• Graded • [The Forging] Songs

The home to the Induk Sweetwine and populated by fairies, this enchanted forest has many secrets

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Re: [The Forging] Songs

As he looked around, Zoro felt a moment of panic as he thought he was alone. When Oram spoke and reassured him, Zoro felt relieved that it was Oram who was with him. He thought of Oram as someone strong and experienced and the fact that Oram was currently a fairy added to Zoro’s sense of well being, but he could not say for certain why. Perhaps it was magic.

They were suddenly in a very strange place which seemed to be haunted by the echoes of fairies and there was a stinking river that seemed incredibly wide. Zoro had to stop himself from retching, but he resolved to continue, even if it killed him. For him, at this point, it was do or die – or, become incredibly sick.

Seeing the scene laid out before him, Zoro knew what to do. He was still glad of Oram’s prompting, as it reassured him that it was the right course of action. Carefully, with precision and reverence, he placed Mildred’s broken body into the tiny funeral barge.

With appreciation and humour Zoro replied to Oram, grateful that he was there. “Thank you sir, but I plan on keeping all of my orifices firmly closed,” Zoro said with a smile. “I will meet you on the other side.” Saying this, he stepped forward, entering into the putrid water and struck out for the other side. If he could keep his face out of the filth, he would. But if he had no choice, then he would hold his breath and keep going for as long as he could – and he would not ever let go of the small vessel carrying the body of the fallen fairy.

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Re: [The Forging] Songs


Three of them were separated from each other. One of them was separated into four. And yet, they did what they had to do. They continued to work together, cohesively.

And so, they continued forward. Oram's scowl was multiple and at the same time it was one scowl - which was very clever of it, really. As the three who faced different opponents and opposition did so - as they moved forward - Oram felt himself returning more and more to the single-scowl-state which resided in the massive hollowed out tree in front of three small mushrooms. He saw and was with the other three -he knew everything that happened, but as they stepped closer to this place, so did he become more and more firmly in that one place.
Xander & Oram
The fight between Xander and the spider-snake was quite something to behold. The Taithir-marked nobleman displayed skill, agility and tactics and he was victorious. There was, of course, a moment where all the world seemed to hold it's breath as Xander was struck and fell into one of the pews, but he turned that into his own advantage and, the beast was slain.

As Xander watched, cautiously making sure that the now-seven-legged creature did not continue its attack, it "melted" before his eyes. Green gloop oozed from it and the fur and skin and eyes slid off the skeleton until all that remained there was a shattered carapace and the skeleton of an enormous spider-snake. If Xander wished it - or if Oram did, come to that - they would be able to retrieve bones or fangs.

The eggs were still where they had been and, as the spider died Xander - and the eggs - found themselves in what seemed to be an open clearing in the woods. As he looked around he saw that it was, in fact, the inside of the hollow Emerald Tree and it was massive.

Like - really massive. There were mushrooms which were so large that they were taller than him, their stalks so thick that he would have had to take five or six steps to walk around them. As Xander realised that he was a tiny person in an oversized world, he saw Oram.

Oram had become a giant scowling fairy! To Oram, Xander had become the size of a tiny fairy.

The two eggs had retained their size, though and so there was something of an issue. To Xander, they were enormous. To Oram, they were tiny. Both men could now see that they glowed, but on one of them there was a symbolImage on them now which neither of them had been able to see before. Xander could see that these huge mushrooms were like fairy-houses. They were abandoned, though.
Bao Bao & Oram
Bao's tiny form shook as sobs wracked his body and he prayed.

At first, it seemed, nothing would happen, no one heard. But Oram saw that the center of Bao's chest, where his heart beat, began to glow. Just slightly.

And then, simultaneously, all the doors opened. They flew open and from them poured light and sounds and laughter. Tears and screams, too, but the first thing that happened - as all the doors opened - was that the whole of life, not just the negative and worst aspect - was seen.

Then, Bao saw.

To his right, where there had been the person who stole from a beggar. It was dark and the stars in the sky twinkled and cast a light down on the scene. The thief took off with the stolen items, but then a small cadouri who looked like Bao came to the sleeping form and put a blanket Bao recognised over the beggar. The stars glowed brighter.

Another door, and there was indeed dancing and singing as he had asked. Cadouri were there, but not just them. Humans, biqaj, avriel. People of Idalos, in all their forms and with all their strengths and flaws.

None of what he saw, however, acted like the bad didn't happen. It did. But every time it did, there was someone with a kind word or gentle act - someone who built or who helped or who stood firm or someone who fought, even. There were always stars, Bao noticed, and while there was no glossing over or denying of the horrors which happened, what he saw was starlight shining on the difference that kindness and good actions could make.

Somehow, in that moment, he saw them all. Bao had the experience of seeing the world as Saoire saw it, maybe. There was darkness, yes, there was no denying it. But in the darkest places, in the inkiest blackness, there was light. There was hope.

But then, maybe it wasn't Saoire's eyes he saw through. As the starlight sung to him, and the clouds in his vision cleared, he realised that it was not her. Removing his hand from his heart, he realised that there was a tiny snowflake in his hand, with a symbolImage on it.

And Bao stepped forward.

With the first step, he found himself in the same place as Oram and Xander were. As Bao walked in, the giant Oram and the tiny Xander both felt the world "shift" a little. Now, Xander and Bao were half their usual size - Oram was twice his. The world, or the room they were in, shifted too - it became that bit closer to whatever normal might look like.
Zoro & Oram
Zoro placed the small body on the boat and he moved forward. The filth of the river was obvious, the stench dreadful. It was something which would make even the most hardened individual hesitate, but Zoro squared his shoulders, straightened his back, and stepped forward.

And he and Oram discovered that the river, while wide, was not deep. It looked it, but it was not and Zoro got the bottom of his shoes dirty. Each step he took strengthened the fairies around them, it seemed, and they grew more and more real, more and more physical. More and more there. Their light brightened the place and as he took the body of Mildred across, Oram and Zoro got to hear a song of mourning. Fairies flew around the barge, glowing and moving in beautiful patterns of light. Softly at first, their song began and it was a sound no mortal had heard for hundreds of arcs.

