowly building the great fortress in the middle of the Third Century.

                      To any new arrivals to her growing city, Yvithia promised protection from the bitter elements of the Northern Region. Furthermore, she offered as much knowledge as her citizens were willing to gain - Yvithia herself had a complete willingness to share all that she had discovered in her long life. Over the long, bitterly cold arcs, more and more humans joined. In the extreme, sub-zero temperatures of the Cold Cycle, the influx was astronomical each year. And each person helped her to build what would one day become the ice fortress city Viden. The descendants of these humans now occupy the city, continuing their own intellectual pursuits, as would only be right for the inhabitants of such a city.

                      By the end of the Fourth Century - the 381st Arc, to be precise, the infrastructure of ice fortress of Viden had been created. By this time, the Academy was already full throttle - children were being educated and, now the city had been built, adults were able to stop working as labourers and start following their passions, inspirations and dreams. This took many forms: some began to learn crafts and train in more advanced labour. Others followed a calling of academia, and were taught and supported personally by Yvithia. In the first years few years, she handpicked every tutor, even the ones teaching primary education. For only the best and most knowledgeable in their fields would be allowed to pass on their knowledge.
                      Others, however, were brought to a section of the city that only Yvithia has created, unbeknownst to the other humans. For it was around this time that Yvithia heard rumours from other Immortals that there could be a link between the Great Shattering and the appearance of humans. Yvithia realised that these humans could hold the key to why the Great Shattering happened. For all who were taken by the Immortal of Intelligence, they would never leave as they had arrived. It was little more than a prison for each of them, until Yvithia selected the next for experimentation. The investigations were carried out in solitude, and could vary from psychological analysis to physical examinations. Some could be painless, others… were not so. Yet all were necessary in the Immortal’s eyes. Eventually, each of her victims would suffer an excruciating death.

                      Frustration at her fruitless efforts led her to reviving each of her subjects, but it wasn’t until each of her many subjects had been revived thrice that Yvithia took the time to notice the acute change that had occurred in those victims. Most obvious was the changes in appearance, yet further study revealed a divergence in psychology: they had acquired some of her traits. For a time, her experiments drifted course, until she concluded that these new creatures, with their enhanced intelligence and refined psyches, could be of use to her. Slowly, the race (which she named The Eídisi) was introduced to the masses in the city of Viden.

                      It took time for them to be finally accepted by the native humans, even with the Immortal’s assistance. Initially, the humans were horrified by their new neighbours; the appearance of the eídisi was not monstrous, but it was markedly different from their own. The stark difference in appearance and psychology was a cause of immense strain for everyone involved especially in a city which, for the most part, had been isolated from the rest of Idalos. Questions arose about the new race… where did they come from, how were they made… and why now, why all of a sudden? The humans had heard of a few other new creations from the Immortals, and had learnt of their resurrections. Yvithia knew not to insult the intelligence of her citizens. She told them that they were the victims of a terrible accident while assisting her in an experiment. The eídisi did not disagree.

                      Eventually, as the years passed, and new generations were brought into the world, the presence of the eídisi was no longer questioned. But the strife between the two races lingered. The humans believed that they had rights over the city because of their involvement in building it, whereas the eídisi claimed to have a higher intellect, thus were more suited to remain within the city. For many years, the superiority complex of the eídisi fought against the pride and stubbornness of the humans. But the disputes always remained intellectual and verbal, rather than physical. Yvithia also realised that, the two races were competing for her favour. Deciding to use this to her advantage, the impatient Immortal did nothing to discourage the friction in Viden, as she used all in her quest for knowledge.

                      Viden continued to grow, with increasing power given to (or taken by) the FRA. However, in Ymiden 721, the actions of a human scientist - one who had been educated at Viden, those in power are quick to point out - managed the unthinkable. Treid was resurrected and, eventually, he returned to Viden and to Yvithia. The FRA had been the cause of their final separation but the time which had passed allowed both Immortals to look at things differently.

                      So, Yvithia disbanded the FRA. She removed their political and their legal powers, and she allowed the Videnese to have a more open and less controlled society. However, it was not only she who compromised and, rather than making it illegal or disbanding it completely, the FRA was given leave to continue, should they wish it. They would have no money pouring in to them, nor would they be part of the government of Viden. Instead, they were given the small township of Tangar and allowed to work, independently, there.

                      And so the FRA became the TRA (Tangar Research & Analysis) and Viden began to settle into new ways of doing things. The nobility took the opportunity which the power vacuum offered and their hold on the place is now much more than previously. How that will play out, though, is yet to be determined.
                      Zi'da 240 AV Yvithia begins to gather nomadic humans from across Northern Idalos.
                      Vhalar, 241 Foundations for the infrastructure of what will become Viden begins.
                      Cylus, 350 The Academy begins to teach Primary, Secondary and Tertiary education to citizens.
                      Ymiden, 381 The Cliffs and Fortress are completed.
                      Zi'da, 381 The Facility for Retrospecive Analysis goes underground.
                      Vhalar, 413 Eídisi are introduced to Viden for the first time, numbering 120 individuals.
                      Zi'da, 416 Treid visits Viden and, horrified, creates the Ellune and brings them home to Oscillus.
                      Ymiden, 464 Visitors begin to enter the city of Viden, to study at the acclaimed Academy.
                      Ashan, 472 Attacks from a aggressive tribe of Mer shows the need for Mariners and Rangers.
                      Ashan, 522 Audrae's incapacitation of Treid reaches Viden. The city enters a year of mourning.
                      Saun, 523 Ellune are invited to work in the FRA, to search for a method to revive Treid.
                      Ymiden, 531 Fear the FRA will be discovered brings about the creation of the Intelligence Authority.
                      Vhalar, 606 The Seekers approach Viden and, apprehensively, the Academy allow their presence.
                      Zi'da, 606 The Seekers provide a method to grow and farm vegetables; Viden becomes self-sufficient.
                      Saun, 615 A taste grows for foreign cuisine. Trade boosts, with the desire for exotic foods.
                      Cylus, 717 Relations with Scalvoris improve with the creation of a Scalvoris Academy Campus.
                      Ymiden, 721 Treid is resurrected and returns to Viden
                      Vhalar, 721 The FRA is informed of the changes which will be happening.
                      Cylus, 722 The FRA is disbanded. The TRA makes the move to Tangar, with the aim of opening 1st Ymiden 722.

