• Promotion • OOC: When you wish upon a star......

A richly diverse island with a wealth of unusual flora and fauna and an ecosystem unlike any other. From ice caves to a volcano and lots more this is a place for explorers, scientists and those with a sense of adventure! Suggested starter area for new players.

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OOC: When you wish upon a star......


When you wish upon a star, well - wishes come true!

This Cycle, the Scalvoris mods would like to know what it is that you want. We'd like to offer some moderated threads, but driven by you, the players. So - please post below and tell us - but keep in mind the following.

1. One post per pc, please - and we'd like you to let us know if you've got more than one account. We're going to prioritise getting moderation to as many players as possible, so we may "skip" you if you're getting moderation as another PC. Therefore - post in order of priority for you!

2. This is not for "BIIIG" stuff. This is for moderated threads, absolutely, but this is not for Immortals, Induks, extreme danger etc. It's meant to be a bit of one-on-one time between the mods and the pcs, helping us to push your story forward.

Please, therefore, post below and let us know.

Code: Select all

Name of PC
Other PCs played: 
Would love a modded thread about ......
Anything the mod needs to know? 
Specific place or time? 
One - or more - of us will pop in. If we don't get to you this cycle, we'll prioritise you next!
word count: 211
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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Re: OOC: When you wish upon a star......

Name of PC: Mädärä Kisaik Ciuruọrun sọ Kufuata Karo Kashe Däuä, Tìfmi Härumtä sọ anou Faewun Samuwar, ọbavi sọ tẹlẹ, igbaradi sọ anou tabi ọludïbọ, Saoire's chieja kẹmïkälï kukïrï, Akoko Nọọsi
Other PCs played: Rakvald, Rorom, Kalortah, Woe, too many others to mention. None of them are in scalv as far as I remember.
Would love a modded thread about: Kisaik finds his grandfather stiff and dead when he returns to Hopetoun on the 3rd of Vhalar. Frantic, he realizes he has no woodworking skills, and that only tunawa may carve a dead tunawa body for the purposes of turning into an ojogbon item. He searches high and low for someone to fit the bill, until he runs across a group of tunawa being threatened by... something (you can make up whatever it is). He saves them, and it turns out among them are expert woodworkers, who might turn Kisaik's grandfather into a truly special ojogbon item.
Anything the mod needs to know? This might span more than a few threads, depending on the timing. Evergreen Grail Kisaik's signature item he's yet to acquire, but this would be a good opportunity.
Specific place or time? Faldrass, hoping to find a Ojogbon tree as well as part of this plot, maybe not far from Shellknight Lodge...
 ! Message from: Avalon
Hey Kis! I'll be taking this plot for you. Please write the opener and let me know when you've got it up, and we will go from there! Thanks for submitting your wish!
word count: 270
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Re: OOC: When you wish upon a star......

Name of PC: Kura Wolfsdotter
Other PCs played: Vivian, who'll actually be in Scalvoris a bit this season.
Would love a modded thread about: I'd like to have Kura talk to her predecessor as Albarech, Brandel. (Hopefully sinus infection didn't mess that name up in my memory.) About the future of Scalvoris and other such concerns.
Anything the mod needs to know? Brandel knew that Kura was a Mortalborn before she joined the council, and is aware of her history as part of the Imperial government.
Specific place or time? Preferably soon after the council meeting.
 ! Message from: Vulpes
Anything your heart desires.... I'll be taking this for you Kura. Get a starter up, drop me a DM or PM, and we'll be off :3
 ! Message from: Avalon
Reassigned to Peg!
word count: 136
Please send all PM's to my Basilisk account.
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Re: OOC: When you wish upon a star......

Name of PC: Shl'drei
Other PCs played: Rozkia
Would love a modded thread about: exploration expedition! I've been struggling with how to write it but I have some writeups and an odd job tied together for an expedition I haven't started yet haha
Anything the mod needs to know? I have links to the location + flora I want to discover!
Specific place or time? Sweetwine, and somewhere towards the bed of Vhalar?
 ! Message from: Avalon
Hey Shl I'll be taking this plot for you. Please write the opener and let me know when you've got it up, and we will go from there! Thanks for submitting your wish!
 ! Message from: Avalon
Reassigned to Jacks!
word count: 119
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Re: OOC: When you wish upon a star......