It was beyond beautiful. Beyond sad.

As Zoro took his final step, moving once more on to dry land, Mildred's body was lifted up, borne by her fellow fairies and carried on what seemed to be a funeral procession of light. They carried her in front of Zoro and, as he stepped, they were all in the place with the toadstools.

Zoro stepped in, behind the singing fairies who carried Mildred's body, bathed in light. As Zoro arrived, as the four of them were together once more, the world reverted to it's proper size and they stood (all of them, Oram was suddenly a human scowler, not a fairy one) together, at the four corners of a circle. The fairies floated Mildred to the very middle of that circle and the four of them saw the tiny creatures lay her body on to the ground where it glowed. One of them then returned and fluttered over to Zoro. She planted a tiny kiss on his nose and the biqaj found that in his hand was the tiny funeral barge. Except now, it too had a symbolImage on it.

There were three mushrooms with flat tops, each of them glowed the same colour as the symbols and Mildred's body.
All of you
"Will you free us?" a hundred tinkling voices asked.

"Put the stones down together, and we will be free. Sweetwine will be free. Ol'Tuck will once again walk. Please."

They seemed very keen. Their lights were bright and flickering and there was a lot of high emotion in them. Which could, of course, be a problem if they paused or waited.

Info & Rules

 ! Message from: Reminder
There are no required skill levels for this.
It is - undoubtedly - dangerous. It's a war.
What will get you hurt is NOT if you are low skilled. What will get you hurt is doing something foolish. There's plenty for everyone to do.
Equally, being highly skilled is not a guarantee of anything. This will need teamwork and smarts.

Current State

 ! Message from: Current State
  • In the Heart of the Emerald Tree!
  • Xander You feel great!
  • Zoro You feel great! You continue to be a new type of Rainbow Biqaj. Only your eyes - the one part of you which DID change colour - now don't. You blow bubbles whenever you breathe out.
  • Oram You feel great! All back to yourself!
  • Bao You feel great! You blow bubbles whenever you breathe out.


Deal with your situation.


Full service has been resumed. Oram has connection to his Diri. Please note that Ishallr have succeeded.
Next Post: Sunday 4th July
word count: 1522
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Re: [The Forging] Songs

Slowly, Bao glanced forward.

All the doors had burst open in front of his eyes, Bao hesitant as he looked through teary eyes. Laughter. Still some sadness, but laughter. Dark moments turning brighter as he saw himself step forward, helping the man that had been robbed. Placing a special blanket, that Saoire made him, over the man. The tears didn't stop, in fact he felt more flowing down his face as he looked at each scene in front of him. People dancing together, families hugging one another after a hardship, strangers standing together to mourn and hope for peace for their lost friends. It was overwhelming, but Bao looked forward, tears pouring down his cheek as he laughed a little, sniffling right after.

"I understand. Thank you" he said openly, not knowing who he was talking to. Then he sobbed a moment longer, the mass of emotions still taking a toll on him, even as happiness replaced the sad ones. The small Cadouri's face scrunched up as he put his hand to his chest, lowering his head in the moment. "Thank you so much" he whispered under his breath, his voice strained as he held back another sob, breathing shakily. Four seconds in. Four out. As he had done every time he fell and hurt himself with Saoire, as he had done every time things got hard. Breathing in the air around to keep himself calm. Every single moment of hope appeared in his head at that moment, every single thing he was shown by the Immortal.

So he stepped forward.

One step was all it took, Bao wiping the tears from his eyes, seeing everything he was shown. Not by Saoire as he had thought, but by another. As that realization hit him he looked down to his hand, the snowflake resting in his palm with a symbol in it. He glanced to Oram and Xander, in a new place now. Tears still flowed a little, the Cadouri wiping them and glancing away from his two friends so that he could compose himself. Once he had done his best to remove the tears from his eyes, he looked back to his friends, but the tears simply came back. Happy tears, but tears of someone who had endured much in the past trial alone. More than he had ever truly endured in his life until now. "Good to see you both alright" he smiled weakly with a small sob, before approaching them both and hugging either that would let him, needing just a moment of reassurance.

By the time Zoro arrived and they all returned to normal size, Bao would look to him and smile through tears, his emotions written all over his face. Then he watched, as the fairies brought in Mildred's body. They asked to be free, the same symbol across items they all held. Chainstones. It didn't take much to realize it. Bao looked to Oram, knowing he was their communication with the rest of the world outside. Composed after what he had seen, Bao turned to the group. "We need to know how long Scaltoth will be" he said to his friends, before turning back to the fairies, looking to them all.

"We will free you, soon. When we have the balance, when we can save you safely. Without anyone being hurt" he nodded, hoping they understood. There was a chance they would be upset, or impatient. After however long they might have been locked away in here, how long they might have been waiting, how could they not be? So Bao stepped forward, if they let him, and he sat down around them. Hope. That was what he had been shown. Singing and dancing in the dark. What if there was more to it than that?

So he looked to the fairies, hoping his friends might join him and sit with them. "When we had to wait to come to Idalos, when Saoire told us every day about coming here and we waited, we would sing. Songs about visiting, songs about meeting people and being free" he explained, his voice calm as he offered a hand out to the fairies, if they wished to take it. They could sit on his palm, they could hold his hand, they could rest on his shoulders and the Cadouri did not mind. "Maybe I can teach you one, or if you have songs of your own you can show me. We can sing together, for just a little while, while we wait for balance. Then we'll free you, all of you. I promise."

Should they take the offer, Bao would give them all his attention. Wanting to keep them happy and peaceful. After how long they had waited, they deserved that now. Until they would finally be free.
word count: 805
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Re: [The Forging] Songs

One stone makes you larger, and one stone makes you small…

This trial, 30 Ashan 721, was turning out to be the most memorable trial in Oram Mednix’s life. He had woken up that morning in Egilrun, ready for another stint of logistics and intelligence; then there had been the storm. Then he had found the whistle, then been abruptly transported to the Glass Temple…at some point, he would need to get all of this down; Cassion would be mightily disappointed if this adventure didn’t get told about.

