[Ne'haer] Development and Requests Thread

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[Ne'haer] Development and Requests Thread

Eastern Temple

East Ne'haer
Immortals Worshiped

Ymiden and Vhalar

The temple is situated so that the sun rises from behind its Main Hall. Reasons are simple. One is for the purpose of Dawn Gazing (explained below), the other is so that those arriving in the early morning to do their prayers can feel the sun's gentle touch on their faces. Although there are only five main locations within the temple's premises, the temple itself is spread across a considerably large space. It is done so that during festivals it can accommodate the influx of citizens who roam the grounds to meet with the worshiped Immortals. But it is also to provide space for merchants and spirituals who come to set up stalls in the courtyard around the Well of Forgiveness. The ground is not beaten earth, but it's laid with light and darker stones. Upon entry onto the premises, one is almost met with two neat rows of Tus tree that have been planted there by the first benefactors who contributed to the building of the temple a long time ago. The temple staff takes great care of these trees and as such, the scent of this plant gives the grounds an almost otherworldly feeling.

All buildings are built in the same style regardless of their usage. The only difference is their size with Main Hall being the largest; Testimony Hall and Hall of Rebirth being two smaller building on each side of the Main Hall. All of them are built from white stone, with light colored wood used for joists, vibrant reds and greens for shingles, and golden glow around the fascias. As such it gives away a rich feel which comes across more warming than intimidating, however. After all, those working on the premises have the attitude of gratefulness rather than arrogance. The truth is, though, that thanks to the multitude of festivals that are organized on the grounds, the temple can also afford its decorations.

Well of Forgiveness
Well of Forgiveness is a sizable, round, stone structure filled with clear water. On its edge, there are small round stones (around half a cm in diameter) free for taking by those who wish to pray at the well. An individual would usually pick one of those stones, dip it in the water of the well and pray for forgiveness for someone, or for strength to forgive. After the prayer or request to Ymiden, the individual casts the stone into the well in the symbolism of casting away the stone from one's heart that has been weighing them down. The well gets cleaned twice an arc to gather the castaway stones.

Main Hall
Main Hall is the largest structure on the grounds. It consists of various sections.

At the front of the structure is the praying room. It houses two depictions - one of Ymiden, one of Vhalar. There are three separate offering tables. Each depiction of the Immortal has a table in the front and then there is one in the middle. That is so that citizens who came to revere the Immortals can choose whether to revere one or the other or both. One of the main aspects of the Main Hall is its large set of doors which open at ever dawn and close at every dusk. The size of the doors is large enough to reveal the depictions so they can be seen from afar. During festivals, this set of doors stay open until the last visitor has left.

At the back of the Main Hall, separate from the site and access of the citizens is the administrative section. This houses a small library with general sacred texts, head priest's office, and storage room.

Hall of Rebirth
Hall of Rebirth is used for those who want to shed their past and start afresh. It is for those who want to leave one life behind and start anew with blessings from Immortals and reassurance. It can be in connection with profession, love life, putting an end to painful past to start a brighter future. Hall of Rebirth is usually looked after by a maiden who also performs the ritual.

Person wishing for the ritual of Rebirth undergoes an initial confession with a priest after which a ritual takes place in the Hall. During this ritual the individual sits in the middle of the hall and the maiden recites texts from the sacred books. The purpose of the ritual is for the person to meditate upon what they are letting go off and where they want to head. Oftentimes, the maiden will light incense created from the trees growing around the complex.

Similarly, as it is with the Main Hall, even Hall of Rebirth consists of two sections. The front one is where the ritual takes place. It is rather void of decoration, unlike the Main Hall. Yet, it has long narrow windows which allow for breeze and light to come in. At the back of the Hall is a small library with appropriate sacred texts.

After the ritual, voluntary donations are welcome.

Testimony Hall
This hall is generally used for weddings. It's a hall where life-long oaths are given and expected to be kept. The hall is decorated according to the wishes of those to be wedded, or for the purpose of the oath, that's going to be given. There is a statutory fee that needs to be paid for the usage of this hall. After that, there is a voluntary donation at citizen's discretion dependent on how satisfied they were with the service.

This Hall as well has front and back section of the same purpose as the previous halls where from is for public, and back is the library.

Dawn Gazing
Dawn Gazing isn't as much a building as it is a perfect spot at the premises to watch the rising sun. Due to the way that the temple was built, the three Halls shield the spectators from the rush and even the presence of Ne'haer as they look out towards the East where Ymiden ushers the fiery globe onto the arch. This spot is favored mainly during Ymiden and the temple has officially scheduled Dawn Gazing event twice a fortnight. During each session, donations are voluntary but encouraged.

Outside of those times, the Dawn Gazing area is supposed to be off limits to citizens. However, you can sometimes see certain people defying that unspoken rule and coming to watch the Dawn at that place anyways. Usually, it is the elderly and the temple staff often leaves them be to their devices.

