Review Requests 2.2.6

For completed review request threads only.

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Review Requests 2.2.6

Peer Review Requests

Standing Trials TOU: You should, at minimum, be posting 250 words per post.

Threads: There is no minimum word count, however, we feel that 1500 is a worthwhile number to strive for, for each participant. That said, we will not be hard enforcing word count. Individuals found abusing this system in order to powerplay will be dealt with accordingly, as individuals.

Solos: You may choose 6 Skill Knowledge from your thread. For every post made after the first page, you gain additional skill knowledge for a maximum of 15 total skill knowledge. Auto 10 points upon completion no matter what.

Collaboration Threads: You may usually choose 8 Skill Knowledge from your thread after you've made a total of 3 posts. In most cases, this is the minimum. However, if the evidence of collaboration is strong enough, then a Peer Reviewer may award Collaboration Knowledge for less posts. If you feel this applies to you, identify the "additional" knowledge in your review and put forward a brief (one or two sentence) justification. For every post made after three, you gain an additional skill knowledge. Auto 15 points upon completion no matter what.

Abandoned Collaboration Threads: Sometimes a collaboration doesn't work out. If one of your partners is absent for a length of time or loses inspiration, or the thread itself becomes non-canon you can submit a thread as abandoned. When an abandoned thread is graded, all participants are entitled to full knowledge and XP awards. If your thread does not meet the criteria for a collaboration's full rewards (outlined above) while you will still be given xp credit of a collaboration, you may only claim knowledge awards as if it were solo thread.

Moderated Threads: Final rewards are up to the moderator's discretion.

Overall, moderators and peer reviewers have the right to deny or modify knowledge given if they feel you're attempting to abuse the system. If claiming maximum numbers of knowledge, players may not dump the entirety of their skill knowledge into one skill.

Any participant of a thread may submit for their own rewards. However, as long as you get permission from all participants within the thread, you may also request for your partner(s) rewards as well. Please indicate that you received approval from your partner to post their rewards for them in your request.

Roleplay Standards and Rules: 'As reviewers, it's our job to ensure that roleplay standards are upheld, such as playing to skill level. Those posting threads for review must identify skills used, skill levels, for the feats they are accomplishing. Reviewers should compare skill levels versus the poster's feats. If they do not match, reviewers may deny the review request until the player(s) fix the issues within the thread. Until then, the reviewer should mark the player's request as not approved. They are instead to identify the issue with the thread, message the player on the site, and review the players within the thread who have adhered to standards. Then they can move on to the next review if they wish.'

Wealth Points and Rewards: Once the seasonal Wealth Thread has been completed, players may request WP from other threads so long as they take place in that season and the PC is gaining additional wealth via IC means. The maximum per additional thread is 1 WP

Peer Reviewers may deny this request, and can only approve up to 1 WP.

Prophets reviewing modded threads may approve more than that, specific to the event and/or city-based approval.

Please note, this does not apply to business threads and the like, which have their own system for the acquisition of wealth points. If claiming Wealth points for a business thread, please note in the request and provide appropriate links to relevant information.

Code: Select all

[style=max-width: 700px; border-radius: 10px;background-color: #222222; padding:30px; margin-top:30px; margin-bottom:30px; margin: auto; box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 0px #585858; font-size: 1.25em; line-height: 1.25em; color: #cfcfcf;text-align:justify;][center][b][font size=150]Rewards Requested[/font][/b][/center]
[b]Thread Name:[/b] (Name with link included)
[b]City/Area:[/b] (Where is this taken place in?)
[b]Notes/Warnings:[/b] (Any Notes or warnings? Violence?)
[b]Skills Used:[/b] ex. Combat: Blades. Currently Competent (26 XP, 50 knowledge). 

[b]Requested Rewards:[/b] 
Knowledge: (A list of knowledge)
Loot: (If applicable)
Injuries/Overstepping: (If applicable)
Renown: (how much and for what?)
Wealth Points: (how many and for what?)  
- If you are claiming Wealth Points, please link to your Wealth Thread for this season, as Wealth Points can not be awarded before this is completed: 
Collaboration: (Yes/No)
Magic Experience?: (Yes/No) 
If your work has been reviewed please edit your request to include one of the buttons below!

A - C


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 [center] [img] /gallery/image/20447/medium [/img] [/center] 

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J - L


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M - O


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P - R


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Pig Boy

Code: Select all



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S - Z


Code: Select all

If the person reviewing your thread does not have a stamp above, then just use this!


