Forms of Address, Etiquette and Morals?

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Forms of Address, Etiquette and Morals?

Hello, I apologize if there is indeed an article on this. But, as it stands, I was unable to find one. Anyway, I am writing this so as to inquire about general etiquette and forms of address in the world of Standing Trials.

Additionally, how much of this rpg is inspired by real-world, pre-industrial culture? Things like the status of women, morals, promiscuity, speech and etc.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to consider this. :)
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Forms of Address, Etiquette and Morals?

I would say it's pretty much a city-by-city rule on such things as etiquette and address.
There will be basic courtesy assumed world-wide, and the lore on each city would establish any departures from this.

Titles would be the same way. You can pretty much call anyone "Sir" or "Ma'am" anywhere.
If the NPC lists show city officials being called something else, than you could go with that.
But then again, as an IC element, it must be considered whether your character knows these things.

It would be real enough to have your PC call someone "sir", and then be corrected, possibly rudely. Maybe the person your PC asked is a slave, so his master gets all huffy, as though you should have known, and takes it an insult that you asked his slave when you should have asked him.

Now, in some cases, there are special cases. in Etzos, the army has an entire lore breakdown of the various ranks, so "Private", "Sergeant", "Captain", etc. are out, to be replaced by such as "Highmark", "Braxton" "Shieldarm" and such. The only rank common to Earth is "Marshall".

The same will be true of ethics and morals, Slavery is the basis of the economy in one city, where it has a blind eye turned in another, and be outlawed under penalty of imprisonment in a third. You're just going to have to read up on it. But there will always be things missed. Best bet is to ask the mod of the town you're looking at.
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Forms of Address, Etiquette and Morals?

What about things such as surnames or patronymics?
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Forms of Address, Etiquette and Morals?

It occurs to me to mention that the military rankings in Etzos are ONLY for Etzos. Now, if someone doing a different city decides they like that same rank system, they can certainly feel free to use it, but don't assume that something in one town is the same the world over.

This applies to surnames as well. Some races may not use them. Linika's Naerikk culture use surnames based upon their hereditary eye color. Admittedly, this detail is a new thing that is not on the public write-up. There is also a rank that some possess that must be stated before their name, or they will be insulted, and Naer women do not take kindly to insult. In fact, they don't take kindly to damn near anything :lol: .

I think you could probably scan through the approved character sheets (the ones with green check-marks) and see how they check out in this regard. Some folks want to flaunt their surnames, while others might go to great lengths to conceal them.
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