• Information • Bounty Board

Sponsored by the Lightning Knights

A bright and joyful land on the surface, Rharne is a place that is full of mirth and mystery. With its capitol seated on the edge of Lake Lovalus, it serves as a busy trade city and tourist destination. Beyond the city lies the Stormlands, a sprawling golden countryside that is bursting with towns, farms and local wildlife.

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Bounty Board

The Bounty Board is posted outside every Guard Station in Rharne.
Guard Stations are located throughout the Dust Quarter, Earth Quarter, Glass Quarter, and Sky Quarter.

You might also find some posted jobs in taverns and other places of gathering.

The Wanted posters are generally only found in guard stations, and are sanctioned by the Lightning Knights.
How To Claim A Bounty: Please respond to this thread and indicate which bounty you would like to claim. A Prophet will update the bounty board to indicate that the bounty has been claimed.

Recommended length for completing a bounty is 1500+ words, though it may be more or less depending on the bounty's complexity. The majority of the thread should be focused on completing the bounty request. Threads may be done collaboratively or solo.

Completed threads should be submitted to the Reviewer's Section forum. In order to redeem for your rewards, once the thread(s) have been reviewed, submit here with the links to the threads in question along with a summary/date and requested reward. Then I will respond with your rewards.

Off Topic
Isonomia is a worldwide charity faction run by Faith Augustin. She will often have odd jobs posted that need doing such as feeding the hungry or helping the poor.
Scroll to view more bounties.

Danger Ratings: All Jobs come with a "Danger Rating" that will give you a rough idea of how difficult they will be to complete. Be aware that if you take a very dangerous job and you do not take into full account the difficulty than I may just modbomb your thread to enforce the correct level of danger.

- Combat Skills can be anything from weapon skills, unarmed skills or stealth and survival skills.
Limited Danger: Novice and Competent skills in combat should be adequate for surviving these encounters
Medium Danger:Having Competency in your main combat skills will be necessary to survive this encounter.
High Danger:Having an expert level in your main combat or skills will be necessary to survive this encounter.
Extreme Danger:You stand risking dying in these encounters no matter your skill level. Mastery is highly advised.

Persistent Bounties
Wanted Dead or alive: The Mad Alchemist (Hank Potter)
Crime: Hank Potter is an accomplished alchemist who has contacts in Zynyx, as he came up there as a potter, firing clay pots in a kiln. He's known for hunting registered mages for their blood, which he keeps in preservation pots for later use in blood magic. He is covered in arcane wards that render any offensive magic used against him null. He also has methods and means of disabling enhancement and healing magics that mages might employ through a special alchemical poison he applies to his weapons.

He favors traps and ambushes, and will often only attack when he notices that the targeted mage has sprung a trap of theirs, thus disabling their magic. He's no stranger to explosives either, which he uses as a last resort. These explosive clay grenades spread the same poison, which covers a large area in a mist of toxic air which shuts down magic.
Reward: Wanted dead or Alive
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Mod Input
Danger Rating: High Danger multiple threads required for baiting, discovery, and eventual capture or execution. The Alchemist guild will pay extra for his alchemy journal, and share a copy with whoever brings it in.

Wanted Dead: The Jagged Arrow (Kinsieve L'taggar)
Crime: Kinsieve is a known mage, very dangerous. Reputedly an umbral hone master, rupturing expert, a sovereign expert, and also master of ranged weaponry. He is physically fit, as befits one who lives out in the wilds of the Stormwastes. He's also an expert tracker and trapper. He will not speak to anyone that comes after him. More often he'll seek a vantage point to snipe them from a distance. He wields a sling with deadly accuracy, which are often alchemically enhanced to explode with varied effects upon impact. He has abducted several travelers whose bodies were never found. It's presumed they're holding them hostage, but no ransom demand has been forthcoming.
Reward: Wanted dead with proof of death. The skin bearing his rune of naming would suffice. Additional reward offered for news of those he's abducted, whether dead or alive. Extra rewards have been promised for those bringing them back alive.
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Mod Input
Danger Rating: Extreme Danger multiple threads required for investigation, discovery, and eventual execution. News of his abductees will yield two more threads. One for finding out about where they are at (if alive) and one for recovery of anyone that survived captivity.