                      Viden is the home to two Immortals - Yvithia and Treid. They are, however, not often seen and rarely do they get directly involved. That said, Yvithia has the final say in all governing and political decisions in Viden and she has the power to veto or over-rule anyone else.
                      The F.R.A & The T.R.A

                      Viden is a dichotomy in many ways. Ever since the very foundations of the city were being built, there was a conflict of emotions: the humans continued to suffer through the arctic temperatures, determined to make a life for themselves in the borderline wasteland. They hated the cold, yet were determined to stay.

                      This disunion mirrored the affinity between Yvithia and Treid - a passionate yet intellectual relationship which was, and continues to be, legendary in every sense of the word. An epic saga that transcends the Great Shattering, having lasted for longer than recorded history. Through ups and downs, they had been through it all - spent time apart but had always ended up back together. For though they were the Immortals of Knowledge and Intelligence respectively, and had so many things in common, the pair were just too fundamentally different. Treid, the calm, kind, gentle soul loved his impatient, relentless, cruel lover... but he could never accept how depraved she became following the Great Shattering.

                      The Facility of Retrospective Analysis - Treid's discovery of Yvithia's ruthlessness in the name of science and the creation of the ellune - was the cause of their last, and final, separation. The FRA occupied most of Yvithia's time and, inherently, it was a merciless, sadistic and inhumane place, governed without morals.
                      However there was so much good: such as the attempts to revive Treid, which the FRA was involved with. Furthermore the Immortal, and those who are employed within the facility, do not see it as an evil place. Sociopathic though the eídisi are, they do not relish the suffering of others. Everything they did, they did with purpose, because they know there is a need for the the research: they will discover the cause of the Great Shattering. But only eídisi know of the brutal experiments in the FRA. And of the eídisi, only a tiny percentage know. Thus, despite the dark dealings, the city itself cannot be described as evil.

                      The final, and most conspicuous, division, is that of the eídisi and humans. Even centuries after the sudden and relatively unexplained appearance of the eídisi in a city already inhabited by humans, there is still a sense of unease between the two races. The humans believed that they had rights over the city because of their involvement in building it, whereas the eídisi claimed to have a higher intellect, thus were more suited to remain within the city. For many years, the superiority complex of the eídisi fought against the pride and stubbornness of the humans. Essentially, they are two diametrically opposed social groups; their individual members might be friends or lovers, but only because they can put aside their ideological and cultural differences.

                      Most of the city live a life of enlightenment and peace. One thing that all Videnese, no matter what race, will agree on is that life is not worth living unless you live it in the pursuit of betterment. Skilled work, craft, and academia are all valued within the city, and are continued to be respected as long as those working in said fields continue on an upwards trajectory.

                      With the opening of the TRA - and the disbanding of the FRA - there are mixed feelings. Compromise has happened on both sides for both Treid and Yvithia. The TRA seeks to discover answer to many of the same questions that the FRA did, except now it is overseen by both Yvitha and Treid. How will that work?

                      Only time will tell.

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                                Viden Lore Thread: Geography Section 🗺

                                Approaching Viden

                                No matter the season, white dominates the land in and around Viden. The city itself is constructed from stone and it is important to note that the City is built into the cliffs; excavated rocks were used to construct the front face of the fortress, which is carved into the mountainside. Though constructed primarily with rocks, ice, snow and rock cover the materials used to engineer the infrastructure of the fortress. The vast majority of the city is inside the fortress. Beyond the fortress, but still considered Viden proper, encased by a carefully built wall of ice, are individually standing buildings, also constructed by the stone quarried from the cliff edge, which makes up the poorest area of the city.

                                When light from the sun’s rays shines down upon the city, it is reflected by the snow and stone. Wood is also found, especially on the outskirts of the city, where the poorer districts and some temporary lodgings can be found. Snowstorms are common in the city, thus there is often a thin layer of ice covering the outer walls of the buildings, which reflects any light given off from the sun and moons, giving the city a particularly ethereal look. However the city was not designed primarily for its aesthetics: it was designed for functionality - to allow those living in the arctic to survive.

                                Approaching Viden from the sea is the usual means of doing so. The fortress city is prominent in the cliff face and dominates the view of those who approach. The geography of Synnefa BayImage means that ships approaching the Fortress City are easily seen by the guards and militia. Those who approach by foot need to either traverse the White Pine Forest, where there are many outposts and a high military presence, or brave the Devanti Mountains.

                                Arriving in Viden
                                Entry to the Fortress City is via one entrance. The large stone fortress looms tall over those who approach and the long path to that entrance is flanked either side by tall walls. Enormous statues of Yvithia stand in silent guard over the entry path - known as "Yvithia's Walk" to the locals. It is as one approaches that a number of things about Viden become apparent. They adore Yvithia here, very obviously, but they also celebrate her as a stern and dangerous Immortal. Yvithia's Walk is wide enough for three carriages to travel side by side but the length of it - and the height of the walls which are either side of it mean that any who make their way along this path, by whatever means, are trusting to the fact that the guards on the walls will not kill them.