The area of Dawn Gazing, outside its prescribed times, is used by the temple staff to perform various tasks, for example, incense making.
Festivals and Events
  • Crop blessing (Ashan 40 - Ashan 45) - An event that happens when the snow thaws and the soil is ready to be worked. During this time, the temple deploys all of its priests onto its grounds to deal with the influx of farmers who have brought samples of their crops to be blessed. It is common to see various merchants with their stalls in the courtyard, trying to sell fertilizers and other farming products.
  • The Cherishing (Ymiden 1 - Ymiden 7) - As one of the longest festivals organized by the temple, it is solely devoted to the Immortal Ymiden. During this time countless entertainers, merchants, spirituals, and citizens come to the temple not only to celebrate the Immortal with music, crafts, food and drinks but also to sight Ymiden himself who is said to walk the grounds on that day. The program might vary slightly from year to year but it always climaxes in a large bonfire. Decorations connected to Ymiden and his depictions are also placed around the temple.
  • First Harvest Festival (mid-season Ymiden) - Usually five trials long, falling on the dates around sixtieth Ymiden. The custom is that farmers bring a small portion of the crops to offer to the Immortals in the Main Hall. Also, for the duration of the festival, there is a local cook-off where local housewives come to boast with their delicious meals supposedly cooked from the supplies of the first harvest.
  • Farstar (falling on each night of full moon) - Farstar is a stargazing festival during which the temple puts out all its lights to maximize the shine of the stars and the full moon. It is a fact that it is one of the riskier events that the temple organizes as in the complete darkness various things might happen. For this reason, the temple asks for help from local guards. Up to this day, no major incidents have taken place during this time despite to provision of alcohol during this event.
  • Caring Is Sharing (throughout Saun) - In other words, this is the mentality by which the temple operates during Saun, and tries to encourage in other as well. The temple encourages its staff and citizens to make sure everyone has plenty of water and takes care of themselves during this extremely hot period. It also encourages those of poorer and begging status to come to the temple for refreshments so that the temple can minimize any deaths or suffering. The temple refuses to make a profit out of providing the necessities even though it recognizes the business potential that lies within.
  • The Cherishing (Vhalar 1 - Vhalar 7) - This Cherishing is done in the honor of the Immortal Vhalar and is done in the same style as the Cherishing for Ymiden. The only difference is that the decoration around the temple is exclusively based on and inspired by the said Immortal.
  • Second Harvest Festival (mid-season of Vhalar) - The Harvest Festival is also five trials long. During this time the final yield is being celebrated and be it, farmers or other folks, they all come together to appreciate the crops whether someone had a rich or poor harvest. It's a festival of thanksgiving as the locals thank the Immortals for their blessings and protection, for the yield. It is a festival full of dancing and merriment through which the local hope to please the Immortals in order to receive favors in the future.
  • The Reckoning (119 Vhalar) - When the days start getting colder and everyone has counted the crops, it becomes clear who will have a peaceful winter and who will struggle. Hence, there is the Reckoning. Despite its ominous sound, it is a one-day festival during which the citizens celebrate what they have, giving the opportunity for the less fortunate to come at sell with stall fee at half price. It is also a parting festival during which citizens say goodbye to the season and the Immortal who reigns it. Whilst the most somber in nature out of all the festivals, the Reckoning is enjoyed by the citizens as a chance of quiet networking with others.
Notes: The main income for the temple comes from the festivals and events where merchants and spirituals requesting a stall space on the premises need to pay a fee. Also, during those time, the temple puts up stands of its own, selling talismans at a small unified price that offer various benefits. The temple might appear to rely heavily on donations. The philosophy is of interdependence and reliance on the community and the temple. However, there are currently some patrons who regularly donate to the temple. ~ Finn
Staff Hierarchy

Head PriestMatriarch
Deputy Priest --
Priest Assistants Aide Maiden
Note: In the past, there was a stark difference in the ratio of men to women. This was not due to the temple preferring men to women. It was due to the fact that by design majority of locations have always been taken care of by men and due to the association with the gender of the different halls (rebirth connected with woman's ability to give birth; oath associated with man's necessity to give an oath of loyalty in an army, etc.). However, past Head Priests and Matriarchs have worked together to level the field. These days, Matriarch can perform ceremonies in the Testimonial Hall if the citizen so wishes to, but priests yet cannot perform rituals in the Hall of Rebirth. ~ Finn


  • Head Priest
    Name: Seumas Paorach
    Age: 53 Arcs
    Race: Human
    Title: Head Priest
    Languages: Common, Sev'ryn
    Skills: Discipline, research, leadership, meditation, writing
    Other information: Seumas is born and bred in Ne'haer, a son to a priest who once also was a head priest of the Eastern Temple. He did not experience any sort of favoritism as his father was adamant about Seumas earning his position. That made Seumas very ambitious, cunning even. Among his religious peers, he is often polemicized to be more interested in his own benefits than the wellbeing of public, but if that is the case, he sure hides it well.
    Note: Rest coming later today
  • Matriarch
    Name: Rhiane Qau'Ryn
    Race: human
    Age: 39 arcs
    Title: Matriarch
    Languages: Common, Rakahi
    Skills: Discipline, meditation, teaching, rhetoric, detection
    Other Information:Rhiane has lived in Ne'haer all her life and does not plan on changing that. She has not always believed in Immortals, or had any particular faith to speak off. It wasn't until she met a charming Biqaj with whom she fell in love but also soon discovered how hard a relationship with one can be. They quarrelled about where they should go, where they should live. At one point, they almost ended their relationship. Then, Rhiane fell pregnant with her lover's child. He decided to stay then, under the condition of have a seafaring profession just to stay out on the sea. Unfortunately, Rhiane miscarried at the age of 26 arcs which alienated her from her lover and the world. She turned to religion, to the Eastern temple, where the previous matriarch took her under her wing.
  • Deputy Priest
    Name: Mek'aldir
    Race: Sev'ryn
    Age: 47 arcs
    Title: Deputy priest
    Languages: Sev'ryn, common, ancient language of Eidisi (intermediate)
    Skills: Meditation, discipline, storytelling, hunting, linguistics
    Other Information: Mek'aldir is one of the few Sev'ryn who has ventured outside its homeland. Driven by curiosity and the desire to discover, Mek'aldir has visited places like Viden, and Andaris. He has always been spiritual, always had faith, but it wasn't until Ne'haer that he has decided to settle. Reason being - he fell in love with a woman. Now, he has a family and two children to feed.

