[Hopetoun] Putting Down Roots

26th of Ashan 721

A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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[Hopetoun] Putting Down Roots

26th Ashan, 721
Hope Point.

That was the name of the place where they were going to put the beacon for Xiur. Vega had so many ideas for it, so many thoughts in her head about it. She was more than excited to speak to Sir Chip, she was positively buzzing with it. She'd sent a message with her cousin, asking Sir Chip if he'd come here and, while she was waiting for either her cousin to come back and say he couldn't find Sir Chip, or for her tunawa friend to arrive. It was Reese who found Sir Chip and he was polite, formal, and he spoke about gardening. Specifically asking questions about the many resources Vega had demanded and how to best grow them and use them and so on. He was a expertwell-informed and skilled gardener, but he was happy to get some level of consultation, of discussion. So, he chatted.

However, when they arrived, Vega turned and smiled. She was doing that more, she thought, just lately. Smiling. Was it the pregnancy? Was the baby growing inside her causing her all these emotions? Vega thought maybe. But also - there was a simple truth; she was happy here. Happy and she felt useful. It was a world away from Storm's Edge where she had not - not once - felt useful. It was like fighting a tidal wave by standing on the shore and shouting.

"Sir Chip!" Vega said. "I'm righ' sorry to bother you, but Xiur jus' came to visit me an' Doran, an'," she went into a full explanation then of what had happened and what Xiur had asked. "An' I've got some ideas." She tried, then, to describe the beaconImage she was visualising.

"An' I've been thinkin' that maybe we could make that central tree is a phoenix tree, Sir Chip," Vega said. "I've got seeds an' stuff, an' I was wonderin' if you might be able to grow the tree here, but like, all the way?" Vega looked at him and smiled. "If we can do this, it's goin' to be a miracle, Sir Chip, an' I figure that to make a miracle, it's got to be all of us pullin' together."

To her mind, that was basic and clear. If they all worked together then they could do this. It would work, she was sure of it. "Because I reckon this spot here is the right place." She looked at Kisaik with an expression of mixed worry and hope. "What do you reckon, Sir Chip? Do you think we can do i?"

Vega was never prone to caring about other people but Sir Chip was her friend and, as such, he was one of those rare people who mattered to her. So, she wanted to know if he could and would help. Because it needed everyone and his role was pivotal.
word count: 488

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Hopetoun] Putting Down Roots


It seemed the entire growth that Kisaik had spurred was becoming rather grumpy and temperamental. Much like Ataja, it had grown rather fast. Now, Kisaik had some ideas to ameliorate that, but he needed a decent singing voice to put it into effect. The first person who popped into his mind was, of course, Vega, with she having a well trained voice and being a musician. Reese had fetched him, and made his introduction, to which Kisaik doffed his cap and smiled at him. ”Well met, Reese! I am Sir Chip, Orange Knight of the Fairy Court! Now, let’s walk to where your sister is, this Hope Point.”

As they walked, Kisaik chimed in with some thoughts as to what would help the plants be less grumpy, and more generous. He felt they must be feeling some growing pains, from having grown so fast with little nurture in between. Because just as important to a plant’s wellbeing as sunlight, water, and rich soil, was the sound of nature’s children.

”So you see, we need to sing a chorus to this tree, as we grow it. If we want it to grow up big and strong and powerful enough to support any structure Lady Vega wishes to erect!” Kisaik thought to himself, yes that was it. The garden had been missing the sound of nature’s children, and the music of the forest. He would let Vega know immediately!

And wouldn’t you know, before long they’d walked right up to the cliff where Hope’s Point was to be. Kisaik brightened up, his ruptured eyes gleaming as they settled on Vega. ”Well met, Lady Vega. Let’s see here…”

Kisaik listened carefully to all she had to say, not interrupting or interjecting at any point but absorbing it all, nodding his head at most points, and tapping his chin at others which he wasn’t as sure of. He wasn’t knowledgeable about construction, but what he did know was plants. He was while under the flag of Vega’s a master gardener, as long as that remained his focus. And it was, given that there were no great threats to the settlement that needed vanquishing.

”A phoenix tree? That’s the one that’s resistant to fire? Fantastic! What a trait for a plant to have… If only I could transplant it’s bark to my own!” Of course, Kisaik considered that he could use alchemy with the Phoenix tree and the Charbark, but for now that could wait. He agreed with her reasoning, it did seem that a high point atop a cliff would be ideal for a Lighthouse of sorts. ”Pardon my saying so Lady Vega, but Faldrun’s Spire in Yaralon was also a lighthouse, and the tallest structure in that city. Until we grew the First Tree, of course…” Kisaik took no small amount of pleasure, overshadowing such a villainous Immortal with the aid of his friends and Moseke. ”I think this is the perfect spot, yes… Do you have the seeds we need?”

