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Profession: Spy for Aukari Occult / Hunter
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Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5



Name: Amias
Race: Aukari x Human

Age: 22
Birth Trial: 40 Saun 699

Birthplace: Sirothelle
Current Location: Etzos

Occupation: Hunter
Affiliations: Aukari Occult

Languages Spoken:
Fluent in Vauni & Sau'ei
Broken in Common


Shaggy, dark-auburn hair falls in short disarray around rough-hewn, angular features. A stubbled, set jaw, almost always clenched in some form of vexation or another, accompanies a frowning glower and guarded stance. Broad-shoulders frame a sinewy build; sun-kissed and rugged, marred with nugatory scars here and there. Only his eyes betray the demeaner of austere calibre; smouldering, compelling and cobalt blue, they are the rare window into glimpsing past the stoical guise.

Notable Injuries / Scars / Marks

Aukari Occult

Image The Mark of Flames: Mark of the Aukari Occult. It is only visible by fire light and appears as a rune on the inside of Amias' right wrist. It was given to him the day he completed his training as an assassin for the Immortal, Faldrun.
Aukari eruption

Each Aukarian is born with a fire inside of them, their blood boiling from their wounds; thus Amias has a natural resistance to heat and can last longer in colder weather due to his unnaturally hot blood. Amias is warm to the touch because of this; just enough to appear feverish, though due to his mixed heritage it is not as strong as in those of full blooded Aukari and his resistance to colder weather is also diminished. If Amias is subjected to extreme emotion or intense stress he is vulnerable to erupt; the fire beginning from the centre of his chest, working outward. Being on fire for a long period of time slowly destroys Amias' body, turning his skin to charcoal and unless controlled or if extinguished with water, can result in death.


Despite the roiling internal battle between his Aukari fire, demanding absolute devotion to Faldrun, and his human nature, entreating kindness and compassion; Amias remains the epitome of discipline and control. Determined and driven, once his mind is set there is little chance of persuading him.

Guarded and aloof, Amias remains coldly isolated from the world, fearing mortal attachments and emotional vulnerability; keeping everyone at bay with a tongue of venom. Closing himself off from such attachments, Amias struggles to comprehend and relate to the emotional issues of others and is otherwise emotionally stunted.

Pragmatic in his way of life, Amias is comfortable with flowing and altering his plans and outward visage to the volatile nature of life; doing whatever is necessary to achieve his goals. Devout to his patron Immortal Faldrun, Amias believes whole heartedly that his human taint and humanity as a whole, are a scourge upon the world. His primary objective is to please his Immortal and make up for his human vices; even if it means his life or the lives of others.

Flaws: Mistrustful | Guarded | Manipulative | Prideful | Conflicted | Cold
Merits: Focused | Efficient | Assertive | Observant | Strong-willed | Deep down, Kind (way way deep down)

Fears: Failure | Vulnerability | Losing Control | Erupting | Forever being Alone
Last edited by Amias on Thu Sep 02, 2021 8:52 pm, edited 8 times in total. word count: 505
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Posts: 7
Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2021 1:24 am
Race: Mixed Race
Profession: Spy for Aukari Occult / Hunter
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5



Born adulterated with the humanity of his slave mother, Amias's early arcs were wrought with vile distaste. His father, a warrior and proud member of the Aukari occult, carelessly knocked up his mother, a slave in the household, in one night of indulgence.

A half-breed, his blood diluted, tainted with the stench of the humanity the patron Immortal Faldrun sought to eradicate from Idalos; Amias was debarred, beaten and bullied by other children, even on occasion by his own father. The young half-blood however was unyielding and steeled himself from the rejection of the others, instead turning their words and distaste into an anger that only fuelled his determination to prove his worth and loyalties to the Aukari people.

From an early age Amias threw himself into his warrior training and studies; single-mindedly chasing after the approval of his Aukari half, and completely disgusted with his human side, despite his mother's efforts to remind him of his heritage. His relationship with his father was that of an ill begotten pupil, fearful, but respectfully vying for his acceptance.

With his mother, Amias spent little time with her and never really understood his feelings towards her. The few moments she had with her son she tried to reconcile the inner turmoil within him; that he was not a scourge upon the world as Faldrun would have the Aukari believe. Amias struggled with this rift in his teachings, his mother indeed a kind and compassionate woman; always soothing his cuts and bruises, singing him lullabies when he was distraught or overwhelmed with the harshness of his childhood, was proof in itself that not all humans were evil.