                                Yvithia's Walk is lit by braziers and large, glowing rocks. Closer inspection shows that the braziers are made of stone, also and this is an example of what is to come inside the city. Metal is very rare in Viden; while it is a good conductor of heat, it is a better conductor of cold and it is therefore not practical at all for use in the city, and certainly not outside it. The heat of the braziers leave a constant sheen of ice as the snow melts and then refreezes almost immediately, so there is a carefully constructed path for travellers. There, in the main thoroughfare, there is no snow, no ice. This is due to the use of Scalvoris Orange Sand, used to keep the path safe and clear.

                                The glowing rocks are varied in size - some are boulders, others little more than pebbles. They are not warm to the touch, they simply give off light.
                                Inside the Fortress

                                The Viden Fortress is a massive structure and inside is always light, but the light is artificially provided by glowing stones and alchemical trickery. Even though the fortress is inside the freezing tundra, the place is comfortable for most, although a little on the chilly side. Since Treid's return there are a few areas where the city is developing a sense of the aesthetic, but in the vast majority of cases the fortress city of Viden's architecture speaks to functionality. Things aren't beautiful, but they work.
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                                          Viden Lore Thread: Geography Section 🗺

                                          Outside the Fortress

                                          As can be seen in the Link Map, Viden is nestled in the frozen tundra of the north. Outside, those who are not
                                          knowledgeable in basic survival
                                          are likely to die. Unless one is among the
                                          most skilled of survivalists
                                          , the frozen lands of Viden surrounds pose significant danger.

                                          No matter what the season, it is cold. The reality of living here is that snow is a near-constant companion. Outside the fortress, in the path from Synnefa Bay, wide roads lead to the fortress. Being in the bay means that you face the fortress with the water to your back. Behind the fortress and to the sides of where you are, one is surrounded by tall mountains.


                                          The weather changes very little between each of the seasons, which are summarised below.

                                          Season Usual Weather
                                          • Temperature: Significantly below freezing. Frostbite and hypothermia are a real risk within very few minutes of being outdoors
                                          • Sunlight / Darkness: Short days, long nights
                                          • Weather Snow storms, snow showers, lightning.
                                          • Temperature: Below freezing. Frostbite and hypothermia are a real risk within minutes of being outdoors
                                          • Sunlight / Darkness: Slightly short days, slightly longer nights
                                          • Weather Snow storms, snow showers, clear days.
                                          • Temperature: Just below freezing. Frostbite and hypothermia are a real risk within an hour of being outdoors
                                          • Sunlight / Darkness: Normal day / night times
                                          • Weather Snow showers, clear days. Sometimes, rarely, it actually rains!
                                          • Temperature: Below freezing. Frostbite and hypothermia are a real risk within minutes of being outdoors
                                          • Sunlight / Darkness: Slightly short days, slightly longer nights
                                          • Weather Snow storms, snow showers, clear days.
                                          • Temperature: Significantly below freezing. Frostbite and hypothermia are a real risk within very few minutes of being outdoors
                                          • Sunlight / Darkness: Short days, long nights
                                          • Weather Snow storms, snow showers, lightning.
                                          • Temperature: Very significantly below freezing. Frostbite and hypothermia are a real risk as soon as one steps outdoors
                                          • Sunlight / Darkness: Near-constant night
                                          • Weather Heavy snow storms, snow tornadoes,.


                                          Based in the frozen areas of Northern Idalos, Viden is located just half a day's ride north of the Bay of Synnefa, which leads from (and to) the Hollow Ocean. The Bay is named in honour of Xiur, an Immortal who roams the lands of the Northern region and offers light through the moons and stars, even in the darkest seasons of an arc. The city is also a few miles south of Lake Verity, named by the eídisi as a reminder of their purpose.

                                          In the more immediate surrounding area of the city, Viden backs directly onto a cliff, which winds around the north and north-western edges of the city, shielding the inhabitants from some of the worst of the weather Viden can experience. In point of fact, part of the city is actually built into the cliff face. The other sides of the city face the seemingly limitless tundra of white snow and ice, as far as the eye can see. Only the rock (which is only a few shades lighter than the snow, but appears black in comparison) break up the otherwise monochrome world around Viden. Travel away from the main fortress, into one of the outer-rim buildings, can sometimes be difficult for inhabitants, particularly in the winter seasons, as paths must be forged through the snow each day. The snowfall is so constant and so heavy it is impractical to build roads or formal paths that would be need almost continuous shovelling. In the centre of the city, however, this is not an issue as, with the climate in mind, it was designed as a single stronghold, rather than individual buildings.
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                                                    Viden Lore Thread: The Fortress 🏛

                                                    The Fortress
                                                    The Fortress: Demographics

                                                    The Fortress is a city in its own right and it is a large city, by Idalos standards. It's population is diverse and the number of people resident there at any one time fluctuates. The reason for this fluctuation is the Viden Academy. Historically, the Viden Academy is the oldest and most prestigious seat of learning on Idalos and it is very proud of that legacy. It continues to expand and grow and, following the resurrection of Treid in 721, Yvithia ordered an expansion of the Academy. That means that the Academy now has more money, more room and more ability to research than ever before and with new facilities it has expanded to fit nearly the entire area which was the fortress city.