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Re: [Hopetoun] Putting Down Roots

26th Ashan, 721
Sir Chip was, of course, helpful. He was useful and thoughtful. He was insightful and more than that, he was clever. He spoke about Faldrun's Spire in Yaralon and Vega nodded. "Yeah, well, he were overcompensatin' for his teeny weeny an' lack of personality. I'm glad that our tree is goin' to be unlike him an' his spire in every way possible, since it will be functional, useful, an' pleasant to look at." She grinned at Sir Chip, cheerily. "Me? Daddy issues? No, why would anyone think that?" Chuckling at her own joke, Vega nodded.

Reese spoke, then. Checking if they needed him, and Vega shook her head. "I don't think so, no. Are you goin' back to your brothers to keep on?" He nodded and she returned the gesture. "I'll see you later, then." And she watched him walking away. "Sir Chip, I don't know how to tell you how grateful I am to you," Vega said, honestly. "I mean, you've always got this can-do attitude, an' I righ' like workin' with you."

With the slightest of frowns, she realised that she was - as she'd put it - well emotional. That was this pregnancy, she knew, but equally she had always been fond of Sir Chip. He asked if she had a seed, and she nodded, then shook her head. "Well, I've got this," she said, and she showed him. It was a very small sapling, sprouts coming from it, which her cousin had taken when first they'd discovered the Phoenix Trees. "Is that alright?" She waited to hear whether it was acceptable. "If not, they've been collectin' seeds an' stuff so that's fine." Vega knew that they had and that they had the resources needed, so she was happy with either.

"I were wonderin', Sir Chip," she said. "We're goin' to have this bit, at the top, what's like an observatory, I suppose. I don't know." She smiled - she could see it so very clearly, in her mind's eye. "An' I'd like to do somethin' special there, somethin' worthwhile an' meanin' ful, you know?" That was absolutely the case. "An' I know that it's a beacon of hope, but I wondered if you'd help me with somethin'?" She sat down and spoke to her friend - one of very few people in the world who she used that word for - and as she did Vega had an unusually serious expression on her face.

"I want to name it, Sir Chip, an' I want to name it after my mother-in-law." Vega smiled as she spoke, but she looked sad, too. "She were such a lovely woman, an' she adored Arlo. An' him, he adores her, too." She glanced out to the waves as they crashed against the shore. "Her name was Nella, an' she died real sudden. I'd like to name it for her. She was kind, an' fierce, an' such a lovely woman. I never had a mother, my mama died when I were born, an' my Papa raised me with his brother an' his brother's boys." Vega 's voice sounded far away as the memories washed over her. "I always envied him a bit, you know. His mother, missus Creede, she adored him somethin' fierce, an' he had a home what didn't travel the seas, an' he fitted in." With a smile, she turned back to look at her friend. "An' then, she died. An' I'd like to name this after her."

With a deep sigh, she paused a moment. Then, she continued. "An' I'd like to turn that room at the top into a place where we make jam," she said with a smile. "Peach an' pecan jam, which is Arlo's favourite an' she used to make it for him. An' I'll make the bannisters an' rails filled with images that are meanin'ful. But, Sir Chip, I don't know what to call it." Her voice was thick with emotion. "I want to do it right, by misses Creede, an' I don't want to do it wrong by her."

She shook her head, trying to shake out all the emotions. "So, what do you think? Can we make a place for makin' jams an' things up the top of the tree, in the observatory bit? An' what should we call it?" Always with the easy questions, she considered. That was her.
word count: 756

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Hopetoun] Putting Down Roots


”Action brings good fortune, Lady Vega! We won’t get anywhere if we don’t put our noses to the grindstone!” Kisaik said of her expression of enjoying working with him. ”And I think our collaboration will be magnificent! I’m glad to help around Hopetoun with you, and what luck that brought me here where you are!”

Kisaik went quiet as she suddenly seemed to have an emotion. He let her have her moment, and then watched as she produced a sapling of phoenix tree. Kisaik marvelled at its beauty. ”Oh! That will make this so much easier. Seeds can fail, but this young sapling has already begun to grow, and is perfectly viable! What a gift to be giving this young sapling a new lease on life… We will make sure that it grows big and tall.”

