• Solo • The Promise of a Dream

2nd of Vhalar 721

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Tei'serin Nji'ryn
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The Promise of a Dream


2nd Vhalar, 721

Tei'serin winced as she shifted in her sleep, and jolted awake at the spear of pain that shot through her injured arm. But the pain was the last thing on her mind as she wondered at the the lingering fragments of the dream she had just had. The dream had felt so real that Tei'serin wasn't quite certain if it had really been a dream or not. Or at the very least, if it was just a dream. She was pretty sure that it was something more.

She had had vivid dreams before, of course. But nothing quite like this. And she certainly had never dreamed of talking to Moseke before. Both of those facts had her leaning towards the idea that her dream had been real. More than that, Tei'serin wanted it to be real. Tei'serin had no doubt that Moseke would be able to visit her in her dreams if she wanted to talk to her. Between that, and her very real desire for the dream to be real, Tei'serin decided that it was.

In her dream, Moseke had told her that there was a chance that she could get better. For that to happen, she would need to actively pursue it. That reinforced her knowledge that shattered joints would not fully heal on their own. But a chance was a chance. And Moseke had encouraged her to pursue it. Even if she had not been determined to pursue it for herself, she would have pursued it when Moseke told her that she should. She would do anything in her power for Moseke.

Tei'serin didn't know how big a chance she had of finding a way of healing completely. But she was completely and utterly determined to try. She did know that pursuing that chance, and seeking healing would probably require her to leave Desnind. The Order branch here simply did not have the resources that might allow her to heal fully from shattered joints. And her dream implied that she would need to really work to find something that might help her heal completely. To Tei'serin, that meant searching the world for the chance that Moseke had mentioned. The Olọravu Slosneppe, or Medicine House didn't use the same methods that the Order used to heal patients, so it was worth looking into as well. While she wasn't sure how well the herbs and elixirs they preferred would help with shattered joints, she did know how powerful herbal remedies could be when used the right way. It was possible, even likely that they knew of remedies that she did not given the sheer number of medical herbs in existence. At the very least, it was a place to start. Tei'serin decided that when she was able to move around on her own, she would pay them a visit.

Rue Westfield came in to give her her first dose of pain medication for the trial, and examined her injuries. When she was finished, she asked if Tei'serin needed anything. Tei'serin took stock of herself. Once the pain medication took full effect and she wasn't in any pain anymore, she would need to start her exercises. Now that she knew how to do them, she didn't need any help to do that. So after a few trills, Tei'serin told her healer that she was fine. Rue promised to come in and check on her later before leaving to check on another patient. Once she was gone, Tei'serin picked up the hand ball, and began her first set of exercises.

Last edited by Tei'serin Nji'ryn on Thu Nov 25, 2021 4:22 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 611
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Re: The Promise of a Dream


Tei'serin silently counted until she reached the end of her first set. Then she did two more sets of the exercise. By the time she was finished, her hand ached a little, but she knew that it would fade soon enough. And anything that could be done to strengthen her grip was important. When she was done with her three sets, she reached over with her good arm, and placed the small ball in her left hand. Then she began doing the same exercise to strengthen that hand as well.

Every time she gripped the ball, it sent waves of pain shooting up her injured shoulder, but she persisted. In an attempt to distract herself from the pain, her eyes fell on the small statue that was sitting on the table beside her bed. Vindecaldra had given her that statue along with a number of other items. Seeing the statue made Tei'serin remember what Vindecaldra had said when she had given it to her.

"Fear paralyses and inaction harms both yourself and those around you," she had said. Tei'serin could understand that, but knowing that it did, and doing something about it were two very different things. While inaction could harm herself and people around her, it was also true that inaction had been a good thing at times. Defiance was something that Thorin took very seriously. The punishments for even the slightest hint of defiance or refusal to obey an order...which was really the same thing in his mind were incredibly severe. Simply accepting his orders and obeying them was the safest thing to do; it always had been when they had lived together in Treth. Now that she lived here in Desnind, she did as she believed he would want her to when he wasn't here, and obeyed the orders he gave her during his infrequent visits when he was. Still. It was something to think about. Her inaction in the battle with the Aukari had certainly caused her harm.

When Tei'serin finished her sets with her left hand, she set the hand ball aside and picked up the one pound weight Rue had given her with her right hand. Then she began the first exercise she had been told to do with it. As she did, she wondered how long it would be before she was ready to move up to using the three pound weight instead of the one she was using now.