                                                    As a rough guide in terms of % population per race, it breaks down as follows:

                                                    Permanent Residents
                                                    Eídisi - 30%
                                                    Human - 50%
                                                    Ellune - 5%
                                                    Mixed - 10%
                                                    Other - 5%

                                                    Non-Permanent Residents (students etc)
                                                    Eídisi - 20%
                                                    Human - 20%
                                                    Ellune - 15%
                                                    Biqaj -15%
                                                    Mixed - 20%
                                                    Other - 10%

                                                    Any and every. It is only Naerrik which are incredibly rare in Viden as Yvithia's hatred for Audrae knows no bounds.
                                                    The Fortress: Areas / Sections

                                                    For more detail see the LOCATIONS AND LINKS thread. However, as a rough guide:
                                                    ~~Label~~ ~~Description~~
                                                    A The Viden Academy. This is a huge area of learning and research. It is roughly the size that the entire fortress used to be, before the resurrection of Treid in 721.
                                                    B The Moonstone District. A new area which focuses on religion and worship in Viden.
                                                    C The Iceborn Area. A new area where one can hire scouts or learn the basics of survival. A must-visit for those not used to Viden's climate
                                                    D The Cobalt Sphere. A new area which oversees the care of animals in and around Viden. Visitors can arrange to hire mounts here.
                                                    E The Ragabone Region. A trade and market district with a reputation for serving student needs - so lots of books, cheap food, strange bric-a-brac and whatever is fashionable at the moment.
                                                    F The Tienite District. A district where guilds congregate; no trade is done here, but this is where the guilds train apprentices and arrange their deals.
                                                    G The Silver Market. The main trade and mercantile area of Viden. Shops, Stalls, Taverns, etc
                                                    H The Malorite Area. An area for elite crafts workers and engineers. These are the best of Videnese minds and they work to keep the fortress heated and lit and running efficiently. Their remit is to improve the way of life for Videnese.
                                                    I The Embersteel Forum. The place where jobs can be found, taxes paid, fines paid, crimes reported etc. The civic area of the city.
                                                    J The Academic Prisms. A residential district for students, professors, researchers, etc, associated with the Academy.
                                                    K The Ether Prisms. A residential district for skilled workers, civil servants, middle class folks [
                                                    L The Idalinium Guild. The grain store and overseers of food supplies in Viden.
                                                    M The Minithelite Garden. This is where banks and vaults are - it's very highly guarded. It's also where the military HQ is.
                                                    N The Euvomine Palace. This is the center of government in Viden, where all government offices are. Note that this is "Big Picture" governance and civic queries should go to the Embersteel Forum.
                                                    O The Adamantite District. This is where residents and visitors alike go for culture and entertainment. Theatres, museums, etc.
                                                    P The Sorelian Sector. This is the area where the hotels and inns are - also services for visitors such as communal baths.
                                                    Q The Tinpot Terrace. This is the poor distrcit of Viden, with the worst housing and where the lowest paid live.
                                                    R The Palace. This is the area where the aristocracy and wealthiest of Videnese live.
                                                    S The Mausoleum. This place deals with Viden's dead. When you live in an underground fortress carved into a cliff face in a freezing part of the world, that's a big job.
                                                    T The Summit. This is where Yvithia holds audience with whoever she chooses to see, as does Treid. Entry is limited.
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                                                              Re: Viden Lore Thread: The Fortress 🏛

                                                              The Fortress
                                                              The Fortress: Entry, Registration & Ethos

                                                              Please note: this is specific to the Fortress. The Laws of Viden are in THIS POST, further down.

                                                              Please note: The response to registering specific marks & magic is included here and must be RPd! Due to the nature of the Fortress and living in the city carved into the cliff face, there are aspects of the law which are specific to the Fortress. These are:
                                                              • Entry There is one exit / entrance in the Fortress and it is heavily guarded. Anyone who comes in or goes out is asked for information. Upon entering Viden Fortress for the first time, details are taken. This includes:
                                                                • Full name
                                                                • Status (resident or visitor)
                                                                • Previous visits to / time living in Viden - with dates.
                                                                • Role (job here, reason for visit, who you are visiting, etc)
                                                                • Immortal Worship - which Immortals (if any) do you specifically worship?
                                                                • Immortal Marks (name of Immortal(s), level of mark(s))
                                                                • Magics (type of magic(s), level of each)
                                                                • Spirit Companions
                                                                • Known Ghostly Companions.
                                                                • Contact details (where you will be staying / home address if resident).
                                                                Upon entering the Fortress, once this information is taken, every individual is informed of the laws of Viden and the rules of the Fortress. Written copies are available on request.
                                                              • Marks The use of mark abilities is regulated inside the Fortress. Upon entry, people are informed which marks they may use, and which they may not. If there are any which they are allowed to practice, they are given a "Approved Blessing Use Licence" which, if granted, must be carried at all times. Even then, there are strict rules about using mark abilities.
                                                                • The marks of Yvithia, Treid, Valtharn, Ziell, Xiur and Aeva are allowed to be used in the Fortress.
                                                                • Any other "Approved Blessings" placed on the licence are allowed to be used in private and with consent only. They are not to be used in public buildings or where more than 3 people are gathered, including the blessed.
                                                                • There are certain classes / castes / groups to whom the above does not apply. They have earned the right to use blessing abilities due to diligent and persistent service to Viden.
                                                                • The use of any mark ability which is either not declared or is not approved is a criminal offence.
                                                                • Viden Government understands that some marks, even those not Licenced, have passive abilities which are always "on". These are understood as existing but the individual is expected to minimise their use and to ensure that they are not a bother to anyone else in Viden. Misuse of a passive mark ability is a crime - having it, is not.
                                                              • Magics There are strict rules regarding magic in Viden.
                                                                • The use of magic is forbidden inside the Fortress without a Licence.
                                                                • All mages must register
                                                                • Registered mages (those who have identified themselves as mages on entry) may request a special "Magic Practice Licence" which, if granted, must be carried at all times.
                                                                • There are certain classes / castes / groups to whom the above does not apply. They have earned the right to use magic due to diligent and persistent service to Viden.
                                                                • Once one has a Licence, one may use magic in a limited capacity. This is different for each magic type (see below)
                                                                • Even with a Licence, there are restrictions on magic use in the Fortress (see below)
                                                              • Military There is a high military presence inside the fortress. Militia are a common sight and are visible and present. They work in groups of three or four and, while they are polite they are cool and professional, not friendly. Their response is to keep the peace first and foremost. Any trouble will be dealt with swiftly and any troublemakers will be taken for questioning.
                                                              • Alcohol Alcohol is no longer illegal / controlled in Viden, but it is still considered very bad form to partake of too much. Drunken behaviour in the fortress will result in people ignoring you, shunning you, etc. Furthermore, while it is not illegal, it is likely that a military group will escort you to a cell where you can sober up for 12 or so hours. Repeated situations of drunken behaviour might well see you banned from places in the Fortress.
                                                              • Yvithia Good, Audrae Bad It sounds obvious, but it can not be stressed enough. Yvithia and Treid are the Immortals who live here. Praising either of them gets you positive reactions. Criticising them is likely to get you ostracised and quite quickly. However, the mere mention of Audrae's name in anything but the most heartfelt cussing would have an immediate effect. If someone is suspected of being an "Audrae sympathiser" then they will find it near impossible to survive in the Fortress. Shops will be closed to them, services too. They will be "encouraged" to submit themselves to the military and undergo an investigation to prove their innocence. If that is done and they are cleared of any suspicion, then things will revert to normal quickly. If, however, they do not submit to this voluntarily, more and more pressure will be exerted on them.