As Kisaik spoke, looking up at the sapling she’d brought, Vega would notice it’s leaves getting more vibrant as he spoke aloud to it. As if the mere presence of the tunawa granted it a measure of new life. Spring’s Bounty ensured that things that grew, such as plants, were revitalized by Kisaik’s mere presence. Faldrass would soon, possibly within a season or so, find itself awash in new life.

The tunawa listened as she described her plans to build an observatory at the tippy top of the beacon, someplace where people could live and work and maintain the beacon while making jams and stuff. She told him it was about her mother-in-law, who Kisaik took it was now passed. Vega confessed never to have known her own mother, which brought Kisaik back to his own circumstances, having been raised by his crazy grandfather.

Nevertheless, he waited for her to finish before saying anything. ”Yes, that sounds like a splendid idea, Vega. It will surely bring fortune to the tree to do honor to such a wonderful woman as you described. We’ll call the observatory and perhaps the tree itself Nella? Or the observatory Nella’s Delight?” Kisaik scratched his chin, he wasn’t sure if it was a good idea, or what. But he wanted to honor his friend’s wish to honor her mother-in-law.

”Yes, we can do that, I think. A phoenix tree can support quite a lot, I’m thinking, so it will be possible! We’ll want someone to take care of the place when it’s not occupied also, so having a place like Nella’s Delight sounds like a great idea.”

Kisaik wiped a sappy tear that had formed at the corner of his tiny eye, as he considered what Vega had told him. Nevertheless, they were happy tears, to bring honor to such a dear person to his friend. ”I wasn’t raised by my parents either, my mother and father were scared off by Aelig, who then drove my grandfather (who raised me) mad, before the Immortal left.”

Kisaik stretched his arm, enough to pat Vega’s hand by way of comforting her. ”It’s a good thing we aren’t alone now though, isn’t it?”
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Re: [Hopetoun] Putting Down Roots

26th Ashan, 721
She and Sir Chip had a very similar philosophy on life, Vega knew. Hard work brought rewards, getting on with it got it done. He said something very similar and Vega grinned. He was definitely good people, and she was glad to be his friend. She nodded in agreement. "We should be sure to thank that Faldrass potato plant, you know. I'm right pleased it got us together." That said, Vega remembered something and she smiled. "Oh, I made you this," she said, and handed him the small scarf of hope which she'd made for him. "I'm sorry it's not as good as I wanted it to be, but it will do the job, an' keep you warm an' hopeful."

She watched as the sapling seemed to get stronger there and then. Vega whistled under her breath. "You're well amazin' Sir Chip, you really are. It's like it can hear you, don't you think?" Vega was amazed that the small chap could achieve such large amounts. His potential and ability were disproportionate to his size, that was for sure. He liked the idea of the tree being functional and useful and Vega nodded as she listened to his reply. His understanding of what she was doing and why meant that he could give her an honest and genuine opinion. And he liked it. Vega smiled at him as he spoke of it being a good thing, a splendid thing. She tilted her head to one side and she said, honestly. "You know, Sir Chip, I've never really thought about plants an' trees in the way you do." She considered it carefully. "It's right interestin' it is." He spoke about plants and trees as though they were people and, since he was effectively made from wood himself, Vega figured that he knew more about it than her.

He told her, then, that Aelig had driven his grandfather mad and scared away his parents. Vega nodded and gently put her hand over his. "I think that friends," she said. "Real friends, that is, they're like family." She shrugged slightly. "I don't know Sir Chip, I don't claim to understand much of anythin' but I'm right sorry for what happened to your grandpa. " Vega frowned slightly. "Can he be helped? Is he still knockin' about? I could give him a chance to re-start, if you want. I don't know." She shook her head.

"Look at the pair of us, all emotion an' sap." She grinned and patted his hand. "Sir Chip, you make me hopeful, you do." Nodding towards the sapling, she asked quite seriously. "Did I hear Reese mumblin' about me singin' to it as he left? What's that all about then?"
word count: 469

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Hopetoun] Putting Down Roots


Kisaik was overjoyed at the gift, and accepted it with both arms, taking the scarf immediately and draping it around and beneath his gorget. The metal of the gorget was cold, but the scarf helped trammel himself against that chill. In addition, he felt himself very optimistic all of a sudden, more so than usual, as if anything and everything good was possible! He suddenly felt a rush of gratitude and happiness. Another sappy tear formed at the corner of his eye, but it was one of joy.

"Thank you so much! I'm glad you're my friend, and I daresay family?" He nodded, he was sure that's what she meant by saying that friends were the family one chose.