Vindecaldra had also told her to rebuild herself and to take her life back from Thorin. Again, that was far easier said than done. Her life wasn't the only one that would be in danger if she ever dared to try and escape Thorin. And in the condition she was in now, any attempt at escape would almost certainly end in failure. Or...would it?

Tei'serin's mind drifted to possible ways to escape. She couldn't abandon her family, so unless he was here in Desnind and he had brought them with him, then she couldn't even consider it. But if her family were with her, and they were willing to help...it was less impossible than it seemed. If Tei'serin was able to use one of the abilities Moseke had given her to put Thorin to sleep, and her mother tied him up before he could wake up, then they might all be able to escape. That wouldn't stop him from finding them again though. But if he was dead...could she kill someone in cold blood while they were helpless and asleep? She was a healer, not a killer. And yet...death would be a permanent solution. One that would ensure that he could never hurt any of them again. Could she kill to protect her family? Tei'serin truly did not know the answer to that. She hated the thought of being a murderer. And that is what she would be if she were to kill Thorin. Maybe they could restrain him and take him to the authorities. Would anyone believe her if she was to tell them what Thorin had done to her and her family over the arcs? Would it matter if she did? She wouldn't be able to prove most of it. It would be her word against his in most cases. And most of the things he had done to them had not happened here in Desnind.

Tei'serin finished the first exercise with the weight, and started the next one. Her arm muscles burned with exertion, but she was determined to do all of the exercised Rue had taught her. Only by doing them properly would she build up the strength she needed in order to use the crutch and wheelchair she would get when she was able to get out of bed.

Even if she managed to free herself and her family from Thorin somehow...what exactly did it mean to rebuild herself? What would count as rebuilding herself to Vindecaldra might be the more appropriate question. Surely freeing herself from Thorin would be the needed first step, but that alone wouldn't be enough. Would it? Perhaps after she and her family was free, and she had found a way to heal herself completely? Would that count as forging herself in fire and strength? Tei'serin really didn't know. But she did know one thing. She wouldn't risk whispering Vindecaldra's name to the statue and trying to claim the reward Vindecaldra had mentioned until she was absolutely certain that she had done as Vindecaldra had asked. Tei'serin had absolutely no desire to risk angering the enormous dragon.

When Tei'serin had finished the weight lifting exercises with her good arm, she switched the weight over to her left hand. The pain was intense as she started the first set of the first exercise, but she had been told that it would help her, and she was determined to do anything she could to help herself get stronger.

Last edited by Tei'serin Nji'ryn on Thu Nov 25, 2021 4:31 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1011
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Re: The Promise of a Dream


Tei'serin struggled with the weight lifting exercises with her injured arm. Doing them hurt a lot, and part of her wanted to stop doing them. But she knew that she couldn't do that. She needed to do exercises using her injured arm if she wanted to prevent the muscles of that arm from atrophying. And she did. If she ever did heal completely the way that she wanted to...the way that Moseke told her might be possible, then atrophied muscles would make that harder to achieve. And if she failed to find a way to heal herself completely, atrophied muscles would still be a very bad thing. They would be a constant source of pain to her on top of the injuries she already had. Tei'serin was determined not to add to the problems that she already had to overcome, and that meant sticking with the exercises.

When she completed the exercises for her injured arm, it was a relief. Tei'serin reached over with her good arm and got the jar of salve that her healer had given her to use. The lid was on loosely enough that she was able to hold it in her lap and unscrew the lid with her good hand. Once that was done, she carefully rubbed the salve into her injured arm. The herbal remedy did its job quickly, and Tei'serin sighed with relief as the cooling sensation washed away her pain.

She had one last exercise left to do. Tei'serin pushed the covers off of her legs, and lifted her right leg off the bed as high as she could. Then she held it that way while she counted to ten slowly. She repeated the exercise nine more times. By the time she was finished, her leg wasn't bothering her the way her arms had been, but it was tired, and it felt as if she had exerted herself considerably. Tei'serin figured that the difference was because she had been using a weight for the arm exercises, but not for the leg exercise. That thought gave her pause. Should she try doing the leg exercise using a small weight? Doing so might help her build up her strength faster, but how would she be able to manage it? After a while, she gave up on the idea. With only one good arm, it would be impossible for her to tie a weight on her leg. Rue would probably do it for her if she asked her to, but that would make her dependent on her healer to do the exercise, and Tei'serin didn't want that. She would simply increase the amount of time that she held her leg up for as well as the number of times she did the exercise in each set when she felt she was ready to push her limits further.