Wanted Alive: The Spoiler (Adam Roche)
Crime: Adam Roche is one of the more unsavory charlatans to stalk Rharne's streets. The Lightning Knights have recently uncovered information that Roche has been heading up and organizing the underground bootlegging of off-brand brews. Often these brews are drugged or even noxious in nature. Sometimes a slime has even escaped the contents of bottles sold by one of their unsanctioned distilleries. A reward has been put up for his capture, alive only.
Reward: No reward if he's killed or maimed. Must provide evidence of his wrong-doing as part of claiming the bounty. (The Lightning Knights only want him for questioning currently, but will give a greater reward for proof of his misdeeds.)
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Mod Input
Danger Rating: High Danger multiple threads required for investigation, discovery, apprehension and bonus for proof of his misdeeds (Unstable distilleries may explode upon entry, others might poison someone with noxious fumes, yet others might be trapped deliberately to curtail snooping by those meddling investigators)

Wanted Dead or Alive: Miranda Duskblade
Crime: This harpy of a woman is the leader of a clan of bandits that roam the Stormwastes. She is a deadly scimitar wielding bandit who is surrounded by a dozen loyal followers. Miranda is a young woman with silvery braided hair and bright azure eyes. Stories of her are pervasive, suggesting her to be a clever tactician that has routed and killed full patrols of Lightning Knights on more than one occasion. The Knights are afraid to throw more of their soldiers at her and she has been elusive so far when they have attempted to hunt her down. Rumors suggest that she has a camp hidden somewhere in the southern Stormwastes near a particularly large swamp.
Reward: Less for Dead, more for Not Dead.
Expires: Expired. She has died.
Moderation: Self-moderated.
Danger Rating:Extreme Danger and multiple threads required.

Seasonal Contracts and Bounties:
No more than 1 seasonal contract may be undertaken by a PC.

Repeatable Contracts:

No more than 3 repeatable jobs per Season per PC.
Problins Pests: A sudden outbreak of Problins has infested the surrounding countryside, harassing travelers and vandalizing farms or other establishments and homesteads, stealing food and other goods, and generally making a mess. Homesteads and establishments throughout the Rharnean Stormlands are offering compensation to anyone who can clear their infestation of Problins.
Reward: Extra Renown and a good quality item or supply of edibles/drugs/medicines.
Claim: Open to all
Moderation: Solo/collab.
Danger Rating: Low Danger.

Recognition of Veterans: Ilaren has arranged a commission for anyone who can provide more than good+ quality arms and armaments to be awarded to choice veteran Lightning Knights for their service in the war with Rhaum and the Purveyor.
Reward: Half of market value for any weapon/armor/shield crafted, and engraved/embroidered with the name of a valued veteran. Every third item crafted will be rewarded with a masterwork (tier 9) skill kit for their respective craft.
Moderation: Collab or Solo
Danger Rating: Low to Medium, depending on if you're gathering your own materials.

Poachers: Poachers hunting endangered or protected species, or else over-hunting other animals has become something of a problem in Rharne. Those who bring at least five of these miscreants to justice by apprehending them will be rewarded.
Reward: Choice between a good set of Tier 6 armor or a set of good quality weapons.
Moderation: Collab or Solo
Danger Rating: Medium to High.

Farms looking for Help: Whether needing extra hands for harvesting crops, transport escorts bringing their goods to market, or protection against looters, farmers pay well to anyone giving them aid.
Reward: A cycle's luxury quality supply of food, a tier 7 good-quality crafting tool kit (any skill but ensorcelling or alchemy), or an average quality pack/mount beast.
Moderation: Collab or Solo
Danger Rating: Low.

