The Feats of Strength

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The Feats of Strength

Business Proposal
The Feats of Strength

    • Character Name: Rakvald
    • Current Wealth Tier: 10
    • Business Management Skill: 31 (Competent)
    • Profession's Main Skill (your level in it): Strength (expert)
  • ABOUT THE BUSINESS STARTUP Refer to the Business Guide
    What is your target tier? 7
    • Step 1: What is your startup wealth differential? +3
    • Step 2: What is the base cost of set up for your business? 40
    • Step 3: What is the startup cost? (Step 2 - Step 1)? 37
    • Step 4: Is this business a small or large business? If so, please show working out. Large 37 x 1.5 = 56 (Rounding Up)
    • How will this be funded? Will you lose the WPs or are you taking a loan? Please link to ledger or bank. Ledger
  • Business Name: The Feats of Strength
  • Business Location: Scalvoristown
  • Business Description: On the surface The Feats of Strength is a place to build your physical fitness and skills in that arena. There are several obstacle courses set up for building of agility and athleticism, as well as weights for strength training, and various methods of testing one's endurance. Yet the focus is on strength, and those who excel in this field are held to a higher regard than the rest. Rakvald uses this location to scout people who are ripe for enhancement, whether through hone or grafting. Or for people he may wish to make a totem of.
  • Number of Employees: 1 Manager, 2 attendants, and several flavor npcs who get staffed in and out for maintenance and cleaning.
  • Which Categories from the Shoppe does your business sell? Medicine/Drugs. Skill Kits and Equipment for development of strength, endurance, athleticism.
  • Which non-Shoppe items / goods / services do you provide? Physical training. Combat training.
  • Are there any exceptions (eg: Weapons, but not bows) No ranged combat training.
  • Which Wealth Tier does your business target at? 7
  • What is your Business Management Skill? 31
Goods & Services Available
  1. Since this is a PC run business, you may buy certain items here at a lower cost than the Shoppe.
  2. Only the goods & services identified in this post may be purchased.
  3. This location is open for you to post in: any and all purchases must be posted with time stamps below.
  4. You can make multiple purchases per season, but log only ONE purchase post
  5. If you make a thread out of your transaction, the link should be posted here.

Goods & Services

Shoppe Items
Certain items from the Shoppe may be purchased here at 1 Wealth Tier lower than usual. (eg: if you are Tier 5, you may purchase items for sale here as though you were Tier 6)
Specifically, the following categories of items may be purchased here:
  • Category
  • Medicine/Drugs
  • Training equipment
Exclusions: If any items from that/ those categories are not included, please state so here.

This business is targeted at clients at Tier 7. This represents the majority of NPCs who shop here. PCs from any Tier may frequent a PC business.

Goods / Services Not Explicitly Listed in the Shoppe
The following Goods and Services not listed in the Shoppe are available here.
  • Training in Physical skills and Combat
  • Grafting Alterations/Consultations
  • Personal Coaching
  • Physical Therapy

Job information

Jobs are available here. To apply for a job, contact the player.

Player notes

Put notes from the city's mod(s) to the city's players here. Also put a "transaction template" for PCs?

Change log

Record any changes here that have been made to the location.
Last edited by Rakvald on Wed Sep 15, 2021 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 584

Fleshbound Tome~
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Re: The Feats of Strength

The Feats of Strength
On the surface The Feats of Strength is a place to build your physical fitness and skills in a Gymnasium setting. There are several obstacle courses set up for building agility and athleticism, as well as weights for strength training, and various methods of testing one's endurance. Yet the focus is on strength, and those who excel in this field are held to a higher regard than the rest. The equipment is state of the art and suited to any degree of skill level.

There is also space for those who wish to learn to fight, either wrestling, stick-fighting. They are also open to anyone who wishes to teach or learn to fence, although they don't have a dedicated attendant yet for blade fencing.

There are also areas set up for relaxation after a workout, and spaces for personal coaching and physical therapy.

Affectionately referred to by the more academically inclined clientele as the 'Sock Drawer', Rakvald has offered the University a discount for students who seek physical fitness training from it. It is located in Scalvoristown, a convenient distance from the University.