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                                                                        Re: Viden Lore Thread: The Fortress 🏛

                                                                        The Fortress
                                                                        The Fortress: Living In The Fortress

                                                                        Please note: this is specific to the Fortress. Each area outside the Fortress is dealt with in later posts

                                                                        The Fortress of Viden has a high standard of living and citizens here enjoy a peaceful life with crime being rare. Those who live in the Fortress are expected to abide by the rules at all times and there is a strong sense of community and individual responsibility. For example, if an individual knows of someone who has committed a crime and does not come forward, they are charged with "Withholding Information" and face up to 1 arc imprisonment. Conversely, those who come forward and speak out against those who commit offences are given rewards and status.

                                                                        There is a real focus on law and order - some would say to the point of Viden being near to a police-state. It is true that life is regulated carefully - and citizens of the Fortress will say so. It is, however, the price they pay for the peaceful affluence which is the Fortress City of Viden. There are people who are better and worse off than each other, but even the "poor district" is one where basic needs are met. Living in the Fortress of Viden involves being somewhere where there is tight control, where the military is visible and the law is unforgiving for those who break it. It also means being warm ~ which is a big deal in the frozen tundra ~ being fed and protected.

                                                                        The caste system in Viden is one which has been in existence for many arcs and it is also part of daily living. Those from the upper classes are afforded more rights, more privilege and it is accepted that this is for the good. Since the restoration of Treid, Viden has moved to much more of a meritocracy; it was historically that way and now that Treid is also present in the City, it has fully moved to this. Government and nobility have high demands and expectations on them and those who can not ~ or do not ~ meet the expectations on them will be ousted.
                                                                        The Fortress: Visiting The Fortress

                                                                        Please note: this is specific to the Fortress. Each area outside the Fortress is dealt with in later posts

                                                                        The overwhelming impression for those visiting Viden is that it is a tightly-controlled but highly efficient and functioning place. The rules, laws and expectations are made very (very) clear to all visitors and the restrictions on magic and marks are tightly enforced. Visitors are treated very positively and politely and residents will be very helpful. However, there is no leeway or quarter given if someone behaves in a way which does not meet the expectations on behaviour.

                                                                        Overall, the Videnese will be welcoming and happy to help any visitors. They tend to be rather private and will not share any complaints they may have. Discussion on how Viden is governed will be met with a stony silence or a very positive change of subject.

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                                                                                  Viden Lore Thread: Outside The Fortress 🏔

                                                                                  Outside The Fortress
                                                                                  White Pine Forest
                                                                                  The White Pine Forest is a large forest to the north-west of the Fortress. It is the main path / route from the Fortress to the Rangers' Lodge and, as such, it is relatively well-travelled. It is populated by large pine trees known as "Whitewood Pines", some of which reach heights of 40ft. There are a number of paths which are relatively safe, although this is still Viden wilderness.

                                                                                  Rangers patrol the White Pine Forest, keeping an eye on hunting levels, animal welfare, etc. Should there be a need for the movement of troops from the Fortress to the Ranger Lodge, they would take the path through the White Pine Forest and, thus, it is well maintained.
                                                                                  White Pine Forest Fast Facts
                                                                                  There are a few cottages dotted around the White Pine Forest, but they are few and far between.
                                                                                  It is one of the more accessible areas to live in the Viden wilderness, though it is still dangerous.
                                                                                  Flora, Fauna etc
                                                                                  There are specific flora and fauna in the White Pine Forest.
                                                                                  There are rumours, myths and legends regarding the White Pine Forest.
                                                                                  Laws, Military, etc
                                                                                  The White Pine Forest has a high level of lawfulness.
                                                                                  It has a high military presence, as the Rangers patrol it and keep it safe.
                                                                                  The rules and laws of Viden Fortress apply here.
                                                                                  Danger Level
                                                                                  In terms of physical safety, this is probably the area of the wilderness closest to the Fortress itself.
                                                                                  The weather here is also very mild compared to the rest of the frozen tundra. However, this is relative and anyone who is unprepared or unskilled is taking an extreme risk by travelling here.
                                                                                  The Rangers Lodge
                                                                                  Location Link
                                                                                  The Rangers' Lodge is the HQ to the Rangers of Viden. While the members of this Faction may well be seen in almost any area outside the Fortress (and even sometimes in it!), this is their command central. It is a very sturdy, very functional place with a lot of different buildings and, so it is rumoured, a large underground complex too.

