Name: Amias
Race: Aukari x Human
Age: 22
Birth Trial: 40 Saun 699
Birthplace: Sirothelle
Current Location: Etzos
Occupation: Hunter
Affiliations: Aukari Occult
Languages Spoken:
Fluent in Vauni & Sau'ei
Broken in Common
Shaggy, dark-auburn hair falls in short disarray around rough-hewn, angular features. A stubbled, set jaw, almost always clenched in some form of vexation or another, accompanies a frowning glower and guarded stance. Broad-shoulders frame a sinewy build; sun-kissed and rugged, marred with nugatory scars here and there. Only his eyes betray the demeaner of austere calibre; smouldering, compelling and cobalt blue, they are the rare window into glimpsing past the stoical guise.
Notable Injuries / Scars / Marks
Aukari eruption
Each Aukarian is born with a fire inside of them, their blood boiling from their wounds; thus Amias has a natural resistance to heat and can last longer in colder weather due to his unnaturally hot blood. Amias is warm to the touch because of this; just enough to appear feverish, though due to his mixed heritage it is not as strong as in those of full blooded Aukari and his resistance to colder weather is also diminished. If Amias is subjected to extreme emotion or intense stress he is vulnerable to erupt; the fire beginning from the centre of his chest, working outward. Being on fire for a long period of time slowly destroys Amias' body, turning his skin to charcoal and unless controlled or if extinguished with water, can result in death.
Despite the roiling internal battle between his Aukari fire, demanding absolute devotion to Faldrun, and his human nature, entreating kindness and compassion; Amias remains the epitome of discipline and control. Determined and driven, once his mind is set there is little chance of persuading him.
Guarded and aloof, Amias remains coldly isolated from the world, fearing mortal attachments and emotional vulnerability; keeping everyone at bay with a tongue of venom. Closing himself off from such attachments, Amias struggles to comprehend and relate to the emotional issues of others and is otherwise emotionally stunted.
Pragmatic in his way of life, Amias is comfortable with flowing and altering his plans and outward visage to the volatile nature of life; doing whatever is necessary to achieve his goals. Devout to his patron Immortal Faldrun, Amias believes whole heartedly that his human taint and humanity as a whole, are a scourge upon the world. His primary objective is to please his Immortal and make up for his human vices; even if it means his life or the lives of others.
Guarded and aloof, Amias remains coldly isolated from the world, fearing mortal attachments and emotional vulnerability; keeping everyone at bay with a tongue of venom. Closing himself off from such attachments, Amias struggles to comprehend and relate to the emotional issues of others and is otherwise emotionally stunted.
Pragmatic in his way of life, Amias is comfortable with flowing and altering his plans and outward visage to the volatile nature of life; doing whatever is necessary to achieve his goals. Devout to his patron Immortal Faldrun, Amias believes whole heartedly that his human taint and humanity as a whole, are a scourge upon the world. His primary objective is to please his Immortal and make up for his human vices; even if it means his life or the lives of others.
Flaws: Mistrustful | Guarded | Manipulative | Prideful | Conflicted | Cold
Merits: Focused | Efficient | Assertive | Observant | Strong-willed | Deep down, Kind (way way deep down)
Fears: Failure | Vulnerability | Losing Control | Erupting | Forever being Alone
Merits: Focused | Efficient | Assertive | Observant | Strong-willed | Deep down, Kind (way way deep down)
Fears: Failure | Vulnerability | Losing Control | Erupting | Forever being Alone