Price List

Festival talismans50sn
Stall Placement Fee5gn/day
Testimony Hall Fee70gn (including decorations and the service)
Note: Prices up for alteration by mods if they deem them too high or low ~ Finn
Note about moderator approval here.
Thank you for your submission! ~ Jade
Last edited by Finn on Sun Nov 20, 2016 2:34 pm, edited 6 times in total. word count: 2471
Favourite quote:
They do not yet understand the purpose of forgiveness. It is not to spare wrongdoers a punishment they deserve. It is to spare the injured ones the ongoing pain they do not.

~ Ymiden
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[Ne'haer] Development and Requests Thread

Name: Tus tree
Frequency: Commonly found anywhere around Ne’haer
Toxicity/Hazard: Equal to none unless someone is sensitive to scents
Appearance: About 2 metres tall, with the crown formed from thin, prickly needles. It’s bark is light, dusty brown that gradually changes to vibrant reds as the trunk turns to branches. The shape in the depiction is its natural growth shape.
Properties: Tus tree is mostly known for its aromatic scent that is mostly noticeable during the hot trials of Saun. It is said that the tree ‘sweats’ and that’s why it produces the pleasant odour. In fact, the strength of the odour is dependent on the outside heat. For example, if the outside temperature is cold as it would be in Vhalar, there is only a faint scent lingering around. When temperatures start rising in Ymiden, that’s when the scent grows stronger until its peak in Saun. Due to that reason, a combination of its thinnest branches and needles can be used to create incense, or if one doesn’t want to spend the money or go through the process of creating one, burning the wood will produce the smell as well, although on a much weaker scale.
Other Information: Tus incense can often be bought at the Eastern Temple.
Thank you for your submission! ~ Jade
word count: 221
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They do not yet understand the purpose of forgiveness. It is not to spare wrongdoers a punishment they deserve. It is to spare the injured ones the ongoing pain they do not.

~ Ymiden
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[Ne'haer] Development and Requests Thread

Written Wisdom
Written Wisdom can be found near the eastern wall of Ne’haer, far from the humid air and bustling noises of Lake Rea. The outside of the shop is decorated with a large wooden sign that hangs just above a dusty window. The sign reads: Written Wisdom, Books for everyone! The interior of the shop is split into two levels: a lower level that contains non-fiction works, cookbooks, practical guides, biographies, reference books, and maps. The small upper floor houses fiction books, children's tales, blank journals, and assorted stationary supplies. The shopkeeper, a bearded human by the name of Gregory Aspilen, sits at a crowded desk on the eastern wall of the shop. Towers of books that have yet to be shelved surround the desk and Gregory will often try and convince his patrons to buy the top book off any given stack. The shop carries a wide variety of books that are written in Common and Rakahi, and a much smaller collection written in other languages. Written Wisdom is known for its vast collection of non-fiction books, and one can easily find books on subjects dear to the citizens of Ne'haer such as: seafaring, navigation, religion, or wine.


Name: Gregory Aspilen
Created by: Inali
Race: Human
Age: 35 arcs
Born: Ne'haer
Blessings/Curses: Xypha (Favored)
Appraisal - 45 points (Competent)
Persuasion - 30 points (Competent)
Business Management - 25 points (Competent)
Other Information: Gregory enjoys discussing books that he has recently read or acquired and is eager to recommend books to anyone who seeks his help. While he can be rather opinionated about the best non-fiction books in a given category, he will always listen to the thoughts of his valued customers. Gregory has a particular interest in books on business management and biographies of failed entrepreneurs. He believes himself to be an ideal businessman and dismisses any suggestions that involve tidying the store up.

Price List

Non-Fiction Book - 10gn
Fiction Book - 8gn
Maps (Western Ne'haer) - 30gn
Blank Journal - 5gn
Fine Paper (10 pages) - 5gn
Ink Well - 2gn
Ink Pen - 1gn
Sealing Wax (assorted colors) - 5sn
Plain Wax Seal Stamp (assorted letters and designs) - 4gn
Fancy Iron Wax Seal Stamp (ornate letters and designs) - 7gn
This location can be self moderated. Requests for rare books or books written in languages other than Rakahi and Common should be run by a local Prophet.
Thank you for your submission! ~ Jade
word count: 408
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[Ne'haer] Development and Requests Thread

Northern Temple


Just before the harbour, looking over Lake Rea
Immortals Worshiped

U'frek and Chrien
Hiding within the vegetation growing around Lake Rea, stands the unique Northern Temple of Ne’haer. It is unique in that it houses two Immortals who battle, two Immortals who in person would not stay under one roof. Yet, here they are both worshipped. U’frek and Chrien find their harmony under the thatched roof of the temple which has been built entirely out of wood and blood orange coloured clay.

The premises aren’t as large as they are busy. The temple consists of only one building of modest size. Many believe that it has been built long before a wedge was driven between the two Immortals. As such, the temple houses a unique statue depiction of both the beings where no anger, nor spite reflects on their features or in their friendly, almost intimate posture. After all, the area these two Immortals reign over overlaps and perhaps once upon a time, they indeed were better than sworn enemies.

It is possible that the temple was not as famous before; hence, its modest size. These days, however, it is frequented very much on daily basis by sailors, fishermen, Biqaj and Mer. All of these bring with them gifts to appease Chrien and ask for Ufrek’s continuous protection from his sister's insanity. It often happens that all the offerings start pooling outside the humble structure and the anchorite who takes care of the temple has to make sure none of the food offerings fall in the water as they already attract large numbers of fish to swim around the edges of water.

