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Witness of the Salt

Race: Mer
Age and DoT: 30th of Cylus, 706 (15)
Faction: The Owaenar Tribe
Languages: Mer Telepathy, Fluent Rakahi, Broken Common


Ologologotak is a heavily mutated Mer, hailing from a chaotic mix of octopus and jellyfish, falling somewhere between the first and third category Mer are often placed in. With a short torso of around 5 feet, and his tail double that, he stretches at 15 even feet. Even so, he is on the smaller scale compared to that of his tribe. Although his torso has retained the basic shape of a humanoid, his body was soon overtaken by the nature of his creation. His face is plain, viscous and slimy, wherein only the teeth remain as proof of its humanoid descendance and two seemingly empty eyes sockets that give nothing away. His torso, although composed of a skeleton, has the fluid appearance found in jellyfish, giving him a lithe and supple nature by default. His right arm retains most of the characteristics found in a humanoid, with five claw digits and all it is proper joints. His left arm, however, reaches only the height of its elbow, becoming a mess of tentacles from that point – eight of octopi origin and four from his jellyfish nature. Below his waist, this pattern is repeated, although the number of tentacles from each origin triples in both number and length.

His octopi nature grants him most characteristics found in octopi. He has suction cups with a strong suck and supple, quick movement. Their gooey nature allows them to be bent and compressed to a great extent, and should they be cut they are able to regrow to their full length. This explains the fact they all vary in their length, giving him quite the chaotic appearance. His jellyfish nature, on the other hand, grants him way weaker tentacles he very little control over. He can pull and extend them, albeit they lack any strength whatsoever. This is compensated by the fact they sting, a small momentary zap that serves as a last-ditch defense mechanism. Furthermore, his body has two bell-shaped membranes: one growing atop his head, the second and larger over the tentacle mess of his tail. This allows him to use jet propulsion for quick lunges in the water.

Ologologotak’s swimming is neither too fast nor too reliable. He can use his jet and his tentacles for short bursts of high speed, but even so he falls greatly behind. As such, he relies on the boons granted to him by his nature. His octopi tentacles have the capacity for camouflage, which he also uses to communicate his attitude by flashing certain colors and is capable of releasing clouds of thick ink when in danger. His jellyfish ancestry, however, grants him a certain capacity for bioluminescence, which lacks any particular use save for appearing more dangerous than he is. His otherworldly nature makes him a curiosity among the mer, and although he warrants a second glance, he rarely warrants a third. In combat, he relies upon trickery and agility rather than brute force, but most battles he prefers to avoid altogether.


There is a certain wobbliness left behind after Ologologotak, a small stream of murky water always trailing him as if though his gelatinous nature was seeping on his surroundings. On further inspection, it can be discovered the opposite is the truth, as if it was this dirt and gooeyness was instead chasing after him. (Approval Pending)




Ologologotak is instinctive by nature. Just like octopi intelligence is spread to their tentacles, Ologologotak is slave to the pragmatic and calculated in his approach. Rarely does he dwell in theory and never is he carried away by senseless emotion. He always keeps a tight hold of his emotions, and thus appears cold and distant. Laconic in his communication, he often accompanies his messages with creative, vivid images that further express his semantics. He is a proud mer, and he rarely tolerates any insolence without a just revenge. He’s a lonely individual, always keeping emotional distance with those around him. This isolationist nature gives him a certain air of respect whenever he chooses to engage with anyone.

On the personal side, he’s kind and gentle with his surroundings, and praises Phaetarak the Insatiable under the belief he had spawned all living things – all living things that deserved praise, that is. The Immortals are fairy tales for him, and the land-dwellers are inferior creatures best sacrificed for their inferior lives. Being young as he is, he is carefully playful and modestly curious about the world.


Born on the day of the Hatching like all his brothers, Ologologotak’s strange appearance made him somewhat of an outcast, but never was he mistreated. Part of the Owaenar Tribe he was, and from an early age he was taught the Tribe stood above everything else. Many difficulties arouse from his peculiar genetics, being unfit to become a great warrior, a great tracker or a symbol of strength. With great insight and wisdom, he was, instead, pampered to excel in tactics and ambush. Lacking two proper arms, he was to approach combat like a duelist. Intelligence and cleverness suited him, and suited his body, and his combat training came in the form of a swift rapier.
As time passed, the Mer began to understand the world in a different manner, as if he were aware of something others were not. This shamanistic approach to life made him reserved and distant, albeit very involved with the happenings of the sea and the Tribe. Recognizing his potential, his Tribe set him on the path to become a Seer, religious leaders responsible for interpreting the will of Phaetarak the Insatiable, the Leviathan they fanatically worshipped. This meant being set upon the path of magic.

Under the belief that magic was granted by Phaetarak, it was obvious a mage would be better able to communicate with their deity. Thus, he was brought to Eastsalt Caein, wherein he was studied and analyzed to find a fitting mentor and a fitting discipline. Under the guise of Alanahalaruk, Whisper in the Kelp, Ologologotak became an apprentice. At the age of 10, when he was reaching maturity, his training became more intense. Out of every potential candidate he always excelled and soon thereafter he was painfully initiated into Defiance. From thereon after, his path was set: to follow Phaetarak and to do its bidding.