                                                                                  While the Rangers welcome in anyone who needs to stay a night or two, they are expected to work for their keep and the Rangers will not teach combat or any such skill. They are happy to trade and, since this is a stopping off point for a number of travellers, there are often interesting things to be found here.
                                                                                  Ranger Lodge Fast Facts
                                                                                  The population of the Ranger Lodge is very varied and changeable as Rangers come and go. There are always at least 100 Rangers here, but the maximum number is much more.
                                                                                  PCs may stay here for a night or two but are expected to earn their keep if they do.
                                                                                  Flora, Fauna etc
                                                                                  There are specific flora and fauna which the Rangers have specifically cultivated and grow here.
                                                                                  There are rumours, myths and legends regarding the Ranger Lodge
                                                                                  Laws, Military, etc
                                                                                  The Ranger Lodge has a high level of lawfulness.
                                                                                  It has a high military presence, as it is the HQ of the Viden Rangers.
                                                                                  The rules and laws of Viden Fortress apply here.
                                                                                  Danger Level
                                                                                  In terms of physical safety, this is very safe as there are a lot of well trained Rangers.
                                                                                  The land here is also relatively "tamed" in comparison to the rest of the Viden wilderness. However, this is relative and anyone who is unprepared or unskilled is taking an extreme risk by travelling here.
                                                                                  Hok is a relatively small village which plays a very large part in the daily functioning of Viden, both inside and outside the Fortress. With the official docks for the Northern coast of Viden territory, it is the place where all ships not heading to the fortress arrive. It also houses a large salt mine and the salt from Hok is distributed throughout Viden.

                                                                                  The weather here is the harshest of anywhere in Viden territories and the people are sturdy and also rather harsh. Prisoners who have been sentenced to hard labour in the salt mines are sent here and it is worth noting that this is one of the worst punishments doled out.
                                                                                  Hok Fast Facts
                                                                                  A small village, the population of Hok is not high.
                                                                                  The salt mines also has a population of its own with some of the prisoners assigned there not seeing above ground for seasons at a time.
                                                                                  Flora, Fauna etc
                                                                                  There are specific flora and fauna in Hok
                                                                                  There are rumours, myths and legends regarding Hok
                                                                                  Laws, Military, etc
                                                                                  Hok has a high level of lawfulness. It takes all laws very seriously and even adds a few of its own. It is extreme and harsh.
                                                                                  It has a moderate military presence, mainly Rangers and Hok Militia.
                                                                                  The rules and laws of Viden Fortress apply here.
                                                                                  Danger Level
                                                                                  In terms of physical safety, this is a very hard environment, but there are places to say and as long as you don't break laws, you should be fine.
                                                                                  The weather here is very cold, even compared to the rest of the frozen tundra. Anyone who is even vaguely unprepared or unskilled is taking an extreme risk by travelling here.
                                                                                  Devanti Mountains
                                                                                  The Devanti Mountains are the tallest mountains in the northern peninsula of Viden. Stretching from the Fortress to the far east, they act as a means of protection for the Fortress, effectively cutting it off from those who might try and attack over land.

                                                                                  These high-peaked mountains are home to some of the most difficult terrain and require extreme survival skills and yet a few people (known as Devanti Dwellers) live there and farm the land or raise livestock. Also, perhaps on the other end of the spectrum, the Devanti Mountains attract a small number of people who seek to conquer them. Scaling one or more of the Devanti is a sign of great endurance and skill among mountaineers.
                                                                                  Devanti Fast Facts
                                                                                  There are a few dozen small homes dotted around, so maybe as many as 100 people live in the Devanti Mountains overall.
                                                                                  Flora, Fauna etc
                                                                                  There are specific flora and fauna on the Devanti Mountains
                                                                                  There are rumours, myths and legends regarding the Devanti Mountains.
                                                                                  Laws, Military, etc
                                                                                  The Devanti Mountains has a low level of lawfulness. It's about survival.
                                                                                  It has a low military presence, mainly Rangers.
                                                                                  The rules and laws of Viden Fortress apply here.
                                                                                  Danger Level
                                                                                  In terms of physical safety, this is a very hard environment.
                                                                                  The weather here is very cold, even compared to the rest of the frozen tundra. Anyone who is even vaguely unprepared or unskilled is taking an extreme risk by travelling here.

                                                                                  The Cold Mountains
                                                                                  These mountains are nestled under the Grand Fracture of Luesco and they have some strangeness associated with them because of that. While in the mountains themselves, one would see no auroras and would experience an almost-constant ambience of dusk. However, from outside the Cold Mountains seem to have some of the most vivid and spectacular aurora-filled skies. There are some odd flora and fauna on these mountain and that has caused a few small communities to take residence here. The subzero temperates and mini-tornadoes of ice (or Iceswirls) make this a very dangerous place to live but it is - without doubt - an interesting one, too!
                                                                                  Cold Mountain Fast Facts
                                                                                  There are a few dozen small homes dotted around, so maybe as many as 200 people live in the Cold Mountains overall.
                                                                                  Flora, Fauna etc
                                                                                  There are specific flora and fauna on the Cold Mountains
                                                                                  There are rumours, myths and legends regarding the Cold Mountains.
                                                                                  Laws, Military, etc
                                                                                  The Cold Mountains have a moderate level of lawfulness. It's about survival.
                                                                                  It has a low military presence, mainly Rangers.
                                                                                  The rules and laws of Viden Fortress apply here.
                                                                                  Danger Level
                                                                                  In terms of physical safety, this is a very hard environment.
                                                                                  The weather here is very cold, even compared to the rest of the frozen tundra. Anyone who is even vaguely unprepared or unskilled is taking an extreme risk by travelling here.
                                                                                  The "Iceswirls" are lethally dangerous to those caught in them. Extreme risk.