Name of PC: Balthazar Black
Other PCs played: Ulric, Revan, Mathias, Azrael
Would love a modded thread about: Balthazar would like to talk to the Militant or the Flame Deputy about the future of the Elements, various services he could provide, the officer training, and those such things.
Anything the mod needs to know? Balthazar has a complicated history with the Elements. He disappeared for about an arc (I think it was that long) and when he returned he messed up an investigation that had been in the works for a long time. However in the time since he has also solved various cases and was recommended by the Albarech for officer's training.
Specific place or time? Sometime after the Council meeting.
 ! Message from: Peg
Wish granted! Get a starter up, drop me a DM or PM, and we'll go from there. Feel free to assume that you're in a place with either the Militant and / or the Flame Deputy. :D
 ! Message from: Avalon
Reassigned to Avalon!
word count: 169

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: OOC: When you wish upon a star......

Name of PC - Elisabeth

Other PCs played: Natalia Gregorios, Evangeline Quinn, Sabine Devereaux

Would love a modded thread about ......Elisabeth's necklace. She's gotten some clues over the the past two arc regarding the necklace she was found with as a child, but nothing solid. I'd like her to come across something that sends her in the right direction. It would make sense that, when in doubt, Elisabeth would return to something she's familiar with, so I thought a thread with Chancellor Kristoff Manyon of the University might be interesting. He might be able to direct her to someone at the University that can help identify something about the necklace.

Anything the mod needs to know? Bas is the go-to guy for info on Elisabeth's necklace. Elisabeth and Balthazar have experimented a bit with it, with varying results. It threw Balthazar out of a chair when he tried to attune to it but gleaned some info from it.

"Balthazar had been able to feel a few notes. Unfortunately, none of them were notes he recognized, beyond that the necklace and locket were very old and that it had been handled by many people over the course of its existence had handled it, though there were three repeated frequencies that suggest that three people had carried the necklace multiple times. However, these three frequencies were incredibly muddled and unclear, as if something were interfering with the frequency. There were also gaps in the sequence of previous handlers were there was a frequency that was just plain unreadable. Finally, just before the connection had been severed, Balthazar would have picked up a single, intense frequency, one of pure defensive reaction.

The necklace has no reaction to any magic cast while wearing it that does not directly affect it.

Balthazar was able to determine that the necklace is made of polished steel and has an enchantment of unknown origin to defend against attempts to learn where it's been and who's handled it. In terms of durability and weak points, it's a well made necklace, but nothing more than that. However, the spell shorts a bit when Balthazar tries to read the necklace's age and the arm he'd holding the necklace in goes numb to the shoulder.

Lastly, the necklace reacted to the dragon eggs in the Labyrinth in Rynmere, but it was a wholly different reaction, trying to get closer to the eggs.

Specific place or time? Chancellor's Office? Elisabeth will be coming to Scalvoristown for the Combat Festival and plans to make an appointment then.
 ! Message from: Peg
Ohhhh, wish granted!! Get a starter post up, and I'll sprinkle some wish-granting fairy dust over it!
word count: 456
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Re: OOC: When you wish upon a star......

Name of PC: Devin
Other PCs played: Doran, Tristan, Victor
Would love a modded thread about: Devin wants to find out who his Immortal parent is.
Anything the mod needs to know? Devin discovered his first Mortalborn ability in Vhalar 719 – he realized that he could see the future. Back then, he thought that the same tree in the Sweetwine Woods that had turned his eyes purple had done something to his head or that an Immortal had secretly marked him though. In Ashan 721, he met Zana, the Mortalborn daughter of Delroth. She could detect Mortalborn and told him that he was a Mortalborn as well. He was very excited about that, but not knowing who his Immortal parent is bothers him a bit, to be honest. He wants to know where he comes from!
Specific place or time? Not really.
 ! Message from: Peg
Wish granted!! Please start a thread (where and when isn't important to the story, so feel free to do what's easiest for you) and DM or PM me when it's up! Thank you!!!
word count: 181


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: OOC: When you wish upon a star......