Slimes!: Every now and again a tavern has trouble with their stock of alcohol spoiling, and turning into Slimes. These taverns hire adventurers and exterminators and mercenaries to deal with these infestations discretely and carefully. Be careful you don't blow up the stock while clearing out slimes!
Reward: A Cycle's Luxury Quality supply of one of the tavern's signature brews. Or 5 Tavern Tokens of the tavern. Or Tavern Sponsorship.
Moderation: Collab or Solo
Danger Rating: Medium to High.

Sweeping the Dust Quarter: The Dust Quarter is in constant need of rebuilding and clean up. It's not a terrible place to live, but the locals always appreciate those who help shore up the living conditions there.
Reward: Choice between 1 wp per thread or tavern tokens.
Moderation: Collab or Solo
Danger Rating: Low to Medium.

Shrine Duty: Ilaren isn't the only Immortal that is accepted, celebrated, or worshipped in Rharne. There are plenty of other shrines set up throughout the territories of Ilaren. Namely that of Famula near the Umbral Caverns, Ymiden near the western edge of Mistral, Ralaith in Westwind Town, and Daia in Zynyx Market. Pilgrims often offer favors to those who escort them safely to these locations, and those who hold to these Immortals may themselves receive favor for offering supplication at the shrines.
Reward: A temporary blessing of the chosen Immortal (favored level) lasting no more than 10 trials. Also a chance to learn more about the chosen Immortal from the shrine caretaker. Up to Rare knowledge of the Immortal might be gleaned from the caretakers. (See Common Knowledge Wiki article for scope)
Moderation: Collab or Solo (with mod input if choosing a blessing)
Danger Rating: Low to Medium.
Claimed/Finished Bounties

Stag Population Culling: Claimed by Dandelion The stag population has exploded over the past few seasons. This has had the effect of increasing the aggression and proliferation of several predator species such as wolves, bears, and mountain lions. A reward has been offered to any who help cull the stag population, as well as those who return with predator pelts to show that those have been dealt with as well.
Reward: Choice of a masterwork+ ranged weapon created from no greater than tier 6 materials.
Expires: Ashan 722
Moderation: Collab or Solo
Danger Rating: Variable depending on the hunter's approach. From Medium to High.

Wanted Alive: Dustin Meddles Claimed by Verbena
Crime: Dustin has been accused of stealing horses from a local farm in the Stormlands about two breaks ride from Rharne. He is allegedly keeping several equines in a camp near the river. Some rumors suggest that he intends to head for the coast as soon as possible to sell them. Time is of the essence. Dustin is a middle aged man with long brown hair that he normally keeps tied back at the nape of his neck and dark brown eyes. He has a scar on his left wrist in the shape of an X.
Reward: 2 wp if all animals are found and returned. 1 wp otherwise
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Self-moderated.

Wanted Alive: Lissa Vantysh Claimed by Alexander
Crime: Guilty of embezzling funds from the Merchant's Guild, this Glass Quarter noble has fled from Rharne and out into the Stormlands. Rumors are circulating that she had been seen staying at a posh Silver Suite at the Rosmerta Winery for the last few trials. This woman is slippery so you will need to approach her slowly and carefully...perhaps with the use of a disguise and a glass of wine in hand. Lissa is a beautiful young woman, with silvery blonde locks and bright blue eyes.
Reward: 150gn if brought in without the stolen funds. 200gn if returned with what she has stolen.
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Self-moderated

Wanted Alive: Vincent Comb Claimed by Rorom!
Crime: Vincent has been sighted near Rosmerta Winery stealing casks of Starlight Wine along with a few new varieties that the Rosmerta sisters have been working on. Vincent is a lean young but scraggly man with straw colored hair and green eyes. He is known to be fairly good with a knife and should be handled with caution.
Reward: 200gn / 350gn if you can also recover the stolen merchandise.
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Self-moderated.

