Race: Aukari
Date of Birth: 31 Vhalar 700
Marks: The Curse of Al'deurn - Hated
Factions: None
Languages Spoken: Vauni - fluent. Common - broken
Akiho is 5 foot 6 inches tall, taking after her father in stature, all long limbs and sinewy muscle. Her skin is dark, as is her long hair, which lightens to a dirty-flaxen under the summer heat and darkens with auburn hues in the colder winter. Her face is squared off by high cheekbones, a strong jaw, and straight nose. The Aukari can appear moody on first meeting but there is an unlikely impish smile under the guardedness for those who do win her over. A black-work tattoo is etched across her throat and florals patterns cascade over her shoulders and upper arms. Akiho likes to wear loose clothing accessorized by belts, with very little in the way of jewellery besides a pair of simple earrings and a septum ring, while her hair is usually pinned up in a loose bun or braided.
Akiho's voice is harsh and she is expressive with her hands while she talks, which only adds to the broodiness, sometimes she even seems angry when the furthest thing could be true. The aukari's skin is warm to the touch no matter the climate due to her inner fire—a fire which threatens to lick across her skin and consume everything at any moment—there's an intensity to her.
↠ Mood board ↞
Akiho is all bark and little bite—there is an intensity to her emotions just like the fire that kindles in her blood. Mostly the aukari comes across as guarded and moody, a bit of a complainer, to those who don't really know her. It's that aukari stoicism and discipline, which is taught strictly in the culture. Underneath the rough, Akiho is quite insecure. Fiercely independent, since the world does not trust her kind, she trusts the world just as little, and will try to battle her way through life without the support of others. The aukari has little tolerance for fools, inner-strength and discipline are what captures her respect. That's not to say Akiho has no sense of humour at all—with those who have managed to charm their way through her defensiveness, she can be mischievous.
There is an intensity to her emotions that make her prone to outbursts, while her temper is something to really watch out for, she's got a big heart underneath it all, and wears it on her sleeve. For those who are perceptive and can see through the tough act, Akiho is warm, protective, loyal and kind, in her own way. A little quick to act—but never reckless—her aukari discipline ensures her inner fire is channelled into her passions and ambitions, she is hard-working, diligent and resilient. Some would say her forthrightness and brashness is bravery, and with a curiosity that never seems to extinguish, adventurous even.
After an altercation within her family and her faith, which led to her running away from home—Akiho is looking for a way to put it all right somehow. She's a lost girl in a big scary world.