There is one more separate body of water on the premises and that is behind the temple completely closed off to the public. It is a pond of small size, with clear water that reveals its stone bottom. It was not man made so the theory has it that the water seeps upwards from in between the stones, the source being the lake. As the back part of the premises of the temple are off limits, it is also believed that the anchorite has his/hers humbl living house there too.
Festivals and Events
The temple doesn’t have the need to organise any outstanding festivals or events as the influx of offerings keeps it securely from running into desolation. However, once a year, it does perform an open ritual for any and all to attend.
High Seas, Low Skies
High Seas, Low Skies is a one-day ritual solely devoted to Chrien and U’frek. It is designed to please both Immortals regardless of their relationship or view on other races. The anchorite leads it all the way through and the audience can choose to join in, or spectate. Since the ritual has been performed in the temple for as long as anyone can remember, those who attend it regularly know the schedule to the T. The ritual, without any fail and regardless of any obstacles, always happens in the middle of the arc on the last day of Saun (246th trial in one arc). With the temple being near water and incorporated into the vegetation surrounding the shore, coupled with the heat, the air is humid and heavy. Hence, the anchorite, be it a man or a woman, tends to perform the ritual with as little clothing as possible whilst still remaining decent. It has no religious significance. It is just a matter of convenience.

The ritual starts at the first break after the sunrise. Before then, the anchorite goes through cleansing rituals in the body of water behind the temple. At the first break after sunrise, the anchorite moves to the front of the temple all the way to the edge of the water where fish are already gathered in hopes of stray bits of food falling into their gaping mouths. The anchorite disregards them, descending into their midst until the water reaches the waist. With arms stretched out to the sides as if offering one’s self to the mercy of the Immortals, the anchorite starts intoning words that everyone considers sacred words, almost a prayer of the greeting kind. It is to make the Immortals aware that they are going to be honoured, today in particular. The audience either stands on the shore, or some can choose to enter the water as well, but never did it happen that anyone would go further than the anchorite is , because he, or she, is the one who leads the ritual. The recitation usually last for half a break after which, those in the water return onto the shore.

The rest of the day is filled with similar actions but performed inside the temple. The anchorite retreats inside to sit cross-legged in front of the unique statue, intoning more of the sacred texts. Groups of people enter in intervals. Up to seventy people can fit inside the hall sitting in the same manner, but they are touching knee to knee with their neighbour. Oftentimes, attending just one of those intonations is considered enough by the locals or those who are familiar with the proceedings. However, the anchorite performs them all, with a break for food at mid-trial and shorter breaks in between each intonation. Occasionally, people stay for more than one intonation. However, due to the spatial constraints, not everyone is able to attend the recitals inside the hall. Due to that, it is common to find those who can’t fit in, and can’t wait, or prefer the outdoors, to sit cross-legged all over the place, either quietly meditating or reciting the words they have memorised.
The Mystery of the Anchorite
Only those who have lived long enough are able to pinpoint the oddity about the anchorite. Those whose skin is already wrinkled and teeth are starting to fall out would be able to tell you how strange it is that there is always someone at the temple. Why? There are no formal links to other religious bodies from which an anchorite could come; no connection to a family which would own the temple; nor any other trace why a stranger would take over a temple. Yet, somehow, there is always one and every so often, just at the life expectancy of a person, new anchorite comes along and assumes the role. There are theories that perhaps there is a family hiding away at the temple. After all, the back of the temple is strictly off limits and no one really dares to trespass. Some more outragoues theories suggest that an Yludih has taken over. However, these theories dont't stand their grounds very well as the anchorites have been of various races and both genders.


Name: Josara
Age: 35 arcs
Race: Biqaj
Title: Anchorite
Language: Common
Skills: Discipline, Agriculture, Meditation, Singing
Other information: No one really knows when Josara took over the temple, or where she came from. One day, she just stepped outside of the main hall and performed the High Seas, Low Skies and everyone somewhat accepted the fact that she was the new person in charge of the Northern Temple. She mainly keeps to herself. So that doesn’t help others knowing much about her either.

Price List

The temple has no price list as it doesn’t sell anything. It lives of the constant influx of sacrifices to the gods.
Note about moderator approval here.
Thank you for your submission! ~ Jade
Last edited by Finn on Tue Oct 04, 2016 8:06 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 1254
Favourite quote:
They do not yet understand the purpose of forgiveness. It is not to spare wrongdoers a punishment they deserve. It is to spare the injured ones the ongoing pain they do not.

~ Ymiden
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[Ne'haer] Development and Requests Thread

