The Student Office.

A satellite of the prestigious Viden Academy, this collaborative effort has truly been successful on Scalvoris and many great inventions and discoveries are made on a regular basis!

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The Student Office.


From Cylus 721 (Feb 1st 2021 IRL), this is the thread where will people will claim their qualifications from the University of Scalvoris.

Please post below when you have completed a Qualification with the University. Even if it's been via a modded thread, please post here, because this thread will function as my "to do" list.

Arc Qualification Awarded to
720 Diploma in Arts: Singing Kalortah
721 Letter in Science: Animal Training Shl'drei
" Certificate in Science: Medicine Zemos

Code: Select all

[b]PC Name:[/b]
[b]Qualification you are receiving (full title, please)[/b]
[b] Links to all required threads. [/b]
[b]Any other relevant information about your pc and the Academy? (additional threads etc)[/b]
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Re: The Student Office.

PC Name: Kalortah
Subject: Art: Singing
Qualification you are registering for Diploma
Confirmation (and links showing this) that you have the pre requisite qualifications, if needed
viewtopic.php?p=147867#p147867 (AF Cylus 720 Certificate Exam)
viewtopic.php?p=149284&sid=d48e7ef6004f ... 7a#p149284 (Cylus 720 Study Thread)
viewtopic.php?p=165273#p165273 (Cylus 720 Teaching Thread)
viewtopic.php?f=251&t=22730&p=149912#p149912 (Ashan 720 Study Thread)

Any other relevant information about your pc and the Academy? This is a series of old threads that I never quite got to finish, but only now have.
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Re: The Student Office.

PC Name: Shl'drei
Subject: Science: Animal Training
Qualification you are receiving (full title, please) Letter of Science in Animal Training
Links to all required threads. Any other relevant information about your pc and the Academy? (additional threads etc) Knowledge pay in Here -5 knowledge (20 knowledge Minumum to pass)
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Re: The Student Office.

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Re: The Student Office.

PC Name: Perdita Westcott
Subject: Art
Qualification you are receiving (full title, please) Letter of Arts in Art
Links to all required threads.
Study 1: Tool ~ Perdita goes to the library and researches the tools she'll need. Then, she goes to the docks to collect shells and sand and then the market to buy some things.
Study 2: Negative Space ~ Perdita attends her first lecture and explores the concept of Negative Space.
Study 3: The Heist ~ Perdita attends a lecture and meets another student.

Any other relevant information about your pc and the Academy? (additional threads etc) I can confirm that she has over 25 knowledge. This is recorded in her CS.
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Re: The Student Office.

PC Name: Perdita Westcott
Subject: History
Qualification you are receiving (full title, please) Letter of Humanities in History
Links to all required threads.
Study 1: Be a Dot ~ Perdita goes to the Library and starts researching topics. She decides on the Modern History of Scalvoris.
Letter 02: History Teaching pt 1 ~ Perdita's first History lecture.
Letter 03: History Teaching pr 2 ~ after the lecture
Homework ~ Modded ~ I'm not sure if this counts, but am including it as it is her researching her chosen topic.
Extra Credit ~ Modded ~ Perdita attends a higher level history class and has a lovely time!

Any other relevant information about your pc and the Academy? (additional threads etc)
I can confirm that she has over 25 knowledge (this has been agreed via PSF as Research Knowledge here . This is recorded in her CS.
I know she only needs 2 threads, but those are the ones she did :D
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Re: The Student Office.

Up to Date!
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Re: The Student Office.

PC Name: Zemos
Subject: Science: Toxicology - Medicine
Qualification you are registering for Certification
Confirmation (and links showing this) that you have the pre requisite qualifications, if needed Schoolwork: Vhalar 721, Schoolwork: Zi'Da 721
Any other relevant information about your pc and the Academy? He transferred from Viden for this semester.
Current Wealth Tier Tier 5 (With wilderness survival skills)
Further payment needed? No
If Yes, confirm that appropriate amounts are taken from ledger N/A
 ! Message from: Peg
word count: 80


Nzi'Fuma is going by the name Zemos until further notice


Yithnai: Nzi'Fuma has glowing green eyes.
Witchmarks and Mutations:
  • Dread Warpaint: Zemos' upper face has a darkened discoloration, like sticky tar to the touch. It resembles warpaint.
  • Flies and other insects tend to crawl over his body intermittently. Sometimes a maggot can be seen crawling over his skin.
  • He has a slight slowness to his speech, as if he struggles to keep his tongue low in his mandible.

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Re: The Student Office.

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Re: The Student Office.

PC Name: Oram Mednix
Subject: Science (Zoology)
Qualification you are receiving (full title, please) Letter by exam, then Certification.
Links to all required threads. Letter examination
Cert study thread #1 (Cylus 722)
Cert study thread #2 (Ashan 722)
Any other relevant information about your pc and the Academy? (additional threads etc) I've got a list of appropriate Science and Hunting knowledges ready if anybody wants them. Also, if nobody wants them. ETA, 722, not 721.
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