Suddenly one trial in the 10th arc of his childhood, Amias' mother whisked him from his bed in the dead of night. Attempting escape, his mother couldn't bear leaving him and raced into the surrounding wilderness. It wasn't long before Amias and his mother were found missing and a hunt ensued. With the hunting party swiftly catching up to his untrained mother, a tempest of boiling emotions roiled within him.
The war between his two halves coming to climax, Amias lost control.
He erupted.
All he remembers is flames; red hot, dancing embers all around. Pain searing across his whole body, trees melting in fire and bloodcurdling screams. When he awoke he was in Sirothelle; his father for the first time conveyed concern as he slept night after night by his son's beside. His mother - dead.

From then on, Amias's relationship with his father shifted to one of an unspoken bond and Amias clung to all that he had left. Consumed with guilt, Amias was plagued with nightmares (until recently with the fall of Emea) of what can happen should he lose control; thus, he has since obsessively sought meditation to rein in his emotions and distanced himself from others. Fanatically delving into his training, Amias was no longer a man with individual wants or needs, but moulded himself to become a disciplined warrior of Faldrun.

The Trial of his 18th Arc, Amias successfully graduated from his training; well versed in combat, rhetoric, politics and the ways of the world and was as such, granted The Mark of Flames in the ritual of Barer of Flames. Held at night, the fire of Faldrun infused the Immortal’s rune-like mark on the inside of Amias’s right wrist, officially instating him in the Aukari Occult.
All he ever wanted, was finally his.

Upon graduation Amias saw an almost instant shift in the way he was regarded among his peers. He was finally recognised as a Son of Faldrun; treated with the respect of a full-blooded member of Aukari society. His father now openly boasted of his son's efforts and alas Amias finally felt a kinship with the man. However, even he could not ignore the sorrow of his mother's absence.

The few arcs that followed, Amias spent his days mostly on scouting missions and guard duty; and in his spare time relentlessly continued his training, fearing to ever slip, to ever lose control again. Recent events however have unsettled and unnerved the whole of Idalos and the Zatkai have now tasked Amais with an under cover mission in Etzos. After Sintra's influence ended in the city the leaders have grown anxious and have sent Amias to infiltrate and report back on the goings on in the city.
Last edited by Amias on Sat Sep 04, 2021 3:50 am, edited 5 times in total. word count: 745
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Posts: 7
Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2021 1:24 am
Race: Mixed Race
Profession: Spy for Aukari Occult / Hunter
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5

Marks & Devotion

Marks & Devotion


Amias connects to Faldrun with a fearful reverence. Indoctrinated in the Aukari way, Amias whole heartedly believes in Faldrun's creed and has sought to prove himself in the Immortal's eyes and the eyes of his people, despite his human taint. As it stands, Amias would willingly lay down his life or the lives of others in his service to Faldrun.












Last edited by Amias on Thu Sep 02, 2021 6:40 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 75
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Posts: 7
Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2021 1:24 am
Race: Mixed Race
Profession: Spy for Aukari Occult / Hunter
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5

Skills & Knowledges



SkillTotal PointsKnowledges
Athletics [RB]25/2501
Combat: Dagger 5/2500
Field Craft10/250 1
Hunting10/250 0
Linguistics [FT]5/100 1
Navigation5/250 1
Unarmed Combat10/250 1


SkillTotal PointsKnowledges


SkillTotal PointsKnowledges


SkillTotal PointsKnowledges

Grandmaster & Capstones

SkillTotal PointsKnowledges

Tier 2

SkillTotal PointsKnowledges



  • Agility: core body control [SP]

Field Craft

  • Edible plants of Central Idalos [SP]



  • Common: Basic vocabulary [SP]


  • Using the sun to find direction [SP]

Unarmed Combat

  • Ki'Enaq: Powerful targeted strikes [SP]



  • Creation Legends [SP]
  • Customs and Traditions [SP]
  • History [SP]


  • Location of Sirothelle [SP]
  • Laws of Sirothelle [SP]
  • Layout of Sirothelle [SP]
  • Layout of Etzos [SP]
  • Laws of Etzos [SP]


  • Rules domains of Fire, The Sun & Turmoil [SP]
  • Enemy of Faldrun [SP]
Last edited by Amias on Sat Sep 04, 2021 3:35 am, edited 7 times in total. word count: 125
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Posts: 7
Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2021 1:24 am
Race: Mixed Race
Profession: Spy for Aukari Occult / Hunter
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5

Skill's Ledger

Skill Point Ledger


Thread ~ SkillPoints AdjustedTotal XP
Starting Package +50 [SP]50
Athletics+/- 25 [RB]50
Combat: Dagger- 5 [SP]45
Discipline- 5 [SP]40
Field Craft- 10 [SP]30
Hunting- 10 [SP]20
Linguistics: Common- 5 [SP]15
Navigation- 5 [SP]10
Unarmed Combat- 10 [SP]0