With all of her exercises done for the time being, Tei'serin tugged the covers back over herself with her good arm, and smoothed them out as best she could. She would start her next sets of the exercises in a few breaks. But for now, she wanted to think about what Vindecaldra had requested of her some more as well as what Rue had told her about strength yestertrial.

She was distracted from her thoughts when Rue came in for another check up. Tei'serin watched her during the exam, and was relieved when the healer told her that things were still healing as best as could be expected.

"Do you have anyone at home who can help you when you need it once we release you?"

Tei'serin froze at the question. The first person her mind drifted to was Thorin, and the idea of him helping her during his infrequent visits was laughable. If he came back for another visit before she managed to find a way to heal herself completely, he would punish her for getting involved in something without his permission. And if he ever learned that she was learning how to defend herself...which he would if he learned that she had survived a battle with Aukari even as injured as she was...

"No. I live alone." Tei'serin said truthfully.

Rue watched her carefully, and Tei'serin met her gaze as evenly as she could. But something in her tone, or the way she had reacted to the question seemed to have caught the healer's attention.

"Do you have any friends that you see often? Friends who might be willing to help you if you need it?" she asked.

"Not really. Most of the people I know are members of the Order that I work with. I'm sure that they'd help me if I needed it, but I don't really see them outside of work."


Tei'serin tried not to cringe as she nodded. Why had she allowed that to slip out?

"Well, there's...one person. Thorin."

Tei'serin shuddered. She looked around the room briefly, then flushed in embarrassment. As a child, she had believed that simply saying Thorin's name out loud was enough to summon him. She knew better now, of course, but the man terrified her beyond reason, and for good reason. She had been thinking about him recently, and she knew that Thorin wouldn't like it if he knew that she was talking about him with someone else. That put her on edge, and she tended to fall back on old habits when that happened. Rue was studying her intently now, and Tei'serin rushed to continue in an attempt to distract her.

"He is...was...my guardian. As a child. He doesn't live here in Desnind. He does come to visit once in a while, but he's busy so I don't see him often."

And that was a very good thing. Or it would be if she wasn't so worried about how he was treating her family while he wasn't here. Her half siblings were probably safe from the worst of it. He was their father, after all, and they might be of use to him. But her mother and her friend did not have that protection.

"He's not really the type who would be willing to help me with something like this when he does come for a visit, though."

"Do you know when he is coming for a visit next?" Rue asked carefully.

Tei'serin shook her head.

"No. He doesn't come often, as I said. He's very busy. And when he does come, he doesn't usually give me any notice. He likes to surprise me that way."

Rue frowned.

"I see. Well, perhaps I will meet him during one of our follow up visits then. You will be needing them until you are used to getting around on your own, and even then you will need them to track how well you are healing."

Tei'serin simply nodded.

"I've got to go check on another patient now, but I'll come back for another check up later."

With that, Rue left the room, and Tei'serin tried to distract herself from thoughts of Thorin by thinking about what Vindecaldra had told her once more.

Rue's questions were a part of a consequence awarded in this thread. I do know that Rue would not leave this alone if she believed that Tei'serin was in any danger, but she knows that Thorin does not live in Desnind, and does not visit frequently. She will insist on meeting him when he does come for a visit though.

word count: 1282
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Re: The Promise of a Dream


Endurance: x 1
Strength: x 5

Loot: -
Lost: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: Soreness after doing her exercises that will fade quickly with rest.
Renown: -
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: I commend Tei’serin on her determination to try and get better. Her feelings in that regard were described very well. I look forward to finding out how that visit to the Medicine House goes!

I also appreciate in how much detail you described Tei’serin doing her various exercises. They remind me a lot of the exercises that I was asked to do when I received physiotherapy!

I liked how you incorporated that quote from Vindecaldra into that part of the thread and used it to have Tei‘serin think about her relationship with Thorin and how to possibly deal with him.

With that being said, I have decided to assign the following consequence:

Consequence: Thank you for following up on Jackalope’s consequence and showing Rue with her probing questions!

As a result of Tei'serins reaction (shuddering, cringing, looking around), Rue will return to her once she has checked on her other patients in order to sit down and talk to her.

She won’t beat about the bush.

She will tell Tei'serin that it’s obvious that there is a problem and that something is going on between Thorin and her.

She wants Tei'serin to tell her what that is. Tei'serin needs to take control, she says. She can help her. What she isn’t going to do is sit there, knowing that there is a problem, and do nothing about it though.

Tei'serin can either tell her the truth, and they’ll figure out how to deal with it together, or she, Rue, will try to do what she can to find out what is going on and deal with it on her own.

The problem will be dealt with, one way or another, Rue tells her.

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 334





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