Wanted Dead or Alive: Bahati Ekua # Claimed by Sabine!
Crime: Bahati is a known slaver who has escaped the Rharnian authorities twice before. She was spotted at the Docks on the 33rd of Zi'da, accompanied by a white raven, and is believed to have entered the city walls. Bahati is a Naerikk, and is considered armed and dangerous. She has skill in whips, poisons, and torture, as well as a history of enslaving those who move against her. Any who choose to pursue her are asked to proceed with the utmost caution. Most recently, she is thought to have kidnapped five young adults travelling separately from the Stormlands to Rharne during Ymiden 717.
Reward: 400 gn alive, 225 gn dead
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Self-moderated. Multiple threads required.

Wanted Alive: Khael Gordon Claimed by Guillermos
Crime: Khael is a local Rharnian and is wanted for stabbing another man in anger during a fight at The Harpy Inn. Witnesses say both men were drunk at the time. He was last seen fleeing the scene.
Reward: 100 gn
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Self-moderated.

Wanted Alive: Eleanor De'liandros Claimed and Completed by Arlo and Vega
Crime: Eleanor is accused of illegally enslaving a young woman from Desnind in her Glass Quarter home. The woman had recently moved to Rharne and had been missing since Cylus. She was most recently seen on the 2nd of Ymiden, where she revealed herself to a visitor at Eleanor's home who immediately reported the situation to the Lightning Knights. Eleanor has since disappeared, and the Lightning Knights are asking for the public's help in bringing her to justice.
Reward: 200 gn
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Self-moderated. Multiple threads recommended.

Wanted Alive: Gabrielle Ruta Claimed by Nauta
Crime: Gabrielle is believed to be responsible for a large number of stolen horses from farms in the Stormlands ongoing since Zi’da. She is described as a petite human woman with braided blonde hair, pockmarked skin, and a scar running down her right collarbone.
Reward: 100 gn
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Self-moderated.

Wanted Dead or Alive: Rouvin Santos Claimed by Nauta
Crime: Rouvin is an eidisi merchant wanted for allegedly using Empathy magic to manipulate others into making trade deals in his favour without their knowledge. He is an unregistered mage and is considered a dangerous opponent. All who move against him are asked to use caution and are warned to be mentally prepared for his tricks.
Reward: 250 gn alive, 125 gn dead
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Self-moderated. Multiple threads required.

Wanted Alive: Theo "Ratface" Johnson Claimed by Nauta
Crime: Theo is accused of breaking into a jewelry shop in the Glass Quarter and stealing valuable wares. The Merchants Guild is offering a reward for anyone who can capture him and recover the stolen goods. He is said to be skilled in lock picking, pick pocketing, climbing, and using a dagger.
Reward: 150 gn with jewelry recovered, 75 gn without jewelry recovered
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Self-moderated.

Wanted Alive: Karen Sampson Claimed by Spade
Crime: This drunkard has been seen attacking fellow patrons at the Harlot ‘n’ Hound Tavern in the Earth Quarter. She is a stout older woman who is at least fifty arcs of with salt and pepper hair and light blue eyes. Karen carries a short cane that she has used in the past to assault male patrons. No one wants to hurt the old woman, but she has become a nuisance to the business.
Reward: 100gn
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Self-moderated.

Wanted Alive: Sally Hauldry Claimed by Pepper
Crime: A local resident of Mistral Village, Sally has been seen stealing local pets that she is hoarding in her cottage. People are becoming concerned for their animals and for the health of Ms. Hauldry. There are now at least fifteen dogs, cats and goats living on her property that need to be returned to their owners. Sally is a woman of at least forty arcs of age with graying brown curly hair that she wears in a bun. She has gray blue eyes and a pump figure. This woman is not necessarily considered dangerous but she is addled and can react poorly if forced to separate with the animals she has stolen.
Reward: 200gn
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Self-moderated.

Wanted Alive: Felton Flick Claimed by Pad and Faith
Crime: Seen frequenting markets all throughout Rharne this famed pickpocket has been stealing for far too long! This Dust Quarter resident is a flea bitten man who looks exactly as one would expect. Because of his dirt smeared countenance, he is easy to spot and is forced to move from market to market rather frequently.
Reward: 150gn
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Self-moderated.