The Coliseum
The Coliseum is most definitely one of the landmarks of Ne'haer. It was built shortly after the city's wall, in the 500th arc. It was created with the goal of providing entertainment to the citizens of Ne'haer, mostly by watching incredible fights which often led to death and betting on the winners. People have been known to cheat the system wince it was made, just by having insight into which of the combatants was the most prepared one, and then betting everyone possible that the most likely winner would in fact take the victory. Still, even for folks that do not enjoy throwing their money at the suicide mission enthusiasts, watching the fights can be a thrill by itself. The best and most confident of fighters in all of Ne'haer and the region come to fight in the events that happen once every season, usually near the end. Once every arc, a larger event is held, usually in Ashan, which invites every man with a wish to earn some money to fight in the grand tournament. During the tournament, combatants are placed in groups of 5, and the number of groups depends on the number of participants. The winner and/or survivor from each of the group then go one on one with each other, until only 2 remain. When the final two are selected from the winners, the tournament takes a break of five trials to ensure both of them are going to be starting the battle on even terms. In every stage, every combatant has the right to fight with any weapon available at the Coliseum. Nobody is allowed to bring in their own weapons, because that would make the fights in favor of those with the most money. Armor is handled the same way, and each combatant can choose a set of light (leather), medium (chain mail) or heavy (plate) armor. All armor and weapons are of the same quality and made by the same blackmsmith with the same material. If there is one thing that the Coliseum holds closely to, that thing would be fair play. It has been known in several occasions that a person cheated to get to the rank they got to during the fights, or the tournament, and whenever discovered of cheating, every individual, no matter the status or ranking, will be imprisoned within the Coliseum and forced to fight his or her way to freedom with low level equipment. The Council has yet to disagree with the Coliseum personnel on this rule, as they also believe in the fair play behind the fights, seeing how most who enter lose their lives.

The arena within the Coliseum is 300 feet long and around 165 feet wide, while with all of the seating and storage rooms, it is 400 feet long and 250 feet wide. The ground on the arena is always filled with sand, so that no fight during a season can be in different conditions than in any other season, except for the weather. The arena has 13 gates total, from which 11 lead to cage-like rooms in which fighters, in some cases even beasts were stored. The other 2 lead to storage units, which contain all of the equipment available to the combatants. The seating has 11 floors, with each floor being able to contain approximately 5 thousand people. The floors are divided into 3 categories, based on the experience. The floors closest to the arena and the highest priced and valued, as people sitting in them can see everything that is going on between the combatants without issues. The first 5 floors are in this category, and they all have separate seats for every viewer. Whenever a Councilor of Minaih, an Immortal, or any of the Masters of the Coliseum are seated, they will get places in the first floor, no matter what. The second category contains floors from the 5th to the 8th, and these have benches with walls being the only thing someone can lean on. In these seats most often are found citizens of the middle class, the ones that have just enough money for themselves. The third category has the last three floors in it, and it has no seats for the viewers in it. However, this category is almost always completely filled, seeing how cheap it is to buy a "seat". Here are often found the people that just adore watching the events, and yet don't have enough money to watch them from anywhere closer to the arena. The third seating category is also the one where the most gambling takes place, as well as the first one, because the latter is filled with people with money to spend, and the 3rd category is filled with people that love spending money on the events, even if that led to them getting in serious debt.


Name: Johan Strawd
Created by: Aeon
Race: Mixed (Human/Biqaj)
Age: 38
Born: 1st of Ashan, arc 668
Title: Grand Master of the Coliseum
Blessings/Curses: Taithir - Adored
Skills: Blades: Shortsword (Dual wielding) - Master, Intimidation - Expert, Endurance - Competent, Discipline - Competent
Other Information:Johan used to be in Ne'haer military, protecting the city and fighting for it's glory, until one day he decided to try out at one of the events at the Coliseum. After beating every one of his opponents with ease, he was offered a spot as one of the overseers and trainers, a master of the Coliseum. As he had always been of the free spirit, and the military had disciplined him to madness, he accepted the position and remained at the Coliseum. Slowly progressing as his mentors retired or died, Johan earned the title of Grand Master of the Coliseum, becoming the true ruler of the large building.

Johan believes in fair play and the right of freedom, and so he will punish cheaters with all of his might and strength with no regards for the consequences. He believes that everyone can be a fighter, if they believe in themselves, and work hard for it. He gladly accepts anyone with any skill in any weapon into the fights at the Coliseum, so long as they behave during the fights. What his fighters do once outside of the place doesn't concern him, unless their actions directly affect the events at the Coliseum.

Awards list

Price for entering any of the events that happen each season is 25gn per person.
Achieving first place in one of the events earns you 100gn, the second place 75, and the third earns you 50gn.

Price for entering the Grand Tournament in Ashan is 100gn per person.
Achieving the first place in the tournament earns you a 300gn award, if you achieve second place, you earn 250, while at third place you earn 200gn. That is if you survive until the end. If you have reached one of the first places but died in your final fight, the money will be split, half of it going to your family and the other half to the Coliseum. If you survive the entire tournament and yet don't achieve any of the first places, you will be awarded a consolation prize of 50gn, covering half of the amount you paid to get in.


1st to 5th floor of seats for seasonal event - 10gn
5th to 8th floor of seats for seasonal event - 5gn
8th to 11th floor of seats for seasonal event - 3gn

1st to 5th floor of seats for the Grand Tournament - 50gn
5th to 8th floor of seats for the Grand Tournament - 30gn
8th to 11th floor of seats for the Grand Tournament - 15gn

Each season, a new ticket is necessary to be able to watch the show. Once you buy a ticket for the Grand Tournament, you can watch any round and any match during that arc's tournament.
All players are free to use the NPCs here mentioned without moderator approval if writing about the location. If you are writing about one of the fights, you should PM a local Prophet to let them know, and to make sure the events during that season haven't already happened at some other time. For the Grand Tournament, Moderator approval and/or a Moderated thread is a MUST.
Thank you for your submission! ~ Jade
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[Ne'haer] Development and Requests Thread

Name:Miss Flora Emery Langham
Race: Tunawa
Age: 23rd of Ymiden of Arc 691
Title: freelance Seamstress
Blessings/Curses: none
Languages: Common (fluent) Tree talk (fluent) Xanthea (Conversational)
Skills: Sewing 51, Cosmology 35, Etiquette 40, Dance 30
Other Information: Flora’s original name was kutunga, before she was captured and purchased by a wealthy business owner in Andaris. Flora was given as a birthday present to the business owners daughter Meredith, Who treated the Tunawa as a pet and doll. Flora slowly became accustomed to being given extravagant clothing and fed the best food a Tunawa could ask for. Her old life quickly became a blur and Flora accepted the doll house made for her as her new home.