Name of PC: Oram Mednix
Other PCs played: Kieran Gawf
Would love a modded thread in which Oram tries to learn more about the "Coins of Opportunity" obtained here. Among other things, he intends to try the "Eyes of Antiquity" and Psychometry abilities from his Shirvain mark to get a feel for how old they really are, and then follow up with some research at the Scholar's Nook or University to find out more about them. Maybe it's the One Coin struck by Sauron in Mint-as Morgul!

What is the story behind this storied gold?!

Anything the mod needs to know? Gandersauce says 'honk'.

Specific place or time? Cold Cycle 721 sometime.
 ! Message from: Avalon
Hey Oram (and Gandersauce) - I'll be taking this plot for you. Please write the opener and let me know when you've got it up, and we will go from there! Thanks for submitting your wish!
 ! Message from: Avalon
Reassigned to Peg!
word count: 161
Villains are powerless against story beats.
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Re: OOC: When you wish upon a star......

Name of PC: Zemos
Other PCs played: Woe, Kisaik.
Would love a modded thread about Zemos meeting one of the Cazav members from Desnind. They would know him as one of their own, and be able perhaps to remind him of who he really is.
Anything the mod needs to know? This thread would mainly be about learning about Lisirra and recovering Zemos' memory.
Specific place or time? The Inimitable Doctor Z-egg This is the thread I started for this wish.
 ! Message from: Avalon
As you wish! I've got you on my list and will get you a post soon!
word count: 102


Nzi'Fuma is going by the name Zemos until further notice


Yithnai: Nzi'Fuma has glowing green eyes.
Witchmarks and Mutations:
  • Dread Warpaint: Zemos' upper face has a darkened discoloration, like sticky tar to the touch. It resembles warpaint.
  • Flies and other insects tend to crawl over his body intermittently. Sometimes a maggot can be seen crawling over his skin.
  • He has a slight slowness to his speech, as if he struggles to keep his tongue low in his mandible.

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Yithnain Suggestions
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Re: OOC: When you wish upon a star......

Kisaik wrote: Sun Oct 31, 2021 8:27 pm Name of PC: Mädärä Kisaik Ciuruọrun sọ Kufuata Karo Kashe Däuä, Tìfmi Härumtä sọ anou Faewun Samuwar, ọbavi sọ tẹlẹ, igbaradi sọ anou tabi ọludïbọ, Saoire's chieja kẹmïkälï kukïrï, Akoko Nọọsi
Other PCs played: Rakvald, Rorom, Kalortah, Woe, too many others to mention. None of them are in scalv as far as I remember.
Would love a modded thread about: Kisaik finds his grandfather stiff and dead when he returns to Hopetoun on the 3rd of Vhalar. Frantic, he realizes he has no woodworking skills, and that only tunawa may carve a dead tunawa body for the purposes of turning into an ojogbon item. He searches high and low for someone to fit the bill, until he runs across a group of tunawa being threatened by... something (you can make up whatever it is). He saves them, and it turns out among them are expert woodworkers, who might turn Kisaik's grandfather into a truly special ojogbon item.
Anything the mod needs to know? This might span more than a few threads, depending on the timing. Evergreen Grail Kisaik's signature item he's yet to acquire, but this would be a good opportunity.
Specific place or time? Faldrass, hoping to find a Ojogbon tree as well as part of this plot, maybe not far from Shellknight Lodge...
 ! Message from: Avalon
Hey Kis! I'll be taking this plot for you. Please write the opener and let me know when you've got it up, and we will go from there! Thanks for submitting your wish!
Heya guys, sorry to bug you but I have very little motivation to go through with this wish thing for Kisaik as I described it. So I'd like to let you off the hook for this one, for now. Thanks!
word count: 320
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