Language Tracker

LanguageTotal PointsKnowledgesProficiency
Vauni & Sau'ei [SP]N/A [SP]0Fluent [SP]
Common [SP] 5/901Broken [SP]
Last edited by Amias on Sat Sep 04, 2021 3:35 am, edited 6 times in total. word count: 66
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Posts: 7
Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2021 1:24 am
Race: Mixed Race
Profession: Spy for Aukari Occult / Hunter
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5

Possessions & Housing


Current Location: Etzos

City Dweller's Package: Amias has found himself accommodation in a 400 sq ft. adobe house in the Southwestern quarter of the outer perimeters of the city, beyond the safety of the walls. Upon entering the quaint dwelling a single bed with a storage chest at its feet can be spotted up the small staircase facing the doorway, on the tiny balcony of sorts that serves as a crude first floor, overlooking the ground floor below. Beneath a small window to the right of the door two chairs and a basic table make up his dinette; in the far right corner, simple worktops and basic cupboards house the basic necessities. On the opposite wall to the main doorway the flickering warmth of a hearth, lights the gloomy home from home.
Single Bed, avg x1 [SP] Chest, avg x1 [SP]
Table, avg x1 [SP] Chairs, avg x2 [SP]
Washbasin, avg x1 [SP] Cutlery, avg x2 set [SP]
Dishes , avg x2 set [SP] Kitchen Utensils & Pots, avg x1 set [SP]



Amias is not one for keeping sentimental items. However, he does carry this tiny statue with him in his backpack, where ever he goes. It was made personally by his mother as his 10th arc gift & is all that remains for him to remember her by. Despite his discipline, this is one emotional weakness, he has not yet come to terms with.


Water Skin, avg x1 [SP] Flint & Steel, avg x1 [SP]
Tinderbox, avg x1 [SP] Rations, basic x1 trial's worth [SP]
Rope, 30ft, avg [SP]Blanket, felted-wool, avg x1 [SP]
First aid Kit, avg x1 [SP]


Main Attire:
  • Fitted tank top, black avg x1 [SP]
  • Straight-leg pants, black, avg x1 [SP]
  • Undergarments, avg x1 [SP]
  • Boots, mid-calf, black leather, avg x1 pair [SP]
  • Hooded trench coat, black, avg x1 [SP]
  • Fingerless gloves, felted-wool, black, avg x1 [SP]
  • Socks, wool, avg x1 pair [SP]
  • Backpack, avg x1 [SP]
Other Outfit:
  • White, loosely fitted, long-sleeved shirt, basic x1 [SP]
  • Straight-leg pants, tan, basic x1 [SP]
  • Undergarments, basic x1 [SP]
  • Boots, brown leather, basic x1 pair [SP]
  • Shearling Jacket, brown with beige trim, basic x1 [SP]
  • Socks, wool, basic x1 pair [SP]


Soap, avg x1 bar [SP] Toothbrush, avg x1 [SP]
Toothpaste, avg x1 tin [SP] Brush, avg x1 [SP]
Face cloth, avg x1 [SP] Towel, avg x1 [SP]
Razor, avg x1 [SP]

Weapons & Armour

Primary Weapon:
Dagger, avg x1 set of 5 [SP]

Secondary Weapon:
Short Bow, avg x1[SP] Arrows, avg x1 Quiver [SP]

Black Leather Armor, T4, gd x1 set [SP]
Steel Buckler, T4, gd x1 [SP]


Whetstone, avg x1 [SP]



Last edited by Amias on Fri Sep 10, 2021 9:16 pm, edited 8 times in total. word count: 449
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Posts: 7
Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2021 1:24 am
Race: Mixed Race
Profession: Spy for Aukari Occult / Hunter
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5

Wealth Ledger

Wealth Ledger
Wealth Tier: 5
Wealth Skill: Hunting


Item / ThreadAdjustmentTotal WP
City Dwellers SP+ 6666

Last edited by Amias on Fri Sep 03, 2021 5:12 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 15
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Posts: 7
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Race: Mixed Race
Profession: Spy for Aukari Occult / Hunter
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5

Renown Ledger

Renown Ledger


Item / ThreadAdjustmentTotal Renown

Last edited by Amias on Sat Sep 04, 2021 3:37 am, edited 5 times in total. word count: 6
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Race: Mixed Race
Profession: Spy for Aukari Occult / Hunter
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 5


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