On a family trip to Ne’haer during the 701st Ark, Meredith made the mistake of bringing Flora with her. The Tunawa was forcibly freed from her master and left to fend for herself. The sudden change in life style was a particularly difficult one for Flora to take, since she had never had to work for anything in her life. Flora eventually taught herself how to sew and did her best to recreate the beautiful dresses she was given in the past. She had to work at the finer details for many years but she was able to find create beautiful garments in her own style. These dresses caught attention as she flew around town on her pet dove named Pearl.

Flora considers herself a lady and demands respect. She can be polite and sweet but she has little tolerance for what she considers rude behaviour. The poor Tunawa still holds out for the day Meredith will come rescue her and gets upset if she hears otherwise.
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[Ne'haer] Development and Requests Thread

Name: Axel Phelps
Created by: Avrae Kyric
Race: Human
Age: 59 Arcs
Born: Saun 18th, 657 Arc
Title: None.
Pickpocketing - 10
Blades: Longsword - 25
Torture - 30
Lockpicking - 10
Construction - 10
Total: 85
Other Information: Axel Phelps is a wanted criminal, mostly for kidnapping, torture, and racism related crimes. His most recent deed was an Avriel boy. Axel abducted him, tore his wings off and scarred his face from torturous mutilation. Held as a slave in Athart for much of his life, he has a deep resentment towards the Avriel, and extremely Sadistic and Psychopathic tendencies. He has a bounty out on him right now, and is in hiding in the areas around Ne'haer.
and added to the NPC directory! Thanks!
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[Ne'haer] Development and Requests Thread

Name: Elissu
Race: Tunawa
Age: A Mystery but she appears very old
Title: Prankster/Wise Tunawa
Blessings/Curses: Loshova (favored)
Languages: Common (Broken) Tree talk (fluent) Xanthea (Fluent)
Skills: Poison 30, Medicine 30, Acting 30, Pick Pocketing 30, Deception 30, Field Craft 30, Meditation 51, Trap Making 45, Story telling 30, Stealth 30.
Other Information: Like many of the Tunawa in Ne’hear, Elissu was once a slave. She chooses to move past it however and instead puts most of her focus on the fine art of pranking. If something bizarre happens to you, it’s very likely Elissu is holding in her giggles nearby. The mischievous Tunawa doesn’t mean any harm, she just thinks people need to lighten up.

Beyond being a tiny hellion, Elissu is very wise in her old age and is always willing to dispense advice. If an individual is willing to handle her odd sense of humour, she will help people out with any problem they have.

She rides an irritable Goose named Duk Duk.
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[Ne'haer] Development and Requests Thread

Auminah's Stables & Mount Gear
Anuminah’s Stables and Mount Gear can be found just outside the town gates on a large plot of pastured land. The facility is well maintained - sturdy white fences surround the training yard, stables, and grazing pastures. Large wooden statues of animals grace the opening gates and many more can be found throughout the stables and pasture land. Massive oak trees provide a measure of shade as visitors enter through the main gates. The stables and small shop are the focal point of Anuminah’s business and she proudly maintains a large selection of horse tack, armor, and feed.

The shop and stables are both made of study pine boards and a thick tin roofs. The smell of hay, oats, and horses permeates the air surrounding the stables, while the sounds of neighing horses and braying donkeys complements the melody of swaying oak branches. Anuminah’s is never without motion - stable hands are constantly mucking out stalls and can often be seen leading the horses to and from the grazing pasture.

The interior of the shop is meticulously organized - feed and general tack are lined up along pegs on the western wall. Mount armor is displayed on wooden mannequins along the eastern wall. In the middle of all the chaos, Anuminah’s husband, Leadorel, can be seen tallying purchases and writing down the current stock of mounts that the business has for sale. Leadorel is more than happy to help any confused customers by explaining the function of each piece of equipment.

Anuminah spends most of her time in the stables overlooking the health and training of the mounts within her care. She wears a large apron with pockets filled to the brim with apples, carrots, and sugar cubes. She is equally helpful to customers, though she often asks them a series of questions to ensure that her precious horses will be going to a good owner.


Name: Anuminah
Created by: Inali
Race: Sev’ryn
Age: 40 arcs
Born: Vhalar 18,
Title: None
Blessings/Curses: Loshova (Adored), Sevrath (Favored)

Animal Husbandry - 25
Animal Training - 50
Business Management - 10
Endurance - 15
Other Information: Anuminah is the proud owner of the stable and gear shop that shares her name. The majority of her life thus far has been spent travelling across Idalos with caravans. Her love of horses is apparent by the sheer joy that radiates from whenever she is near them. While she works from the time the sun rises until it sets, no one has ever heard her complain about the burden, and many Ne’haerians refuse to purchase their tack from any other merchant.


Name: Leadorel
Created by: Inali
Race: Human
Age: 45 arcs
Born: Zi’da 30, 671
Title: None

Business Management - 40
Woodcarving - 40
Teaching - 20

Other Information: Leadorel met Anuminah while he was travelling central Idalos. His first love is woodcarving, and many small animals decorate the fences and pastures around Anuminah’s land. Leadorel is the first to joke around about the hectic nature of managing a stable, but he maintains a jovial attitude throughout the stress and strain. He endeavors to spend more time with his daughter, Si’kail, though she is often out pursuing her own dreams.


