• Out of Character • Vhalar 716 Seasonal Events

It is said that when the Immortal Treid was slain, his heart was buried in the shadows of the ice, cursed by the Immortal Audrae. His people built a city atop the frozen wasteland in hopes of one day finding it and resurrecting their fallen leader.

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Vhalar 716 Seasonal Events

Vhalar Seasonal Events 716

Weather in Treidhart

Trial 1-7

Saun's heat continues to linger into the beginning of Valhar, to the discomfort of the Ellune and to the enjoyment of the other races, at a few notches below freezing. The high altitude of Treidhart continues to allow regular snowfall but the secondary sun ensures the top layers of snow are constantly wet. The ellune continue their residence within glacial ice where it is still cool, while the other races continue to reside above, involved in the market where trade is at its busiest.

Trial 8-15

The worst of Saun's heat will slowly taper off to a palatable below-freezing point. A blizzard will arrive from the south and ravage, or bless, Treidhart with heavy snow fall and well below freezing temperatures. Ellune will emerge from the glaciers to start work in the city and in surrounding areas.

Trial 15-29

Snow falls and southerly gales will continue for this period. Treidhart will gradually become busier and soon peak to its regular level of hustle and bustle.

Trial 30-81

Clear blue skies and crisp, cool temperatures grace Treidhart into a calm, winter haven. Care among the Ellune is taken with burns from sun reflecting snow. Other races enjoy the serenity that blankets Treidhart. Docked trade ships use this opportunity to anchor at Port and take their goods to Treidhart.

Trial 82-123

Two new blizzards take over Treidhart once again, halting the passage of outside traders for a few trials each. Between the blizzards are periods of calm, blue skies with slightly warmer temperatures. Ellune from other cities, begin to depart to the warmer cities of Solaero and Port as the temperature of Oscillus continues to cool.


If you would like to help out in Treidhart and plan the weather for next season, feel free to send a PM to Shards.

Events for Treidhart

Trial 5:

The icy statue of Treid in the town square has partially melted more than anticipated over the Saun period. Ellune are repairing the sculpture but rumours are abound at the ill omen.

Trial 9:

The Council has announced it is in operation following the first blizzard following Saun. This day is known as Shuva - Day of the First Fall. Speeches are delivered within the town square to an enormous crowd.

Trial 10:

The Frost, vigilantes of Treidhart, have claimed their first victim following Shuva. The blood splattered remains of a Council member was discovered in the streets, nearby the city square. Councillor Pellan Morso, one of the important members of the ellune Council, orders the Black Ice, Treidhart's intelligence and tactical force, to begin an investigation.

Trial 25:

Site Event: Word is reached from Biqaj traders that a horde of Naerikk ships are on course toward Oscillus. Ellune troops scramble to ready the defenses and every man, woman and child are prepared for the worst. Meanwhile, messangers are sent off to the rest of Idalos for aid.

Trial 31:

Site Event: Four Immortals reach Oscillus with an army of Naerikk in tow, marching toward Treidhart. An onslaught of both Naerikk and shadows slam at the walls. At the defense are foreign Immortals, Moralborns and races from far and wide, who appear through Emea, aiding the ellune just in time. The conclusion of this remains to be seen...

Trial 36:

The Council meet following the recent calamity as the city is slowly rebuilt. Despite in-fighting, a decision is made to open Oscillus' borders to begin a new chapter in Treidhart's foreign policy.

Trial 38:

The first pilgrimage of ellune set off to Port, where they will take ship to new cities in Idalos.

Trial 45:

Biqaj traders, looking for purchases of gems, arrive in large numbers due to the calmer weather. The market place becomes roaring with activity. Unfortunately, the influx of biqaj pirates also find their way into Treidhart.

Trial 48:

Moderated. Biqaj pirate king pin, known only as Kiriq, has sent a crew to ambush a convoy of raw gems (including magical gems) on its way for processing to the Gemmery in the Frozen Vault. His crew are found in various bars and taverns in Treidhart for those who wish to take part in the heist and negotiate a cut.

Trial 55:

The council sends out invitations to skilled artisans, combat trainers and the like, to reside in Treidhart and instruct eager ellune students.

Trial 61:

Lavish new residencies in the mountains and city are under construction for new foreign arrivals to live in, provided with fireplaces and other amenities.

Trial 72:

Moderated. An influx of foreign races over many trials has turned Treidhart, as if overnight, into a cosmopolitan city. Lavish accommodation, palatable to warm conditions enjoyed by foreigners, are provided with great care by the Treidhart Council. New foreigners are invited to banquets to mingle with the ellune people. While many welcome the change and eager to learn new things, the Frost begin targeting hits on foreigners. The Black Ice are working hard to keep the peace.

Trial 75:

The Council meet and decree the rights of foreigners on Oscillus soil are equal to that of an ellune. A new day of celebration is created.

Trial 80:

A second pilgrimage is underway, with double the amount of ellune volunteering to aid the cause. They too arrive at Port and ship off to new cities.

Trial 98:

The first pilgrimage arrives back in Treidhart with a large banquet awaiting them. They arrive with mixed attitudes. Some bring back new ideas and fond memories, while others are full of hatred toward non-ellune. The latter quickly join the Frost's expanding membership.

Trial 115:

Moderated. Three non-ellune people are taken prisoner by the Frost. A ransom is sent. The Black Ice begin their attempts to recover the hostages.

word count: 1008

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