[Approved by Pegasus] Ol' Tuck's Rapids Topic is solved

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Oram Mednix
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Ol' Tuck's Rapids

Ol' Tuck's Rapids

Ol’ Tuck’s Run flows placidly through most of the Sweetvine. But as one passes south of Serenity Island and nears the Emerald Isle, there is a change in the ‘Run’s aspect. Beneath its tranquil murmur a more ominous rumble begins to emerge. The sound grows steadily as one nears the Emerald Isle until it is a menacing roar. The ‘Run’s appearance changes, too. Its limpid, rippling waters grow turbulent, passing gradually into a white froth, seething between jagged rocks like the slaver of a toothy beast eager to devour hapless canoes. These are Ol’ Tuck’s Rapids.

The Rapids, while not insuperable to a capable adventurer, are quite dangerous to those unprepared or lulled by the ‘Run’s wonted mildness. The most powerful part of the rapids occurs right where the ‘Run splits to turn east and west to flow around either side of the Emerald Isle. One must quickly decide which way to turn. Either way culminates shortly in a small cascade, after which the ‘Run quickly regains its usual tranquility. Neither path is clearly safer than the other; the key is simply to choose one quickly and commit to it.

There is a superstition that the Rapids actually exist to protect the sanctity of the Emerald Isle, to pose one more obstacle in the path of those who would violate it. Whether or not this is true, the Rapids present a daunting challenge to would-be navigators, and many choose to portage their canoes past the Rapids rather than risk their craft’s foundering or destruction on the hungry rocks.

The Rapids are home to a variety of lotic fauna otherwise uncommon in the ‘Run, including numerous loaches, mayflies, and the infamous paddlesnatch (see below).


Price: Tier 6 for an intact shell. No known market for living paddlesnatches as they are too unpleasant, nor for their meat, which is generally considered foul-tasting.
Habitat: Lotic (fast-flowing) waters in Ol’ Tuck’s Run. Most common in Ol’ Tuck’s Rapids.
Lifespan and Development: Paddlesnatches are long-lived as are many turtles, and continue to grow throughout their lives. They may live upwards of 80 arcs. Mature paddlesnatches are known to range in size anywhere from 1 foot in diameter to 4 feet, and are believed to grow larger still.
Diet: Fish (especially loaches) and some river plants.
Temperament: Paddlesnatches are not aggressive, but are highly irritable and generally unapproachable.
Abilities: Paddlesnatches are large snapping turtles with powerful jaws that like to perch amongst rocks in rapids of Ol’ Tuck’s Run. The coloration and texture of their shells is such that they blend in with these rocks quite well. As a result, hapless canoers sometimes inadvertently prod these irascible turtles with their paddles while trying to navigate shallows and rapids.

This provokes the behavior that gives these creatures their name: the paddlesnatch will clamp the offending oar in its jaws and try to wrench it free from the startled canoer’s grasp. This can confront canoers with the unenviable choice between losing their oars in the Rapids and contesting control with the paddlesnatch in a tug-o’-war often vigorous enough to capsize their craft.

For those who cannot spare an oar, the best tactic is to hang onto the oar passively , waiting for the turtle to get tired and/or bored and let go on its own. Doing so successfully requires a skill level of Expert in one of, or Competent in at least two of, the following: Strength, Endurance, Discipline, Fieldcraft, Seafaring.

Weaknesses: Slow-moving. Unintelligent. Their lower carapace is softer than that of most turtles.

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 ! Message from: Pegasus
Please leave this for me to fill in


Credits to: Oram Mednix
Submitted for Development:19 February, 2021
Developed by: Oram Mednix
word count: 635
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Re: Ol' Tuck's Rapids

 ! Message from: Pegasus
Love this. Not like - love. Very much approved!
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