Name: Si’kail/b]
Created by: Inali
Race: Mixed Blood
Age: 20 arcs
Born: Zi’da 15, 696
Title: None
Blessings/Curses:Loshova (Favored)
Animal Training - 30
Storytelling - 25
Painting - 15
Woodcarving - 25
Other Information: Si’kail is the passionate only child of Anuminah and Leadorel. While Anuminah tried to share her love of animal training and husbandry with her daughter, Si’kail was far more likely to spend her days in the streets of Ne’haer. She fancies herself an artist and a bard and promises her family (and all those who would listen) that she will travel to Rynmere to make entertain the nobility. While her family does their best to calm her ambitions, Si’kail’s passionate arguments and independent streak often still their arguments.


Foal (Donkey) - 10gn
Horse - 50gn
Thorned Horse - 150gn

Note: The above prices are for untrained mounts. To obtain the price of a trained mount, double the listed cost.

Exotic Mounts

Mergala Equestor - 400gn
Bruxen - 600gn

Note: For the safety of the citizenry, the above mounts can only be purchased fully trained. The listed prices reflect the cost of training these spirited mounts!

Mount Armor

Chanfron (face) - 10gn
Criniere (neck) - 10gn
Croupiere (hind quarters) - 15gn
Flanchard (flank) - 20gn
Petral (chest) - 20gn
Caparisons (body) - 10gn
Full normal set of horse armor (includes all of the above) - 85gn
Full good set of horse armor (includes all of the above) - 170gn

Note: Please consult the price list for modifiers to buy single pieces of armor. Due to their rarity, extravagant and masterwork horse armor requests must be made to a local prophet.

Riding Gear

Lead Rope - 2gn
Bit - 4gn
Halter - 6gn
Leather/Chain Reins - 8/10gn
Harness - 20gn
Crop - 3gn
Saddle - 25gn
Horned Saddle - 35gn
Two seated Camel Saddle - 50gn
Rope Bridle - 5gn
Rope Halter - 3gn
Saddle Blanket: Small/large - 10/15gn
Saddle Bag: Small/large - 6/12gn
Spurs - 4gn

Note: Brushes, hoof picks, and other ‘mount care/maintenance’ items can be purchased at Zuroni’s Animal Care and Sanctuary


Hay (small square bale) - 5sn
Hay (large round bale) - 1gn, 5sn
Concentrate, five pounds (pre-mixed barley, oats, corn) - 2gn
Salt block (small, 16 oz) - 1gn, 6sn
Salt block (large, 5 lbs) - 3gn
Sugar cubes (5 lb sack) - 3gn
Apples (bag of 15) 4sn
Carrots (bag of 15) 6sn

This location can be self-moderated. Any requests to purchase rare mounts that are native to other regions of Idalos must be run by a prophet.

Thank you for your submission! ~ Jade
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[Ne'haer] Development and Requests Thread

Western Temple

Western Ne'haer
Immortals Worshiped

Vri, Pier & Pre
The temple is found in the Western part of Ne'haer. It is a structure build from dark stones giving away a sombre feel. Its dedication is to Vri, the Immortal who looks after the dead, might have been an inspiration for the down to earth design. Yet, the peculiarity of this temple sits within the fact that it has been built up on an artificially raised plot of land. Anyone who arrives needs to first ascend a set of stairs in between small terraces planted with red flowers and grass that contrasts starkly against the stones. At set intervals, there are also smaller statues of no defined gender or specific features. Those are placed in the middle and edge of each terrace. Some say those are the guardians of the temple and the souls who come to depart within its perimeter.

Past the ‘gate’ (two pillars, one on each side of the stairs) at the top of the stairs, one is presented with open space area where the architecture is even more unique. The building stones have been carved and stacked atop of one another so that often they give away the illusion of swaying against a cloudy sky. Yes, the shapes might be gently curved. The courtyard itself is spacious but almost void of buildings. In total, there are only two buildings which are connected by a closed off corridor - Cleansing Hall and Parting Hall.

Since the Western Temple is mainly used as a site for funerals, it is not missing its own graveyard which stretches along the furthest side of the courtyard, behind the halls and like arms to embrace it runs in a semi circle to the left and right. However, most importantly, the temple implements its own funerary rites.

Cleansing Hall
Cleansing Hall is strictly off limits at all times to those who do not work at the temple. It is a small dark building where the body of the dead is cleansed. There is only one simple table on which a body would be laid. Furrows along the bottom of the table direct the water to either of the four drains, each in one corner. Along the two longer walls, there is a long table which has no legs and seems to be directly part of the construction. On top of it, various tools are laid that are used by the Preparators.

Parting Hall
Parting Hall is used for funeral proceedings. It is much larger than Cleansing Hall, capable of housing up to hundred seated citizens. The body is lead on an altar at the centre of the hall. The benches then surround it in a perfect square that fans out towards the walls. Once again, the benches appear to be a direct part of the building and cannot be moved. It is not the most comfortable of halls, especially for the consistent breeze coming through. Reason being that the hall has thin slits in the walls through which cold air can come it. It works as a ventilation through any time of the year so that the odour from the dead is not too oppressing. However, due to those slits, the halls is lacking any windows and needs to be constantly lit with candles.

The Passage of the Just
The Passage of the Just is more a cavern underneath the premises of the temple, than an actual building. There is this notion of journeying, however, tied to the place. First and foremost, within this cavern Pier & Pre are worshipped. As dark and unwelcoming as the idea of cavern might be, this one is perhaps the most astonishing of them all, and certainly not claustrophobic. Whilst not large, the cavern has a high ceiling, it’s walls are more grainy than rough, hinting on manual labour that has come into carving it out. Instead of the black decor of the Halls above, the cavern carries a calming shade of gray. What rids the place of its confined presumptions is the Lucien Feather that grows along the floor, concentrated around the edges and certainly at the back of the cavern.

