• Solo • [Hopetoun] Spring is in the Air!

21st of Cylus 721

A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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[Hopetoun] Spring is in the Air!

21st of Cylus 721
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While Kisaik had some skills and items that could help him weather the cold climate of Cylus, it came with some relief as Ashan, the season of his Patron Immortal, approached, promising to grant some relief to the good people of Hopetoun. The day after he arrived, he'd been busily working on helping in the farmlands, with the agricultural expert of Hopetoun, Kirt, or Kirk? Kisaik wasn't sure. But the man was certainly pleased as punch to have a tunawa there, as he'd related to Kisaik many times. It was also really wonderful how a little spirit mojo could help plants grow. But if they thought Vega's abilities born from the Lake Spirit Lovalus were something - and they, of course, were - Kisaik would show them what a Warden of the First Tree could do!

Kisaik had spent the better part of the last trial growing a few seeds of apple and macadamia nuts from his hair. His thought was that he would create a beautiful and lasting orchard for the town of Hopetoun. Ataja, his diri of growth, would help him.

The tunawa mortalborn stood off to the outskirts of the farmlands, where Kirt was surveying for places where the orchard might best be placed. There the tunawa began plucking the apple seeds and small macadamia nuts from his hair. These he tossed into the fertile earth, making sure the seeds were comfortable, and not too tightly packed in by raking the soil with his small fingers. Kisaik sighed with pleasure, each time his feet touched upon that fertile volcanic ground. There was really something to be said of Faldrass soil. To think that such creative potential had been wrought by elemental fire never ceased to amaze the tunawa. Nature truly was amazing! Kisaik made sure the seeds were placed apart from each other at a good distance, enough for them to have room to grow.

Kisaik directed Ataja toward the apple seeds and macadamias that he spread on the ground, and bid her use her ability of Orchard Revell to prompt her to make the medium-sized grove of macadamias and apple trees. "That's good, Ataja! Thank you so much."

In a very short period of time, Hopetoun would have a good-sized orchard, full of nutritious and delicious apples and nuts. He could almost taste the macadamias now, and their creamy innards. Not to mention the shells, which made excellent alchemical vessels for his other crafts...

Here, he tended the earth of Hopetoun while Ataja did her thing, making certain that conditions were ideal for the growth to occur, but not overdoing it at the same time. Gardening was a game of patience, afterall, as much as diligence.
Note on Orchard Revel Power:

Orchard Revel: This power is simple. It allows for a singular plant specimen to grow to full maturity within ten trials. Alternately, it can be used to bring a medium-sized garden of plants halfway to maturity in ten trials. This power can only be used once per cycle.
word count: 515
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Re: [Hopetoun] Spring is in the Air!


The snow, of course, was a problem ordinarily for farmers. And even Kirt tried to tell Kisaik that the endeavor was doomed to ruin the seeds. Kisaik knew this was the case under normal circumstances, being a gardener of some competence, but he also knew that his Diri of Growth would allow seedlings to grow even in the harshest and unfavorable conditions. These trees would grow. Kisaik would see to it.

Kirt was a great help, and he chattered on about this and that as he shoveled the snow for Kisaik. "Your trust is inspiring Kirt! I understand it's hard to believe that something could grow in all this snow, being a bit of a green thumb myself, but trust me. Ataja can accomplish miracles!"

"Yessir, mister Chip." Kirt said, and Kisaik smiled up at him, then went over to gently place the seeds he'd gathered from his hair into the ground. A few apple seedlings, to ensure that it would grow.

He went along down the line, planting trees all along the field until he made it about halfway, then began walking over away from the fields, planting another row, and then moving on down the line from there. Soon there would be great planting of trees all along this half of the field, allowing it some good cover from the elements, and benfiting the entire planting operation of the farmlands of Hopetoun.

Ataja of course helped things grow all around her, even without the Orchard Revel power, things tended to grow better in less ideal conditions. The dead of winter, certainly qualified for that.
Ataja has an ability to help things grow, even in less ideal conditions. Here is its description:

To Everything a Season: Plants that grow up in the orbit (within about a city block or within a building) of Ataja can do so regardless of poor growing conditions. To the point where a plant can grow in entirely unsuitable conditions as if it were under ideal conditions.
word count: 335
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Re: [Hopetoun] Spring is in the Air!


