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Developed by Ralgar Warborn
Price: Pelts: 5 WP for a pelt. Alive: N/A, due to the aggressive nature of these creatures

Habitat: Residing in the central regions of the Scaltoth Jungle, typically in the areas with thick trees and easy prey, the Colossithecus is the Apex predator in many parts of Scaltoth. These powerful creatures are sought after by the tribes for their size and power, though training them is difficult even for the bravest adventurer. Digging themselves out big holes to rest and eat in, the Colossithecus sleeps in large piles of rocks and leaves, as well as some being observed using the carcasses of animals to decorate their territory as an intimidation tactic and to mark the land that is theirs.

Oftentimes, if two non-mating Colossithecus find one another in the wild, they will battle to claim the territory of the other - expanding their hunting grounds massively.

Lifespan and Development: Living upwards of thirty years, Colossithecus are powerful giants that reach the full size of 8'6" around their sixth Arc. Built from powerful muscles, razor-sharp claws, and teeth designed to rip flesh apart - these beings are everything an Apex predator should be. Their antlers are often used to charge into bigger creatures, tackling it to the ground, or to throw aside anything smaller than them. Throughout their lives the Colossithecus will live in isolation, their parents leaving them to fend for themselves at one arc old to prove themselves. The only time these creatures are seen in pairs is for reproduction when a mating pair will settle down for a Cycle together, sharing territory and having anywhere from 3 to 10 offspring during this time. The Colossithecus is known for the mass of babies it can have in a small amount of time, the gestation period lasting an abnormally short amount of time. However, because of the isolation that the young live in, these offspring rarely survive - meaning that only the toughest Colossithecus ever see adulthood. Usually, one of the group of offspring will make it past six Arcs old.

Diet: Carnivorous, the Colossithecus feeds solely on meats, eating creatures of any size but typically hunting deers or larger. While the beasts will eat anything they can, they lean towards a mixed variety, sometimes going out of their way to hunt new meats. Humans and other sentient beings have been killed for food by these creatures many times in the tribes, giving them a dangerous reputation to match their stature. After a big feast, the creature enters a state of rest, eating in big bulks then pausing for hours at a time, before going back on a big hunt.

Temperament: Outwardly hostile to any creature in their territory and near their sleeping area, these creatures are only peaceful to those that have tamed them or when they are no longer hungry so have no need to hunt. It is during this time that many will attempt to tame and impress a Colossithecus with their unique and dangerous means of being tamed.

First, one must approach the creature peacefully, requiring a high level of animal training, discipline or other potential skills used. As they do this they must be holding a trophy of a great beast, something that would impress the Apex of the Scaltoth trees. Some have said that a mass of pelts from smaller creatures has worked as well, while others claim this failed and simply insulted the proud creature. Then, with the pelt(s) in hand, they must lay it out as an offering to the big beast. Should the creature be impressed, it will allow the person to approach. This begins the bond between both creature and man, the beast allowing the person to enter their territory and even stay there.

After some time of the tamer and beast living, hunting, and resting near each other - the Colossithecus will be considered "trained", and will become accepting of the person that befriended them, fighting alongside them. Why this instinct exists is currently unknown, especially because of the solitary nature of the beast. Because of this taming method and the sheer power of the Colossithecus, they are used commonly in wars between the Scaltoth tribes, swaying battles and taking out many enemy tribesmen.

Abilities: Raw muscle mass alone makes these creatures strong foes, as well as the sharp claws and razor-sharp fangs. These beasts are incredibly durable, are strong enough to rip through trees with just a few swings, and can charge slightly faster than a typical human.

Weaknesses: Their isolation typically makes them vulnerable, as does the young being released into the wild on their own. Their primary weakness is the time they rest after a long meal and their lack of ranged attack. Otherwise, they have no real weakness, needing to be bested by someone with high skill.

When trained, they can not be used alongside other Colossithecus, as they are prone to fighting their own kind. As well as this, they typically do not respond well to other people in general, only liking the presence or company of the person that trained them. They require their territory the same way a wild creature would, meaning they can not be brought to a domestic environment. With some training they can grow used to other people and creatures, using small exposure and progressively allowing them to feel more comfortable, but this will never apply to other Colossithecus. Because of this, it isn't likely or feasible to see more than one of these trained by the same group or tribe. As well as this, other animals will be afraid of the Colossithecus, likely to avoid it or run at its presence until enough time has gone by that they can function together.

Fast Facts Skill Levels Required
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: N/A
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: N/A
-- Idalos: N/A
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: N/A
-- Scalvoris: Rare
-- Idalos: N/A
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: N/A
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: N/A
Using It
-- Taming as a war companion
-- Selling it's pelt
Killing It
-- Expert/Master
Capturing It
-- Master/Grandmaster
-- Incredibly Dangerous
Tending It
-- Expert/Master
Last edited by Ralgar Warborn on Wed Sep 22, 2021 7:02 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 1034
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Re: Colossithecus

Scaltoth seems to be getting dangerous lately :D

I like this beastie, but given it's isolationist nature, I'd add an explanation to how it can be made to accept other animals that may exist in a tamer's circle. It's likely to spook them, for one thing, and another point I'd make is that it's isolationist nature would mean only one could be kept by an individual or tribe in close proximity.

If I think of other things, I'll keep you posted, but for now that's my feedback!
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Re: Colossithecus


"With some training they can grow used to other people and creatures, using small exposure and progressively allowing them to feel more comfortable, but this will never apply to other Colossithecus. Because of this, it isn't likely or feasible to see more than one of these trained by the same group or tribe. As well as this, other animals will be afraid of the Colossithecus, likely to avoid it or run at its presence until enough time has gone by that they can function together."

Hope that helps clarify it more
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Re: Colossithecus

I'd say the issue was addressed! Looks good to me. Approved!
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