Anyone is able to recognise that the cavern is dedicated to Pier & Pre because from within the concentration of the Lucien Feather at the further side of the cavern, there are two perfect circles interlocking amidst their growth. Those are the same black as the rest of the temple and stand out stark in the light of the flower, even more so that in the middle of each circle stands a singular candle.

As for the notion of Passage, one has to walk through the graveyard first to arrive at the Gate of Descension. The Gate is located in no particularly important spot but it marks the entrance to the tunnel that leads towards the cavern. The tunnel itself isn’t long. However, for those coming for the first time, it might feel rather uncomfortable. It is because, once you enter, you are enveloped by near darkness and have to lay your fingers on the carved wall to guide yourself forth. It most certainly is a psychological trick, because in darkness we are faced with nothing else but ourselves and our minds. As one progresses through that passage, a soft glow will then start to caress the floor and walls until the first blooms of Lucien Feather appear. The emergence from the tunnel is almost ecstatic to some as the might feel a particularly strong sense of deliverance.

Pier & Pre are frequented just as the Immortal of Oaths is. However, these twin Immortals are favoured by those who got on the wrong side of the law, as well as those with vengeance troubling their heart. Some even believe that those with not entirely lawful past and yet to be caught by the law come here to mock the Immortals. Some even say that somewhere within the Passage, or the cavern itself, there is a secret entry from the underground tunnels, used by the low life who disrespect Pier and Pre.
Funerary Rites
  1. Cleansing - Once the temple is made aware of a departed mortal and their relatives submit a request for a funeral, the temple transports the body from its holdings into the temple's cleansing hall. Cleansing is a part of the funeral during which acolytes of Vri care for the body. It can involve as simple things as washing the body, or as complicated matter as removing organs if it has not been done yet. Aside from body washing, the Cleansing also involves incense burning. Usually it is that of the Tus tree. Acolytes humming words to themselves is also rather common as they are reciting words which are meant to prepare the soul for leaving. The last step of cleansing is rubbing a scented oil into the body. Not only to further eradicate the potential unpleasant odours, but also to prevent further smells from spreading during Departure.
  2. Parting - After cleansing, the body is moved through a closed off corridor into the Parting Hall, where the formal and public service takes place. There are no speeches done. It is said that further words would distract the soul from its journey. On the other hand, no one wants to put the mourning family, or friends through further hardships of having to deliver monologues about those they loved and they themselves need to find peace to part with them.
  3. Departure - Departure is the moment when the deceased is set alight on the altar. That is, if those paying for the funeral wish for it. If they do, the oil that has been previously rubbed into the skin functions as a spark for the flame and helps it spread whilst not oppressing the onlookers with the smell of burning meat. Many say that the walls of the Western Temple are black precisely for the fact the bodies are burnt on the premises. After the burning has finished (it is not required for the onlookers to stay for the entire duration; oftentimes, once the body is set alight, many leave unable to bear the sight), the presiding attendant gathers the burn remains into a chosen urn to be then deposited at a family, or brand new grave.
    However, there are instances when it is requested to bury the dead in a coffin. In which case, the price rises and once the Parting has finished, the body is transferred into the coffin and taken to its grave. It is up to the gathered citizens then whether they would like to follow or not.
  4. Remembrance - Remembrance is not a set part of the rite. It is the action of those left alive who come to remember the ones they’ve lost.
Note: I might not be entirely correct with the rites dependent on the perception of death in Idalos. So if there is something odd, missing, or wrong, I will happily correct to make it more fitting.


Name: Wa Rakuli Thietran
Race: Mixed race (human, Qi’ora)
Age: 68 arcs
Title: Presiding Attendant
Languages: Common, Umaya
Skills: Business Management, Medicine, Discipline, Rhetoric
Other Information: Rakuli looks younger than he is, as is the nature of Qi’ora. He has grown in the hotlands before travelling to explore the world and finding himself in Ne’haer one day. He has always been an extreme hard-worker. However, as he arrived within the city, he suddenly found himself without a coin to pay for his travel back home. He took odd jobs here and there, even worked at the Western Temple. The temple then was in disarray. The Presiding Attendant of that time a greedy man who robbed those in need of their money and delivered an extremely poor service. Ask Rakuli how he ended up being the Presiding Attendant and he will look just as surprised as you. “It just happened one day.”
Note: The temple does not employ as per say. It finds its manpower within the lay acolytes and those who are desperate for coin to care for the dead. Rakuli is present at the temple every day and it is perhaps thanks to him that there is at least another knowledgeable follower of Vri who can recite the texts.

Price List

Basic Funeral (Cleansing, Parting, Burning, Plain Urn)30gn
Funeral I. (Cleansing, Parting, Burning, Decorative Urn)50gn
Funeral II. (Cleansing, Parting, Coffin)70gn
Grave Space Allocation (if no family grave)5gn
Cleansed Study Subject10gn
Note: Dead beggars are burnt, their ashes stored without charge; sometimes bodies can be just cleansed and then passed to students of medicine, or the medicine department that pays for them.
Note about moderator approval here.
Last edited by Finn on Thu Oct 13, 2016 8:20 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 1784
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They do not yet understand the purpose of forgiveness. It is not to spare wrongdoers a punishment they deserve. It is to spare the injured ones the ongoing pain they do not.

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