[Ruin's Dawn] Sign Up.

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Re: [Ruin's Dawn] Sign Up.

Xander is signing up!

This PC likes the following Immortals: Ethelynda

Tell us a bit about the PC:
Xander is a mortalborn of Qylios although he is currently unaware of this and is only just starting to uncover some of his power very slowly and unexpectedly. He comes from Rynmere and for this reason he has a limited knowledge of magic and immortals due to having followed Rynmere's unique ancestral religion for most of his life. The only immortal he has any real knowledge of is Ethelynda who's mark he bears. He is a father of three girls and a widower although he has recently begun to open his heart to another. He has become estranged from his homeland due to a multitude of reasons and as such currently resides in Rharne focusing on raising his children and keeping things afloat for his family.
Feeling on the Immortals?
Xander is mostly neutral towards the immortals, his knowledge of htem is limited and the only immortal he knows much of anything about is Ethelynda.
Good / bad / neutral?
Feeling on magic?
Unsure, historically magic has not been well liked in his homeland and as such he is not certain of how to view it.
Hit it or talk to it?
Both he is both a talkented politician and diplomat but also a formidable warrior so hes capable in both scenarios.
Run away or run towards?
Run towards.
Other PC accounts of mine.
A few but non that I actively play at this time or that will be part of this.
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Re: [Ruin's Dawn] Sign Up.

Unsigning from the event
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Re: [Ruin's Dawn] Sign Up.

This PC is signing up!

This PC likes the following Immortals: None

Tell us a bit about the PC: Jasper is a Melrath Aesir. He believes intently in the Spirits of the world. He is very much a farm boy kind of character who only enjoys the simple things in life. He is loyal to Melrath his family and friends.
Feeling on the Immortals? Cautious and suspicious of them but not set in stone.
Good / bad / neutral? Good
Feeling on magic? A useful tool to be controlled
Hit it or talk to it? Both based on the context.
Run away or run towards? Run towards

Other PC accounts of mine. Gennadiya
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Re: [Ruin's Dawn] Sign Up.

Last edited by Victor Amielle on Thu Jun 03, 2021 2:51 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1


Due to one of his Awakenings, Victor's eyes glow with a soft silver light.


Victor owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: [Ruin's Dawn] Sign Up.

Cad is signing up!

This PC likes the following Immortals: Aelig

Tell us a bit about the PC: He is a self-procliamed super villain, a novice in two forms of magic, and has an unlucky streak a mile wide.
Feeling on the Immortals: Bad
Feeling on magic: Good

Hit it or talk to it: Talk to it, because he isn't good at hititng.
Run away or run towards: Run very, very far away.

Other PC accounts of mine: Odd Mercuriavellie.
word count: 82
Quick Quirks

Yellow Eye

Cad's left eye is an unnatural yellow colour.


Cad's magic cape can change appearances at will.

Cold Body

Cad's body looks normal, but when touched feels cold and leathery.


Most monsters love Cad. Most animals hate him.
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Re: [Ruin's Dawn] Sign Up.

Nathan Wolfgang is signing up!

This PC likes the following Immortals: Raskalarn

Tell us a bit about the PC: Nathan is a deserter from Ironridge. He has been trying to make his and his fellow deserter's life more bearable after deserting. Ambitious, protective of his own, resourceful and flexible.

Feeling on the Immortals? Neutral & positive for most of them, except for Faldrun and his Aukari.

Good / bad / neutral? Mostly neutral, he could lean either way depending on the situation.

Feeling on magic? Wary.

Hit it or talk to it? Either, depending on the situation, time and place.

Run away or run towards? Either, depending on the situation, time and place.

Other PC accounts of mine: Axel, Nathan Van De Gucht, Nikolaus, Nox Cross, Stefan Lokhert (None are joining the event)
Last edited by Nathan Wolfgang on Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:02 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 131
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Re: [Ruin's Dawn] Sign Up.

Kalortah is signing up!

Kalortah likes the following Immortals: Delroth

Tell us a bit about Kalortah: An avriel follower of Delroth. He marries the avriel sense of superiority and arrogance with Tarouz vanity and greed. He's also the finest singer in all of Idalos.
Feeling on the Immortals? Delroth should rule them all.
Good / bad / neutral? Selfish.
Feeling on magic? Can't abide it in himself. Doesn't care if others wish to taint their souls.
Hit it or talk to it? Sing to it.
Run away or run towards? Fly.

Other PC accounts of mine: Woe
word count: 98
~ Image ~ Image
Kalortah is always under the effect of the Tarouz ability,

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Re: [Ruin's Dawn] Sign Up.

Arlo Creede is signing up!

This PC likes the following Immortals: Cassion, U'frek, Qylios, curious about Unity, Xiur

Tell us a bit about the PC:
Arlo is the mortalborn son of Cassion. He's married to Vega, they're expecting a child. He's storyteller, traveler and adventurer by nature. He's a great cook, acrobat, etc.
Feeling on the Immortals? He feels positive about some, others, not so much.
Good / bad / neutral? Good.
Feeling on magic? Mostly disinterested.
Hit it or talk to it? Depends?
Run away or run towards? Towards, for the most part.

Other PC accounts of mine. For this event, Padraig.
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Re: [Ruin's Dawn] Sign Up.

Padraig is signing up!

This PC likes the following Immortals: Famula, Qylios, Yvithia, Xiur, Treid

Tell us a bit about the PC:
Padraig is the mortalborn son of Famula, and is married, with kids, to Faith. He is a physicist (specializing in astrophysics), and alchemist. Former, retired, professor.
Feeling on the Immortals? Mixed feelings, although he despises Aelig in particular.
Good / bad / neutral? Good.
Feeling on magic? Doesn't care much for it.
Hit it or talk to it? Depends on the situation
Run away or run towards? Towards, unless a tactical withdrawal is called for.

Other PC accounts of mine. For this event, Arlo Creede.
Last edited by Padraig on Wed Jun 02, 2021 9:45 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 106
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Re: [Ruin's Dawn] Sign Up.

Mrs Padraig (aka: Faith) is signing up!

This PC likes the following Immortals: Famula, Moseke, Pier 'n' Pre, Vri, Treid - Karem. Most of 'em.

Tell us a bit about the PC:
Faith is a human chef, medic, philanthropist.
Feeling on the Immortals? Faith believes that to have an opinion on "the Immortals" is like having an opinion on "The Humans" - they're individual and unique and should be judged by their actions. She also thinks that they're trapped / enslaved.
Good / bad / neutral? Good.
Feeling on magic? Doesn't like it. Famula said so. :D
Hit it or talk to it? Depends on what "it" is. Mostly talk
Run away or run towards? Towards, every time.

Other PC accounts of mine. Vega and Perdita - neither are in the event.
word count: 128
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