And his three companions now, they would definitely be heroes in this story; Oram would not fail to mention how impressed he was by all of them: Xander’s courage and skill in fighting the spider-snake monster, Zoro’s resilience and good humor in the face of a disgusting and potentially treacherous ordeal -notwithstanding it turned out to be trivial.

But most of all, Bao. Even though his test was the least physically demanding and dangerous of them, it was probably the sorest and cruelest test of all. Bao’s was a kind, gentle soul, so the sights he was subjected to were practically calculated to drive him to despair, yet he drove on. It nearly broke Oram’s heart to watch his friend go through this, and not being able to give the cadouri any meaningful aid made him feel useless. And, yet, Bao persisted, and he triumphed.

The sudden changes to his and his companions’ apparent sizes, ending in them all being seemingly returned to their original proportions, was if anything the least memorable thing about the ordeal. Oram, realizing he was once more human, sighed in relief. Then he looked at the other three, who had arrived with their stones.

”That was incredible, guys!” he exclaimed. He took a long, deep breath, wondering if he should add anything to that, then decided against it. Instead, he looked at each of them inquiringly and asked simply: ”Are you all okay? I seem to be back to normal. Bao?” He was most concerned about the cadouri for some reason.

The cadouri was still weeping, recovering from his early sobs, when the fairies congregated, and asked them to restore the chainstones. A brief spasm of concern flashed through Oram’s chest. Not yet! he thought urgently, as he sent his mind back to Amoach to find out if the Scaltoth group was ready to place their chainstones.

Bao was not done impressing the hunter. He reminded them, as well as the impatient audience of fairies, that they could not safely place the stones until their counterparts in Scaltoth were ready, which they were not. Oram, after getting his update from Amoach, relayed to the others that the Scaltoth party was having difficulties. Bao spoke to the fairies first, exhorting them to be patient, and then offering to lead them in a song.

Oram spoke to the fairies next, reinforcing Bao’s point. ”We will free you; it is why we came,” he assured them. ”But, as my friend says, there are things that need to be in place first, before we can do so safely. You have waited many arcs for this; I ask you now to trust us and be patient for a few more breaks.” The hunter thought a moment. ”In addition to Bao singing a song with you, I can tell you all a story, if you like.”

Having said that, Oram realized he didn’t actually have a story handy. What would fairies like? Maybe something about turtles? The old betty? Yes, Oram could tell a story that had the old betty as a hero, who befriended a hunter and helped him out when he got tricked into his own trap by a pack of thwarthogs. And while he waited, listening to Bao and trying to compose his story, his mind ran to the Scaltoth group with concern. Hurry up, guys he thought anxiously.
word count: 660
Villains are powerless against story beats.
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Re: [The Forging] Songs

Things continued on their strange directory as Xander watched the spider melt away, had he been some sort of alchemist or more creative individual he may have been able to find some use for the remaining pieces of the spider-snake but he was not and at this time he was too tired to think about anoyone else that may have use for them. Instead, seeing that the beast was no longer a threat the Shieldbearer stepped towards the eggs to retrieve them. As he did he found himself in some sort of forest village with houses made of giant Mushrooms or were they normal mushrooms and he tiny. He looked at the eggs that were now huge and the even larger Oram. He had definitely shrunk again somehow.

This did not continue for long as the world seemed to morph and alter further as Bao Bao arrived with them. He was bigger now but still not right, fortunately things continued to morph and change as Zoro entered and it seemed everyone was back to their normal sizes. Xander watched as Mildred was carried in by her fellow fairy folk. It was s sight to behold and something he doubted he would ever come close to seeing again, a story for his girls one day when they could properly understand. He watched and listened as they asked to be made free, he looked at the mark on the egg and assumed that must have had something to do with th seal they were there to break. So he nodded and showed his agreement with the sentiment to help the fairies.

In truth he did not have much to add to what his companions were saying other than that they had to ensure they acted at the right time. "Like my fellow companions I too wish to help you be free but we have to wait, if we do not make sure things are done correctly you may not have a home to be free in." He stated attempting to add to the explanation of his fellow adventurers. "I'm afraid I have no songs or stories to fill the time but to show my good faith and that we intend to uphold our promise I will sit and wait with you all in preperation for your liberation and should you ever need the aid of a Shieldbearer I can vow to answer your call." He held his silver shielded hand over his chest as he made his promise to the fairy folk. He hoped they did not find themselves in strife too often else he may find himself on a new quest ot help one of the fairy folk every other trial.

Taking a seat on the floor the nobleman rested his sword over his lap and began to clean the blade with an old piece of cloth from within his pack. Watching as Oram and Bao if they got chance sang their songs or told their story while they waited for the right time to complete their quest into the tree.

He wondered how Genna and the girls were getting on, well he hoped knowing how short notice it had been when he left them with her. The father had no doubt she would take good care of them but he was well aware that this would be the first time his girls had been without their father for any extended period of time that they would remember and be aware of. Xander supposed it was normal to feel nervous about leaving your children and he had good reason to fear something happening to them, it would not be the first time and without him there he felt largely useless to stop anything if it did happen.

He reined in his thoughts and focused back in on the now, watching, listneing and waiting. Xander did not know what the next steps would include or require but he was prepared to play his part as best he could.
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Re: [The Forging] Songs

Alone with fairy Oram and Mildred’s body and facing some kind of task to be overcome, Zoro found himself undaunted. Perhaps he should have been but the fact that he kept changing colour and bubbles came from his nose was strangely calming as it gave the situation a feeling of unreality, if that was a thing. He felt free to be him and was confident he was able to make the right decisions (fairy Oram’s presence added to that greatly).

With reverence, he had put Midred’s body on the boat. This had come naturally to him as this was what he felt in his heart. Zoro had been committed to crossing the river even if it came up to his chin – or above! – it was, however with a great sense of relief that he found the river was not deep and merely muddied his shoes.

Still, he got Mildred across and then was very happy to see all of his companions and to rejoin the group. With tears in his eyes, Zoro followed Bao Bao’s lead and sat beside him amongst the fairies and, like them, he changed colour pulsing with energy in this strange environment.