Wanted Alive: Danny Kenworth Claimed by Leeson
Crime: Reported burglarizing homes in the Earth Quarter, this rugged member of the Dust Quarter has made something of a reputation for himself. He is known to stake out homes before choosing a target to steal from. He seems most interested in stealing objects that are easy to carry just as jewelry and other prized pocket sized items. Danny is a middle aged man with scraggly brown hair and dark green eyes. He is also known to have a crecent shaped scar on the palm of his left hand.
Reward: 200gn
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Self-moderated.

Odd Job: Thundermaw Extermination Claimed by Nir'wei and Finn Ashbroken
Task: A rogue Thundermaw has been seen rampaging near the northern edge of the Stormwastes. This beast appears to be rabid and will attack anything in sight. There is a great deal of concern that it will soon attempt to swim across the river to assault nearby towns and farms. Put this animal down before someone gets hurt!
Reward: 2wp gn dead
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Self-moderated.
Danger Rating: Medium Danger

Wanted Dead or Alive: Kev the Butcher Claimed by Kasoria
Crime: This hulking monster of a man has been seen raiding towns and villages all along the Zynyx River lately. Kev is known by his massive battle-axe and his ram horn helmet. His favorite target is the riverside Zynyx Market but he has been sighted near Mistral Village in the past. Kev runs with a small band of criminals that are also wanted on lesser charges. This individual is notorious for brutally killing citizens of Rharne during his raids. He seems to relish in causing harm and murdering innocents. Bring him in alive or bring his head to Storm's Edge to be rewarded.
Reward: 2wp gn dead or alive.
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Self-moderated.
Danger Rating: High Danger

Wanted Alive: Verity Treyhar Claimed by Yrmellyn Cole
Crime: This Glass Quarter debutante has been running a jewelry thieving ring of women. While Verity is wealthy in her own right she seems to find a thrill in stealing jewels and glittering pendants from others whenever she and her friends attend local balls and parties. A old acquaintance of hers has noticed that Verity was wearing a diamond necklace of a local Rharne woman who threw a garden party in the last few trials. So she has reported the suspected crime to the Lightning Knights and an order has gone out for Verity's arrest. Verity Treyhar is a wealthy young woman with bright blonde hair that she often pins back in a cascade of ringlets. She has a penchant for wearing violet dresses and gowns and has a part of dark green eyes.
Reward: 1wp if brought in without the stolen funds. 2wp if returned with what she has stolen.
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Self-moderated.
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Re: Freelancer Exchange & Bounty Board

I would like to claim Stag Population Culling, please
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Re: Freelancer Exchange & Bounty Board

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Re: Freelancer Exchange & Bounty Board

Bounty: Stag Population Culling
Thread: Tree-ed
Date-stamp: 80 Zi'da 721
Summary: Dandelion hunts some deer
Reward: 1 masterwork+ recurve shortbow (standard materials) (Note: I was (mistakenly?) under the impression that the reward should be included in the review request, so that's what I originally did. Not trying to double up)
word count: 54
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Re: Freelancer Exchange & Bounty Board

Would like to claim "sweeping the dust quarter" please
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Yup, so since this is a repeatable bounty, just submit for when you've finished it and I'll check that you receive your rewards!
word count: 37
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Re: Freelancer Exchange & Bounty Board

Dandelion wrote: Tue Jan 11, 2022 2:32 pm Bounty: Stag Population Culling
Thread: Tree-ed
Date-stamp: 80 Zi'da 721
Summary: Dandelion hunts some deer
Reward: 1 masterwork+ recurve shortbow (standard materials) (Note: I was (mistakenly?) under the impression that the reward should be included in the review request, so that's what I originally did. Not trying to double up)
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Looking good! I forgot to change the way I'm going to handle rewards before you actually got to claiming something, so no mistake on your part. I had changed it after the fact! But it's perfectly acceptable to claim the stated reward through the thread itself. I only ask that you submit any bounties here as well as I might have something a little extra to award you. Such as the following:

A 12 point rack: One of the Stags Dandelion took down had an impressive rack. The tines and structure of the antlers are very tough and durable, and could be used for fine crafts. Alternately, this can be sold at the market for some nels (2 wp).

