ad he ever asked her about the time she spent, and how she made it, he might have been a little surprised at her answer. But he didn't, she didn't offer the information and that seemed to work fine. He had been experimenting with the tea again, she judged as he put the cup down and she breathed in.
"Is that mint? It smells like mint. Very good for your digestive system" she said, with a nod then she looked a little shamefaced whilst still grinning
"My apologies. I associate you with learning and so need to let you know what I have learnt. But it is not necessary with tea, I understand. Medicine" she waved a hand dismissively and took a sip.
"It's good. It would make a nice smoke to cook lamb in, or put into a crust for lamb with maybe some nuts for texture. Hmmm." She was a chef, after all, and that meant that herbs were as much part of her trial by trial life as if she'd been a doctor. Strange, but true, she considered.
He smiled, though, at her homework. Just a brief and fleeting thing but it was rare enough that she noticed it. It was her nature to want to please and so she was glad that he was pleased with her work ~ but it was not just her training which was kicking in there. She had touched on it earlier, he was the holder of knowledge and, as such, she wanted him to be pleased with her work for and of itself. It was a strange thing, this desire for something in her own right and Faith was still coming to terms with it in many ways. But mostly, she was just riding the wave of it and enjoying the new sensations. She wasn't hurting anyone, she was not failing in her duties and so, she was just doing the best that she could.
Memorising the charts would do her good? She nodded and made a note to copy them this evening before she took the book back on the next trial. But then he told her what alkalinity was and she frowned slightly
"So it is defined by it's opposite nature to acidity? That is interesting" she wondered how she could explain the question she was asking
"So, do we measure alkaline.. alkalininity by it's reaction to acid or does it have a measure of alkalininity of it's own? I know I'm saying it wrong. Alkaline. Alka..." sighing she gave a good natured smile as she lowered her head to make notes on what chemistry was, frowning deeply in thought. At this rate, these sessions were going to give her wrinkles.
"So, chemistry must cross over with physics, then? Because it's about the states of physical matter and physics is about the laws that govern physical matter" she said, referring back to their previous lesson on physics and rummaging in the notes she'd made that trial.
Faith was really looking forward to the session on chemistry, to her mind it would cement the maths and physics that had gone before. But as she glanced at him, there was the sound of screaming suddenly from the outside. Faith looked up and dropped her pencil, standing as she did. Since before the season change, there had been shadowy creatures attacking apparently randomly throughout Andaris. That, of course, was not to mention the civil war of last season which had seen an enormous force of Qe'dreki soldiers and, by all accounts, a large demonic creature attacking. It had all been due to a challenger to the crown, by all accounts, who had led the Qe'dreki rebel army but, when he had died the army had attacked and tens or hundreds of thousands had died. Rynmere had seen more than it's share lately and, as the screams from outside intensified, Faith turned very calmly (far too calmly, in fairness) to Padraig and said
"I'll just borrow a knife from your kitchen, with your permission" but it seemed that she was borrowing it with or without permission as she moved to quickly grab it.
"Can you fight?" she asked, listening carefully
"They're coming closer. Stay behind me if you need to."