Bao Bao offered a song and Oram a story. He agreed wholeheartedly and nodded eagerly, bubbles popping around him as he did. Jumping up, Zoro looked at his companions, and then the fairies. “A story!” He exclaimed. “A song!” He added. “But first, for Mildred, let us dance the joy of life!”

Zoro was concerned that, if the fairies had time to think about it, or discuss it, they might decide not to wait. But, everything he had seen of them told him that they were capricious, mischievous and fun-loving creatures. So, Zoro Astrian started to dance. It was the only kind of dance he knew, a biqaj jig with his hands clasped behind his back and his feet jumping in time with unheard music, he whirled and cavorted around. What he lacked in skill he doubled in enthusiasm, determined that they would not fail at this final moment.

“Join me!” He really hoped they would but whether they did or not, Zoro Astrian danced for Mildred, with joy that she had lived, and hope that they could bring her back.

OOC: Zoro’s Dance

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Re: [The Forging] Songs

They were back together, the four of them - in one place and together - and all the right size, if not quite the correct colour. The fairies grew agitated, concerned. Bao suggested that he would sing for them and there was a buzzing, muttering, whispered tinkling cacophony of sounds as the fairies seemed to consider that suggestion. Oram's promise of a tale made the sound change again - even more positive, more tinkling and happy - but still with an undertone of angry buzzing.

Xander's words added gravitas to the situation, and the promise he made was such that fairies flittered around him clapping in delight.

But it wasn't until Zoro got up and started to dance that the angry buzzing stopped. Because as he did that, the room they were in lit up in the delighted glow of a hundred thousand fairies and they started to swirl and dance with him. If the others joined in, then they would find themselves surrounded by light and laughter - if, however, they did not - they would be pestered by high-pitched pleas to join, to dance, to sing. To celebrate.

All the lights from each fairy swirled together and then - as the moment came, and they were told to place their chainstones in 3, 2, 1 - they moved in unison.

The fairies didn't stop dancing. As the heroes of the tale placed down the items on the toadstool-like plinths there for them, Mildred's body began to glow gold. A beam of golden light - like the thread Oram had seen - burst from each of the fairies present and flew into Mildred's body.

The light glowed so bright it was blinding.
The earth shook. The ground in the Emerald Tree trembled and that shaking was felt all over Scalvoris. But it was one tremor and then, it was gone.And there, where Mildred had been - and still was - there stood a being. It was tall - although it was contained in a form of a tall human - and the power emanated from it in waves. The being in front of them stood and spoke. It was simultaneously massively tall and yet, contained in the form it wore. When it spoke, they felt the very ground shake as it's voice boomed out and yet, it was quiet and softly spoken. They could feel the force of nature it was and, as the fairies swirled around it, the immense being turned to look at them.

"You have freed me,"
it said, looking at them.

It looked at them, sky-blue eyes regarding them. And then, it moved. Standing there, they could feel the power emanate from it. The inside of the Emerald Tree had seemed large previously but now it took more clear shape. It was vast and beautiful and carved from the inside of a tree. There was an altar made of floating leaves and there were creatures moving in the enormous place. They saw a wolf, a tiger, birds soaring above them.

The fairies around it chattered to it in high-pitched voices and the chiming of a hundred tiny bells. Tilting it's head to listen, the being reached down and lifted the body of Mildred from where it was laying. Cradling it gently, the body of the fairy seemed to be absorbed into the Induk, and then it spoke.
"I am Sweetwine,"
it added - just in case anyone was unsure.
"Hear now my song."
On the air came the first notes - not the sound of the fairies, but the slow a deep timbre of Ol'Tuck. The movement of the giant turtle across the land was slow and heavy and it thrummed in the floor. Then, in came the fairies and the birdsong and song of the morning and night. They heard it - briefly - and it was impossibly beautiful.

"You have my gratitude,"
it spoke again.

"Oram, Bao, Xander and Zoro - you four.
Each of you has shown great bravery and more.
Those of you who wish it will be named Forged in Song.
But now, we can not wait too long.
We must go to the Heart, where four beings meet,
balancing the heart in every beat."
When it spoke, it was almost singing.
"Come if you will of your own volition,
with haste we must complete our mission."

It gestured and a portal appeared. It forced no one, it insisted on nothing. But it spoke once more.

it said.
"Help us."

Info & Rules

Ok - because both groups have got to this point, I took the liberty of assuming that you put the chainstones down. Basically, otherwise, you'd have another round of posting which seems to me to be largely wasted. However - to be clear - IF YOUR PC WOULD NOT COMPLY then that is fine and if you wouldn't put the chainstones down, then let me know and I will work it out.

If you could let me know sooner rather than later, that would be great.

If you do go through, however, then please note that you are now going to one of two threads. Please post in the following thread:

Life Forged: Bao & Zoro

Death Forged: Xander & Oram

In that thread, please split your post into 2. The first half, responding to this mod post - the second half, explaining what you do when you arrive. Thanks!
 ! Message from: Reminder
There are no required skill levels for this.
It is - undoubtedly - dangerous. It's a war.
What will get you hurt is NOT if you are low skilled. What will get you hurt is doing something foolish. There's plenty for everyone to do.
Equally, being highly skilled is not a guarantee of anything. This will need teamwork and smarts.

Current State

 ! Message from: Current State
  • In the Heart of the Emerald Tree!
  • Xander You feel great!
  • Zoro You feel great! You continue to be a new type of Rainbow Biqaj. Only your eyes - the one part of you which DID change colour - now don't. You blow bubbles whenever you breathe out.
  • Oram You feel great! All back to yourself!
  • Bao You feel great! You blow bubbles whenever you breathe out.


Go, or do not. There is no try :D


This round:
All diris are communicating loud and clear - you know what's happening everywhere (please note Ishallr and Sweetwine have succeeded.)
Next Post: Sunday 11th July
word count: 1069
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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Pegasus Pug!!!
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Re: [The Forging] Songs

Your Review


I'm so impressed with how true to himself the PC is. You could have easily not followed what Kal would do but he was entirely himself and it was entirely IC. Well done! Enjoy your rewards!