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word count: 1108
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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Re: Review Requests 2.2.6

Rewards Requested

Thread Name: Servire et Tueri
City/Area: Rharne
Notes/Warnings: Medical stuffs

Skills Used:

Medicine (GM)
Surgery (Expert)
Psychology (Expert)
Teaching (Novice)
Leadership (Competent)

Requested Rewards:
Teaching x4
Psychology x2
Logistics x1
Leadership x1

Injuries/Overstepping: Reviewer's Discretion
Reviewer's Discretion

Skills Used:

Medicine (Novice)
Detection (Master)
Discipline (Expert)
Psychology (Expert)
Etiquette (Competent)
Caregiving (Competent)
Socialization (Competent)

Requested Rewards:
Medicine - What and how you eat can affect your health
Medicine - Upset stomachs don't have a cure, treat symptoms instead
Medicine - If a patient is vomiting or has diarrhea, keep them hydrated
Medicine - Pour alcohol over a cut to clean it.
Medicine - All cuts will heal on their own without stitches
Medicine - Stitches reduce scaring and help keep wound clean
Medicine - Depth of cut is determining factor for stitches
Medicine - Closed broken bones - without blood - keep bone stable
Medicine - Setting a bone
Medicine - Sometimes broken bones cause splitters that need professional help to sort.
Medicine - Self-diagnosis is not helpful
Psychology - Ill people often lie about their symptoms because of embarrassment or pride

Loot: Basic Order Medical Supply Bag (given by Genna) " “This is the bag we give new members of the order. It has all the basics supplies and understanding each component of the bag will help you treat most basics needs.”
Injuries/Overstepping: Reviewer's Discretion
Reviewer's Discretion
Collaboration: Yes

Last edited by Elisabeth Black on Sat May 29, 2021 4:32 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 232
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Re: Review Requests 2.2.6

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Rag Time
City/Area: Rharne, Barrel Pot
Notes/Warnings: Language, not much else but some cheating at cards.
Requested Rewards:
Deception: Hiding cards up one's sleeve.
Deception: Cheating at cards is hard when you have many eyes upon you.
Etiquette: Refusing a brawl in Rharne can brand one a pariah.
Linguistics: Telling context clues to determine the meaning of a spoken word.
Linguistics: Common Language: No means Não
Linguistics: There's more to language than just phonetics.

Skills Used:
Novice: Deception, Etiquette, Linguistics, Detection.
Competent: Acting, Endurance, Seduction.
Loot: -
Injuries/Overstepping: Reviewer's Discretion
Renown: Reviewer's Discretion
Wealth Points: -1 wp for leaving his wager at the table.
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience?: No

word count: 122
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Re: Review Requests 2.2.6

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: ~~~~ Rule #4: Stick Together~~~~~~~
City/Area: Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: None
Requested Rewards:

Skills Used:
Teaching: Competent
Fieldcraft: GM
Medicine: Competent
Logistics: Novice.

Teaching: Think about how to deal with someone missing a previous class.
Teaching: The buddy system is helpful for students.
Teaching: Encourage questions and be clear you don't know everything.
Logistics: Planning by starting at the worst case scenario
Logistics: Pack essentials only.
Logistics: Think about whether a resource is needed in a crisis situation.

Wealth Points:
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience?: No
word count: 95

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Seira Shiryu
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Re: Review Requests 2.2.6

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Simple Things
City/Area: Rharne
Notes/Warnings: In this thread, Seira found five nekosani; an adult female and four kittens. While rescuing one of the kittens, she bonded to the mother. Seira is unaware that she has bonded to the mother Nekosani as of yet, but as the bond is developing, so does Lyra's (the mother Nekosani's) intelligence. And Seira has begun to notice that Lyra is smarter than normal for a cat in this thread. Here is the info on Nekosani. Per the mod note in the info, bonding to a Nekosani needs PSF approval if the bond takes less than a full cycle to form, but approval isn't needed to bond to a Nekosani as long as the bond forms over the course of a cycle.
Skills Used: Detection; Novice (2/250 exp, 7 knowledges), Medicine; Novice (10/250 exp, 31knowledges), Research; Novice (1/250 exp, 0 knowledges), Writing; Novice (4/250 exp, 7 knowledges)