Rakvald quietly uses this location to scout people who are ripe for enhancement, whether through hone or grafting. Or for people, he may wish to make a totem of.

Max Lunk

Name: Max Lunk
Race: Lotharro
Age: Saun 4th 669
Title: Title - Manager
Skills: Business Management: 30, Strength: 30, Intimidation: 30, Endurance: 10
Other Information: The head honcho when Rakvald isn't available. While his main duty is to make sure the business is run smoothly, he often takes it upon himself to walk the floor, and see how trainees are getting along with their fitness goals. He takes a tough love approach for most training purposes.

He's powerfully built, with a burly physique and graying black hair with a thick beard. He often walks around shirtless, in order to impress the newbies. He stands at around 6' tall.

Mede Lunk

Name: Mede Lunk
Race: Lotharro
Age: 17th of Zi'Da 695
Title: Title - Senior Attendant - Weapons Specialist
Skills: Teaching: 30, Combat: Axes & Bludgeons: 30, Combat: Unarmed: 30, Strength: 10.
Other Information: Standing at around 5'11", he's the firstborn son of Max Lunk, and was brought in as an attendant on the establishment of the Gymnasium. The more aggressive and belligerent of the Lunk sons, Mede gets his aggression out by engaging in spirited contests of arms and wrestling. While he's nothing shy of respectful to those who wish to learn and try their hand at wrestling and fighting in general, he tends to stare down his nose at those who are only in the Gymnasium for its athletic program. Max Lunk occasionally has occasion to slap him a few times upside the head, in order to get him to behave among the people who only want to exercise and practice their strength and athletics.

Lowe Lunk

Name: Lowe Lunk
Race: Lotharro
Age: 67th of Zi'Da 698
Title: Title - Senior Attendant
Skills: Teaching: 30, Athletics: 30, Strength: 30, Caregiving: 10.
Other Information: Standing at around 5'10", he's the secondborn son of Max Lunk and was brought in as an attendant on the establishment of the Gymnasium. He has a more conciliatory attitude toward the trainees and often has been seen to roll his eyes at his father's antics when he tries to show off his prowess at various athletic demonstrations for the newbies. Lowe is a patient and decent trainer, with just a slight competitive edge when it comes to hands-on demonstrations of athletics.

Price List / Goods Available

Item: Wealth Tier:
Physical/Combat Training Free to Students/Available to Tier 3
Personal Coaching/Physical Therapy Free to Students/Available to Tier 4
Grafting/Enhancement Consultation Negotiable

Player Notes

 ! Message from: Pegasus
Please leave this for me to fill in


Credits to: Rakvald
Submitted for Development: Date
Developed by: Rakvald
Last edited by Rakvald on Thu Feb 03, 2022 8:06 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 658

Fleshbound Tome~
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Re: The Feats of Strength

Sorry! I was going to do this yesterday and spaced it! Thank you for being patient!!!

Soooooo...most of this looks great. I do have one question : You mentioned in the business place about offering "Combat training," although its not mentioned in the actual location write-up (I don't think - I could have missed it). I assumed you meant weapons training, considering you mentioned non-ranged weapons, but I wasn't clear. So I just want to clear up if you are planning on including that or not. =-)
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Re: The Feats of Strength

Hello Avalon! Thanks for taking my ticket.

I added the following second paragraph to the location description:
There is also space for those who wish to learn to fight, either wrestling, stick-fighting. They are also open to anyone who wishes to teach or learn to fence, although they don't have a dedicated attendant yet for blade fencing.
And also introduced a third npc that offers weapons/wrestling/unarmed training to those who want it.
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Fleshbound Tome~
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Re: The Feats of Strength

Moving to unfinished B&F per player's request.
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Re: The Feats of Strength

Moved back to active consideration per pc's request.

Hey, hey - let's finish this off, shall we?

One last thing - can you add a mention in the business write up of which area of Scalvoris this is in? Pretty sure its Scalv-Town but I don't want to assume. :D
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Re: The Feats of Strength

Hey thanks!

I added the following line to the location description:

"It is located in Scalvoristown, a convenient distance from the University."
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Fleshbound Tome~
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Re: The Feats of Strength

Looks great! Thanks for playing! Approved - and here's your parting gift! *hands him keys to his shiny new business*
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