XP: 20
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Worshippers of Delroth shower Kal with gifts. These are:
  • Snowsong!& Hunting in Packs: Four ornamental doorstop-like figures. Made from what seems to be ice, they are the snow-turtles Kal saw These can be placed at a perimeter or point where they act as an alarm. When there is movement within a 40ft radius of one of them, Kal will hear an alarm. The alarm can only be heard by Kal and up to four other people he designates. He can remove access to hearing the alarm at any time, but can only give access twice a cycle. Each figure functions independently and may be accessed by different people if he chooses.
  • Words! ~ A story book, entitled "The Princess of Fection" - it is the tale of a princess who traveled the world but ends up back home (in Fection.....). It tells of all the many different languages she has learned on her travels and the glorious food she ate and the many adventures she had. When you read this it imparts one language (your choice) to your pc. This language is at Conversational level and does not count towards your Linguistics maximum number of languages. You may assume that you have the base requirements for this language and may progress it as usual if you choose to.
  • Urges! ~ A beautiful and very delicate-looking decanter which, once a trial, will create pure, clear water. The decanter is actually very tough and will hold up to four servings. Those who drink this water will have any negative effects from tiredness, tension etc, washed away with the drink. It leaves you feeling refreshed and clear-headed. It does not, however, heal wounds etc and will not combat magical effects.
  • Surprises! ~ A small chest of jewels and coins. Please add 5 WP to your total.
  • Malapropism! ~ The Very Pineapple of Usefulness. A small cut-glass pineapple which would fit in the palm of your hand. When placed on the ground it functions as a campfire in terms of warmth and providing a place to cook.
  • Vowels! + No Repetition ~ A piece of parchment. Four times a season, you may activate this and it folds itself into a small origami bird. You speak to the bird and give it a message - it "records" that message and then flies off to find the person the message is for. The message may be no longer than 50 words (contractions count for the correct number of words) and the bird will take the required amount of time to fly to the recipient. Upon arriving, the bird speaks your message (in your voice) and then flies back. If the recipient is dead or hidden by magical / immortal means - the bird will circle overhead when you summon it and not fly in any direction.
  • Fears! ~ A small bunch of 10 grapes. Each one is wonderfully sweet - eating 1 grape will heal you of minor injuries. This is cuts and bruises, scrapes and grazes etc. If you have moderate injuries (deeper cuts etc) then it will take 3 grapes. Major injuries take 6 grapes and someone can be brought back from a critical condition with 9 grapes. Please note, though - if you gave (for example) 1 grape to someone with moderate injuries, it would do nothing. You have an all-or-nothing grape situation.
Delroth thinks you're marvelous!

The Cloak of Wind
Once every trial, a Tarouz may summon around him or herself a strong wind, capable of pushing large objects with its power. The wind surrounds the Tarouz, offering protection against projectiles and increased movement speed as the wind carries the Tarouz. This lasts for one break per level of Tarouz, and may be used even inside, where no air movement is present. The Tarouz may command the wind to break or cease as he or she sees fit, so as to not damage their own property or allies.

At will, the Tarouz may increase his or her vision to that of a hawk's, allowing them to see vast distances with ease. The Tarouz must have a clear view of the target, as the ability cannot circumnavigate any people or structures. The end result is one of a slightly-fisheyed area, where the Tarouz may view in clear detail the surroundings. The use of this ability leaves the Tarouz feeling dizzy and restricts their depth perception for ten bits per use.

The Windmasters Boon
When outside, the Tarouz may instruct a breeze to blow at his or her behest. This wind grants the Tarouz and all allies within 250' faster movement speed and the decreased weight of their equipment and belongings. This effect lasts as long as the Tarouz remains outside and commands the wind to blow, and will wear off as soon as willed or the Tarouz enters an abode.


Athletics: x 2
Combat: Unarmed x 2
Detection: x 3
Flight x 3
Fieldcraft: x 2
Leadership x 3
Mount (Air): 4
Singing x 2
Socialisation x 3


I truly enjoyed Xander's role in this thread - he seemed utterly out of his depth and incredulous at what was happening, yet he was also a quiet and determined voice of reason. It's those nuances which make Xander such an interesting and well-written PC - you play his strengths, his weaknesses and everything in between. He dealt with this situation with his usual strength of personality and was a real asset to the group. Enjoy your rewards!


XP: 20
Renown: 15


When you return from The Feast, you return home to find a beautifully carved wooden box. The contents of this box include:
  • Snowsong! An ornamental doorstop-like figure. Made from what seems to be ice, it is the white raven Xander saw. It can be placed at a perimeter or point where it acts as an alarm. When there is movement within a 40ft radius of it, Xander will hear an alarm. The alarm can only be heard by Xander and up to four other people he designates. He can remove access to hearing the alarm at any time, but can only give access twice a cycle.
  • Words! ~ A story book, entitled "The Princess of Fection" - it is the tale of a princess who traveled the world but ends up back home (in Fection.....). It tells of all the many different languages she has learned on her travels and the glorious food she ate and the many adventures she had. When you read this it imparts one language (your choice) to your pc. This language is at Conversational level and does not count towards your Linguistics maximum number of languages. You may assume that you have the base requirements for this language and may progress it as usual if you choose to.
  • Urges! ~ A beautiful and very delicate-looking decanter which, once a trial, will create pure, clear water. The decanter is actually very tough and will hold up to four servings. Those who drink this water will have any negative effects from tiredness, tension etc, washed away with the drink. It leaves you feeling refreshed and clear-headed. It does not, however, heal wounds etc and will not combat magical effects.
  • Surprises! ~ A small chest of jewels and coins. Please add 5 WP to your total.
  • Malapropism! ~ The Very Pineapple of Usefulness. A small cut-glass pineapple which would fit in the palm of your hand. When placed on the ground it functions as a campfire in terms of warmth and providing a place to cook.
  • Vowels! ~ A piece of parchment. Twice a season, you may activate this and it folds itself into a small origami bird. You speak to the bird and give it a message - it "records" that message and then flies off to find the person the message is for. The message may be no longer than 30 words (contractions count for the correct number of words) and the bird will take the required amount of time to fly to the recipient. Upon arriving, the bird speaks your message (in your voice) and then flies back. If the recipient is dead or hidden by magical / immortal means - the bird will circle overhead when you summon it and not fly in any direction.
  • Fears! ~ A small bunch of 10 grapes. Each one is wonderfully sweet - eating 1 grape will heal you of minor injuries. This is cuts and bruises, scrapes and grazes etc. If you have moderate injuries (deeper cuts etc) then it will take 3 grapes. Major injuries take 6 grapes and someone can be brought back from a critical condition with 9 grapes. Please note, though - if you gave (for example) 1 grape to someone with moderate injuries, it would do nothing. You have an all-or-nothing grape situation.
  • Star Trekking! ~ A single crystal star, glowing with hope. It is a single use item from Xiur which has 1 ability from his mark - it can be Adored level or below. It's single use - but you don't have to decide which ability till the moment it's used. Once the ability is used, the crystal star always glows and makes a beautiful nightlight.
Ethelynda is pleased with Xander's behaviour here:
Serpentine Venom
A skill that seems out of place with the majority of Taithir's skills, Serpentine Venom is a skill that gives the bearer the same paralytic venom found within the bite of the Ithecal, however, instead of being limited to a bite this skill allows the bearer to coat their weapons in this venom. The potency of the venom and how long it lasts varies on how and where it is being used and the how familiar the user is with this skill.