Last edited by Ologologotak on Sun Jan 31, 2021 4:16 pm, edited 7 times in total. word count: 1082
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Waltz of the Pyrosome


Feffer the Author

It is often the case Defiance Sparks hunger for a world surrounded with the elements. This gluttony, although met to some extent, is distorted in Feffer and twisted for the purpose of making. Water, Earth, Air and Fire are only tools for the purpose of creation. No self-respecting painter would approach a canvas in a tetrachromatic manner. No composer would create a symphony without letting the sound and the tones mix - not without its rises, its falls, its arpeggios or its timed silences.

So is the case with Feffer. It's purpose exists for the sake of creation, of uniqueness and of a signature none could confuse with its own. Its mission is the mending of the elements, in the creation of by-products, and the creation of even further by-products until those four broad, boring elements are barely recognized. It is the elements what form the mountains, the swords and even the bodies of mortals. Although life requires souls, a body is merely a vessel, and it too is made of those four broad strokes. Feffer thus obsesses with the world, with doing the impossible to escape mere manipulation and aims at a reproduction of the world itself, of making something out of nothing.

Feffer lives to create through distortion, to copy on a blank canvas then rip it to shreds and pour a rainbow of color over its pieces. It compose a melody then send ripples through the staff, jumping from key to key and tempo to tempo just for the sake of originality. An artistic madness caused by a gluttony for innovation.

Feffer's Personality

Art is vice. Writers dwell in thought for whole arcs just to find that meaningful sentence. Poets experience carnage just to convey the brutality of war. In such sense, Feffer is an artist. The Defiance spark has a compulsion to create, an urge he cannot stop communicating to its mage. There is an innate curiosity about the world, about the manipulation of elements and their relationship with each other within complex vessels. Why is metal like so without Earth and Fire? Why is wood like so if only a mixture of earth and water? Why is a body made mostly of water held in shape and not fluid like a worm? Its alien perspective on the world transmit his need to study - most often through deconstruction. What better way to understand than to take apart?

Feffer, although crazed by the world's complexity, is not irrational. Neither is he egotistical. The relationship between it and his mage is one of mutual respect and of mutual benefit. It rarely seeks dominance over its host, and is cooperative when called upon. Its quiet and observant, like an ever-watching awareness that wonders at even the smallest details. It is almost humbled by the creation around it. Many a times his presence goes almost unnoticed, and its pulse is close to comatose. This often paints a picture of weakness, one its not too proudful to refute.

Of course, this spark is not a mere passenger nor a tool to be brandished without care. The wants of its existence are ever-known by its mage: either deconstruction of the complex, or its creation. Manipulating water to behave like water is an insult. Inciting fire to simply be fire is dull. Air to blow and earth to be hard are the moves of a rube. Should this need for originality be denied, Feffer is unafraid to attempt a seize of the vessel in a dangerous and reckless compulsion - and it will find originality or choose self-destruction before being labeled unoriginal.

Feffer's Signatures


There is a certain wobbliness left behind after Ologologotak, a small stream of murky water always trailing him as if though his gelatinous nature was seeping on his surroundings. On further inspection, it can be discovered the opposite is the truth, as if it was this dirt and gooeyness was instead chasing after him. (Approval Pending)



Feffer's Author


Name: Alanahalaruk, Whisper in the Kelp
Location: Orm'del Sea
DoB: 30 Cylus, 607
Race: Mer
Organization: Owaenar Tribe
  • Defiance 76
  • Hone 51
  • Leadership 26
  • Trident 51
  • Swimming 30
  • Stealth 26
Alanahalaruk is one of the Idash (Elder), a Becwu (Deep Priest) that serves and guides the Owaenar. Her story is much akin to everyone in her Tribe; since she was born, she has dedicated her life to the adoration of Phaetarak the Insatiable and the protection of the Tribe's territory. Born with the genes of a jellyfish, she has always felt somewhat alienated from the rest of the mer. Her lack of superior swimming made her adopt a rather cautious, intelligent approach to combat for the sake of defense, and later on dedicated herself fully to cultivating her spark. As her power grew, so grew her reputation in the Tribe, reaching the rank of elder at a record 17 arcs of age. Unlike other Owaenar, she has reserved her magic and, although willing to mentor, has only initiated two individuals into Defiance. One did not survive initiation and the other is Ologologotak.

Since Ologologotak is clearly part jellyfish, there is a suspicion Alanahalaruk may be his mother. It is not for this reason the two of them are rather close, but rather the similitude between their tails and thus a bonding through their isolation. She's cold and distant, traits her student shares and which make their relationship reserved and unspoken. This aloof, anti-social approach between the two makes them complete strangers - a bizarre claim given they're likely to spend many trials together. Their relationship is pragmatic, first and foremost, and non-existent outside the mentoring and education of Ologologotak.

Her judgement is always analytical and welcomed by all the other Elders. Even if her tail estranges her from the rest, she is respected and even loved in that pragmatic, tribal mer manner. Despite her age, to this day she patrols the borders of the Owaenar territory as if she were but another warrior rather than a leader everyone approaches for advice.


