For the Storytellers:
Modbombs: Yes, totally fine! Though I'd prefer a pm or notice first just in case I have something specific planned for the thread in question Death: Not yet? Though I'm open to it if it fits, I just wanna keep him around a while lol. Though if something on my end is dumb, please kill as needed, haha.
Permanent Damage: Hmm. Well if it moves the plot or gives an interesting plot point at the time/in the future I'm all for it. But if it's optional I prefer to discuss options just to see if there's potential to it.
Things about Shl: Refer to this post for additional knowledge!
- Shl'drei is very oriented on the well-being of the creatures before his fellow humanoid. If it affects an animal he is always willing to help as needed. He doesn't get involved with the people unless its required. While animals are his priority he isn't overly distanced from humankind. He keeps them at a lower standard but doesn't hate them. He just prefers animals.
- Introverted unless a topic he's passionate about is brought up or his interest is piqued. Shl'drei is not a social butterfly and show's signs of social anxiety. Always afraid of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, yeah.
- Born and raised in Rharne, though his family is somewhat well known for their animal skills. Shl'drei ran away and is estranged with a demented father who really would like him dead now please. He's actually the only one who can take over the family business but with him running away there's a lot to deal with if he decides to. Shl'drei rarely uses his last name - he doesn't sign it on any documents or introduce himself as a Novatt.
- Velduris Progression
- Tier 2* Animal Training
- Grand Master Field Craft
- Figuring out more story stuff and getting to a point of knowing the direction I want to take him as a character.
- Become a Champion of Karem; by extension and perhaps way of understanding said immortal, learn more about Immortal Alliances and the Eternal Empire (And Raskalarn)