As the optimism filled him, his ephemeral emanations spread through the air, and anyone nearby would also feel some small second-hand emanation of optimism that was going through him right now.

Shoots and grass began growing out of the nearby earth, as he walked along, and directed her to put the sapling into the earth. He was sure to instruct her to place it deep enough that it would form really strong roots. He told her as much, as they were about their business.

Kisaik then looked up at her, as she mentioned his grandfather and how she might be able to help him. "That's amazing, I would send for him right away! Next courier will send word via the flutterbus to Desnind, and he'll be here before season's end! My squire is in Desnind right now, and he can bring him..."

Thus they came to the crux of the matter. The actual growing of the tree, and the necessity of singing to it. "You have a lovely voice, Lady Vega, and I wonder if you'd sing a song for this little sapling, as it grows? Speaking and singing to plants... I know must feel strange to tall folk, but there are spirits and deep-seeded feelings within trees. They don't always show it, but they do have feelings, after a fashion. And growing up so fast... I think with your voice, it will grow really strong and happy. Plants need that connection to the wind and the music of the world. Singing as it grows, that would help."

So, having said so, he nodded one last time, and summoned ataja out from behind his cloak. The small, twiggy spirit vined her way across the ground, and began hugging the Phoenix Tree. Kisaik sighed, breathing in and then out, and willed the diri to work its magic, as he fed his own mortalborn lifeforce as ephemera to the spirit. Thus, it began growing, fed by their connection and the Spiritual Cloak while nourished by Spring's Bounty.

Kisaik lifted his hands, and if Vega would sing, she would see the tree begin to dig its roots into the earth of the cliff, as its trunk began expanding, growing higher and higher over the next few bits.

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Re: [Hopetoun] Putting Down Roots

26th Ashan, 721
Sir Chip's reaction to the gift she gave him absolutely delighted Vega. When he spoke of her being his friend - and family - she nodded. "Yeah, that's right Sir Chip, so it is. But lets not have too many emotions, in case my head drops off." She looked at him and grinned. "It never has yes, but you know, it might." She was delighted, though - and even more so when he spoke of sending for his grandfather. Vega beamed a tooth-filled grin and nodded. "I can't wait to meet him." And that was, very simply, the truth.

"Singin' is one of my favourite things to do, Sir Chip. An' you know, I'd be right happy to help." And, with that, Vega stood up and grinned at the small and serious and hope filled and joy filled knight. "An' dancin' is somethin' what helps too!" And, with that, Vega began to danceInvigorate : The Favored has the ability to generate more Lifeforce than they need while dancing. Passively, this keeps the Favored young and vigorous, staving off the effects of aging. However, when used in the presence of decay, decrepit, or anything past the prime of its life (as this only applies to living things), this ability will turn back the biological clock, returning them to their peak, and never younger. This is strictly physical, and does not affect the mind, memories, etc. For simple things such as plants and small animals, this affect kicks in over the span of a few minutes. For more complex beings, such as older animals and people, it requires roughly one hour of dance per year of invigoration. This ability does not affect time, so it does not remove scars, injuries, etc.. As she danced, the red shoes she wore activated and the music that she heard in her mind played. Her magic bootsRed leather ankle boots made from soft, supple leather of Good + Quality. When she wears them, they appear to be normal shoes - however - whenever she dances, the music that she is hearing in her head / imagining is heard, playing for all. This can be very quiet or up to the volume of a full orchestra - depending on what Vega is imagining in her mind. Upon hearing the music play - which continues as long as Vega is dancing - those who are allied to her are afforded a boost. In order to be affected by this they must be allied with her, AND be working towards a common goal. If that is the case, then she and her allies will find themselves surrounded by an individual armour which functions as full plate, but is weighless, totally flexible and invisible to the naked eye other than a ripple of air waves which it is, in fact, made up from. played the music, which was slow but beautiful and had a wicked, almost mischievous beat to it.

And, as the music led her in, Vega began to sing.