Kisaik spoke to Ataja as the shoots of newly forming trees sprung from those grounds. ”Now, Ataja…” He began, patting the diri’s vines as it worked its magic upon the new growth. ”Would you like to form a pact of partnership with me? Cloak me in your concept, and I will allow you to take in and feed upon my life force…” He murmured, not quite knowing what it meant. He had heard that children of the Immortals could live for a very long time, and he supposed that now applied to himself. And thus, he could probably feed quite a lot of energy to the diri, in exchange for cloaking in its concept. Ataja, for her part, sung to the idea, and seemed to agree. ”Yes, Ataja. Perhaps this will help things grow faster? If you’re stronger.”

So saying, Kisaik accepted the diri’s partnership under these terms. Thus he paired himself to the diri. Of course, he was already bonded to it, through their link to the Mud Induk and the First Tree, but now their partnership and association would be complete. Kisaik would allow the diri to feed upon his lifeforce in order to power its concept.

The tunawa sighed as she soaked in his lifeforce. Sure enough, this seemed to give her strength, and the trees began springing up even faster and healthier than they might otherwise be.

Kirt, for his part, could only stand and watch as the tunawa worked his amazing magic. He was speechless for a few moments. Once Kisaik had finished the process of forming a secondary bond with his diri, he turned to Kirt, ”Sir Kirt! What do you think of all this? Will this do for now, or shall we commence anew in a few days, with a second round of plantings?” The tunawa asked. And he meant that he would continue to plant more trees, until the needs of the settlement were satisfied. But for now, this medium-sized orchard would serve as the first in a line of new resources for the settlement of Hopetoun.

Kirt stammered, rubbing his chin uncertainly, ”Yes, Sir Chip! This will do nicely, but if it doesn’t hurt or harm you, I’m happy for you to continue your work here! I’m sure Baron Darius himself would approve…”

Kisaik nodded friendly to his supervisor, but made a serious face, ”Please be certain that such is the case, and pass along my request that I continue planting trees along the farmlands. I have in mind to do more than apples… perhaps some Macadamias as well!”

Kirt smiled despite himself, probably just thinking about the idea of having an orchard for the settlement. It was quite a lot to take in, apparently!

Kisaik continued along his way, taking the seeds he’d managed to collect from his hair and spreading them all along another row of trees. These sprung up in his and his diri’s wake. In time, there would be a row of trees, no less than ten days, Kisaik supposed. He couldn’t wait to see what Lady Vega and His Lordship Darius Smooglenuff thought about his efforts. Surely they’d be pleased!

Eventually, however, it came time to rest. And Kisaik returned with some exhaustion to Vega’s camp. He opened a portal, and visualized the other end, where Vega and Arlo held camp, then stepped through it. He emerged on the other side with a loud snap, along with his diri. There, he would rest in the company of good people, and warmth of the fire, his cavani cloak wrapped around himself.
Spirit Cloak ability
Kisaik is using the following ability in tandem with his huuuge amount of life force to power the diri's concept and make the powers used in this thread even more viable:

Spirit Cloak (Minor)
The Favored has the ability to entice a basic spirit of concept into a partnership. The Loshova takes this spirit around their person and has it attached to their soul. The spirit must willingly agree to this and can be released at any time. While the spirit is attached, it can feed off the ambient energies of the Loshova rather than its concept, keeping it strong. The Loshova benefits from a small resistance from the concept and the ability to sense it without hearing or seeing it around them.

word count: 733
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Re: [Hopetoun] Spring is in the Air!


Review Rewards

Name: Kisaik

Points awarded: 10xp
Magic xp: 5xp (For rupturing)

Gardening: x 3
Meditation: x 2
Rupturing: Portal: useful for getting back to a place you can easily visualize.

Loot: Newly grown orchard for Hopetoun.
Renown: 10 (For helping Hopetoun)

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriate to level

Ah Kisaik! So much fun, this one. In this beautifully written piece, there is a lot going on. The great thing is that you wrote it knowing that and made sure the reader could follow along as the character did his thing. There were a lot of pieces to consider so, for me, understanding what's going on is important.

The npcs are written wonderfully (pretty sure I've told you before that you write npcs exceptionally well) and add to the scene instead of detract from it. Sometimes with npcs, it can be easy to let them overtake things so balance is important and you've proven that you understand that balance. You let the npcs enhance things while allowing the character to still be at the forefront!

This was my first look at Kisaik and I'm looking forward to more adventures with him!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this review, feel free to PM. Enjoy your rewards!


word count: 217
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