Requested Rewards:
Skill Knowledges

Cooking; Ingredient: herbal syrups
Logistics: knowing how many supplies you have at all times will help prevent you from running out of them
Medicine; Herbal Remedy: herbal infused syrups are concentrated herbal teas that are preserved in either sugar or honey
Medicine; Herbal Remedy: how to make herbal syrups
Medicine; Herbs: uses of hyssop
Medicine; Herbs: uses of licorice root
Loot: none
Injuries/Overstepping: A headache and temporary blurred vision caused by her developing bond to Lyra
Renown: none
Wealth Points: none
Collaboration: no
Magic Experience?: no
Last edited by Seira Shiryu on Fri May 28, 2021 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 256
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Re: Review Requests 2.2.6

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: The Singing Tournament Round 2
City/Area: Scalvoristown
Notes/Warnings: Kalortah sabotages one of his competitors with a citrus and salty solution. It devastates her voice as it gets slipped into her drink.
Skills Used:

Novice: Tactics, Poisons.
Competent: Deception, Acting, Leadership, Discipline, Meditation, Psychology, Endurance.
Expert: Intimidation, Detection.
GM: Singing

Requested Rewards:

Deception: Telling your lackey a lie, in order to cover your wrong-doing.
Leadership: Using a lackey to do your dirty work.
Singing: x 4

Loot: Proceeding to the finals.
Injuries/Overstepping: none

Renown: 10 for advancing to the finals of the singing tournament.
Wealth Points: N/A

Collaboration: No
Magic Experience?: No

word count: 112
~ Image ~ Image
Kalortah is always under the effect of the Tarouz ability,

Eldyn Morose
Larza Impre
Flavius Erythrian
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Re: Review Requests 2.2.6

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: ~~~~ Searching for Hope ~~~~~~
City/Area: Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: There's discussion of trauma and abuse. Vega is rude.
Requested Rewards:

Skills Used:
Fieldcraft: GM
Medicine: Competent
Logistics: Novice.
Leadership: GM
Caregiving: Novice
Intimidation : Competent

Knowledge: (12)
Caregiving: Take care of basic needs first.
Caregiving: Challenging someone who's talking nonsense can help them realise they're talking it.
Caregiving: Can mean telling someone to sort themselves out.
Caregiving: Can be challenging a third party, when they're being negative about someone vulnerable
Medicine: Ginger is good for nausea
Medicine: Fennel is good for stomach stuff
Medicine: Chamomile and peppermint are good for nausea and calming.
Medicine: Catnip can be used to treat fevers, but shouldn't be taken by pregnant women
Medicine: Eucalyptus oil is good for easing pain and reducing inflammation, even though it's stinky.
Medicine: Elderberry syrup is good for treating colds and flu, and can be given to children
Medicine: Feverfew is good for colds and pain, and for increasing breast milk
Medicine: Rosemary oil eases pain relaxes muscles, and reduces inflammation

Loot: Although not individual loot - Isra (the NPC) and three other healers to be added to Hopetoun.
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Renown: Yes please, if appropriate.
Wealth Points: No
Collaboration: Yes
Magic Experience?: No


Skills Used
Detection; Competent (26/250 exp, 32 knowledges), Endurance; Competent (26/250, 43 knowledges), Medicine; Competent (26/250 exp, 25 knowledges)

Skill Knowledges (8 posts means 13 knowledges)
Alchemy: can be used to make items that can reverse the consequences of sacrifices made to powerful beings
Field Craft: blankets that have been wrapped around heated stones will keep you warm in cold weather
Medicine; Herb: Catnip can be used to treat fevers
Medicine; Herb: Catnip shouldn't be taken by pregnant women
Medicine; Herb: Eucalyptus oil is good for easing pain and reducing inflammation
Medicine; Herb: Elderberry syrup is good for treating colds and flu
Medicine; Herb: Elderberry syrup is safe for children
Medicine; Herb: Fennel is good for stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation and nausea
Medicine; Herb: Feverfew is good for treating fever, migraine headaches, toothaches, stomach pain, arthritis, and for increasing breast milk
Medicine; Herb: Lavender oil is used for pain relief, easing anxiety, and aiding sleep
Medicine; Herb: Morning's savior is a remedy for morning sickness
Medicine; Herb: Rosemary oil eases pain relaxes muscles, and reduces inflammation
Psychology: withdrawing from reality is a powerful coping mechanism, but it is also a trap

