3rd Cylus, 721
Location: ---
Ari'sora slipped into the room quietly, and found a seat among the other citizens that had come to see the meeting. She had never attended a council meeting before. And even now, she was questioning whether she had any right to be here. She almost hadn't come at all for that reason. But she wanted to help if she could. If there was something she could do that would help the council...or anyone else, really, then she wanted to do it. And it wasn't impossible to think there was something she might be able to do. She had worked with one of the council members in the past, after all.
All around her, people talked among themselves as they waited for the council members to arrive. Ari'sora didn't join in on their conversations, but she did listen to them. They were none of her business, but she could hardly avoid doing so. Some spoke of worries about Saoire, or of how the refugees that had been displaced from their homes in Faldrass were going to impact them. Others spoke about the empty seats on the council, funding the Order of the Adunih, the need for more Elements on the streets for safety now that the refugees were here, and fears that there wouldn't be enough jobs for everyone. Still others spoke of the need to make Scalvoris more wealthy than it was. There were even rumors about the council members themselves. Ari'sora didn't know most of the council members, so she dismissed most of the rumors completely. She simply had no way of knowing if they were true or not...and no interest in finding out either.
But two of the rumors caught her attention. One was that Councilor Nir'wei was a spy for the Eternal Empire. That one confused Ari'sora. She had heard of the Eternal Empire before. But she knew very little about it aside from the fact that it existed, it was very big, and that they wanted to rule the world. Probably. As she thought about it, she figured that if they did want to rule the whole world, that meant that they wanted to rule Scalvoris too. But...why start with Scalvoris? Scalvoris was an island at the end of the world. Surely there were other places more valuable to the Eternal Empire than Scalvoris was? It was possible that they had already conquered other lands...but Ari'sora was pretty certain she would have heard about it if they had. So why would the Eternal Empire want to have spies in Scalvoris?
Then there was the question of spies itself. From the stories Ari'sora had read, and her very limited understanding of what a spy was...she believed them to be bad people. People who would betray others to the people they were spying for. And she didn't think that Nir'wei was a bad person. So she turned to the person who was spreading that rumor and told them that she thought it was a lie.
The other rumor that had caught her attention was that the Alberach was tied to Maxine, a wanted criminal. That one was more uncertain for her. She knew that the Alberach had been there with everyone else when the Baron had called for help. She had seen the woman in the cave with Faldrass. And although she had not known at the time, she later learned that Maxine had been there as well; had in fact been fighting someone else in the storm that trial. Ari'sora guessed that that was why she was a criminal. But just because both of them had been there did not mean that the Alberach had ties to Maxine. Then again...it did not mean that they
didn't have ties either. Ari'sora just didn't know enough about the situation to make a guess either way.
When the council members arrived, the Alberach addressed some of the issues. The empty seats were a concern to the council as well, but unless someone stood up to take them, they would remain empty. That made perfect sense to Ari'sora. She hoped that someone would take some of the seats. It wasn't something she was even remotely qualified to do, though.
Other issues were addressed as well. Ari'sora listened carefully, but she couldn't really think of any solutions for them. Opening more shops would create more jobs, but it probably wasn't that simple. Someone would have to want to open those shops first...and have the means and skills needed to do so. Ari'sora wondered how many more jobs would be needed, because that would also be important to take into consideration. Creating jobs also meant finding the money to pay the people who had those jobs. It made Ari'sora's head spin as she tried to think it through and see if she could come up with any ideas to share.
The next issue that caught Ari'sora's attention was that of funding the Order of Adunih. Was that really something that the Council was supposed to do? The Order was...everywhere, wasn't it? Or most places, at least? Did that mean that whoever was in charge of each place that the Order of Adunih was in was responsible for funding them? Or was there...something beyond that? If the Order of Adunih was in many places all over the world, then wouldn't they have to have some central...base or something that coordinated them all? And if they did, wouldn't
they be the ones to fund each branch of the Order?
The Alberach spoke of Saoire next, and Ari'sora agreed that Saoire probably did not want to be worshipped. At least not the way some people were saying. Saoire was known for giving gifts to people, not for demanding worship. And Ari'sora couldn't see how her coming to Scalvoris would change that.
Someone spoke out about the Order of Adunih, saying that they only got paid for their services with fish and apples, and that made little sense to Ari'sora. She knew that they treated those who could not afford to pay for free, but she also knew that people who could afford to pay them would do so. She herself had paid them for their services the last time Rin'saia was sick with a fever. So to talk of unfunding the Order and such seemed wrong to her. But Ari'sora knew that she could easily be missing something. It hadn't seemed like it at the time, but maybe most people
didn't pay for the services of the Order of Adunih, and she was an exception to that? If most people paid for their services with food, did that mean that that was what the Order wanted to be paid with? Should she have given them food as well? She would have to ask the next time she needed their services.
Then Councilor Nir'wei spoke up, confirming what she had believed about the Order of Adunih to be true. Ari'sora was relieved to hear it, and she fully agreed that any money the council had should be used to help Scalvoris in the best way possible. Since the Order seemed to have the help they needed, then it was only natural to think that the money would be used for something else.
Ari'sora wasn't certain what to make of the woman's counter speech about having just one loaf of bread to feed an island. If the Order was short on a type of medicine that they had the money to buy but were waiting for it to be shipped from somewhere else, how would the Council giving them more money help to fix that problem? Ari'sora was glad to see the woman offer to take one of the empty seats, though. She probably understood the matter far better than Ari'sora could, so maybe she had ideas on how to fix things.
Another person offered to take a seat. As Ari'sora looked to see who had spoken, she saw a small, cute talking animal, and realized that he was one of the Cadouri. Ari'sora had seen a picture of an animal that looked like him once, but she couldn't remember what it was called. While she was glad that he was offering to take a seat, the part about asking the Cadouri to work without paying them anything other than a bit of food disturbed her greatly. That was slavery, and slavery had been abolished. Slavery was wrong.
"I think..." she said slowly, hoping that she was doing the right thing by speaking up.
"I think it is a good thing that the Cadouri want to help. So do I, though I don't think I am the right person to take a seat on the Council. But asking someone to work without pay is wrong unless it is a volunteer based thing. Maybe something could be offered to the Cadouri who want to help in trade if they don't need money?" she suggested.