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Faction Point Claims and Advancement

Claim Your Faction Points and Rewards!
Please see the link above for more details on how ranking up and rewards work in Melrath's factions.

Also, please note that your threads must be reviewed before they can be awarded any points.

Claim Forms:

Rank Point Claim: This form is to be filled out any time you wish to claim points for participating in a thread relating to work in your faction in Melrath. Just post your forms here. You may either go through this process one thread at a time or wait for a time and request points for multiple threads at once. Simply fill out the required information and a city mod will assign your points and approve them for you to use.

Please keep an up to date Melrath Faction Point Ledger in your Charactersheet.

Code: Select all

[b]Rank Point Claim:[/b]
[b]Faction Name:[/b]
[b]Current Rank:[/b]
[b]Current Points: [/b]
[b]Thread Link:[/b]
[b]Brief Description: [/b]
If claiming Multiple threads:

Code: Select all

[b]Rank Point Claim:[/b]
[b]Faction Name:[/b]
[b]Current Rank:[/b]
[b]Current Points: [/b]

[b]Thread Link 1:[/b]
[b]Short Description: [/b]

[b]Thread Link 2[/b]
[b]Short Description:[/b]

[b]Thread Link 3:[/b]
[b]Short Description:[/b]
Reward Claim Form: Ready to request your rewards? Just fill out this form and they will be reviewed for approval!

Code: Select all

[b]Current Faction Rank:[/b]
[b]Current Point Count:[/b]
[b]Reward Level (Common, Exotic, Rare):[/b]
[b]Requested Reward:[/b]
Quick Links to Wiki (Factions Pages)

Aesir Members

Jasper: Augur (Total: 4 Points)

Lore Masters


Visna Namdalen: Monk (Total: 10 Points)

Ragnari Members

Alora: Ex-Ragnari (Dead at 30 points).



Abra: Magus (Total: 28 points)
Victor Amielle: Warlock (Total: 0 points)

Ydalir Members

Sarya: Wanderer

Remember to Register if you haven't already with your Faction.

Credit to: Oracle for this form.
word count: 346
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Visna Namdalen
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Re: Faction Point Claims and Advancement

Faction Points Claim

Rank Point Claim: ???
Faction Name: Aesir (Druid) - Faction Rank Ledger
Current Rank: Monk
Current Points: Nil

Thread Link 1: Shook
Brief Description: Visna experiences the Raelian quake while doing standard duties around the Citadel. She goes to the harbour when Druids are requested there and helps a man experienced shock.

Thread Link 2: Shook II
Short Description: Visna further assists a man in shock and wonders if there is a connection between the day's events and those that occurred in Noatun two arcs prior

Thread Link 3: Shook III
Short Description: Visna further assists the people of Draugen Bay Harbour following the quake and tidal wave, working with other Druids to set up a triage station
Last edited by Visna Namdalen on Mon Sep 13, 2021 12:55 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 120
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Visna Namdalen
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Re: Faction Point Claims and Advancement

Faction Points Claim

Rank Point Claim: ???
Faction Name: Aesir (Druid) - Faction Rank Ledger
Current Rank: Monk
Current Points: Nil

Thread Link 1: Abrupt Introduction
Brief Description: Visna is part of a group that are called to aid the injured following a deadly skirmish between Outlanders, Ragnari and Ydalir

Thread Link 2: To Help and to Hold (Against Ones Will)
Short Description: Visna further assists the injured from the Outlander attack

Thank you!
word count: 72
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Pig Boy
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Re: Faction Point Claims and Advancement

 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Hey Visna! Since your threads Shook I and Shook II were graded and reviewed, I'm going to award you with 10 points for those altogether. Six for Shook I and four for Shook II for each thread, working under stress and during a disaster. I judged the situation in Shook I to be slightly more dangerous and thus awarded more points for it.

However, since Shook III appears not to be finished yet? 700+ words there, you need to write more for it to be gradable. And then wait for it to be graded. I cannot award points for that one just yet. Let me know when you finish and after it's graded, and I'll award points.

Same deal with Abrupt Introduction and To Help and To Hold, they haven't been graded yet, and as such we need to wait for that before awarding points.

But for now, you're a Monk with 10 points! Congrats! Halfway to Augur.
word count: 166
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