Last edited by Ologologotak on Sun Jan 31, 2021 5:10 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 1031
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Relics of the Drowned


On Person

  • Rapier + Sheathe, Tier 6
  • Wit's Shield


  • 2 Packs
  • Compass, Tier 5
  • 200 ft of Kelp Rope
  • 1 Mer hook net
  • 2 Long Hooks, tier 5

Prized Possession

  • Wit's Shield, Buckler Shield Tier 6
    The Wit's Shield was made from the shell of a sea turtle after a small hunt organized for the members of the Owaenar, which Ologologotak won. With the size of a heather shield, Wit's Shield is actually more of a buckler made for parrying and deflecting incoming blows. The shell is tough enough to survive even the harshest of direct blows, and is light enough to be held and moved easily with Ologologotak's tentacles. It's inner side is overloaded with different handles so it may be easily manipulated with tentacles rather than rely on a proper arm. Albeit extremely good underwater, Wit's Shield becomes brittle when dry, making it a poor choice for combat on the surface.

    Even if not much of a fighter, Ologologotak has come to value the shield not for its properties, but more as a memento from the past. Winning that small, improvised contest made him feel part of the tribe when his genetics made him feel a stranger.

Wealth Ledger

Tier 5: Wealth Thread = 16 WP/1WP per Wealth Thread


Point Bank Ledger

Source Earned Spent Total
- - - 10

Renown Ledger

Item/ ThreadFameTotal
Renown 1  - -
Renown 2 - -

Renown Reward

  • +1000 Tier 4 Absolute Renown:
  • +950 Medium:
  • +900 Small:
  • +850 Medium:
  • +800 Small:
  • +750 Tier 3 Internationally Renowned:
  • +700 Medium:
  • +650 Small:
  • +600 Medium:
  • +550 Small:
  • +500 Tier 2 Regionally Renowned:
  • +450 Medium:
  • +400 Small:
  • +350 Medium:
  • +300 Small:
  • +250 Tier 1 Locally Renowned:
  • +200 Medium:
  • +150 Small:
  • +100 Medium:
  • +50 Small:

Last edited by Ologologotak on Sun Jan 31, 2021 5:00 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 290
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Skills & Knowledges

Talent of the Tribe


Fast Track: Leadership
Racial Bonus: Rapier
Mer Pack: 10 Fieldcraft

XXXX 0/250Novice0
XXXX 0/250Novice0


Defiance 1
Defiance: The Dance


Rapier 1
Rapier: Thrust
Shield 1

Shield: Holding a shield with tentacles]
Field Craft 1
Field Craft: Disguising one's shelter
Swimming 1
Swimming: Jet lunge


Mer Telepathy



Rapier (RB) 25[RB] 2500
Starting Package 500050
Field Craft (MP) 101050
Acrobatics. . .1535
Deception. . .1520
Swimming. . .1010
Shield. . .55
Defiance. . .50
. . . . . .. . .. . .

Last edited by Ologologotak on Sun Jan 31, 2021 5:11 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 101
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Skill Point Ledger

Tales from the Tide


Ologologotak's Insights


Born on the same arc and on the same trial creates a bond, but one time erodes. Having spent their childhood together, the difference between their tails Ologologotak always felt set them apart. With time, they both drifted away as each followed their own path.


Lorem ipso but it's written by me. Hahahahlolxdlmaowtfhalogogogoglognasoifdnasodfnaiosucbai wdkawjdaisudghaiwubekjasidaugsiease.


Lorem ipso but it's written by me. Hahahahlolxdlmaowtfhalogogogoglognasoifdnasodfnaiosucbai wdkawjdaisudghaiwubekjasidaugsiease part 2.

Record Keeping

Rebirth 720

Many threads to come.


XXX like that movie, but not the second one.


Tales from the octopi comin' right up!

Last edited by Ologologotak on Sun Jan 31, 2021 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 103
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RP Medals



Re: Ologologotak


Hey, Ologologotak!

Your character sheet looks amazing for the most part, but there are some things that need to be clarified and corrected before I can hand you your CS rewards. Before you can go ahead and rp on the forum, we'll need to make the following fixes:
  1. Mer do not regenerate their limbs naturally. Regeneration is mentioned nowhere in their write-up. Please remove that part from your description.
  2. You will need to choose whether Olog is either catageory 1 mer or category 3. He cannot be a hybrid of both.
    • That means you must remove the mentions of either stingeres on his tentacles/tail, or else get rid of the tentacles and give him a cat 3 body.
  3. For now, please remove the Magic section from the cs, and store it either in a text document somewhere or in notes under My Links on the site header under the upper left. We cannot approve your magic mentor at cs approval, nor can we process your witchmark/theme/persona for your magic spark.
Other than that, I must caution you that the tribe is yet to be developed. Although it seems you enjoy no special benefit that would otherwise be available to other mer characters through this tribe, they will still need to go through the development process before you can reference/use the greater tribe in roleplay.

Once we're done making these fixes, you'll probably be good to go. Let me know, and I"ll give it a final look before approval! Thanks.
word count: 258
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