Protective Ward
An ability that applies to both the Shield-Bearer and their allies, Protective Ward coats those affected in golden scales. These scales will endure any attack, no matter how potent. However, after enduring this one attack, the effect will fade. This ability can only be used once a Break.

Qylios is also delighted.
"Hold the Line!"
The Favored is able to bolster the morale of any who stand with them. The call rings out and dispels fear in the defenders, whether mundane or magical. Those affected by the shout gain a small boost in stamina and the use of a shield. The effects of this ability last for ten bits, and can only overcome magical fear effects from other Marks of the same tier or lower. Any fear effects caused by Domain Magic can be overcome as follows: Favored can overcome Magic at a Competent level or lower, Adored can overcome Expert level or lower, and Exalted can overcome Master level or lower.

Guiding Light
The Favored is able to summon a free floating orb of light to brighten their surroundings. The color and intensity of the light can be controlled, though it doesn't get any brighter than daylight. The orb has no physical form and can't be touched. The light generated by the orb cannot be used by the Brilliant Weapon ability.


Athletics: x 5
Combat: Blades x 5
Detection: x 5
Discipline x 3
Endurance x 5
Etiquette x 2
Flight x 3
Fieldcraft x 2
Investigation x 5
Leadership x 3
Mount (Air): x4


Zoro is a perfect example of why you don't need massive skills or experience to achieve a great deal! I love the way your PC thinks and I think you write him beautifully. Excellent work here, I really enjoyed your contribution. Enjoy the well earned rewards!


XP: 20
Renown: 15


When you return from The Feast, you return home to find a beautifully carved wooden box. The contents of this box include:
  • Snowsong! An ornamental doorstop-like figure. Made from what seems to be ice, it is the silver golden eagle which Zoro saw. It can be placed at a perimeter or point where it acts as an alarm. When there is movement within a 40ft radius of it, Zoro will hear an alarm. The alarm can only be heard by Zoro and up to four other people he designates. He can remove access to hearing the alarm at any time, but can only give access twice a cycle.
  • Words! ~ A story book, entitled "The Princess of Fection" - it is the tale of a princess who traveled the world but ends up back home (in Fection.....). It tells of all the many different languages she has learned on her travels and the glorious food she ate and the many adventures she had. When you read this it imparts one language (your choice) to your pc. This language is at Conversational level and does not count towards your Linguistics maximum number of languages. You may assume that you have the base requirements for this language and may progress it as usual if you choose to.
  • Urges! ~ A beautiful and very delicate-looking decanter which, once a trial, will create pure, clear water. The decanter is actually very tough and will hold up to four servings. Those who drink this water will have any negative effects from tiredness, tension etc, washed away with the drink. It leaves you feeling refreshed and clear-headed. It does not, however, heal wounds etc and will not combat magical effects.
  • Surprises! ~ A small chest of jewels and coins. Please add 5 WP to your total.
  • Malapropism! ~ The Very Pineapple of Usefulness. A small cut-glass pineapple which would fit in the palm of your hand. When placed on the ground it functions as a campfire in terms of warmth and providing a place to cook.
  • Vowels! + No Repetition ~ A piece of parchment. Four times a season, you may activate this and it folds itself into a small origami bird. You speak to the bird and give it a message - it "records" that message and then flies off to find the person the message is for. The message may be no longer than 50 words (contractions count for the correct number of words) and the bird will take the required amount of time to fly to the recipient. Upon arriving, the bird speaks your message (in your voice) and then flies back. If the recipient is dead or hidden by magical / immortal means - the bird will circle overhead when you summon it and not fly in any direction.
  • Fears! ~ A small bunch of 10 grapes. Each one is wonderfully sweet - eating 1 grape will heal you of minor injuries. This is cuts and bruises, scrapes and grazes etc. If you have moderate injuries (deeper cuts etc) then it will take 3 grapes. Major injuries take 6 grapes and someone can be brought back from a critical condition with 9 grapes. Please note, though - if you gave (for example) 1 grape to someone with moderate injuries, it would do nothing. You have an all-or-nothing grape situation.
  • Star Trekking!! ~ A single crystal star, glowing with hope. It is a single use item from Xiur which has 1 ability from his mark - it can be Adored level or below. It's single use - but you don't have to decide which ability till the moment it's used. Once the ability is used, the crystal star always glows and makes a beautiful nightlight.
Cassion is proud of your actions here:

Cassion Compass
When first marked, every Sojourner receives a small gold compass. This compass does not point the way North as most compasses might, but instead will point the direction to a place of the Sojourner’s choosing. In order to apply, they must have visited this place before in a manner that allowed them to experience the journey there. Teleportation will not count as a justifiable way to input a destination. The Sojourner can impart this compass to others for use to navigate to the location of their choosing and once they have reached the destination, the compass will be instantly transported back to the Sojourner’s person. This compass cannot be lost in any way. If destroyed or stolen, it will take five trials to return, whole, to the possession of the marked.