She sang a song about a plum, and as she sang she danced and she gave her energy, invigorating the small tunaawa who was there with her. She didn't know what it was that he was doing, but she knew that when she danced she - and those around her - were invigorated, so Vega sang to the sapling and she danced. She kept going and changed songs a number of times - while his diri was growing the sapling, she sang to it - and would happily dance and sing around the orchard too, and anywhere that Sir Chip wanted. Vega had no shame, no concern and she loved music in all it's form. So, she danced, spinning on her toes and moving in time with the music. Even when the music was slow, though, it was lively, and Vega made sure that she matched the feel of her dancing to that. Always invigorating, always up beat, and always making sure that she was dancing with Sir Chip, she danced and she sang and she gave thanks to Daia.
My favorite plum
Hangs so far from me
See how it sleeps
And hear how it calls to me
See how the flesh
Presses the skin,
It must be bursting
With secrets within,
I've seen the rest, yes
And that is the one for me
See how it shines
It will be so sweet
I've been so dry
It would make my heart complete
See how it lays
Languid and slow
Never noticing
Me here below
I've seen the best, yes
And that is the one for me
Maybe a girl will take it
Maybe a boy will steal it
Maybe a shake of the bough
Will wake it and make it fall
My favorite plum
Lies in wait for me
I'll be right here
Longing endlessly
You'll say that I'm
Foolish to trust
But it will be mine
And I know that it must
Cause I've had the rest, yes
And that is the one for me
I've seen the best, yes
And that is the one for me
word count: 855

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Hopetoun] Putting Down Roots

Kisaik had to really concentrate and worked his meditative trance as well as he was able. He was still new to the whole idea of meditation but found it useful tio rein in the more domineering effects of his spark. Sometimes he wished he'd not been given magic, and that Ashan would take it away. The treatment he received from his family back home in Desnind had stung more than even he realized at the time. It wasn't so much that they'd physically attacked or driven him out. More the tunawa were ignoring and shunning him, for the most part. He missed his people, as much as he realized their acceptance was only conditional on his not being 'corrupted'. He still wanted to be among his kind.

So he drew his thoughts back to his ailing grandfather, and his constant companion, the squire Alaiwa. He would send for them, he reflected in meditation, as he poured more energy into the diri. As he did so, he felt Vega's invigorating influence giving life back to him, while she sang a song of fruits. It was an appropriate choice, given they were raising a tree here. Kisaik knew the tree would like the sound of her voice, and not be angry as it grew beyond its rightful measure.

Slowly at first, but then all seemingly at once, the tree began lengthening. With every inch of girth, it appeared to grow another meter of verticality. Boughs spread from the arms of the tree and then leaves, and shoots and finally blossoms. The whole process, though they put much energy into it, took all of a break. Kisaik strained to remain upright and was helped by Vega's invigoration, but even that couldn't quench all of the diri's thirst for his mortalborn essence, more of which was required to feed the power that grew the tree.

Finally, the tree had grown to the height of a hundred feet. The next few days would see it grow even more, but first, Kisaik had to take a long rest in its earth.

Kisaik sighed, his work done, and Ataja grumbling went back to her spot in the beneath. She had given and given and given her last this cycle. She would be back in the summer, but for now, she was no longer able to provide the concept of growth, however much of Kisaik's essence she consumed. She would be okay but needed rest.

Kisaik turned around and smiled at Vega, who was still dancing and singing for the tree. He saluted her and then marched on over toward the base of the tree. There, he made himself comfortable, putting his bare feet into the earth and then sliipping into what would be a three trials long nap.

While he slept, Spring's Bounty would continue to visit upon the tree and support its growth with shoots of grass and flowers all around, until the tree itself began to bloom, brought to full maturity.

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Re: [Hopetoun] Putting Down Roots

Review Rewards
Name: Kisaik

Points awarded: 15xp

Endurance x 3
Gardening x 3
Meditation x 3

Loot; a Big Phoenix tree planted for Hope's Point, for Kisaik, a scarf enchanted with optimism.

Renown: 10 Growing a tree near Hopetoun with abilities

Ataja (Kisaik's Diri of Growth) has spent her potential for this season. Kisaik has to take a three-day nap.

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriate to level
Name: Vega

Points awarded: 15xp

Dance x3
Sing x 3
Gardening x3

Loot; a Big Phoenix tree planted for Hope's Point

Renown: 10 Growing a tree near Hopetoun with abilities

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriate to level
This was a lovely interaction scene with Kis and Vega! Vega's got a plan and she's getting the right guy for the job on it.

Vega's thoughts about how similar she and Kis are were touching. This piece of writing had a lot to do with how Vega sees the larger world and others and to know that she feels that connection with Kis is wonderful. As a reader, I could feel the warmth she felt about their relationship...and that's because the writer made me feel that. Good job!

I also thought that the offer to help Kis' grandfather was a nice touch that added a bit of emotional depth to the scene, especially when Kis responded.

Kis is always so positive and helpful, and it shines in this collaboration. You both brought the best of your pcs to this and it was a pleasure to read.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this review, feel free to PM. Enjoy your rewards!


word count: 288
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