A renown item. Specifically this: An amulet. The chain and setting for the jewel is made out of Crystalline (tier 2), and Cobalt (tier 4). The cobalt used appears black, and the crystalline appears purple, giving it the appearance of being a very dark purple-black that can appear to be either dark purple or black depending on the lighting. And the cobalt lends its durability to the metal, making it a lot harder to break than crystalline alone would be. The jewel is a thumb length teardrop shaped labradorite (tier 7). This a local renown item with the following abilities: This amulet does two things. When the wearer closes their eyes and focuses on the amulet in silence for several trills, it acts as a mirror to the wearer's mind, reflecting images and memories that trouble the wearer (emotional trauma, fears, etc.). It also suppresses things that would prevent the wearer from dealing with whatever troubles them. This can be a feeling of shame or reluctance to seek help in dealing with their trauma, or in Ari'sora's case, the inability to recover from emotional trouble caused by a sacrifice she made. It goes a step further in that it gives its wearer the feeling that seeking help is the right thing to do. The amulet is unable to heal any kind of trauma itself, but it allows its wearer to recover from their trauma - whether naturally over time (in the case of insults and such), or by seeking help in some form.

Use: The amulet must be in contact with its wearer in order to work, but it must be attuned to its wearer in order to work. It takes three trials of wearing it constantly to attune itself to its wearer so it can work. Once this is done, it will do what it is intended to do. But if its owner stops wearing it for three trials or longer, it will need to be reattuned to its wearer before it will work for them again. The approval for the item is here

Also - she's been de-dweebed. ability is here
Last edited by Vega on Sat May 29, 2021 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 770

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: Review Requests 2.2.6

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: A Flower in the Sand
City/Area: Scalvoris/Faldrass
Notes/Warnings: An introspective/meditative solo. I only requested five knowledges on purpose. I couldn’t think of a sixth knowledge!
Skills Used: Master Meditation (155x/73k), Master Discipline (151x/74k), Master Detection (151x/71k)

Requested Rewards:
Detection: The sound of the ocean waves
Detection: The smell of Tempest Lilies
Meditation: Focusing on your breathing and your heartbeat helps
Meditation: Meditation can make your thoughts clearer
Meditation: Being in a place where you are comfortable helps you meditate

Loot: -
Injuries/Overstepping: -
Renown: -
Wealth Points: -
Collaboration: no
Magic Experience?: no
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Claimed for review
word count: 109





Worn Items

Ring of Reversal
Ring of Immunity
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Re: Review Requests 2.2.6

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: ~~~~ The Expedition: Lets Begin!~~~~~~
City/Area: Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: None
Requested Rewards:

Skills Used:
Fieldcraft: GM
Animal Husbandry: Competent
Leadership: GM
Detection: Master
Teaching: Competent

Animal Husbandry: When finding babies, look for the mother
Animal Husbandry: Keep small animals close to you.
Animal Husbandry: Newborns in a sling
Teaching: Field trips are a good way to put learning into action
Teaching: Explain tiny differences, even if people can't see them.
Teaching: Applying theory to practice can mean teaching by doing.

Loot: 1 x dinili adult corpse, 8 x baby dinili (dinili: here
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Renown: Yes please, if appropriate.
Wealth Points: No
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience?: No

 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Claimed for review
word count: 121

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: Review Requests 2.2.6

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: [Saoire Event 720]Alyssia and Woe
City/Area: Saoire's realm?
Notes/Warnings: none

Skills Used: GM: Psychology
Expert: Persuasion, Discipline, Meditation.
Competent: Etiquette, Detection, Deception, Resistance

Requested Rewards:
Knowledge: Psychology: x 5
Etiquette: x 2
Detection: x 1
Loot: Woe was gifted a bag of green sand which contained river rocks and green sand specks
Injuries/Overstepping: none
Renown: unknown
Wealth Points: none
Collaboration: Yes
Magic Experience?: No

Skills Used: Etiquette (Novice), Rhetoric(Novice), Discipline(Novice)

Requested Rewards:
Knowledge: Discipline: control your actions even when starving
Etiquette: dont eat too quickly
Rhetoric: apologizing for not having much to give
Rhetoric: inviting a new friend to eat
Woe: a kind man
Yalma: a Caudori

Loot: none
Injuries/Overstepping: none
Renown: unknown
Wealth Points: none
Collaboration: Yes
Magic Experience?: No
word count: 135
Locked Request an XP Review Claim Wealth Thread

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