Cassion’s chosen cannot help but choose the life of the road. It calls to them, commands them march along it. But this is no curse, as the road cares for the chosen who tend and travel it. Those with this ability often have a much easier journey than those who do not. Inclement weather, obstacles, dangers, these all still exist on the road but tend to be much less disastrous to the marked if they were not expecting to encounter them. Travel time for the marked is reduced by 25% as they naturally know the fastest paths and shortcuts to reach their destination. This ability does not apply to ‘discovering’ hidden ways into restricted areas, but simply allows the marked to naturally take the quickest un-obscured path between any two points they are traveling towards.

And Xiur's pleased too!

Night Torch
The Blessed can touch any item and cause it to glow with a bright, starry light. This light can be directed away from the holder, so as not to dazzle night vision. If no other Nalos abilities are used, this can be maintained as long as the item is held by the Blessed.

Fog Bank
The Blessed can generate a concealing fog to aid an innocent or threatened person to escape harm. If the target is instead genuinely guilty of some wrong, for which he was being pursued, the fog will instead leave trail behind him; as well as a revealing nimbus around him for a number of breaks equal to the Blessed's Etiquette skill. The target will have to run through the fog bank to activate this trail. During this time, placing this fog a second time will immediately dispel the current one.


Athletics: x 5
Caregiving x 2
Combat: Blades x 5
Dancing x 4
Detection x 4
Discipline x 4
Endurance x 5
Fieldcraft x 2
Investigation x 3
Mount (Air): x 4
Socialisation x 4


I love Oram. He's realistic, nuanced, and beautifully written. He has quirks and foibles and I think what I love most about him is that when I read your writing, I can see and hear him. Your writing is beautiful and your pc expertly crafted. Enjoy your rewards!


XP: 20
Renown: 15


When you return from The Feast, you return home to find a beautifully carved wooden box. The contents of this box include:
  • Snowsong! An ornamental doorstop-like figure. Made from what seems to be ice, it is the white blackbird which Oram saw. It can be placed at a perimeter or point where it acts as an alarm. When there is movement within a 40ft radius of it, Oram will hear an alarm. The alarm can only be heard by Oram and up to four other people he designates. He can remove access to hearing the alarm at any time, but can only give access twice a cycle.
  • Words! ~ A story book, entitled "The Princess of Fection" - it is the tale of a princess who traveled the world but ends up back home (in Fection.....). It tells of all the many different languages she has learned on her travels and the glorious food she ate and the many adventures she had. When you read this it imparts one language (your choice) to your pc. This language is at Conversational level and does not count towards your Linguistics maximum number of languages. You may assume that you have the base requirements for this language and may progress it as usual if you choose to.
  • Bonus! ~ for getting Infection in the title, too, you get 2 copies of the book. In the second one, however, the Princess dies of infection and the kingdom mourns her. When you read this it imparts one language (your choice) to your pc. This language is at Conversational level and does not count towards your Linguistics maximum number of languages. You may assume that you have the base requirements for this language and may progress it as usual if you choose to.
  • Urges! ~ A beautiful and very delicate-looking decanter which, once a trial, will create pure, clear water. The decanter is actually very tough and will hold up to four servings. Those who drink this water will have any negative effects from tiredness, tension etc, washed away with the drink. It leaves you feeling refreshed and clear-headed. It does not, however, heal wounds etc and will not combat magical effects.
  • Surprises! ~ A small chest of jewels and coins. Please add 5 WP to your total.
  • Malapropism! ~ The Very Pineapple of Usefulness. A small cut-glass pineapple which would fit in the palm of your hand. When placed on the ground it functions as a campfire in terms of warmth and providing a place to cook.
  • Vowels! + Hidden Objective: Titles ARE Included! ~ A piece of parchment. Four times a season, you may activate this and it folds itself into a small origami bird. You speak to the bird and give it a message - it "records" that message and then flies off to find the person the message is for. The message may be no longer than 50 words (contractions count for the correct number of words) and the bird will take the required amount of time to fly to the recipient. Upon arriving, the bird speaks your message (in your voice) and then flies back. If the recipient is dead or hidden by magical / immortal means - the bird will circle overhead when you summon it and not fly in any direction.
  • Fears! ~ A small bunch of 10 grapes. Each one is wonderfully sweet - eating 1 grape will heal you of minor injuries. This is cuts and bruises, scrapes and grazes etc. If you have moderate injuries (deeper cuts etc) then it will take 3 grapes. Major injuries take 6 grapes and someone can be brought back from a critical condition with 9 grapes. Please note, though - if you gave (for example) 1 grape to someone with moderate injuries, it would do nothing. You have an all-or-nothing grape situation.
  • Star Trekking!! ~ A single crystal star, glowing with hope. It is a single use item from Xiur which has 1 ability from his mark - it can be Adored level or below. It's single use - but you don't have to decide which ability till the moment it's used. Once the ability is used, the crystal star always glows and makes a beautiful nightlight.
Cassion is very pleased with Oram!
An Adventurer can tell a story by every scar they have. Each one is earned. A Sojourner can invoke a scar’s story by displaying it proudly and explaining the circumstances by which they received it. Doing so grants them an innate resistance to being injured by the same means. Against an adversary, a Sojourner may find that their skin is resilient and tough to the blades of this particular foe, netting only shallow wounds as the opponent must redouble efforts to hurt them in such a way again. Often the invocation of this ability is conditional on when the situation arises. There must be at least one witness to the story as it is told and the scar must be clearly visible. No small nicks or minor injuries will apply. A ScarTale is the story of a deep mark earned by the adventurer. The story itself resents being replaced and will shield the user against a similar injury occurring. While not a perfect defense, it can be remarkably strong. A Sojourner cannot lie about how they received their injury, but even dishonorable or embarrassing stories have their place if the wound is prominent enough. Once invoked, the protection can last for the better part of a break. These bonuses do not stack. If you were wounded twice by an adversary, you are not double impervious to them, only one story per cause of damage can be invoked at once.