For selling at the market, you need only track the sale on your ledger, linking back to this post, if you go that route.
word count: 211
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Re: Freelancer Exchange & Bounty Board

I've replaced the seasonal bounties with two new ones. I'll be adding new bounties every so often throughout the Cycle as I think of them. The repeatable bounties are unchanged for the time being.

Here are the ones I've added:

A Message: From the less reputable Quarters of Rharne, a rumor for a job comes to those who have their ear to the ground to listen. Rumor has it that the Shadow Quarter is looking for new talent. There's a general demand for a big statement to be made soon, a grand crime, whether a public murder, a high profile heist, or a daring kidnapping. Those who perpetrate such a crime will surely be approached to be brought into the fold of this organization, or if they already belong, to climb higher.
Reward: A discrete meeting.
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Solo/collab with mod input.
Danger Rating: High Danger.

River Rats Come Back: One particularly nasty group of river pirates, formed around a tough fugitive from the Rharne Prison, have begun harassing boats on the River Zynyx. They are thought to take refuge on the edges of the Stormwastes. The man in charge is known to be a master survivalist (fieldcraft), an expert combatant with a spear, and a daring tactician. His name is Garlan Tubs. Those seeking leads ought to begin with those hunters at the Zynyx Market.
Reward: A discrete meeting.
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Solo/collab with mod input.
Danger Rating: High Danger.
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Re: Freelancer Exchange & Bounty Board

Claiming River Rats Come Back (SORRY THIS IS LATE)
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
All set, give us a heads up when you're done and I'll approve your rewards.
word count: 29
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
  • The area around him is slightly more static-y than normal
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Re: Freelancer Exchange & Bounty Board


Up to Date
Also, we have a new repeatable bounty:

Slime Infestation: Local caches and stockpiles of beer, wine, and spirits have reported problems with slimes in their casks of aging booze. Some of these creatures have even managed to escape these confines and wreak havok on the surrounding stockpiles of alcohol. Those who help clean-up these slimes will be rewarded with luxury alcohols of their choice.
Reward: A cycle's supply of luxury alcohol.
Moderation: Collab or Solo
Danger Rating: Medium to High.
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Re: Bounty Board

I would like to claim for Shrine Duty, please
Shrine duty details
Shrine Duty: Ilaren isn't the only Immortal that is accepted, celebrated, or worshipped in Rharne. There are plenty of other shrines set up throughout the territories of Ilaren. Namely that of Famula near the Umbral Caverns, Ymiden near the western edge of Mistral, Ralaith in Westwind Town, and Daia in Zynyx Market. Pilgrims often offer favors to those who escort them safely to these locations, and those who hold to these Immortals may themselves receive favor for offering supplication at the shrines.
Reward: A temporary blessing of the chosen Immortal (favored level) lasting no more than 10 trials. Also a chance to learn more about the chosen Immortal from the shrine caretaker. Up to Rare knowledge of the Immortal might be gleaned from the caretakers. (See Common Knowledge Wiki article for scope)
Moderation: Collab or Solo (with mod input if choosing a blessing)
Danger Rating: Low to Medium.
Temporary blessing (lasting no more than 10 trials): Second skin - PC has an invisible aura armor that deflects a blow. However this armor weakens with every blow suffered and it does not regenerate.
 ! Message from: Winston
Approved :-)

For the ten days following that post's IC date, you can assume you have this blessing.
word count: 213
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit, 153cm (5') tall 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose clothing that does not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
Wears a small pouch with a Sunstone and a
at her belt.
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