                                                                                  Black Peak
                                                                                  Black Peak is a small plateau nestled deep in the mountains. It is known for two things - it has a number of hot springs which bubble up to the surface of the plateau and it is home to the Academy's largest telescope and observatory. This small area is protected from the worst of the weather, but the price it pays for that is that it is extremely isolated.

                                                                                  Home to academics with a specific interest in the sky, Black Peak is largely self-sustaining thanks to the resident Rangers. There is a single path to it, winding and difficult to find but, once there, things are probably the most comfortable here of any area outside of the Fortress.
                                                                                  Black Peak Fast Facts

                                                                                  There are a few dozen small homes dotted around, so maybe as many as 200 people live and work in Black Peak overall.
                                                                                  Flora, Fauna etc
                                                                                  There are specific flora and fauna in Black Peak.
                                                                                  There are rumours, myths and legends regarding Black Peak
                                                                                  Laws, Military, etc
                                                                                  Black Peak has a high level of lawfulness.
                                                                                  It has a moderate military presence, mainly Rangers who are protecting the observatory and who hunt for food.
                                                                                  The rules and laws of Viden Fortress apply here.
                                                                                  Danger Level
                                                                                  In terms of physical safety, this is a very hard environment.
                                                                                  The weather here is still very cold, but this is probably the mildest / most livable in area of Viden.
                                                                                  Geting here, however, is very tricky. There is a single path which winds through mountains.

                                                                                  Anther's Ettyne

                                                                                  Murk Pass



                                                                                  The Dead Hills

                                                                                  Synnerfa Bay

                                                                                  Lake Verity

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                                                                                            Viden Lore Thread: Society Section 🏰

                                                                                            Permanent Popuation

                                                                                            The Fortress City has a constantly fluctuating and very diverse population. Its reputation for education is unsurpassed; whilst other cities offer higher education, Viden has the most established university. There has never been any official census, but since everyone signs in and out of the Fortress, the information of who is there at any given time is definitely kept within the Fortress.

                                                                                            The only race which are almost never seen in Viden and who would around suspicion and attention of a very negative kind is Naerrick. While it is theoretically possible, it is very very rare that one of Audrae's daughters are seen here.

                                                                                            Outside the Fortress, there is a similar breakdown of population, but it is very difficult to tell as Viden wilds are so ... well ... wild.

                                                                                            Caste System

                                                                                            One of the most well-established features of Viden society is the caste system. Historically, it has existed for many arcs, just in a slightly different form. Following the resurrection of Treid and the changes in Viden's government, the caste system has changed, also.

                                                                                            More than ever, the system is free flowing. This allows for even a low member of the caste to rise to that of an upper caste at any given time, depending on their effort. The rule-all head figure of Viden is known as the Máthisi (currently Eneli Vielus). The Máthisi is supported by her four Delegates, and together they rule the city. they know how much food are in the stores at all times, who has access to the FRA, who has died, passes judgement for crimes, and much much more.

                                                                                            The social class system is built upon the foundations of capital worth:
                                                                                            • Economic Capital: command of economic resources (money, assets, property) - OOC this is related to your Wealth Tier and Wealth Points.
                                                                                            • Social Capital: resources linked to the possession of a durable network of institutionalised relationships of mutual acquaintance and recognition - OOC this is related to your
                                                                                            • Cultural Capital: A person's education (knowledge and intellectual skills) that provides advantage in achieving a higher social-status in society.

                                                                                            In order, the caste system is as follows:

                                                                                            The Aristocracy of Viden.
                                                                                            This is the most privileged class in Viden who have high levels of all three capitals. Their high amount of economic capital sets them apart from everyone else. All in this caste are titled "Lord" or "Lady" and, for those outside the caste, it seems as simple as that. Members of the caste can see subtle differences in rank compared to their own. The members of the aristocracy are generally wealthy and influential, and often own the biggest businesses. Aristocrats demand respect; because of their position and service to the city, it is the law that all lower caste citizens must answer to a Aristocrat, no matter the request.

                                                                                            In the wake of Treid's resurrection, there have been additions to this system, though. While the majority of the Aristocracy is "old families", there are now also the "new Aristocracy". Some of these "old families" can date their lineage as Aristocrats back for tens of generations and they harken from a time when it was the only social class that could not be joined based on merit and when, in fact, one had to be born or married into the aristocracy.

                                                                                            However, now there is also the "new Aristocracy"; those who have earned their place in the Aristocracy of Viden as agreed on by Yvithia, Treid and the Máthisi. An individual - and, by virtue of that, their family - may be given an aristocratic title.

                                                                                            OOC requirements
                                                                                            • In order to become a member of this caste are that you must demonstrate high levels in all three foundations of capital worth (usually at least Wealth Tier 9, renown of 750 and two or three degrees).
                                                                                            • However, that is not enough. You have to be giving to - and committed to - Viden. That isn't to say that you have to live here full time, but people who are made into Aristocrats must have strong ties.
                                                                                            • Basically, while there are guidelines for the three areas of capital, there is a bottom line. The story has to make sense.

                                                                                            The Masters of Viden.
                                                                                            The next level is the Masters. Members of this class have high levels of all three capitals although not as high as the aristocracy. These individuals who are at the top of their respective skills and often have mastery over many related skills (such as the master Hunter having high proficiency in tracking and trapping or a weaponry).