Rumour Mill
Names hold power. In the language of stories, names are an encoded secret language that pass through tale to tale, even if that name is not openly spoken. Upon achieving this ability, a Sojourner may know deeds and stories of those they meet, even without hearing about it themselves. Upon hearing the name of another, the Sojourner may choose to ask the player or the storyteller for the three to five most prominent things that individual is known for. So long as the deed is associated with them and has been spoken about between more than three people, the Sojourner instantly becomes aware of the story, the general details, and the magnitude of its impact (how far it might have spread by word of mouth). This allows a Sojourner to know when someone gives them a false name, as no such trigger occurs, and also allows them a measure of knowledge about the people they associate with. The name does not have to be given willingly, but it must be spoken by the owner’s own voice or written in their own script for this ability to work.

Ziell is pleased you didn't thump anyone here.
Touch of Greatness (Minor)
With this ability, one can sense the capability of another. While not truly a 'prophecy' of what is to come, this ability grants a sensation of what one target is capable of. Those with Competency in a weapon will smell of blood or steel, someone accomplished in magic might smell acrid or lance the tongue with a shocking sensation. Players are encouraged to be creative with this ability. While it does not deliberately spell out a character's skills or abilities, a learned user of this talent will be able to identify certain people by what they are capable of.

The Peacefather's Skills
The character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Socialization, Meditation, or Investigation. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.


Athletics: x 5
Detection x 4
Discipline x 5
Endurance x 4
Fieldcraft x 3
Flying x 2
Intelligence x 3
Investigation x 5
Leadership x 4
Mount (Air): x 4
Storytelling x 3
Bonus Knowledge ~ for being stretched into a multi-part fairy-Oram, you may have 6 extra knowledge. Three in Endurance and three in Discipline.


Bao is just so cute and good and he's too good for this world and too good for the horrid things I put him through! He's just so well written, because he could oh so easily be saccharin and unbelievable but he isn't. Exquisite writing, enjoy your rewards!


XP: 20
Renown: 15


When you return from The Feast, you return home to find a beautifully carved wooden box. The contents of this box include:
  • Snowsong! An ornamental doorstop-like figure. Made from what seems to be ice, it is the snow-squirrel which Bao saw. It can be placed at a perimeter or point where it acts as an alarm. When there is movement within a 40ft radius of it, Bao will hear an alarm. The alarm can only be heard by Bao and up to four other people he designates. He can remove access to hearing the alarm at any time, but can only give access twice a cycle.
  • Surprises! ~ A small chest of jewels and coins. Please add 5 WP to your total.
  • Malapropism! ~ The Very Pineapple of Usefulness. A small cut-glass pineapple which would fit in the palm of your hand. When placed on the ground it functions as a campfire in terms of warmth and providing a place to cook.
  • Vowels! + No Repetition ~ A piece of parchment. Four times a season, you may activate this and it folds itself into a small origami bird. You speak to the bird and give it a message - it "records" that message and then flies off to find the person the message is for. The message may be no longer than 50 words (contractions count for the correct number of words) and the bird will take the required amount of time to fly to the recipient. Upon arriving, the bird speaks your message (in your voice) and then flies back. If the recipient is dead or hidden by magical / immortal means - the bird will circle overhead when you summon it and not fly in any direction.
  • Fears! ~ A small bunch of 10 grapes. Each one is wonderfully sweet - eating 1 grape will heal you of minor injuries. This is cuts and bruises, scrapes and grazes etc. If you have moderate injuries (deeper cuts etc) then it will take 3 grapes. Major injuries take 6 grapes and someone can be brought back from a critical condition with 9 grapes. Please note, though - if you gave (for example) 1 grape to someone with moderate injuries, it would do nothing. You have an all-or-nothing grape situation.
  • Star Trekking!! ~ A single crystal star, glowing with hope. It is a single use item from Xiur which has 1 ability from his mark - it can be Adored level or below. It's single use - but you don't have to decide which ability till the moment it's used. Once the ability is used, the crystal star always glows and makes a beautiful nightlight.
Ziell is proud of Bao
Touch of Greatness (Minor)
With this ability, one can sense the capability of another. While not truly a 'prophecy' of what is to come, this ability grants a sensation of what one target is capable of. Those with Competency in a weapon will smell of blood or steel, someone accomplished in magic might smell acrid or lance the tongue with a shocking sensation. Players are encouraged to be creative with this ability. While it does not deliberately spell out a character's skills or abilities, a learned user of this talent will be able to identify certain people by what they are capable of.

The Peacefather's Skills
The character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Socialization, Meditation, or Investigation. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.

Xiur thinks he's a cutie too!

Shooting Star
A Bow can be blessed to emit a ray of star light in a path that displays the trajectory of the arrow nocked upon it. This does not affect the shooter's ability to maintain this aim, and if the light moves from the target upon release of the arrow, the shot will still miss the mark. This effect can be called upon three times a trial.

Cooling/Warming Trend
The Blessed can impart an actual rise or drop in local temperature, to bring relief and encourage good moods. This can be up to a 15-degree effect in a single building; a 10-degree effect over a city block, or a 5-degree effect over a small village. At "Adored", raise the effect by an additional 5 degrees, and make the new 5-degree area be the size of a large town. At "Exalted", add another 5-degrees, and have the new 5-degree area be the size of an entire city. This effect will remain for an entire trial, but can not be generated again for another three.


Athletics: x 3
Caregiving x 5
Combat: Unarmed x 4
Detection x 5
Discipline x 5
Endurance x 5
Flight x 3
Leadership x 4
Mount (Air): x 4
Psychology x 4
Bonus Knowledge ~ for being the single cutest fairy on Idalos, you may have 6 extra knowledge. Three in Singing and three in Dancing

word count: 5405
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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