                                                                                            They join the caste by becoming a senior member of the Academy, a Commander of the Mariners or Rangers, a Delegate, an artisan merchant, etc. There is only one position per skill (so there are never two Masters of Music) and where there are subsets of a skill (such as music) there is one Master overall.

                                                                                            These positions are obtained only when the previous holder has retired or died, though retirees will maintain their rank after leaving their role. Masters demand respect; because of their position and service to the city, it is the law that all lower caste citizens must answer to a Master, no matter the request. All Masters, whether male or female, are referred to as "Master" and their first name.

                                                                                            OOC requirements
                                                                                            • You must demonstrate high levels in all three foundations of capital worth and very high cultural capital (usually at least Wealth Tier 7, renown of 500 and GM in your "main" skill with high levels in related skills).
                                                                                            • However, that is not enough. You have to be giving to - and committed to - Viden. That isn't to say that you have to live here full time, but people who are given the title of Master must have strong ties.
                                                                                            • Basically, while there are guidelines for the three areas of capital, there is a bottom line. The story has to make sense.

                                                                                            The Artisans of Viden.
                                                                                            Following the Masters are the Artisans: the skilled workers and business owners. This class has medium levels of economic capital and higher levels of cultural and social capital. The main providers for the city, these senior positions take skill to climb to.

                                                                                            Artisans, whilst not vital to the functioning of the city, are well respected and often have a number of qualifications under their belt. Other common skills of this class include clothiers, chefs, fishermen, and medicine workers (both spiritual and physical alike). This caste also includes more senior members of the Mariners or Rangers. The remaining academics and scholars employed by the Viden Academy are also found in this rank.

                                                                                            Artisans are not given a specific honorific title, but they are well-known and would sign themselves as "Fred Bloggs, Artisan Chef of Viden".

                                                                                            OOC requirements
                                                                                            • You must demonstrate moderate to high levels of social and cultural worth (usually at least renown of 500 and Expert / Master in your "main" skill with high levels in related skills and a job role which suits the caste).
                                                                                            • However, that is not enough. You have to be giving to - and committed to - Viden. That isn't to say that you have to live here full time, but people who are given the title of Artisan must have strong ties.
                                                                                            • Basically, while there are guidelines for the three areas of capital, there is a bottom line. The story has to make sense.

                                                                                            The Students & Labourers of Viden.
                                                                                            After the skilled workers is the largest group: the Students (sigil is on the right) and Labourers (sigil is on the left). This class has low economic capital but has high levels of 'emerging' cultural capital and high social capital.

                                                                                            Visitors often fall into this caste too, however visitors do not always subscribe to the political rules of this system.

                                                                                            This goup is one made entirely out of individuals with the skills and physical ability to advance themselves, but have yet to fully advance. They are the shop assistants and apprentices, and low-ranking Mariners and Rangers. who have found work where they can, but have ambitions beyond their current station. They make up the highest workforce in the Bay itself, and are vital to the functioning of Viden.

                                                                                            OOC requirements
                                                                                            • You must be resident and working in Viden - or studying here. Slaves and those below Wealth Tier 3 are not eligible for this class, and are automatically in the Precariat.

                                                                                            The Precariat of Viden.
                                                                                            At the bottom of the rung are the Precariat. This is the most deprived class of all with low levels of economic, cultural and social capital. The every day lives of members of this class are precarious, although less than they used to be.

                                                                                            They are nothing more than mindless labor and are placed in such a position because they are physically or mentally incapable of being anything more, or have done something offensive enough to drop to the position. Free members of the Precariat are required to wear the sigil on the left, prominently sewn into their clothing, while slaves are branded with (or required to wear) the sigil on the right. Slaves, whether or not they have skills, are found in this group, as their rights in the city are so limited. Due to the high number of slaves in the city, this social class is a relatively large one, however there are few free individuals to be found in this caste.

                                                                                            OOC requirements
                                                                                            • Slaves and those below Wealth Tier 3 are automatically in the Precariat.

                                                                                            Sigils, Children & Those Outside The Caste System
                                                                                            • Sigils
                                                                                              • All citizens are required by law to wear their caste sigil whenever in the Fortress.
                                                                                              • When outside the Fortress but within Videnese lands, the sigil should be worn where it is appropriate and safe to do so.
                                                                                            • Children
                                                                                              • A final pseudo-caste (one which is not part of the main social class system) are the Youth of Viden. Any freeborn citizen child of Viden is in this informal caste, sitting outside the caste hierarchy until they have finished secondary education - which depends according to race.
                                                                                              • During these years, individuals are educated at the Academy. While this is true of all from children of the free Precariat to the Aristocracy, education is divided along social lines and the classes for those at either end of the hierarchy often reflect the standing of the parents.
                                                                                              • Once they reach an age where they can opt to leave education, their choice of employment or continuing education will dictate their social class. The only exception are the aristocrats: they immediately return to their natural class.
                                                                                              • Children of the Precariat. The children of slaves are considered orphans and are taken in to the Viden care system. Contact with their parent is forbidden unless allowed or required by the slave's owner. If that is the case, the owner of the slave is given full parental rights to the child, with the slave having no further say in the matter.
                                                                                            • Those Outside The Caste System
                                                                                              • Visitors are often assumed to be in the Labourer or the Student caste.
                                                                                              • To not wear one's caste sigil is to stand out in Viden - visitors who choose not to wear them will be treated with more suspicion than those who wear them.
                                                                                              • No citizen or resident of Viden is outside the caste system. No job can be gained nor home purchased without knowledge of one's caste.

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